November 16, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2065 HONORING LIEUTENANT COLONEL until November 15, as I was attending to fam- OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL GEORGE G. DONA, MAJOR MARY ily matters surrounding the birth of my son. DEBT O. JENNINGS HEGAR, SENIOR f MASTER SERGEANT STEVE R. BURT, AND TECHNICAL SER- A TRIBUTE TO JOLENE KOESTER, HON. MIKE COFFMAN PRESIDENT OF CALIFORNIA GEANT TIEJIE A. JONES UPON OF COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTH- RECEIPT OF THE DISTINGUISHED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FLYING CROSS WITH VALOR RIDGE Wednesday, November 16, 2011 HON. ZOE LOFGREN HON. BRAD SHERMAN OF CALIFORIA Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today for the first time our national debt has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES surpassed $15 trillion dollars. Currently, our Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Wednesday, November 16, 2011 national debt is $15,033,607,255,920.32. Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to On January 6, 2009, the start of the 111th Speaker, I rise to acknowledge and honor honor the extraordinary leadership and service Congress, the national debt was Lieutenant Colonel George G. Dona, Major of Dr. Jolene Koester. Dr. Koester began her $10,638,425,746,293.80. appointment as the fourth president of Cali- Mary O. Jennings Hegar, Senior Master Ser- This means the national debt has increased fornia State University, Northridge on July 1, geant Steve R. Burt, and Technical Sergeant by $4,395,181,509,626.52 since then. This 2000, one of the largest campuses in the 23- Tiejie A. Jones upon their award of the Distin- campus California State University system. In debt and its interest payments we are passing guished Flying Cross with Valor. to our children and all future Americans. The Distinguished Flying Cross is America’s May 2011, she announced her plans to step down as president at the end of December oldest military aviation award. In 1926, the f 69th Congress established the Distinguished 2011 and subsequently retire from The Cali- Flying Cross to honor any person serving in fornia State University. HONORING SENIOR MASTER SER- California State University, Northridge is a the Armed Forces who distinguishes him or GEANT LARRY I. HIYAKUMOTO vibrant, diverse university community of more herself ‘‘by heroism or extraordinary achieve- AND STAFF SERGEANT JOSHUA than 36,000 students served by 4,000 faculty ment while participating in an aerial flight.’’ M. WEBSTER UPON RECEIPT OF and staff. The University plays an indispen- On July 29, 2009, Lieutenant Colonel THE DISTINGUISHED FLYING sable role in the San Fernando Valley as an George G. Dona, Major Mary O. Jennings CROSS WITH VALOR intellectual, cultural and economic driver. Hegar, Senior Master Sergeant Steve R. Burt, Under her leadership, the University has im- and Technical Sergeant Tiejie A. Jones evacu- proved graduation rates, received record lev- HON. ZOE LOFGREN ated three United States soldiers injured when els of fundraising, and become known for its their convoy was attacked near Kandahar Air- culture of collaboration. Dr. Koester’s vision OF CALIFORNIA field, Afghanistan. Colonel Dona and Major and determination led to the development of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hegar were injured when a bullet pierced their the Valley Performing Arts Center at California Wednesday, November 16, 2011 aircraft’s window, injuring Major Hegar’s arm State University, Northridge—the first world- and Colonel Dona’s leg. Despite the heavy class concert hall for nearly 2 million residents Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. fire, the pararescue team departed the aircraft of the San Fernando Valley. During her ten- Speaker, I rise to acknowledge and honor to assist with the medical evacuation. How- ure, she has increased the overall stature of Senior Master Sergeant Larry I. Hiyakumoto ever, the aircraft was forced out of the landing Cal State Northridge, resulting in improved vis- and Staff Sergeant Joshua M. Webster upon zone. After several minutes airborne, Major ibility and relationships in the San Fernando their award of the Distinguished Flying Cross Hegar and Colonel Dona voluntarily risked Valley and Los Angeles. with Valor. their lives to return and rescue their patients Known nationally for her leadership in the The Distinguished Flying Cross is America’s and pararescuemen from the ambush. area of higher education, Dr. Koester is a While still under attack, Sergeant Jones as- oldest military aviation award. In 1926, the member and past chair of the Board of Direc- 69th Congress established the Distinguished sisted with loading the casualties and Ser- tors for the American Association of State Col- geant Burt aided the pilots during takeoff to Flying Cross to honor any person serving in leges and Universities. Dr. Koester serves the the Armed Forces who distinguishes him or keep the aircraft functional. Due to fuel loss greater Los Angeles community on the boards from the number one engine, the crew had to herself ‘‘by heroism or extraordinary achieve- of directors for the Los Angeles Area Chamber ment while participating in an aerial flight.’’ land less than two miles away. Sergeant Burt of Commerce, the Valley Economic Alliance, administered first aid and assisted in the On June 27, 2010, Senior Master Sergeant and the Valley Industry and Commerce Asso- Larry I. Hiyakumoto and Staff Sergeant Josh- transfer of patients to another aircraft. Their ciation. She also is a board member of the bravery saved three patients and ensured the ua M. Webster participated in eight non-stop Los Angeles World Affairs Council and the Los Casualty Evacuation missions near Bagram survival of the crew. Angeles Jobs and Economy Committee. She It was my honor and privilege to recognize Airfield, Afghanistan. They rescued and treat- has received numerous awards and recogni- Lieutenant Colonel George G. Dona, Major ed wounded personnel for nearly seven tions for her leadership in the Los Angeles re- Mary O. Jennings Hegar, Senior Master Ser- straight hours. gion. geant Steve R. Burt, and Technical Sergeant Prior to her appointment at Cal State On one mission, Sergeant Webster was Tiejie A. Jones at a ceremony while I was Northridge, Dr. Koester served as provost and hoisted down from the helicopter while Ser- home in my district. The outstanding heroism vice president for Academic Affairs at Cali- geant Hiyakumoto manned the aircraft’s ma- displayed deserves great recognition by the fornia State University, Sacramento. Before chine gun. While braving enemy fire, Sergeant entire United States, the nation they have so her service as provost, she held other execu- Webster pulled a wounded soldier to safety. selflessly served. Lieutenant Colonel George tive positions in the academic affairs division Sergeant Hiyakumoto then began to treat the G. Dona, Major Mary O. Jennings Hegar, Sen- at Sacramento State, and was a faculty mem- soldier for multiple broken bones and trau- ior Master Sergeant Steve R. Burt, and Tech- ber there, as a professor of communication matic head injuries. Sergeant Hiyakumoto and nical Sergeant Tiejie A. Jones have the re- studies, since 1980. She earned a Bachelor’s Sergeant Webster ultimately saved thirteen spect and gratitude of all Americans. of Arts from the University of Minnesota in United States soldiers and coalition forces. f 1970, a Master’s of Arts in communication arts It was my honor and privilege to recognize PERSONAL EXPLANATION from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Senior Master Sergeant Larry I. Hiyakumoto 1971, and a Ph.D. in speech communication and Staff Sergeant Joshua M. Webster at a HON. CHRISTOPHER S. MURPHY from Minnesota in 1980. ceremony while I was home in my district. The Mr. Speaker, I wish to extend my heartfelt outstanding heroism displayed deserves great OF CONNECTICUT gratitude to Dr. Koester for her commitment to recognition by the entire United States, the na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES furthering the excellence of California State tion they have so selflessly served. Senior Wednesday, November 16, 2011 University, Northridge. She is an extraordinary Master Sergeant Larry I. Hiyakumoto and Staff Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, leader whose legacy will succeed her for dec- Sergeant Joshua M. Webster have the respect I was unavoidably detained from November 1 ades to come. and gratitude of all Americans. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:30 Nov 17, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16NO8.012 E16NOPT1 pwalker on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E2066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 16, 2011 PERSONAL EXPLANATION banned. This ban would include thousands of Keegan’s actions directly contributed to the healthy products that could no longer be mar- widespread acclaim of the Pedro operation, HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART keted to children, including most soups, cere- giving much needed peace of mind to troops als, yogurt, bread, and cheese—all foods de- conducting ground combat operations. OF FLORIDA termined beneficial for participants in the Sup- It was my honor and privilege to recognize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plemental Nutrition Program for Women, In- Major Keegan at a ceremony while I was Wednesday, November 16, 2011 fants and Children (WIC). It is shocking that home in my district. The outstanding heroism the Federal Government would be working to displayed deserves great recognition by the Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall limit the advertising of foods like low fat and entire United States, the nation he has so self- No. 839, I was unable to make the vote. Had fat free dairy products which play a vital role lessly served. Major Keegan has the respect I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ in the diets of children and adolescents. and gratitude of all Americans. f While I have strong concerns about nutri- f tional products that would be affected by the ENCOURAGE AMERICANS TO LIS- IWG’s marketing guidelines, it is important to RECOGNIZING DPU AND AUSIB TEN TO OUR COMBAT VETERANS note how far reaching these guidelines are.
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