<p> Веснік Брэсцкага ўніверсітэта. Серыя 1. Філасофія. Паліталогія. Сацыялогія № 1 / 2021 63 УДК 336.7.004 </p><p>Anastasia Luzgina1, Marc Pilkington2 1PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Administrative Director of Development of the BEROC Economic Research Center 2Associate Professor of Economics University of Bourgogne Franche Comté (France), Fellow of the British Blockchain Association Анастасия Николаевна Лузгина1, Марк Пилкингтон2 1канд. экон. наук, доц., зам. административного директора по развитию Центра экономических исследований «БЕРОК» 2ассоциированный проф. экономики Бургундского университета Франш-Конте (Франция), член Британской ассоциации блокчейна e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] </p><p>PHILOSOPHY OF MONETARY POLICY AND FINTECHIN <a href="/tags/Belarus/" rel="tag">BELARUS</a>: MAIN TRENDS AND INTERCONNECTION THROUGH THE PRISM OF A NARRATIVE APPROACH </p><p>In the first part of the work, through the philosophical approach, the development of the monetary policy of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is considered, including the analysis of the possibilities of transition to the inflation targeting regime, taking into account the study of the narrative approach. In the second part of the study, the authors consider the fintech market of the country, the formation of which was made possible largely due to the developed IT sector. Based on the conducted analysis, the importance of monetary policy for building an effective fintech market is stated, which in turn can also have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of decisions made by the regulator. In conclusion, it is infered that it is important to build a monetary policy taking into account the digital transformation of the financial sector, including the development of the fintech market. Key words: monetary policy, targeting regime, fintech market, narrative approach. </p><p>ФИЛОСОФИЯ ДЕНЕЖНО-КРЕДИТНОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ И ФИНТЕХА В БЕЛАРУСИ: ОСНОВНЫЕ ТЕНДЕНЦИИ И ВЗАИМОСВЯЗЬ ЧЕРЕЗ ПРИЗМУ ПОВЕСТВОВАТЕЛЬНОГО ПОДХОДА </p><p>В первой части работы через приму философского подхода рассматривается развитие монетар- ной политики Национального банка Республики Беларусь, включая анализ возможностей перехода к ре- жиму инфляционного таргетирования с учетом изучения повествовательного подхода (narrative ap- proach). Во второй части исследования авторами рассматривается финтех-рынок страны, становле- ние которого стало возможным во многом благодаря развитому ИТ-сектору. На основе проведенного анализа констатируется важность монетарной политики для построения эффективного финтех рын- ка, который в свою очередь может также благотворно воздействовать на результативность прини- маемых регулятором решений. В заключении делается вывод о важности построения монетарной по- литики с учетом цифровой трансформации финансового сектора включая развитие финтех-рынка. Ключевые слова: денежно-кредитная политика, таргетирование, финтех-рынок, повествова- тельный подход. </p><p>Introduction the large share of computer services in total Belarus has an open economy based on export volume of services. In January – Octo- particularly dynamic exporting and importing ber 2020 the value of this indicator was 28. firms. There is a dependence on the Federation 4 %. At the same time, situation in IT sector of Russia for the supply of natural resources has an impact on the national economy and the and raw materials, and also for export markets monetary sphere as well [1; 2]. of high added value products.At the same time The paper focuses on the formation of export and import of services are more diversi- new directions in the financial market as a re- fied by countries. IT products are becoming sult of technological transformation, which increasingly important for foreign trade due to primarily involves the formation of a FinTech 64 ФІЛАСОФІЯ market and the evolution of monetary policy. monetary policy and financial market trans- The rapid development of the IT sector and its formation as well as risks related to the pro- influence on the financial sector, including the cess. impact on the evolutionary development of I. The analysis of the long-term evolu- monetary policy forms the two-part plan of our tion of inflation shows a structural downward survey. First, we analyse the transition of mo- trend with the victory over three painful hyper- netary policy to an inflation targeting regime inflationary episodes for the economy (a major with optimal rules for monetary policy taking one between 1992–1995, a second episode into account the standards of contemporary from 1998 to 2000, and finally a third one monetary regimes and the particular character- which coincided with the global sovereign debt ristics of the Belarusian economy; among the crisis in 2011). The last episode was influenced key elements of this successful transition, there by excessive monetary emission and partly is the issue of enhanced communication by the linked to the global financial crisis in 2008– central bank. In this regards narrative approach 2009 [3]. Indeed, the structural problems of the and its influence on monetary policy was over- economy worsened as a result of this crisis, the viewed. Second, we analyse development of growing current account deficit, macroecono- FinTech market in Belarus and its links with mic dependence on the sectors keys to the monetary policy.Undoubtedly, the formation of economy, high dollarization, low capitalization new FinTech trends has a certain impact on the and poor capital market development.Since monetary sphere. At the same time, we are at then, inflation has been well under control, and the beginning