CITY COUNCIL POSITION ireenhtlt NO APPROVAL Of SEWAGE PLANT UNTIL HEALTH ASSURANCES GIVEN by Al Skolnik By a tto 1 vote, with no statesmanlike surpris~s, t?e Green­ belt city council adopted last Monday night a resolution mtroduced lttws Rtview by councilman Charles Schwan on the proposed temporary sewage AN INDEPENDINT NIWSPAPEI treatment plant for the Greenbriar and Glen Ora apartment_ pro­ Volume 35, Number 18 GREENBELT,MARYLAND Thursday, March 23, 1972 jects. The resolution recommended that the county council not approve the sewage plant "until it has received assurances from all county and State agencies with responsibility in this area that WHAT GOES ON SPRINGHILL LAKE MANAGEMENT the effluent from the temporary sewage facilities will not rep- Thurs., March 23, 7-9 p.m. Voter resent a health or ecological risk." . Registration, S. Klein's, Main An amendment to the County resolution. She advocated o~right CHARGES LACK OF CITY SERVICES Floor. Ten-Year Water and Sewer Plan disapproval of the plant with no Fri., March 24, 7-9 p.m. Painting CB-45 - wlhich would permit instal~ conditions or qualifications attached, by Al Skolnik Exhibit, Ridge Road Center. lation and use of the temporary but received no support from other Threatening to compete with the Greenbriar affair in drama 8:30, Duplicate Bridge, Co-op ,treatment plant for the Greenbriar council members. and fireworks at last Monday's meeting were charges by Elton Hospitality Rm. and Glen Ora tracts - had been Majority Views Young, property manager for Springhill Lake, that SHL was not Sat., March 25, 8p.m. "On to scheduled for consideration by the Councilman Gil Weidenfeld said getting its fair share of city services provided by the city tax Vienna" Parkdale Band Bene­ county council on the following day, that for council to arbitrarily come dollar. Young said that SHL pays about one-third of the city's tax fit. P. G. Community College, but has now been postponed until out for a flait rejection of the sew­ bill but does not get in services anything near that ratio. Novak Field House. a later date. age plant in light of the evidence City manager James Giese took 7:30 p.m. Las Vegas Night, Rhea Cohen was ~e lone council presented to it would have carried member to vote agamst the Schwan no weight or influence with the great exception to lthe plhilosophy ex- underbrush are felt essential for Greenbelt American Legion. county council. Schwan added that pressed by Young that services re- the survival of a large number of Sun., March 26, 9-noon, Pancake the reasons pressed upon city coun-· ceived should be commensurate species. Breakfast, Greenbelt Ameri­ with truces paid. "No governmental can Legion. SOCC Meets Monday cil to reject the plant outright were City manager Giese expressed The Greenbelt Save Our Commu­ specious and fallacious and the jurisdiction operates in this way," Mon., March 27, 8 p.m. SOCC, some reservations about designating nity Committee will hold its March council would have lost all credibil­ Ghise said. "Services are usually Greenbelt Library Conference any pa11ticular area as a wildlife meeting on Monday March 27, alt 8 ity if tit had ,tried to base its case dispensed according to need. Old sanctuary until the Lake 'Park Mas­ Rm. Greenbelt is 35 years old and con­ p.m. in the Greenbelt Library Con­ on such unsubstantiated charges. ter Plan had been adopted. All ference room. Items on the agenda Both Weidenfeld and Schwan felt sequently the need for services there iagreed, however, that in the interim, is greater than in tlhe newer parts to Vienna" include eleotion of officers for the tha,t it has been the calm reasonable nothing would be done to disturb ~~on coming year, and report on Green­ approach of the council majority of town." the natural habitat of wildlife, es­ However, Young, shifting his briar activities. that has persuaded the county coun­ pecially in the buffer zone between Parkdale Benefit cil to follow the city council's ad­ ground, then argued that the city the lake and Crescent road. was not meeting SHL needs with vice to dart:e with respect to getting The council received a request On Saturday evening, March 25, PANCAKE BREAKFAST assurances on the health risk. respect to providing timely services that it give its approval to a pro­ at 8 p.m., a musical extravaganza Opposition Views for street-cleaning, grass cutting, posed drug group therapy program will be presented at Novak Field A Pancake Breakfast will be ro>ad repairs, etc. He complained to be incorporated in the county's House ,Prince Georges Community sponsored by the Junior Auxiliary But Tom White and otlher mem­ that he constantly had to call up bers of the audience did not share senior and junior high