AMERICANS SMITE GERMANS; CAPTURE TOWff BAKER AND DANIELS First Photo of Hun U-Boat Raider SUPPORT WILSON IN NUNS ADOPT FOURTH OF JULY WIRE CONTROL PLAh 300 TEUTON Which Sank U. S. Vessels Off Coast tBr-Auocl aUd Prua ] TO BE OBSERVED Washington, , July. 2^-aecretarlei Baker and Danie ls and Postmastei NLICY OF General Burl eson appeared today oe IN MAN Y LANDS fore the house interstate and forelgt PRISO NERS commerce committees in support ^ o Cities of U. S. 'Complete the bill approv ed .tf President Wll. SINKING ALL Plans for Celebratio n son authorising government contro " ¦ ' '¦ '' ¦ and operaUon of telegraph, telephone TAKEN ' WHEN .. - . ot Day.; . ; radio and.c able systems. - '..; In the meantime, the house' mllltarj MERCY SHIPS [By AiisoeltMd PTeu.] cmnmlUee. met to consider' a measun Introduced br Now York, July, 2.—One of the. 40 Aeprosentatlv e Lurtn o. MEN ATTACK Now- ;York,:«i niUar to the Aswell bli: 1234 MISSING AS HOSPI- natlbnal divisions in. the .monster. Ini discussed by the cabinet officers but dependence day parade tha t will fea- specifically, empowering , the- pre si- VILLA CrE OP VAUX "6M TAL SHIP IS ture , tho celebration .of . the" day In dent to operate the conununlcatlot ' • Now Tor fe will 'consistVof one man. systems subject' to tho se , condition! MAENE FEO NT PALwi . , SUNK The mayor 's committee' -on natio nal ot law. so far as applicable , which ar< ' defense ' enforced : as to .the steam rillraadi : •;; • 'Tp-TDr. s. ;FOECE. - .ya , , ' ' ' today announ¦ ced 'that' permis - * sion to march, as' ' ' While under federa l control. • , July 2. » national unit had Permanent governmen t London —The Canadian hoa- been grante fl tb Blniiha h p,' Qhadlal- ownershlj ' : ' 5>ttal chip Llandovory Castle lai boon and operati on of telegraph and tele- .' (By AssoaUtM Froc«. l ' i M - torpedoed and sunk without warning dl. who nays that so far as he knows phono lines waa Paris ho Is the onlyPa rsee Zoroastblan cit- advocated by Secre- , Joly ai--The: TilIa 4te of Vau ^ by a German -Submarine 70 miles from ' tary. Daniels and Post master General west, of Chateau Thierry, and tiuffl nearest land , and 234 • persons aro izen of the United 'States. Bur lcaon Ohadlaldl will ' appear In civilian said It the. systems were ai height to the west of Vaux; were caiM xnlsslng, and .believed to - Lava been efficiently, conducted by the govern- tured last night by. America n troofii flrownfed. - • . ' - .- gar b, as will the - marchers rep resent- ment aa the postal - ing the othor nation alities-allied with service now Is thej In an operatio n on the Marno Iroa ta ' Huns Adopt Deliberate Toller. never'would go 'back 'to private own- carried out ,,In conjunctio n with [By AHOdatod . Press.} This ]b tho first photoglyph taken ffie United States; Or-th o supprcsied erphl D. , French th« ^ countries sympathetic with the allies: , the war office announce d?! London , July 2—That the stakin g of the submarine which has been sink- More than 300 prisoners, includi ng flval ing ahlps off the Atlantic const. It The plans, of many of the national omcers ot hospital ships Is a deliberate policy groups to add a distinctive color to , were ceptu rofl Sn this acSony ?^ on the part of the Germans now Is was token by a member of the crow of Brilliant Operati on. .: M placed beyond , all doubt by the tor- WORK OR FIGHT ORDER DOES a merchant vessel which . waa sunk by the parad e or wearing native , cos- With the American Forces on thia pedoing of tho British hospital ihlp tho U-boat. Ho had a small camera tumes were change d today following DANIELS COMMENDS a declslcm by-the commttteo that only Maine Fro nt, July-2.—(By -A. P.)—IKS Llandoyery Castle , the n'ewspapers say and managed to get a snapshot of the a brilliant operaUon after hard flght-S ' .In the editorial ' comment today. enemy, submarine before It submerged. the military and naval representatives ot the JJnlted Stages and' allied forces Ing, American troops*on this front last";; . "In the prcsenco of such unspeak- This picture was enlarged from, the GUNNERS WHO STOOD night captured tho vlllagu of Vaui, toi' APPLY TO MEN OUTSIDE would appeir in other ¦ than civilian k NOT small print and- shows plainly the out- ¦ :Bble Infamy deliberately repeated ," ¦- - ¦ ' ' ¦ - - gethcr garb. , . : . ; with- a large slice of the Paris '* eays tho Dally Chronicle, "It Is a lines of the boat and the guns mount- highway west of waste of breath to reiterate the ab- ed fore and aft. Fourteen Shlpi to Float. - FAST AfrSHIP SUNK Chat eau Thierry¦ and ft horrence which everybody with a Washington , July. - 2^-Yards- at two patches of wooded land . - '-iSfl which. 14 new destroye rs , - [By Assoolata d Press.] . The Americans took . 275 German *-j . epark of civilized sense must feel. But , DRAFT AGES, SAYS CROWDER will be prisoner , Including five officers ¦ we would ' invite tho German people launche d Thursday in celebration Of Washington, July. 2.