of this process. This sphere cer- on a declining trend (picture). tainly requires additional research that can be able to take more attention on the possible </p><p>Picture. – Inflation in Belarus (end of a year consumer prices). Resource – Authors’ development based on [4] </p><p>Due to transition to monetary targeting, tion among its trading partners was also slow- gradual liberalization of currency regulation ing faster, which led other central banks to and other affective changes of monetary policy lower their interest rates [6]. The coronavirus from 2015 it became possible to achieve stabi- pandemic also influenced the Central bank de- lization on the monetary and currency markets cisions in 2020. Additional measures for in- [5]. Since April 2016, Central Bank decreased creasing banks’ possibilities to support the refinance rate gradually in line with declining economy were adopted in March. Neverthe- inflation. In 2019, Belarus’s inflation rate was less, in August monetary policy was tightened. under 5 % (4,7 % exactly). The central bank Central bank suspended short-term liquidity lowered its benchmark interest rate three times operations. It was done fordecreasing high de- in 2020 (February, May and June) claiming mand on foreign currency in the conditions of that domestic inflation was slowing faster than pandemic enforcing and political tension [7]. expected in the first half of 2020, while infla-</p><p>Веснік Брэсцкага ўніверсітэта. Серыя 1. Філасофія. Паліталогія. Сацыялогія № 1 / 2021 65 Chairman of the Board of the National knowledge by linguistic means. The need to Bank, Pavel Kallaur stated on August 7, 2019 frame reality in narrative structures is a human that they were officially planning a transition predisposition because we impose such a struc- to an inflation-targeting regime already in ture on reality in order to make sense thereof. place in numerous countries around the world The performative role of narratives has often [8]. In 2020, following a visit of experts, the been overlooked in the theory of central banks; IMF made two priority recommendations for there really is no such thing as controlled ex- the short and medium run. One is for the Na- perimentation to prove the importance of chan- tional Bank to replace the current year-end in- ging narratives in order to generate economic flation target with a medium-term continuous fluctuations. Shiller (2020) has thus defined a inflation target. In the short term, the aim is to new field of study called narrative economics increase the quality of external communication which consists of the study of the diffusion and documents, especially in English [9]. The the dynamics of popular narratives, of stories, monetary policy framework had already come in particular those of human interest and hu- close to de facto inflation targeting, or what is man emotion, and how the latter change over referred to as «IT Lite». This framework yet time, to understand economic fluctuations [12]. suffers from three drawbacks: (i) the inflation Yet, the shift toward inflation-targeting in the target is revised annually; (ii) the target is not unfolding narrative spelled out by Belarusian continuous, except for the end-of-year inflation monetary authorities would be incomplete if rate; and (iii) the target is set as a ceiling (5 % we failed to mention the emergence of the Fin- in 2019) while being punctual, which leaves tech sector, which propels technological inno- the central bank with no room for manoeuvre vation at the heart of monetary policy design. against random inflationary shocks that might II. Belarus has a long tradition in the require an overly aggressive adjustment. Re- ICT sector, and has attracted the attention of placing the current year-end inflation cap with foreign investors, universities and research a medium-term continuous inflation target is centers [13]. In the days of the <a href="/tags/Soviet_Union/" rel="tag">Soviet Union</a>, expected to improve internal and external Belarus was one of the socialist republics with communication, stabilize expectations, and the most advanced technological level, whether provide flexibility to respond to temporary and in terms of computers or individual compo- non-random shocks. Increased central bank nents. The World Bank has described Belarus credibility and better anchored expectations as the «Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe». shall ultimately lead to a reduction in the non- In 2015, the IT sector was valued at inflationary equilibrium real interest [10, p. 8]. $ 1,12 billion. IT products and services are But in November 2020, the National bank an- experiencing an exponential boom, doubling nounced that the shift to inflation targeting in every three or four years, leading the World 2021 was premature due to need to improve Bank to identify this sector as one of the prin- legislation [11]. From our point of view, the cipal growth levers of the economy to be pro- unpreparedness to inflation targeting transition moted by a national strategic plan. Rapid in 2021 is affected also by the complexity of growth of IT sector development started about economic forecasting in the current period and 15 years ago when High Tech Park (HTP), a some acceleration of inflation. <a href="/tags/Minsk/" rel="tag">Minsk</a>-based free trade zone for foreign and In addition, the International Monetary domestic companies, was created. The resi- Fund advocates a storytelling approach to dents of HTP enjoy special favorable work monetary policy: «Further improve the Near conditions(tax benefits, simplified procedure Term Forecasting tools and introduce structur- for hiring foreign specialists, provision of al models that