I ! 349 Z.5.353 ,f GLASGUW COURIER (HllCHELL LIBRARY) ITEMS OF GENERAL AMERICAN INTEREST _ 1792 Tri-weekly publication (luesday~ rhUl-si.Jay, Saturday) Tues Jan 3 1792 pi America List of the directors of the Bank of America to be appointed in each area of the USA. p1 London Dec 30 Report re Capt~in Minors and Spanish privateer activity off Cape Florida. p3 Copy of a letter from a gentleman in the West Indies to his 'fr~end ill Glasgow re Negro uprising the previous August ,=\nd variou~ incidents at this time involving slaves. Thur Jan 5 1792 (Wrongly dated ruesday) pi Article comparing the benefits before and after "losing" America for Britain~ covering shipping and annual expenses etc. Touching on population. p4 Slave trade Article I-e proposed abolition of the slave trade by William Wi1bel- force. p4 Table oft current p r Lc e s including Carolina Indigo, rice and other general American goodS. Sat Jan 7 1792 p1 Kingston~ Jamaica Uct 8 Article re Negro uprising and hopes to put an end to it. Tues Jan JO 1792 p2 Col 1 Ne~,s by l~1O vessels from Cape '-rancoise and' Port au Pr anc e of Negro '-ebe 11 ion. p3 ~migratiGn Col 3 A lettel- f r orn Ne,,' Etn_III5wick U1-cp.ng the people of the North 01 Scot 1and tog 0 the ref 1at t e 1-s t"e p La c e • lllur ,1;111 'i~~''!,'2 p:J "(\ LU, 1 1;:_';"I.'l'IIIJ!:Ilt. (I oro t II~ liEU, ;l.l;e·= (lIJsel'le!: will, r eyl'et tl,l,; yll.:dl, emigl' i" t_ Lo ns f r om tll~llce e\nd tlH'~ I>le!:t Iligh l.;:lncl;; Hl1er-e ~ UPOII alI '?fllPl-gellclPs I'le gr~t: a Ll ':Jur- 1!l2st_ ':ail()l'~ an d soldl!?"s ••• " Ht.ll,JQests ,-epealillg c oa l and 5~IL 1'::1\'/5 tu ~'·Event t h i s . BLWdl?1I is laid upon lhe lalldlt,rd= to rJI'E>\'elll tne PEDplE leaving ., varf.ou s suggest,lc.~IlS al-e made. 'Tile ,,,,,-itel- bemoans lhe fate of t.ho s e pe,-sLiaded to go to Amel-icc? MenticlTl i 5 "lade of thE J ass of the Char lestown ~ McI<ella,-~ f r om G,-eenock to Cl1ar'lestown on the coast of Ireland. Sat Jan 14 1792 pI America Philadelphia Oct 29 Article re unusual number of fires in the town, arson suspected. Same: Chambe r atrur q Nov 3~ r e Indian attacks at Bellepri>~ and Greensburgh. ./ I 350 I Z.5.35J (Sat Jan 14 179c) pc Address from St Domingo to Congress in an attempt to keep the peace between France and the USA. pit Table of c ur-r ent, p r ac es . lues Jan 17 1"192 pit Accoul1t of the new colony at Sierra Leona. Long aI-tic 1e I-e h 1ac k slaves set free af ter the ~,ar rnaki ng a sett lement in Nova Scotia but coming under so much persecution that they eventually leave t o colonise Sierra Leona. ThUl- Jan 19 1"192 pJ West Lnd i es , 3t Domingo Oct 15 Artjcle pro-slavery. p2 Amer.lca Defeal 0-1 the Americans by Indians. On the f r orr t Le r' a can frontat ion 1 eft 3fJ() men dead under General St CI ail'. p3 E>:b- ac t 0 f a let ler f r orn Mary 1and re cons t r uc t; ion of a flew city at Rocl: Creek neal- Georgelown~ to be the new capital of USA. Details of the layout giver,. Geographical position extolled. p4 Article on slave trade. Genef'a! St Sat Jafl 21 1792 p2 Virginia Nov 13 More re defeat of Clair by Lnd Lan s - list ofticel-s killed and wounded. p3 Col 2 SCtc:r...t~I'Y of t:IIP ssPCt< writ. •• on reduc:iny emigl-2It:ion from the H.i!ghlands by establishing manufacturies therf!!!!. Includes a description of tile c.hariH:ter of the Higtdandel- less st.ereo- typed than is common. pIt Continual ion of r\1-tic.le on the rll-ocurement of slaves t r om the prev i ou s weel • pi, CUI rent pr ices. r ues J af, 2', 17'?2 p" l'ollLilll..lalion of prOCLlI"emefit of slaves i\l t r c i e . I IlLlI·S ,Jail 26 1792 pit c ur i e n t; PI-) L~::. I",'{' I, ,\tIt MI-tJr::lr.!- lues .,-"\" .;1 II'.);) p! I jet 1.'1 ';Illf'c; ~~llllI' 11.''''