—For standing and. ^ ' . captured a quantity: of machine gunssi to ask themselves what is tho use of ¦ the Fourth of 'July wore announced by their guns until their ship went ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ;thelr statesmen appealing, like For- [By Associated Pros *.] today as follows.; Bethlehem Union down. Secretary and othor equipment . .,' •« ITALIANS DRIVE FOE DanlelB today com- In the Vaux region , tho Amerfcan »»| eign. Secretary Von Kuehlmann, to vbo Washington , July 2.—Commentin g on the new work or fight regul a- plant, San Francisco, 8; Newport mended - the members of 'the naval credited with the probity and honor tions which went into effect jwsterday, Provost Marshal Gen. Crowder em- News Shipbuilding - and - Dry Docks guar d on the U. .8. S. William Rocke- took the Germans completely byi surrii . while crimes so odious, * dishonorable phasized today that the order does not affect men outside of draft agea company, '3; William Cramp ft Sons prise. Most of the priso ners were tak- * FROM MOUNTAIN POSTS ' feller when It was torp edoed May 18. en out ot cellars and dugouts, v T;<§ ! and unashamed continue to be car- Several communities apparently, hato confused It with antl-Ioafer¦ ¦ laws In company, Philadelphia, 2; Fore River Letters were sent by the secretary ried out with the orders of their gov- some states. " . ' " ¦ ' Shipbuilding, company; Boston; . 1. How many Germans were killed, oiffl - to Gunner 's Mates Myron E. Huston , course. Is unknown but from the num'-x' ernment" ' " * . Gen. Crowder explained , that the TAKEN LAST DECEMBER To Fly U. 8. Colors. Oault , Mo. ; John Robert Moonhead , ' , Tho oxcubo for the attack on the work or fight order is purely a mili- Toulon , July 1.—Admiral Locasse, ber of dead In plain view, st variout'a llUandoyery Castle , says the DalrT , Hartwell. Oa.;'Seamen Raymond /P. places -the total must have been con>S tary step and that regulations.regard- [Br Associat ed Press. ] forme r minister of marine, who Is the Burke , Boston; Carl c. Martin , Two Blderable. ¦ . :~jM Wail, was a He, and the German offi- GERMAN SOLUTION OF ing employment or military service for , Jn ly 1. naval prefect : of Toulon, is making a - ^ cer who told it did not- believe it hlm- Italian , Army Headquarters Harbors, Minn. ; Ladvis J. Kesper , • Qoiet 8ay« Penning. ' . -' ¦•¦m unregistered men aro not ombraced in , actions resulting in the special effort to have the Fourth of Cleveland ; Sam Mimms, jr., Dallas, ¦ M>elf when . ho said to the captain: . his functions. The only effect the or- —The local July observed hero In a befitting man- Washington ,- July 2—-Another quiefra . "Tou are carr ying eight .American reconquest of Monte dl 'Val Bella, Col Texas; Arthur. J. Mulligan, Lowell, day along the American fronts- wai(M POLISH QUESTION IS der has upon persons not subject .to . ner. All' the. warships: in_ port will Mass.; Wnt B (flight officers." . , more op- Del Bosso, and Col Dl Chele had for hoist the American-colors. The ad- . Burch , Washlngtoj, D reported by Gen.' Pershlng today in-ft'S ' . It there bad been . a particle of draft. Is that It offers- them C, and "Wni. -H. 8cl)roed <ir,',ClnclnhaU. communique for yesterday ., portunities ' of employment , ' ,, their objMtsihe widen ingof the Ital- miral will, hold a- - grand review ' of 1 ' . sent -he-j (truth In the charge, the newspaper TOLD; ALL PRUSSIAN • ¦ ' - Ounner 's «»t« Moorehead saw to It fare, the succosslul,• '. operations -tail iadds. tho submarine captajn ' ha& .only ' .' ©Her Work Than Army. , . ' ian front west of jhe Brents , and th» trqopB and the crews of the fleet'In . Of Iho' servlco performed by- men the morning and In the afternoon will that ammunition was sent tojte.4run j.night .west of. Chateau Thlvry. : AS to stop the . Iilandovery Castle , ' setae [By Associated Press. ] who. leave non-essential pursuits to driving of the enemy from the po«l- Preside at a. lecture ; on i America by and remained at SH .jwst Itt the pow- American aviator shot down an onemy 'the eight officers" and take them to London, J uly 2. principal fea- ; ' der magazlnet until ord ered to leave machine In the Tout region. ¦ . v1,' —The take up essential worki Gen. Crowder Uons he captured last Chrlitmis, ]6«t Jean Alcard. member of the acad emy. ¦ • ¦ • (Germany as proof of allied guilt in, tures of the German solution of. the ¦ - ' ' In the evening'the re will be a public ship. - . ' . • •¦;. ' ¦ •' derauiis Hurled Back. ¦' ' ¦ f using hospital ships for transports. said: : ' ., . to the ita)lins. In <.January. and rfr ' Polish question, which are approved "The army , and navy are taking the '~16 / : ¦ '¦¦' concert V the fleet baiid.
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