H2968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 11, 1999 it, but a blessing can also create a bur- ParkWorks has also worked with ine. Sometimes these risks result in den. Chagrin Boulevard daily has traf- schools and churches in Cleveland tragedy. We must provide law enforce- fic of nearly 26,000 vehicles. There are funding things like a new running ment with our strongest level of sup- countless turnoffs from the street into track for a local high school and has port. private parking lots that cause traffic planted 50,000 trees and created gardens Sadly, this year the State of Cali- delays. The lanes of traffic are wide, for neighborhoods. The money for im- fornia lost 17 brave law enforcement of- often meaning that two-lane road turns provements is donated from the Lila ficers. These officers died while serving into a four-lane highway with drivers Wallace Reader's Digest Fund for the the people of my State. I would like to exceeding the posted 25 miles per hour parks and through public-private part- extend my deepest condolences to their limit. People regularly drive simply to nerships for other projects. I would like families and to their loved ones. In par- cross the street. to commend the involvement of ticular, I want to single out two brave This traffic problem resulted in ParkWorks in making urban areas officers from the central coast of Cali- Woodmere Village applying for a grant more livable. By increasing green space fornia, Britt Irvine and Rick Stovall. from the Transportation and Commu- and making that space available to the These two California Highway Patrol nity and System Preservation Pilot greater community they encourage a officers made the ultimate sacrifice in Program. This grant will provide sense of partnership and camaraderie. the pursuit of public safety. They gave money for studies to be done to best Finally, I would like to commend an their lives while responding to an create livable solutions for Chagrin organization in my district working for emergency call to assist a stranded Boulevard. I am happy to say that affordable housing. The Affordable truck driver on a local road during El Woodmere received a grant of $195,000 Housing Tax Credit Coalition is award- Nino storms. They leave behind loving for the Chagrin Boulevard project. ing the Cleveland housing network families, friends and coworkers. Offi- The Transportation and Community $5,000 for winning the Tax Credit Excel- cers Stovall and Irvine are our heroes Systems Preservation Act was a provi- lence Award in metropolitan urban cat- as are all the fallen police officers in sion in our TEA±21 legislation, the Sur- egory. The Cleveland Housing Network California and all across this Nation. face Transportation Act of last year. develops affordable housing in Cleve- We are forever indebted to them. This program provides areas like land's neighborhoods on a lease-pur- Inscribed on the National Law En- Woodmere funds to improve by consid- chase basis. These affordable options forcement Memorial are these words ering alternative transportation serve families in poverty by providing that give us comfort at this solemn projects rather than simply con- home ownership opportunities. Partici- time: structing a traditional bypass to look pants in the program of the Cleveland In valor there is hope. at what would happen if more time, Housing Network will own their own f thought and resources were available homes within 15 years. By promoting WE CANNOT HAVE DEMOCRACY IN to make a more comprehensive ap- home ownership organizations like the SERBIA IF WE BLOW UP THE CI- proach to the situation. The plan in Cleveland Housing Network give poor VILIAN INFRASTRUCTURE Woodmere is not simply to create more citizens the ability to have a stake in lanes and widen the roadway, as was the overall community. This sort of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a originally recommended. Rather, with program is also important to livable previous order of the House, the gen- some ingenuity the village is planning communities. tleman from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH) is rec- to create a true small-town thorough- Mr. Speaker, I commend the Cleve- ognized for 5 minutes. fare. There will be tree-lined medians land Housing Network. