BRING ON WE'RE READY YOUR WILDCATS THE CADET FOR 'EM 1 PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VOL. XXII. LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, OCT. 29, 1928 No. 6 V. M. I. Fights Maryland to Tie POLITICAL DEBATE CADETS PUT UP STRONG OPPOSITION FEATURES MEETING TO OLD LINERS IN CAPITAL CITY LIBERAL ARTISTS Flying Squadron Stages Sensational Comeback In Second Half To Gen. Cocke, Col. Hunley, and Thrill Large Crowd of Supporters. Col. Dixon Address New Club On Friday afternoon certain in- ENTIRE BACKFIELD, ALONG WITH SCOTT, CHADWICK, terested members of the First and AND HAASE, STAR FOR V. M. I. Second Class Liberal Arts Depart- ment, about thirty in number, met in the Alumni Hall for the purpose of Baby Squadron Downs Playing a hard game of football, organizing a public-speaking society. the Flying Squadron last Saturday The meeting as called to order by N. C. State Cubs battled the heavy team from the Uni- Colonel Hunley, who gave an interest- versity of Maryland to a 0-0 tie in ing talk on the necessity of the pre- Whately Intercepts Pass and Richmond. The game was hotly con- sent day business man's being able tested throughout and only once or Romps For Winning Touch- to talk extemporaneously before a twice did each team come very near group of men.v down. scoring. The sensational rally of Colonel Dixon was next called on the Cadets in the last half, and es- for a few remarks and he made the V. M. I. Freshmen downed the pecially in the last quarter, was the suggestion that the club be conduct- Wolf Cubs of North Carolina State feature of the game, and furnished ed in a purely informal manner, A bit of action from the V. M. I.-Virginia game h*»re on Homecoming on Alumni Field here, 14 to 6. The a thrill for the 7,000 spectators who somewhat similarly to a business Day when the Squadron whipped the Cavaliers by a 9-0 score. young Cadets gained consistently, watched the mighty combat. making ten first down to three for man's club. V. M. I. was on the defensive prac- State, but scored both touchdowns by General Cocke as the next speaker | tically the entire first quarter and close following of the ball. on the program and he gave an ad- SQUADRON TACKLES i HARRIERS LOSE CLOSE more than once the trusty toe of Mc- dress in which he told of the former In the first quarter V. M. I. went | Cray booted the ball back down the literary societies which had been pop- WILDCATS SATURDAY MEET TO CAVALIERS off tackle and through the line with j field out of danger. In the same ular in barracks during his cadetship. R. Brown and Whately leading the period a Maryland placement kick V. M. I. Captures First, Third, He concluded by saying that there is Stiff Fight Is Predicted. attack until State held for downs on fell short. Sixth, Ninth and Tenth nothing in one's college education the ten yard line. On the second In the second period the Old Liners calculated to be of more worth thon With the Virginia and Maiyland Pisces. plojr A. Brown fumbled and .Acting lost a beautiful chance to score conscientous practice in public speak- games a matter of football history, Captain Gregory recovered for V. M. when Captain Ab Barnes stopped on In the first dual meet of the sea- ing. the Flying Squadron has settled down I. behind the goal line. R. Brown his own seven yard line a Maryland son, the Cadet cross country team Folloing General Cocke's address to the gruelling task of conditioning added the extra point. In the third player who had scooped up Har- bowed to the strong Virginia squad, the folloing officers of the club were for their last public appearance on quarter State received a V. M. I. ner's fumble and was running to- 26-29. The meet was held at Char- elected: J. B. Watson, President; L. Alumni Field this year. The Scarlet punt on the one yard line, but punted ward the goal line. On the next lottesville over a very diffciult B. Hatcher, Vice-President, and J. V. Gridders will face the Wildcats of out of danger and took the ball when play, McCray intercepted a pass and course which may be likened to the Moffitt, Secretary and Treasurer. Davidson Saturday for the eleventh Avery pounced on a fumble. Later the ball was carried out of danger. "Life O' Riley Steeplechase." It was The main feature of the program time. The North Carolina aggrega- V. M. I. again rushed the ball to It was a golden opportunity for nearly six miles in length and about was a