Tomorrow's flight Water Usage C-141 MI Monday, July 16 Guantanamo Bay 4:45 p.m. Usable storage: 11.84 MIL - 85% Charleston, S.C. 7:45 p.m. Goal: 850 K See page 3 Consumption: 892 K Guantanamo Daily Gazette Vol. 46 -- No. 142 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Tuesday, July 17, 1990 Nearly 200 people lost Philippine quake death toll climbs Keeping Gitmo AP - The death toll in the addition to all the people killed Beautiful Philippine killer earthquake is near- nearly 600 people are injured. Who is this masked bandit, and President Corazon Aquino trav- ing 200, and it could get much worse. what is he doing? He may be The Office of Civil Defense now eled today to another hard-hit masked,but the only thing he might says at least 193 people died in area-Cabanatuan, about 60 miles steal is a few inches off the lawns Cuba - The government of Cuba is Monday's quake that jolted Manila north of Manila. She inspected res- around Gitmo's buildings. He's an refusing to negotiate with seven Cu- cue operations at a collapsed school and Luzon island, the Philippines employee at Bums and Roe. This bans who are holed up in the Czecho- most densely populated island. building and tried to console people slovak embassy in Havana. Mexican contractor wears a T-shirt, glasses The death report includes about who lost relatives. news reports say the seven, who are and heavy gloves to protect his face seeking asylum, had threatened to 80 people who perished in the It's well into the daylight hours of and hands from corral dust and mountain resort of Baguio, where Tuesday in the Philippines, and af- blow up the building unless their flying rocks as he trims the grass demand for an airplane was met. four hotels were heavily damaged. tershocks are continuing. with an electric weed cutter. Why a Reports from the Philippines Also in the orient, a strong However, a deadline passed without T-shirt around the face? One Burns any explosion. say people in the earthquake-rav- earthquake with a preliminary and Roe contractor said it's just a reading of 6.3 on the Richter aged townofBaguio arerunning low scale style we prefer. London - The Federal Aviation Ad- on food, water, fuel and medicine. has been reported off eastern Tai- ministration confirms that it informed And officials fear at least 1,000 wan. So far, no reports of injuries or airlines of a threat against Pan Am, but people may be trapped beneath the damage. Experts say there's no says it does not consider the threat Fire rips Empire credible. A London newspaper, The rubble of collapsed hotels and other relation between the Taiwan quake State building Sunday Correspondent, had reported buildings in the resort town. In and the temblor in the Philippines. AP - Lots of questions sur- there were problems with the alarm that U.S. authorities wamed airlines of round a fire that caused anxious and speaker systems-because a threat to blow up a Pan Am jet on a Budget deficit expected to top moments last night in New York's many of the 1,000 who were in the flight from West Germany. Empire State Building. Fire offi- building say they heard neither cials are wondering what caused the alarms nor announcements to leave. Canada - In Quebec, Canada, a pro- $169 billion for fiscal year 1991 blaze, which started in an unoccu- At least four civilians and 34 vincial police official is urging col- AP - On the heels of the gov- the savings-and-loan bailout. pied office on the 51st floor. Offi- firefighters were hurt, mostly from leagues not to seek revenge in the ernmnent's new deficit forecast, the Pitn otene octs the death of an offer. Funeral services cials are also trying to determine if inhaling smoke. House today isto vote on aproposed budget deficit, Agriculture Seer re- were held Monday for Corporal Mar- constitutional aendments--requir- tayCyonYueripomsg a cel Lemay ,who was killed in a shoot- NASA needs stronger leaders out last 5eik with a group of Mohawk ing a balanced federal budget. But,,White House veto f the 1990 Farm even the newly announced dire defi- Bill is passed in its current Indians. versionn. AP - Several democratic law- fuel leaks in the space shuttles. cit figures are not boosting support In a letter to the Senate, Yeutter says makers say they don't think an Congressman Michael Andrews for the measure. Even its backers the crop-support programs contained Paris-Discussions aimedatcreating outside study is the best step in prob- of Texas says the space program a single Germany continue today in concede they're several votes short in the measure are too costly. Agri- ing NASA's recent troubles. needs stronger leadership-not an- Paris with Secretary of State James of the number needed for approval. culture