schools. College. of the American Legion Unit 136 the city to get this work performed. Council placed rtJhe item on its The program called "On To W-eidenfeld and Schwan's a.ssess-­ He thought the ctty works depart­ at the Post Home, 6900 Legion ment of the city council's influence April 3 agenda. Vienna," is a benefit to raise funds Drive (off Greenbelt Rd.) on Sun­ ment should !have a regular main­ to send the Parkdale Senior High with ith-e county council. White other Action day, March 26, from 9 a.m. to 12 tenance ~chedule for doing work in School band to Vienna, Austria, in felt that the best way for the coun­ SHL. In other action, the council ap­ noon. For information call 422- cil to protect the Greenbelt citizen's proved the summer to represent Maryland Giese acknowledged that some of in an Intrenational Band Festival. 7279. interest was to register an unequiv­ the work has not been performed (1) 18. l"e.solution designating the ocal, decisive "No" to the sewage on a regular schedule and attributed new Arts and Crafts facility in the plant. He was afraid that the con­ it to a recent change in personnel. Greenbelt Recreation Center as the ditional clause "not to a,pprove ... He agreed as did council that SHL Mary Evelyn Boggs Studio in recog­ GHI Board and Member Dispute unless a.surances are given" would should be given timely service and nition of her outstanding services give the county council a handle by he believes the situa1tion has now to the ci,ty of Greenbelt as arts and which lit could Slee its way clear to been r,ectifled. crafts in.structor for 18 years. Selling Price on Townhouse apprvve the plant ·Nithout -op,osing Abolish Police Dept.? (2) a donation of $100 to help by Sid Kastner the council's wishes. Young also felt that SHL was not finance the Parkdale High School Dave Lange thought the Schwan getting its money's worth out of the Symphonic Band's trip to Vienna, The issue of the degree of Greenbelt Homes, Inc.'s control over resolution could have been worded Greenbelt Police Department and Austria to participate in the Inter­ the sale prices of its homes surfaced at Thursday night's board more strongly, with stress on the suggested its abolition. He saw national Festival of Bands. meeting, when a member claimed his house was worth more on the danger to orderly planning of ap­ ltax if great savings Greenbelt en­ (3) a resolution to encourage area market than the corporation's appraiser would allow. This disa­ proving a temporary plant during a tered into a contracting arrange­ newspaper publishers to use recy­ greement, a basic one between the cooperative's philosophy and period when there is a moratorium ment with the County Police depart­ cled paper. the individual's viewpoint, took up a laxge part of the meeting. on sewage hookups. Nancy Neu­ ment much as College Park has pert fe1t that any assurances receiv­ done. (4) PRAB entering into discus­ The board managed however to take up a number of other items, sions with the city of College Park ed from county and State agencies Several residents from Springhill such as committee reports. would be rather meaningless in light Lake immediately rooe to express concerning ,the possibility of locat­ Manager Breashears gave the Washington Suburban Sanitary ing an ice smting rink in this area. of State minimum standards in their support of the Greenbelt Po­ background of the member's claim Commission. Director Thomas this field. (5) entering into discmssions with White reported that he and Don­ lice IDepiartment. They were con­ to a higher selling price for his Confusing Views cerned thait t!he county would not ,the ,staff of the Prince Georges home, one of the townhouses in the ald McGinn have looked through Much of the discussion on the provide ample protection to the SHlL Board of Educ.rution regarding the North End. He related that after the complex WSSC budget and Schwan rf]§olution was obfuscated apartmenltls which are especially vul­ use of school board facilities by a first GHI appraisal figure was ob­ have noted certain increases that nerable because of 11:heir accessibility the city. stand out as unusual. He recom­ by lack of agreement on what the jected to by the member as too low, clause "not to approve ... until as­ from the Beltway. One resident (6) a proposed county ordinance a second Gm appraisal was car­ mended that Gm send a repre­ said tlhat he has always been im­ that would permit the revocation of sentative to this week's WSSC surances are given" meant. Some ried out which increased the allow­ of those who opposed the plant out­ pressed wiith the politeness of Green­ special exceptions that have already ed sales price by about $1400.
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