ver170n 125 High Street Room 1555 Boston. MA 021 10-0721 March 3 1,2003 Ms. Kathryn M. Bailey Telecommunications Director New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission 8 Old Suncook Road Concord, NH 03301 -73 19 Re: NHPUC Annual Report for Year Ended 2002 Dear Ms. Bailey: Enclosed please find the 2002 Annual Report of Verizon New England Inc. These schedules reflect results for the Year ending December 3 1,2002. All amounts are on a MR combined basis and are accounted for as prescribed under the Uniform System of Accounts. This Annual report is also being submitted electronically as an Excel file, VZ-nhpuc-ar.xls, to Ms. Jody Carmody and Ms. Mary Hart as requested. Copies of the ARMIS 43-02 reports for Verizon-New England and Verizon-New Hampshire as well as the ARMIS 43-08 report will be delivered to the Commission soon after the reports have been officially filed with the FCC on April 1,2003. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (617) 743-1 186. Sincerely, ~irector~~e~ulator~Accounting enclosure STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Concord, New Hampshire Telecommunications Companies Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier ANNUAL REPORT OF Verizon New Enaland Inc. (If name was changed during the year, enter the previous name and date of change below) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3 1, 2002 year FEDERAL TAX ID# urricer or otner person to wnom corresponaence snoula be addressed regarding this report: Name Kevin J. O'Quinn Title Director-Reaulatorv Accountina PUC Rule 407.10-This annual report is due at the Address 125 High Street Room 1542 Commission offices no later than March 3 1 of Boston, MA 02110 each year. RSA374:17 Neglect or refusal to file will result in Phone Number 617-743-1 186 a forfeiture of $100 per day for each day in mail Address [email protected] default. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Schedule TITLE OF SCHEDULE No. A General Corporate Information Schedules A-1 . General Information 1 ' ?. List of Ofticers 2 List of Directors 2 n-4. Shareholders & Voting Powers 3 A-5. List of Exchanges Served Directly 4 A-6. Payment to Individuals 4 A-7. Management Fees and Expenses 5 A-8. Important Changes During Year 7 B Balance Sheet Schedules 8-10, Balance Sheet 8-9 8-11, Income Statement 11 8-12A. Analysis of Telecommunications Plant Accounts 12-13 8-128. Analysis of Telecommunications Plant-in-Service Retired 15 8-12C. Analysis of Entries in Property Held for Future Telecommunications Use 16-17 8-12D. Capital Leases 18-19 8-13A. Analysis of l~elecommunicationsPlant Acquired 20-21 8-138. Analysis of l'elecommunications Plant Purchased From or Sold To Aftiliates 22 8-14A. Analysis of Entries in Accumulated Depreciation 24-27 8-148. Bases of Charges for Depreciation 28 8-15, Analysis of Entries in Accumulated Amortization 29 8-16, Statement of Changes in Financial Position 30-31 8-17, Receivables and Investments Aftiliated and Non-Aftiliated Companies 32-33 8-18, Other Prepayments 34 8-19. Other Current Assets 35 8-20, Sinking Funds 36 8-21, Other Noncurrent Assets 37 8-22, Deferred Charges 38 8-23, Unamortized Debt Issuance Expense 39 8-24, Long-Term Debt 40 8-25, Notes Payable 41 8-26, Accounts Payable 42 8-29. Other Long Term Liabilities 43 8-30A. Other Deferred Credits 44 '78. Net Deferred Operating Income Taxes 45 2. Net Deferred Non-Operating Income Taxes 46-47 0-31. Retained Earnings 49 8-32, Dividends Declared 50 8-33, Capital Stock 51 I lncome Statement Schedules 1-34. Operating Revenues 52 1-35. Operating Expenses 53 I-35A. Increase in Operating Expenses 54 1-358. Customer Operations Expenses and Corporate Operating Expenses 55 I-36A. Other Operating Taxes 56 1-368. Prepaid Taxes and Tax Accruals 57 I-36C. Nonoperating Taxes 58 I-36D. Extraordinary Items 59 1-37. Nonoperating Income and Expenses 60 1-38. Other Operating Income and Expenses 60 1-39. Special Expenses Attributable to Formal Regulatory Cases 6 1 1-40. Advertising 62 1-41. General Services and Licenses 63 1-42. Membership Fees and Dues 64 1-43. Donations or Payments for Services Rendered by Persons Other than Employees 65 S Statistical Schedules S-1. Switches and Access Lines In Service 66 S-2 Outside Plant Statistics - DistributionIFeeder 67 S-3. Outside Plant Statistics - Interoftice 68 S-4 Pension Cost 69 Signature Pageloath 7 1 New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission i .al Report Schedules Analysis of Schedules filed by Verizon New Hampshire VZ VZNH Substitution Schedule and Sch. # Schedule Title Description NH file wmuc Reference to website links A- 1 General Information List of Officers Yes VZ Proxy Statement and VZ-NE 