(' rt;,-coc"d tilP !,(-'III,d bol h I'I"-ICII us nile: II(l"'" \-'al·d~ '" U Ie yeal I "l'll. .t lie. Iud 1"9 (~lIIel ieall slli rJs . p4 ManllPI- uf mal1n~1 sl",vec:; PI, tile Gold Coast c on t r nwed . <I'i:H'l 01 page missing flom lhis c3l'tjcle) TrILlI- reb 2 j ';-'12 p4 l"Ianner of mal'lng slaves f,-om the f-:ivel- Uen.lll ltl the r,lvel Ambris. Sat Feb 4 1792 pI Martner of making slaves continued. p3 Resolutions of the Society for the Abolition of Slavery~ G12lsgow. l'il Z.S.353 (Sat Feb 4 1792) p4 Current prices. Thur Feb 9 1792 r3 Extr~ct of a Jetter from N. America. Vec 18 lasl Re troublesome Indians. Uhio and F01-t Jefferson mentioned specifically. Sat Fe~ 11 J792 p~ CLII,"ent pr Lc e s , Tues re~ 1'... J792 p:J Glasgow reb 14 I-e the inhumanities of the slave trade. Thur Feb Ib 1~92 p4 Lu, lenl pric.e!:;. SAt Feb 18 1792 p2 - 3 LeI ter (10m Niag-3ra. Nov 24 I)oqcr i p t JOIl of t ",.. tlc? feat of tile aT my <!It the "l.'nds 0 f tllp- 1ndiallG al the Ml.ami lONIlS. pl. Genel-al olJse,valiuns I-e slave, y. Tues Feb 21 1792 pi.. (\dvel-t Association for lIIP encouragement of emigration from Europe to the PI-ovinc.e of New Drunswicl' in NOl-th America. fin advert Lo r~ise a subscrjption to fil vpssels and buy land in Canada. Name~ of p):isting subsct- ibers noled. No-one over the age 0 t 35 yeal-s accepted - only the young and healthy. Thur Feb 23 1792 'pi America F01-t Washington, Nov 9 Let t.er by Genr,-a 1 Ar thur at Clair re defeat. of his army by Indians. p4 "A p~rticular account of the commencement ~fld progress of the illSLln ectiol1 of lile Negl-oes ill SL Domingo ••. which began ill AugLlst last." Sat t-'~I" ::; 1792 pl, I\(?pf~al of pneiql a t a on to Canada advert. pi.. Lon t Lnue t Lon 0 f account Ie "-!egroes ill St Domingo. lues '"\al' 6 17'12 pi, Cumu t e t r on 0; '_lie st Dom i uqo slave !:at,Ja. I'lf Cu" ell t LlJlldoll IJI .lees. !.Jat tiC',' ".I 179r: pi, pl, CLI. I'elll t.on dou p i ices. rLle~ 11<.\' I::: 1'1'72 o:~ Glasgol" '-leI 1.. "IIII'? I",-irh:e of l·IBles ... "as of fe-tOed Eettlements lo a numbel at lIig',landel-s on some of his I~a~le- lands If' England. \J!el-e part of the Cl-OI"11 lands aop rop r Le t eu ill a simi1al- manner all emigl-at.ion "'ou) d cease and lhe kingdom del i ve great benef its from an j 11 cl-pase in p opu l e t aon , increase in capital and an incl'ease in trade. 3')7 z.5.353 Tues Mar 20 1792 p4 Current London prices. Sat Mar 24 1792 p4 Repeat of the Canada emigration advert. Thur Mar 29 1792 p4 Current prices. Sat Mar 31 1792 p2 America Dec 20 "On Thursday last~ the President of USA nominated Thomas Pinkney esq., late governor of South Carolina to be minister plenipoten- tiary to the court of GB ••• " other appointments mentioned. p4 Repeat of the Canada emigration advert. Thur Apr 5 1792 p4 Current prices. Sat Apr 7 L792 pi L 2 Hous~ of Commons Hon Apr 2 Long account of the proceedi.ngs 01 the House re M.~ Wi Iberfor ce' s motion for the abolition of slavery. Details of the cruelties inflicted on slaves. Arguments for and against. rhe vol.e. p2 Repeat of Canada emigration advert. Tues April 10 1792 p4 Extract from observation made by the secretary of the SSPCI~ in a tour of the High I ands and 1s 1and!! into the causes of emigratio., and various measures to prevent it. Sat Apr 14 1792 p4 Current prices p4 Repeat uf Canada amiQration advert. Thur Apr 26 1792 pI Uenmark's resolution to ban slave trading from 1803 onwards. p4 Current prices. Tues Hi'\yI 1792 pi .Jcurr na 1 of tile pr'oceedings in Par Ii ament Apr t~5 Hore on b arm i.n q of s 1averv , suggested date 0 f 18(10. Sat !'Iay5 1792 p4 CLwrellt p r i ces . Thur Hay 10 1792 p2 Amel-ica E::tl-actof a letter from Carolina {\ccCJunlof a da"iTlIJr obtrerv by a soldier named Bowles a n Appala ch!.a. West Florida. p4 Current prices. Sat May 12 1792 pl. Amer lea "ltle 10110l'/ing descripL1.on is anne::ed to the plan of the city 0'1 Washington in the district of Columbia: as sent to Congress by the president ...A plan of the city intended for the permanent seat of government of the USA." lues May 15 1792 p1 Amer'ica Philadelphia Mar 1 Account from FOI-t Washington of the dead of a battle near the Miami villages.
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