facilitate more of a narrative crypto-asset operations, signing of convertible approach» [10, p. 7]. This emphasis on com- loan agreements and smart contracts, etc. [14; munication is one of the main thrusts of the 15]. Today HTP is a hub in the Belarusian IT new monetary consensus that took shape in sector. More than 900 companies received many countries from the 1990s onwards, and HTP residency. In 2019 export of HTP resi- has become dominant in advanced economies. dents reached 2,2 bln. USD. The park’s share It is linked to the narrative vision of the eco- in GDP is approximatively 3,5 % [16]. nomy. Here we define a narrative as a vehicle The IT sector is strongly supported by for the tasks of creating, storing and using the State Program for the Development of the 66 ФІЛАСОФІЯ Digital Economy and the Information Society digitalization in Belarus. Large IT companies spanning over the period 2016 to 2020. have also developed FinTechprojects.At the The objective of this ambitious program was to same time there is no close cooperation be- improve conditions and facilitate the transfor- tween Belarusian commercial banks and IT mation of all economic activities influenced by startups. They make only their first steps in the ICT sector, such as the construction of this field. For example, Belgazprombank a digital economy, an information society and loanched first FinTech accelerator in 2018 e-government [17]. In 2020, Internet penetra- [20]. Priorbank was general partner of Imaguru tion stands at 79 %, mobile connections at FinTech Hackathon: Elevator Lab Edition in 126 %, the number of Fintech start-ups was 2019 [21]. In June 2020, BelVeb Bank an- about 70; key subsectors consist in payments, nounced a venture capital fund, «Vedi Ven- transfers, investment platforms [14]. Finally, ture» launching, which specializes in Fintech the country ranks 64th worldwide for the projects [22]. The above mentioned projects Global Innovation Index 2020 [18]. are all stand-alone. This is why the goal of the The post-2008 crisis situation in the FinTech community is to channel cooperative global financial industry was characterized by forces, and create new joint projects between the emergence of a wide range of technology- traditional financial institutions and Fintech driven companies (so called «fintechs»), mov- start-ups. ing into traditional financial services. While There are several well – developed seg- the new players intensified competition, drove ments in the Belarusian FinTech market. Be- digital transformation, and put pressure on the sides payment services and money transfers, global financial sector, their services were the most popular segment consists of online complementary to those provided by tradition- investment platforms, including blockchain- al banks, also adopting these technologies. The based projects. Several crypto exchanges are term «fintech» refers to this new financial in- registered in the country (ex: currency.com, dustry which relies extensively on innovative iexchange). Belarusian companies are now technologies and business models to provide able to issue crypto tokens through specialized services outside or within the traditional finan- investment platforms. Individuals can mine, cial sector. Cross-border loans, payments and buy/sell and change cryptocurrencies without transfers, as well as Insurtech and investment any limitation. The Central Bank has already exchanges are among the segments most af- launched an information network based on fected by these developments. blockchain technology, and the first block- The Belarusian FinTech map today en- chain-powered bank guarantee was issued in compasses numerous payments services, January 2019 [23]. online investment platforms, personal financial Several years after the adoption of De- management apps, robo- advising and P2P cree No. 8 «On the development of the digital loans. Presidential Decree №8 adoption stimu- economy», a pilot project was launched allow- lated growth of blockchain projects in FinTech ing twelve banks among which Belarusian- sphere. At the same time underdeveloped nich- Swiss Bank, BTA Bank, Belarusbank, the es include crowdfunding, RegTech, SupTech, largest banking entity in the country, to issue Proptech, and InsureTech. This is influenced digital tokens based on blockchain technology. by insufficient regulation, a lack of experience, This innovative project brings together range and/or an insufficient level of financial and of key players in the FinTech sector in the digital knowledge in these areas [19]. country’s High Tech Park, where cryptocur- Belarusian IT companies have devel- rency miners are common place. It will take oped a wide range of Fintech products, soft- place from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2024 ware and digital solutions for banks both for after which the initiative may be extended for domestic and foreign markets. Some compa- wider use in the country. The issuance of these nies prefer to externalize, while others internal- digital tokens should allow fund raising by the ize by creating their own Fintech services and banks concerned on the ICO model. Banks will software for Belarusian banks. There are com- not be allowed to invest more than 10 % of panies specializing in services mostly for Bela- their total capital in these token issuance pro- rusian customers. For example, the IT compa- jects. Only companies or physical persons reg- ny Softclub provides products for banking istered as residents of the high-tech park com-</p><p>Веснік Брэсцкага ўніверсітэта. Серыя 1. Філасофія. Паліталогія. Сацыялогія № 1 / 2021 67 plex will be allowed to transact using the new (bigger is better) and good financial market