I S S U E 8 7 - A U G U S T 1 9 , 2 0 0 2 NEWSLETTER Feature Plan: How To Make Your Own Custom Foam Nose Cones Delta III Rocket Hit: AddAdd aa PiecePiece ofof SpaceSpace HistoryHistory ToTo YourYour RocketRocket FleetFleet Web Sites of the Week: How Do You View Old Rocketry Web Sites That Say "File Not Found?" ApogeeApogee News:News: UpdatedUpdated ProductProduct CatalogCatalog IsIs ComingComing SoonSoon NewNew RockSimRockSim User'sUser's ManualManual NowNow AvailableAvailable HowHow ToTo SelectSelect FromFrom AmongAmong OurOur SoftwareSoftware Choices?Choices? RocketRocket MotorMotor Update:Update: WhenWhen WillWill TheThe MedalistMedalist MotorsMotors BeBe BackBack InIn Stock?Stock? PlusPlus ProductProduct ReviewsReviews andand WebWeb SiteSite CorrectionsCorrections 11301 1 3 0 EElkton l k t o n Drive D r i v, e Suite s u i t A A ColoradoC o l o r a d o Springs S p r i n ,g sCO , C 80907 O 8 0 9 0 USA7 wwww w w .. ApogeeRocketsa p o g e e r o c k e t. scom . c o m orderso r d e r @@ApogeeRockets a p o g e e r o c k e t. coms . c o m phonePhone 771919-535-9335-535-9335 Fax 7 fax19-534-9050 719-534-9050 I S S U E 8 7 - A U G U S T 1 9 , 2 0 0 2 APOGEEAPOGEE PEAK OF FlIGHT Future Classic Kit: Add A Piece of Space History to Your Rocket Fleet No collection of scale model model kits is complete with- out the Apogee Delta III kit. It is a perfect desktop display model, since it doesn't take up a lot of room. When people walk by an see it, you can explain to them about rocketry, and how it truly mimics the real space program. America's middle-size workhorse is the Delta III rocket from the Boeing corporation. It can loft a satellite the size of a jeep SUV to 24,000 mile orbit above the earth. This 1/107th scale model faithfully details this rocket, and features:10 plastic nose cones, six small nozzles, three large canted nozzles, vacuum-formed plastic nose cone & tran- sition section, water-transfer color decals, 45.7 cm (18 inch) diameter plastic parachute, and a plastic main-engine display nozzle with matching display stand. Also comes with scale data and photos of the real ve- hicle. This model can built as either a display model, or a real "flying model rocket" by attaching the die-cut balsa fins. Build- ing it is pure pleasure; launching it is pure excitement. Delta III Rocket Kit P/N.5022 Components web site: http://www.ApogeeRockets.com/ $35.00 Delta_3_kit.asp Specifications: Skill Level 5 F.Y.I. Length: 36.5cm (14.38 inches) In the last ezine, we gave you the URL for a Diameter: 46.0mm (1.81 inches) quicktime video of a large helicopter flight. It seems Weight: 50g (1.76 oz) we got one letter wrong in the address, and the link Recovery Type: 18 inch preassembled plastic parachute didn't work. Here is the correct web site address to Recommended 18mm diameter Rocket motors: A8-3 or A6-2 download the video: (first flight), B6-4, C5-3, C6-3, C10-5, D10-5 http://www.employees.org/~fty/apogee/video/ *Fins (included) are required for model rocket launch. helicopter.mov You can order the rocket kit right now from the Apogee Archives of this Newsletter All the articles that have appeared in this newsletter are archived at http://www.apogeerockets.com/education/newsletter_archive.asp 1130 Elkton Drive, Suite A Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA www.ApogeeRockets.com orders @ApogeeRockets.com phone 719-535-9335 fax 719-534-9050 PAGE 2 I S S U E 8 7 - A U G U S T 1 9 , 2 0 0 2 APOGEEAPOGEE PEAK OF FlIGHT Progress Report: the new Apogee catalog If you need to subscribe to Sport Rocketry magazine you can do so on the National Association of Rocketry's web site: www.NAR.org We're in the process of creating a new printed catalog. If you remember, the last catalog we produced was on a CD- ROM. Many people liked that format, but there were many Motor Update! others that missed being able to hold paper in their fingers. So we've put away the CD format, and we're going back to pa- Recently, the NAR decertified the Apogee Medalist mo- per. tors for contest use. There has been a number of questions One thing that always happens when I print a catalog is from people what this means. It has caused a lot of confusion, that people come back to me and say, "you have a typo on and I hope to straighten it out. page such-and-such." So this