Kwajaleln Hourglass VOL XXI, NO 185 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 PICKET LINES COMING DOWN AS UAW, GM REACH AGREEMENT DETROIT (UPI) -- The unIon members and Job secu­ In favor of the GM contract UnIted Auto Workers reached rIty promIses for SIX years The "no" vote was belIeved agreement early today on a for a maJorIty of the work to be that of longtIme dIs­ three-year contract wIth force sIdent Pete Kelly, the pres­ General Motors Corp , and "Our people are very de­ Ident of Local 160 In War- pIcket lInes began to come lIghted," saId Leon Mat­ ren down at many of the 17 plants thews, the presIdent of UAW About 91 ,300 workers struck by 91 ,300 workers Local 653 In PontIac "The struck 17 GM plants thIs across the natIon pIckets have been wIthdrawn" week In strIkes sanctIoned UAW PresIdent Owen BIeber The settlement came one by the unIon Another 18,845 saId strIkers were ordered week after the expIratIon of workers were laId off at 23 to return to theIr Jobs as the old contract, whIch was plants because of the walk­ soon as possIble, pendIng amended durIng the 1982 outs ratIfIcatIon of the new con­ slump to grant GM concessIons GM saId It lost produc­ tract A FIero plant at Pon­ worth $3 bllllOn tIon of 36,600 cars and tIac, M1Ch , planned to re­ A meetIng of the unIon's 9,000 trucks In four days, sume productIon tonIght, but 300-member GM CouncIl IS or 55 percent of ltS normal It was doubtful all the slated for next Wednesday productl0n Analysts estI­ struck plants would be back In St LouIs The councIl mated the walkouts and lay­ to full speed before ~onday WIll get the fIrst offIcIal offs cost GM about $175 ml1- DespIte BIeber's back-to­ detaIls of the contract, 110n a week work order, some locals saId BIeber saId GM Vlce Presldent Alfred they would contInue pIcket­ The receptIon by the coun­ Warren descrIbed the nego­ Ing untIl local Issues also cIl members -- unIon local tlatlOns as "very tough, are resolved leaders and shop chaIrmen -­ very dIffIcult," but saId The agreement was reached should IndIcate whether the both sIdes wIll benefIt about 2 a m after a 15-hour contract wIll be accepted by from the new pact bargaInIng sessIon workers RatIfIcatIon wl11 BIeber sald, "It lS an The contract coverIng all take about two weeks excellent settlement that 350,000 hourly workers at GM The UAW's 11-member bar­ makes more secure than ever UAW Pres~dent Owen B~eber (UPI Photo) Includes hIgher wages for gaInIng commIttee voted 10-1 Jobs of our members " 'OR STOP CRYING WOLF Americans Launch Investigation Officials Urge Into Embassy Security Breakdown BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -­ feet of the embassy bUIldIng vestlgatlon, accordIng to Retaliation For Bombing AmerIcan offlcla1s launched "We have a team currently offICIal BeIrut radIO WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Pres­ non, sayIng there IS "no an InvestIgatIon today Into lookIng Into how they got so Before leavlng WashIng­ ent and former government suggestIon that would make the breakdown of securIty at near the embassy," saId an ton, Murphy saId he thought offIcIals saId today the any materla1 dIfference" the U S Embassy that made embassy offICIal who declIn­ securIty at the embassy was UnIted States should retal­ On the CBS "Morm ng News" lt posslb1e for IslamIC SUI­ ed to be named adequate Iate agaInst those responsI­ program, former Undersecre­ CIde commandos to bomb the Asslstant Secretary of But Robert Lora, a State ble for the BeIrut Embassy tary of State Lawrence Ea­ bUIldIng and kIll at least State RIchard Murphy and Department employee respon­ bombIng, and Sen PatrIck gleburger was asked about 23 people RIchard B Oakley of the SIble for securIty at the Leahy warned the UnIted the possIbIlIty of U S re­ The truck bomb attack WashIngton-based counter­ embassy, saId a crash-proof States should elther retalI­ ta11atlOn Thursday -- the thIrd agaInst terrorIsm offIce arrIved In steel barrIer that was to ate or stop "crYIng wolf " "Yes, I happen to be11eve an AmerIcan InstallatIon In BeIrut to start theIr lnves­ have been Installed at the Defense Secretary Caspar that there should be reta1- BeIrut In 17 months -­ tlgatlOn entrance to the embassy com­ WeInberger has saId the latlon," Eag1eburger saId brought renewed polItIcal Murphy opened hls InquIry plex In an east Belrut sub­ UnIted States IS conslder­ "We have enough of an Idea pressure on the Reagan ad­ wIth a meetIng wIth U S Am­ urb was not yet In place be­ I ng "a 11 kInds of dIfferent of at least some of the peo­ mInIstratIon followIng the bassador RegInald Bartholo­ cause of the rushed move to actlvltles and optIons" and ple that would aId and abet two sImIlar bombIngs last mew, 48, who was released the new embassy quarters added In an NBC televIsIon thIs sort of an actlvlty," year that kIlled more