tokens [24]. existing. These factors are important but not Another relevant intersection between necessary conditions. In this Report Lithuania the central bank and the FinTech sector is re- is in 4-th position, Estonia is ranked 10-th and presented by central bank digital currencies Russia 32-d [26]. Lithuania has positive expe- (CBDCs). What is the real game changer in the rience in FinTechstems from the Central technology underlying cryptocurrency proto- bank’s openness to innovation and startup cols? Some issues pertain to corporate govern- creation, adaptive legislation and favorable ance and asset pricing. Others are more eco- infrastructure. Since 2016 yearly average nomic issues, such as the way a given block- FinTech growth has been 30 %. This small chain is designed in order to ensure the align- country has 210 Fintech companies, including ment of incentives. How do cryptocurrencies 62 electronic money institutions, 35 payment affect the role of a central bank? Cryptocurren- institutions and 6 special purpose banks [27]. cies could form the basis of a new monetary At the same time, high level of economic digi- policy regime underpinned by inflation- talization allowed Estonia to place a high posi- targeting policies. Given the challenges of the tion in FinTech ranking. Global investing and rise of crypto-assets and the decline in the use trading platform-Funderbeamand well-known of cash, we must ask ourselves whether central unicorn Transfer Wise were developed in the banks should issue their own digital currency. country [28]. The Central bank of Russia also The starting point is to determine whether cen- works a lot on the financial sector digitaliza- tral bank money is actually a public good. This tion and FinTech initiations. It has realized the idea raises much deeper issues related to the roadmap on RegTech and Suptech develop- uniqueness of money in each of its functions, ment as well as a marketplace for financial and the role that a central bank digital currency services creation and Central Bank sandbox could have in relation to cash. Another issue is introduction [29]. to understand how a central bank digital cur- Belarus authorities in general and Na- rency would affect the rest of the financial sys- tional Bank in particular are very active in the tem, especially deposit-taking institutions. sphere of financial sector digitalization. At the On September 18, 2019, the Belarusian same time, modern financial market implies economic research and outreach center the existence of closed cooperation between «BEROC», whose mission is to promote the traditional financial market intermediaries and market economy in Belarus by bringing eco- FinTechstartups. Legislative improvement in nomic expertise, knowledge and education in such spheres like venture investing, payment public dialogue on economic development, and services, crowdfunding, insurance will support the Educational Centerof the National Bank of to develop less popular FinTech spheres in the Republic of Belarus organized a seminar Belarus. This process can be spкed up by in- titled «Central Bank Digital Currency creasing funding channels, including market (CBDC): what, why and how?», animated by stimulus creation to raise interest of innovation Thomas Kudrycki (CTO of eCurrency Mint start-up investing from corporations’ side. Ltd) [25]. A seminar was held to present the new Conclusion digital currency technology of central banks. What is the convergence between infla- During the event, participants learned about tion targeting policy, whose implementation is the pros and cons of digital currencies, under- projected in Belarus, and the FinTech revolu- stood their distinctive features, and studied tion boosted by a particularly dynamic ICT various international experiences of CBDC sector? The answer is quite intuitive. As the implementation plans. IMF has pointed out, the success of Belarus’ Despite the fact that national FinTech monetary transition requires increased effi- market develops gradually, Belarus is not a ciency of monetary policy transmission chan- leader in the industry. For example, Belarus nels and improved communication. The suc- took only the 59th place among 65 countries in cess of monetary policy hinges on a renewed the Global FinTech Index 2020. We could technological symbiosis between the central guess that the level of FinTech market devel- bank, Fintech-companies and second-tier opment is determined by the size of country banks. The FinTech sector is the ideal testing 68 ФІЛАСОФІЯ ground for such renewal based on innovation. approach will be able to support in the process The flagship projects can be ideas to introduce also. It should be noted that financial sector a central bank regulation sandbox, legislation digital transformation including FinTech mar- adoption on crowd financing, RegTech and ket development is an integral process of the Suptech market development planning as well digital economy. The monetary policy and fi- as the discussing the possibility of central bank nancial sector technological changes influence digital currency adoption. That would enable each other. The regulatorʼs understanding of better transmission of monetary policy deci- the importance of these processes as well as sions, and real-time information receiving as identifying the needs of market participants well as will increase the flexibility of the Bela- based on the emerging conditions and chal- rusian financial market. In times of different lenges will increase the effectiveness of mone- challenges, these technology-driven break- tary policy and form a developed and competi- throughs would be most welcome. 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