I WU br.t.i ION TWO (Issue of July 21 1928) crinnii;1iirceiai(41:rinciantiriiartie (c99/ A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States APRIL TO JUNE, 1928, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 126—PART 2 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISFIERS FRONT, PINE & DEPHYSTER STS., NEW You. Copyrighted in 1928, according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, in office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VOL: 126-PART_ 2_. INDEX TO VOLUME 126 TART 2 APRIL 1 TO JUNE 30 1928 EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page Page cadenaic Year and the Educational Ad- Boston, Federal Reserve Bank of. Increases Dallas, Federal Reserve Bank of. Advances Avance,The Close of the 3986 Its Rediscount Rate 2375, 2382 Its Rediscount Rate 2869 Academy of Political Science, Semi-Annual Bradley, J. G., President of American Democratic Program, Hamilton. Jefferson Meeting of the 2558 Mining Congress Gives the Facts on "What and the 3928 Adventure, Place of, in Modern Thought _ _ - -2058 Is Ailing the Coal Industry" 2392 Denmark, Government of, Signs Arbitration Adventures in American Diplomacy. Book Branch Banking—The Merits of the Unit Treaty with United States . -3817 by Prof. Alfred L.P. Dennis_ 2219 Bank. Article by William D. Selder Dennis, Professor Alfred L. P.—Book on Afghanistan. Treaty of Alliance is Signed Be- 3511. 3656.3826 Adventures in American Diplomacy 2219 tween Turkey and 3347 British Budget, The New—Novel Features_ _2564 Disraeli, Mauro's' 3510 Air, Conquering the 2714 Brokers' Loans and the Efficacy of Govern- Dynamic of Science, The—Essay by Dr. Air Transportation. Notable Achievements in 2380 ment Bond Sales for Regulating Reserve Alexander S. Russell 2058 American International Payments, The Credit 2699 Balance of 3352 Brokers' Loans Dangerous—Reserve Banks Earth, Inheriting the—Book by Professor America's New Diplomacy, The First Decade Largely Responsible for Inflation—O. M. von Engein 3826 of 2219 W.Sprague in the Annalist 2559 Earthquake Shocks of Severity in the Bal- America's Possibilities 2387 Brokers' Loans. Expansion in-2046, 2206. kan Peninsula 2380 Anti Trust Legislation. Decisions of U. S. 2375, 2545. 2699, 2860. 3342, 3496 Earthquake at Smyrna, Asia Minor, Causes Supreme Court Relating to 3827 Brokers' Loans Show Reduction_ _3179, Heavy Damage 2050 Argentine, Dr. Hipollte Iriguen Is Elected 3642, 3813, 3972 Educational Advance, The Close of the Aca- President in the 2707 Business—Can One Corrupt Act Vitiate the demic Year and the 3986 Asia Minor, Disastrous Earthquake at Whole 3025 Effects of the Recent Collapse on the Stock Smyrna in 2050 Business Failures— Exchange, The 3935 Asia Reborn. Book by Mrs. Marguerite In March and the First Quarter 2059 Egyptian Government Passes Public Assem- Harrison 2875 In April 2703 blies Bill in Lower House 2706 Austria, Government of, Signs Treaty of In May 3498 England, Bank of, Weekly Returns_ - _2051. Friendship and Commerce With United 2213, 2381. 2550. 2708. 2868, 3020. 3186. States 3817 rampalgn Expenses 3192 3348, 3503, 3647, 3819,3978 Austria, Strained Relations with Italy 3346 Canada, Government of, Approves the Erie RR.—I. -S. C. Commission Denies Australia, Government of, Approves the Proposed Multilateral Treaty 3644 Authority to Ches. & Ohio to Acquire_ - _3197 Proposed Multilateral Treaty 3644 Capital Flotations (New)— Europe, May Day Widely Observed in 2707 Automobile Taxes Not Burdensone 2370 During March and from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31_2225 Europe, Unemployment Situation Reported Automobile Trade Prosperous—Repeal of the During April and from Jan. 1 to Apr. 30.- -3028 Improved in 2210 Tax Uncalled for 2371 During May and from Jan. 1 to May 31_ _ _3661 European Banks, Weekly Returns of Gold Aviation—By Rail and Plane from Coast to Central American Republics of Honduras and and Silver Holdings_ _2055. 2217. 2385. Coast 3024 Guatemala, Boundary Dispute Between 2554. 2712, 2872, 3024. 3190.3352, 3507. Aviation—Conquering the Air 2714 The 3818 3651,3822. 3982 Aviators in Airplane "Bremen" Cross North Chain Stores, The Senate Investigation of_ _ _3355 European Situation. General Improvement Atlantic Ocean and Land in Greenely Chamber of Commerce of United States in Reported by International Chamber of Island, Labrador 2380 Annual Session at Washington Declares Its Commerce in the 2210 Confidence in Business Conduct 3025 European Stock Market, Course of_ _2209, alance of American International Pay- Character and Capital 2566 2377. 2546, 2704. 2863, 3181, 3344, 3199. B ments, The 3352 Chicago, Federal Reserve Bank of. Increases 3643. 3815, 3974 Balkan Governments of Hungary and Its Rediscount Rate 2375. 2382 Exports and Imports of United States. See Rumania, Dispute Between 3979 Ches. & Ohio—Inter-state Commerce Com- United States. Balkan Peninsular Suffers Severe Earthquake mission Grants Authority to Acquire Pere Shocks 2380, 2550 Marquette Rwy., but Not Erie 3197 Failures. See Business Failures. Balkans, Disturbances and Demonstrations China— ar Eastern Triangle, The Book by Mrs. in the 3346 Distressing Famine Conditions in -.3019. 