time, I'm going to let you all If you have a stockpile of the motors, you can still fly have a chance to download it first. That way you can report them. They will remain safety certified for a long time. But back to me before I actually go ahead and print it up. I appre- you cannot use them in NAR competitions. ciate the reports, so please let me know of any errors that you The reason for the contest decertification is that they are see. not generally available to all competitors. The NAR believes The catalog isn't totally finished yet, but it is far enough it would be unfair for one person to use them and not every- along to let you pick through it. You'll see the one page that is one. The reason they are not currently available is because still a little bit blank. Aerotech has not yet fully recovered from the fire they suf- You'll also notice that some of the prices are going up fered last fall. when the new catalog is printed. Maybe you'll have a little The motors will be back! We fully intend to get new mo- incentive to place your order now while the prices are lower. tors as soon as Aerotech gets their new facility up and run- The pdf version of the catalog can be download at: http://www.apogeerockets.com/education/downloads/ ning. However, there will still be a slight delay in their avail- apogee_catalog.pdf The file size is approximately 3.5 Meg. ability. From Aerotech's perspective, the small Medalist mo- tors are a low priority item compared to their own high-power and reload motors. I understand this, and I'd take the same Apogee receives approach myself if I was in their shoes. great reviews! The point I want to make is that there will be a delay in getting the motors, even if you hear that Aerotech is up and We like it when an Apogee product gets a good review. running at full production speed. So I thought I'd point out two of the ones that I noticed re- AS SOON as we get word from Aerotech, we'll post the cently. They were both buried in articles published in the July/ availability date on the Apogee web site (http:// August 2002 issue of Sport Rocketry magazine. www.ApogeeRockets.com/composite_motors.asp). It is not The first one was about the new 1/70th scale Saturn 1B. necessary to send us emails asking when we'll start shipping On page 4, Tom Beach says: the motors. As soon as we know, we'll post it to the web site. "The new Saturn 1B from Apogee is a very impressive If you don't see a date on the Apogee web site, you can as- kit. It is the same 1/70 scale as the legendary Estes kit of the sume that we still don't know the shipping date. 1970's, but even more detailed with its vacu-formed wraps But as I mentioned above, we will have motors again. It and molded parts." - Photo included. is just a matter of time. We thank you for your patience. On page 12, In an article titled: "Rocketry for College When the motors do become available, and we start ship- Recruitment Camps," Warren Benson writes: ping motors again, the motors will again regain their NAR "The use of RockSim has proven to be an excellent edu- contest certification. That date will be 90 days after the date cation tool as young people can relate to it through popular when the first new motors are shipped. We'll post that date on computer games an then go on to actually build and fly their our web site so you'll know when they are legal to use in com- creations." petition once again. 1130 Elkton Drive, Suite A Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA www.ApogeeRockets.com orders @ApogeeRockets.com phone 719-535-9335 fax 719-534-9050 PAGE 3 I S S U E 8 7 - A U G U S T 1 9 , 2 0 0 2 APOGEEAPOGEE PEAK OF FlIGHT get a lot of requests for the unfinished chapters in the docu- New rocksim ment. user’’’ s manual If you'd like to write one of the unfinished chapters in the Paul Fossey has created a new .pdf version of the RockSim "How To Get Started Guide," please feel free to contact me. user's manual. You can download it free-of-charge from our web site at: http://www.apogeerockets.com/education/down- But hopefully with the two files (the User's Manual and loads/Rocksim_manual.pdf the How To Get Started Guide), you'll have all the informa- tion you'll need to become a true RockSim expert user.
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