debate on the question: "Re- tion, coached by Monk Younger, for- State's ten yard line only to be met Maryland, but the Cadets were not to twenty-nine minutes and fifty sec- solved that Herbert Hoover should be mer V. P. I. luminary, is out to by a stubborn defense that caused be found napping. onds in duration; that is, if one is as President of the United States in break the deadlock which now exists the scoring threat to be nullified. In the third period the Cadets able a footer as "Ham" Smith. preference to Alfred E. Smith." between the two teams. Each school After an exchange of punts in the showed a great improvement and out- The gun, which started the har- Hatcher and Moffitt spoke for the af- has carried home the proverbial ba- last period State launched a passing played the Old Liners from that time riers on their way, was fired in the firmative, while Gill and Gordon con five times. attack, but Whately intercepted a on. V. M. I. this time lost an oppor- vicinity of the A. T. O. House. They In the last ten years only three heave on the dead run and dashed tunity to score when Barnes' long iContinued on Pair* Burhtl arrived at the Athletic Field during games have been played between the tenty-three yards for a touchdown. pass to Harner over the goal line the period between halves of the two schools, all of which are claimed He converted the extra point with a was dropped as the latter was inter- Baptist Students Virginia-Maryland freshman game. fered with by two Maryland men. by V. M. I. However, before the neat placement. Woods, of V. M. I., However, the returns from . the Gather at Danville 1920 Flying Squadron placed Insti- The last period certainly belong- Vandy-Virginia contest had beaten (Continued on Pas* Eig'iO tute teams among the truly great, ed to V. M. I., and as the shadows them by a few minutes and had suc- V. M. I. Sends Two Representa- Davidson usually came off the field lengthened across the field the Fly- ceeded in enticing away the crowd "KEYDETS NUMBER" ing Squadron opened up a passing tives. the noisier and the happier. which had been gathered at the stad- attack that brought the spectators We first met Davidson in 1904. V. ium. The V. M. I. representatives at the THEME FIRST SIR SNIPER to their feet and threw a scare into M. I. got off to a flying start with The runners finished in the follow- annual Baptist Student Conference the entire Maryland outfit. The ball a 6-0 win; 1905 was the Wildcats' ing order: Smith (V. M. I.), Ochs wished many times during their en- Initial Issue Well Above the was on the Cadets' ten yard line. A year, likewise 1906 and 1909—the (Va.), Bond (V. M. I.), Mcllhany joyable stay in Danville that the rest Average. triple pass, Hawkins to Barnes to scores being 8-6, 6-0, and 8-0. V. M. (Va.), Hutcheson (Va.), Ewing (V. of the corps could have been with Scott, netted thirty-three yards. I. then came back hard in 1911, bow- M. I.), Thornton (Va.), Thayer them at this gathering. The actual After a line thrust Barnes passed to ling over the Presbyterians 5-0 in On Friday, October 19, Sir Sniper (Va.), Hanna and Winter (both V. conference was held at Averatt Col- Harner for a twenty-five yard gain. one of the greatest struggles ever made his debut for the present aca- M. I.). Time: 29 minutes, 50 sec- lege for girls, and, needless to say, A third pass, Barnes to Scott, netted staged by a Keydet team. It is still demic year. The first number, which onds. the student representatives found incidentally scored a bulleseye, was eleven yards and brought the ball to The splendid time and showing of plenty of worth while entertainment I Continued on ?w« Eight) featured by the art work of such men the ten yard line. On a line b\jek, the Cadets place them as favorites between meetings of the conference. as Wade Chapman, Chambliss, Matt- Captain Barnes tore off five yards. in the coming meet with V. P. I. here Representatives were present from a CADETS TO SEE MOVIES hews, and Bowles. The cover which Harner then advanced it one yard, next Friday. and Barnes advanced it one and a large number of colleges over the was cleverly executed was the work V. M. I. MARYLAND GAME half yards more. It was the fourth state: William and Mary, V. P. I., of Chambliss, whose work is highly down with two and a half yards to. Farmville, Harrisonburg, University Miss James to Wed commendable.
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