3502 Marguerite Harrison 2875 Bank Rates at European Centres. See Military Events in_ 2380, 2550, 2707, 2864,3018 Farmer, What Is to Become of the 3652 Money Rates at Foreign Centres. Settlement Agreement with United States Federal Government. See United States. Bank Shares. Splitting 2712 Respecting the Nanking Incident 2051 Federal Reserve Bank of— Banks of Leading Nations Hold Financial Termination of the Civil War in_3502,3646, 3818 Boston Increases Its Rediscount Rate_ 2375,2382 Conference 2209 The Political and Military Situation in, ChicagoIncreasesItsRediscount Rate_2376,2382 Bar Association of City of New York, Meet- 2872, 3018, 3185. 3347 Dallas Increases Its Rediscount Rate 2869 ing of—Address by Justice Joseph M. Circumlocution and the Law's Delay 2387 N. Y. Increases Its Rediscount Rate.3014, 3021 Proskauer on A New Professional City Planning for Greater New York 2217 Phila, Increases Its Rediscount Rate_3014, 3021 Weekly Psychology as an Essential for Law Reform 2387 Civilizations, The Way of Opposing 3825 Federal Reserve Banks, Comment on Belgrade. Article by Gordon Gordon-Smith 3194 Coal, Decreased Production of and De- Returns_ _2046, 2207, 2375. 2545. 3014, Bowers, Claude G., His Keynote Speech at mand for 2543 3180. 3496, 3642, 3814. 3972 Democratic National Convention 3982 Coal Industry, What Is Ailing the—J. G. Federal Reserve Banks Responsible for Brok- M. W. Book Notices and Reviews— Bradley. President of the American Mining ers' Loans, According to G. Sprague.2559 Adventure. Book by Dr. Burnett H. Congress, Gives the Facts 2392 Federal Reserve Banks, Growth in Commer- Streeter and Others 2058 Coast to Coast, by Rail and Plane from 3024 cial Loans Reflects Speculation in Grain Adventures in American Diplomacy. Collapse on the New York Stock Exchange. and Cotton 3013 of Discount Book by Prof. Alfred L.P. Dennis 2219 The Effects of the Recent 3985 Federal Reserve Banks, Table Asia Reborn. Book by Mrs. Marguerite Commercial Loans, Growth in, Reflects Rates_ _2052, 2214. 2382, 2552, 2709. Harrison 2875 Speculation in Grain and Cotton 3013 2869. 3021. 3187. 3349, 3504. 3648, Beyond Knowledge. Essay by John Mc- Company Unions and Trade Unions 2558 3820, 3979 Murray 2058 Condliffe, Professor. of New Zealand on the Federal Reserve Board, Governor Young of Disraeli, Biography of, by Andre Maurois_3510 Problems of the Pacific 3027 the, in Radio Talk Describes the Market Golden Day. The—Book by Lewis Mum- Connecticut Succession Tax Upheld 2393 Operations of the System 3513 ford 2388 Conservation of Resources 2218 Federal Reserve System, Carter Glass and Inheriting the Earth. Book by Prof. Von Conquering the Air 2714 the "Purpose" of the (Editorial in the New Engeln 3826 Coolidge, President— York "Journal of Commerce") 3514 Internationalism and World Politics. Book Address to Daughters of American Revo- Federal Reserve System—Adolph C. Miller by Prof. Parker T. Moon 3357 lution—Character and Capital 2556 on Open Market Operations 3971 Invisible Government, The—By W. B. On State Rights and Flood Control 2385 Federal Taxation, See United States. Munro 2557 Vetoes McNary-Haugen Farm Relief Bill, Finance, Napoleons of 3651 Pacific, The Problems of the—Proceedings 3178, 3190 Financial Situation, The., 2945. 2205. 2373, of the Conference in Honolulu. Report Cotton Acreage in June 1928. The Indica- 2543, 2702, 2860, 3013, 3178, 3341,3495, of Its Secretary, Prof. Condliffe 3027 tions of 3988 3639. 3813, 3971 Science, The Dynamic of—Essay by Dr. Cotton. Agricultural Bureau Report on 2543 Flood Control, President Coolidge on State Alexander S. Russell 2058 Court Decisions— Rights and 2385 Sheet of Flame. The—Book by Halideh Supreme Court. Case of Connecticut Suc- Ford's, Henry, Idea of Wages and Prices- - -3983 Edib Hanum 3665 cession Tax 2393 Foreign Exchange Market, Weekly Review, Turkey. Book by Arnold Toynbee and U. S. Supreme Court, Anti-Trust Acts_ _ _ _3827 2053, 2214, 2382. 2552, 2709. 2869, 3021, Kenneth Kirkwood 3655 Credit Power, 00Verner Ritchie and the..,.-2873 3187. 3350. 3504. 3648, 3820. 3979 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JULY 19 1928.] INDEX in Page. Page. Page. York City Clearing House Banks—The Foreign Exchange Rates as Certified by Fed- mmigration Conference. International, As- New I of Their Weekly Returns, 2216. 2384. sembles at Havana 2380 Discontinuance eral Reserve Banks_ _2055. 2205. 2045 2712, 2871,3024, 3190, 3352,3506, Imperialism of the Dollar, The, Article by 2554, House, The Action of the 3651, 3822. 3981 Gov. Albert C. Ritchie 2873 New York Clearing in Discontinuing Its Weekly Summaries Foreign Government Indebtedness to United Imperialism, The New 3356 of Condition—The Philadelphia Clearing States. See United States. India, Government of, Approves the Pro- House Follows Suit 3173 Foreign Money Rates. See Money Rates at posed Multilateral Treaty 3643 New York Stock Exchange Brokers' LOWIS.
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