than from the hospItal thIs morn­ "The barrIer was not In network IntervIew that one Eag1eburger added 300 people Ing after treatment for mI­ posItIon, and the TV scan­ of the optIons lnvo1ves "I'm not sure It'S all AmerIcan demolItIon ex­ nor InJurIes suffered when ners were not functIonIng," "trYlng to locate the ac­ that clear-cut," Leahy sald perts were questIonIng WIt­ he was plnned under rubble Lora, from Reno, Nev , sald tual group" responslb1e for "One thIng, though, that nesses and combIng through In hIs fourth-floor embassy from hIs bed ln BeIrut's Thursday's sUIcIde bombIng should be made very clear the debrIS In front of the offIce Abu Jawdah HospItal WeInberger also dIsmIss­ to these terrorIst groups embassy to determIne how the After the meetIng, Murphy Embassy personnel moved ed a suggestIon that the Ma­ The UnIted States IS not truck carryIng 330 pounds of saId Lebanese authorItIes to the new dIplomatIc quar­ rInes be returned to Leba- gOIng to leave BeIrut" explosIves got to wIthIn 20 were cooperatIng In the In- ters Aug 2 ON 12TH ANNIVERSARY Consumer Prices BIGGEST MASS PICKET YET Rise Substantially 6,000 British Miners Thousands Of Filipinos WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Amer­ Ican consumer prIces rose a Protest Martial Law substantIal 0 5 percent In Clash With Police MANILA, PhIlIPPInes (UPI) As the nIght wore on, August, the most sInce AprIl, LONDON (UPI) -- Some of real tensIon wIth neI­ -- Thousands of FIlIpInos the number of protesters propelled by more expensIve 6,000 mIners -- the bIggest ther SIde knowlnq what the Saturday (Phl11pplne local dWlnd1ed to about 3,000, housIng, c1othlng, beef, mass pIcket yet In BrItaIn's other SIde would do next," tIme) carrIed theIr protest many sIttIng at the Inter­ fruIt and vegetables, the 6-month-old coal strIke -­ one wItness saId agaInst PresIdent FerdInand sectIon of Legarda and Labor Department saId today clashed wIth rIot polIce to­ PIckets tore brIcks from Marcos' authorItarIan rule Claro Recto streets In the The prIce of gasolIne day, InJurIng three polIce­ a wall and snapped branches Into a second day as sol­ thIckly populated "unlVer­ fell 0 9 percent, less a de­ men off trees to hurl at polIce dIers refused to allow them Slty belt" several blocks clIne than In June and July, FIve pIckets were arrest­ They used bIg rubber bands to march to the presIdentIal from the palace and so was not as much help ed In the runnIng clashes In to fIre marbles at the of­ palace They sang protest songs to the Index whIch the mIners threw bot­ fIcers and threw bottles Some 30,000 students, and 11stened to speeches In New York today, Morgan tles, stones, brIcks, mar­ and stones, wItnesses saId prlests, nuns and workers de11vered from a truck park­ Guaranty Trust, AmerIca's bles and branches, polIce PolIce on horses advanc­ converged at a maJor gate­ ed In the mIddle of Legar­ flfth largest bank, lowered saId ed on the pIckets In stages way to Marcos' offIcIal res­ da through the nIght and 1ts prlme rate to 12 3-4 per­ At least 6,000 angry and used dogs to pursue Idence at 4 30 P m FrIday early mornIng Others fold­ cent from 13 percent, the strIkIng mIners pIcketed the them through nearby woods after day10ng marches In ed theIr streamers and slept fIrst decrease In the key Maltby mIne In South York­ An armored van stood by to the raIn to mark the 12th on them Interest rate sInce early shIre In an effort to con­ beat back any advance annIversary of the ImposI­ Some soldIers bedded down 1983 vInce seven unIon mIners not One offIcer was taken tIon of martIal law they on theIr shIelds It was the fIrst declIne to work PolIce escorted the to the hospItal after beIng called a "day of sorrow" The protesters, led by In the key base rate sInce strIke-breakIng mIners Into hIt In the shoulder by a But about 3,000 soldlers Agaplto AquIno, 44, younger late February 1983 when It work brIck PolIce saId another and polIcemen In full com­ brother of slaIn opposItIon was lowered to 10~ percent Some 700 polIcemen In two polIcemen were InJured bat gear blocked theIr way leader BenIgno AquIno, want­ from 11 percent, before full rIot gear faced the BrItaIn's mIners went on behInd four layers of barb­ ed to march at least up to turnIng back up to the pre­ pIckets wIth another 500 of­ strIke March 12 to protest ed Wlre fences, a cordon of the mIddle of MendIola vaIlIng 13 percent level fIcers standIng by In the the state-run NatIonal Coal rlot shIelds and three wa­ BrIdge The brIdge lS re­ Other banks IndIcated they mlnlng area some 150 mIles Board's plans to close 20 ter cannons, forcIng a garded as a symbol of defI­ were studYIng the move, north of London unprofItable mInes, laYIng standoff ance to the Marcos rule whIch had been predIcted "There was an atmosphere off some
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