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, the im- flanking the boulevard on both sides Without adequate housing we ostracize ca- personality of the Balkan War and of creating more pedestrian-friendly pable and interested citizens and deny them the NATO bombing deprives all of us of frontage roads. New sidewalks, cross- the ability to enjoy the true feeling of commu- a necessary deeper understanding of walks and traffic signals will be in- nity. I commend the work of the Cleveland the powerful human dimension of the stalled. Housing Network and congratulate them on conflict of people on both sides whose Mr. Speaker, we must give people the their receipt of this award. Specifically I would fragile lives are ripped apart. A month option to leave their cars and walk to like to commend and recognize both Rob ago I wrote an opinion piece in the New shops and restaurants. Chagrin Boule- curry, the Executive Director, and Andrew York Times editorial pages challenging vard would be safer for drivers, acces- Clark, the Chairman of the Board for the the logic of the bombing, its impact on sible to people walking or wanting to Cleveland Housing Network. civilians, their lives, their commu- ride a bike and better for those busi- f nities. Tonight I have two reports to nesses along its routes should this pro- submit to this House. The first report posed plan be accepted. This is a per- PEACE OFFICERS MEMORIAL comes from a pro-democracy group in fect example of creating a livable space WEEK the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with what is already available. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a and it is an appeal in the form of a let- I look forward to using the new Cha- previous order of the House, the gentle- ter to Albanian friends from non- grin Boulevard because I travel it regu- woman from California (Mrs. CAPPS) is governmental organizations, and I larly. recognized for 5 minutes. would like to read from it: As the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ``Dear Friends: We are writing to you BLUMENAUER), the driving force behind pay tribute to fallen peace officers in in these difficult moments of our many livable initiatives such as this, California and all across this Nation. shared suffering. Convoys of Albanians said on the floor a week ago, it is not This week is Peace Officers Memorial and other citizens of Kosovo, among about Federal interference but partner- Week, when Congress and the Amer- whom many of you were forced to leave ship. It is about giving people more ican people will honor our fallen offi- their homes, the killings and expul- choices rather than fewer, and that cers. Law enforcement officers will sions, homes destroyed and burnt, will end up costing people less money come from all over the country to pay bridges, roads and industrial buildings rather than more. their respects at the National Law En- demolished paint a somber and painful I would also like to highlight forcements Officer's Memorial. The picture of Kosovo, Serbia and Monte- ParkWorks. This is a program working memorial honors all of America's Fed- negro as indicating that life together is to reclaim urban parks. In Cleveland, eral, State and local law enforcers. In- no longer possible. We, however, be- Forest Hills Park, a large park bor- scribed on its marble walls are the lieve it is necessary and possible. The dered by three municipalities, one such names of more than 14,000 officers who better future of citizens of Kosovo, Ser- area was rehabilitated by ParkWorks. have been killed in the line of adult. bia and Montenegro, of Serbs and Alba- It is now a thriving area for children Tragically, this week more names will nians, as citizens of one state or closest and families. ParkWorks plans outdoor be added to that list. neighbors will not arrive by itself or activities in these parks, encouraging Mr. Speaker, each day our Nation's over night, but it is something we can those of us living in cities to enjoy officers are faced with rigors and risks and must work on together as we have available natural resources. that most of us could never even imag- many times in the past not so long ago. May 11, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H2969 We know that it will now be very dif- Center for Policy Studies Markovic, Djordje Natosevic, Veljko ficult and sometimes very painful. The NEZAVISNOST; Center for Transition Vlahovic, Sangaj, and Djuro Danicic example of the German-French post- to Democracy; Civic Initiatives; Dis- and a day care center Duga. war reconciliation and cooperation trict 0230 Kikinda; EKO Center; Euro- Mr. Speaker, I have a list I would could serve as a model and stimulus. In pean Movement in Serbia; Forum for like to submit to the House of Rep- the sake of future life together the Ethnic Relations and Foundation for resentatives of all of the public facili- pain of crime has to be revealed so that Peace and Crisis Management; Founda- ties, the hospitals, the schools, the it is with forgiveness remembered. This tion for Peace and Crisis Management; housing facilities, the infrastructure, tragedy, yours and ours, personal and Group 484; the Helsinki Committee for telecommunications, cultural, reli- collective, is a result of a long series of Human Rights in Serbia; Society for gious shrines and cultural and histor- erroneous policies of the most radical Peace and Tolerance (Backa Palanka); ical monuments and museums that forces among us and in the inter- Sombor's Peace Group (Sombor); the have been damaged in the NATO bomb- national community.
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