committee chairman Patrick The Bush administration an- other study. Baker and the Soviet Foreign Minister In its forecast for fiscal 1991, the Leahy complains the administration nounced yesterday that a task force And Senator Albert Gore of Eduard Shevardnadze, on hand. Baker White House estimates the red ink is sacrificing the Farm Bill in order says the U.S. would like to see Ger- will examine the space agency's set- Tennessee says President Bush figure will hit almost $169 billion. to gain ground in its international many's unification proceed quickly, backs, including the Hubble Space should give personal attention to That's without counting the cost of trade negotiations. and obstacles to that goal are falling. Telescopes focusing problems and NASA's problems. (continue to page 3) COMNAVBASE concerned about diver's safety Diving halted in Gitmo for next five weeks chamber is critical." USA By J03 LISA PETRILLO One example of a diving-related News accident is the bends. "This is caused The waters surrounding Guan- by coming up out of the water too tanamo Bay are off limits for the next fast. Nitrogen bubbles New York - The woman known as get caught in New York's Central Park jogger has five weeks to recreational and pro- your bloodstream." This can cause testified for the first time against three fessional divers. The reason, said extensive problems, such as brain youths accused of gang-raping and Senior Chief Mike Campbell, damage, or even death. beating her in April of last year. She Gitmo's Dive Locker division offi- "The chamber simulates putting said the last thing she remembered cer at Shore Intermediate Mainte- the person back into the maximum before the attack was breaking her nance Activity (SIMA), "We'll be depth of water they were at and dinner date with a friend. That was doing maintenance on the air system bringing them up slowly," added April 19, 1989. for Gitmo's only recompression Campbell. "The chamber shrinks the chamber." COMNAVBASE, Capt. Georgia - Georgia's gubernatorial size of the nitrogen bubbles, stop- candidates face their parties primaries William C. McCamy directed that ping any further damage." tomorrow. Former Atlanta mayor An- diving be halted when he learned Campbell said another diving- drew Young, who's trying to become repairs were needed to the recom- related accident is embolism. "This Georgia's first black governor, barn- pression chamber. is when the air you breath escapes stormed the state today, as did fellow Campbell said divers at the from your lungs into your body. In Photo by J03LISA M. PETRILLO democrats Lieutenant Governor Zell locker will oversee the hydro static this case, we would conduct oxygen Miller and State Senator Roy Barnes. testing and clean the air system, therapy in the chamber." Petty Officer 1st Class (DV) Lot K. Christensen monitors chamber phosphate coating and the conduct- Not watching the time you take San Antonio - In San Antonio, pressure in Gitmo's recompression chamber. ing of Texas, shopkeepers spent today mop- laboratory and gas analysis. tocomeupfrom thedepthsis justone ping mud out of their business. Storms Campbell explained, "If some- reason diving-related accidents can dumping up to 14 inches of rain also one has a diving-related accident, the occur. "Another reason is staying He added that it's nice to know all divers take the time to plan a stranded people in stalled cars and chamber may save a person's life. down too long or diving when you the recompression chamber is avail- responsible and safe dive, then the forced evacuations throughout South- The time it takes to get you to the don't feel your best," said Campbell. able to all Gitmo divers. However, if chamber may never be used. central Texas. In the Nevada desert, flash flooding in Las Vegas killed one person and swept away 30 cars. Gitmo telephone service restored after unusual lightning strike Guantanamo Bay - An early ron said the power went down to .4 were unable to cross over, such as U.S. - If a public-interest group has "This is a highly unusual situ- morning thunderstorm wreaked its way, owners of several models of amps from the normal 4.5 amps used 4000 series to 2000 series, after the ation," explained Hearon. "We've Chrysler cars and vans will be getting havoc on telephones and communi- to power Gitmo's microwaves. power failure. Residents could not never experienced anything like this a recall notice. The Center for Auto cations yesterday morning when "It affected both local and long make calls to the United States dur- before." Safety is asking the government to lightning struck the power supply for distance calls," said Hearon.
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