10K A-2 A-3 List of Directors Yes VZ Proxy Statement and VZ-NE 10K A-4 Shareholders and Voting Powers Yes A-5 List of Exchanges Served Directly Yes See Sheet labeled "Exchanges" A-6 Payments to Individuals Yes See Sheet labeled "Payments" A-7 Management Fees and Expenses Yes A-8 Important Changes during Year Yes Additional Schedules Provided by Verizon - NH Service Provided to Employees without Charge for Company Business Purposes; Telephone Service Provided without Charge for Employees with 30 or More Years Credited Services; Telephone Service Provided at '/z the Established I Rates to ~rngo~eesof 6 Months Service; Estimated Annual Revenue. Statement 1 Number of Employees Provided with Telephone Service at Reduced Rates in 2002 and Estimated Annual Intrastate Revenue 1 #la I Related to ~mploieesProvided with ~elephoneService at Reduced Rates in 2002. I Statement ( Telephone Service Provided to Company Directors without Charge 1 #2 Statement I Obsolete Rates - December 3 1,2002 #3 4 Statement Total Conversation Minutes (Retail) and Number of Verizon Lines. #4 Copies of ARMIS Reports filed with the FCC VZ-NE & I ANNUAL REPORT TO THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,2002 GENERAL INFORMATION A-1. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT Give the exact name under which the utll~tydoes busmess Verlzon New England Inc Full name of any other utility acqulred durlng the year and date of acqu~sit~on 2 Locatlon of prlnclpal office 185 Franklln Street, Boston. MA 021 10 3 State whether the utlllty 1s a corporat~on,jolnt stock assoclat~on,trust or partnership, or an lndlv~dualCorporation 4 If a corporatlon or assoclatlon, glve date of lncorporatlon, State under whose laws incorporated, and whether ~ncorporatedunder speclal law October 19, 1883 5 If ~ncorporatedunder speclal act, glven chapter and sesslon date 6 Glve date when company was orlglnally organized and date of any reorganlzatlon 7 Name and addresses of prlnclpal offices of any corporat~ons,trusts or associat~onsowning, controlling or operating respondent 8 Name and addresses of principal offices of any corporatlons, trusts or associat~onsowned, controlled or operated by the respondent 9 ate when respondent first began to operate as a utility October 19, 1883 10 If the respondent IS engaged In any busmess not related to utlllty operation, prov~deall detalls' 11 If the status of the respondent has changed durlng the year In respect to any of the statements made above, prov~deall detalls, lncludlng dates 12 If the utlllty IS a forelgn corporatlon which operated In New Harnpshlre prior to June 1. 1911, glve date In whlch permlsslon was granted to operate under NH Rev 13 Stat Ann 374 25, Exceptions and NH Rev Stat Ann 374 26 Permission 'If engaged In operations of utllltles of more than one type glve dates for each A-2. OTHER PUBLISHED ANNUAL REPORTS - - REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERSIMEMBERS. A copy of the annual report to stockholders or members [ ] was [ ] w~llbe sent to NH PUC on or about - Annual reports to stockholders or members are not publ~shed - - RUS REPORT. A copy of the published annual report to the Rural Utll~t~esSe~~ce [ ] was [ 1 w~llbe sent to NH PUC on or about - The respondent does not report to the Rural Uttltt~esSew~ce LEC REPORT. A copy of the respondent's Annual Report for Local Exchange Camers to NH PUC IS attached Annual Report of Verizon New England Inc. Year ended December 31,2002 - A-2. LlST OF OFFICERS 'Includes compensation received from all sources except directors fees. Line No. Title of Officer Name Residence Compensation' 1 Chrman of Bd, Pres.& CEO Ivan G. Seidenberg $ 2 Secretary Marianne Drost $ 3 Chief Financial Officer Edwin F. Hall $ 4 Vice President & Treasurer William F. Heitmann $ 5 Region President-Operations W. Robert Mudge $ ' Note: For details on compensation, please refer to Verizon's Proxy Statement and New England Telephone's Form 10K @ SEC Filincls - Verizon I A-3. LlST OF DIRECTORS I No. of Meetings Name Residence Length of Term Term Expires Attended Year Annual Fees' 16 James R. Barker Stamford, CT 17 Edward H. Budd Glastonbury, CT 18 Richard L. Carrion Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 19 Robert F. Daniell Hartford, CT 20 Helene L. Kaplan New York, NY 21 Charles R. Lee New York, NY 22 Sandra 0. Moose Boston, MA 23 Joseph Neubauer Philadelphia. PA 24 Thomas H. O'Brien Pittsburgh, PA 25 Russell E. Palmer Philadelphia, PA 26 Hugh B. Price New York, NY 27 Ivan G. Seidenberg New York, NY 28 Walter V. Shipley New York, NY 29 John W. Snow Richmond, VA 30 John R. Stafford Madison, NJ 31 Robert D. Storey Cleveland, OH 30 State Directors' fee per meeting:' -Ann10 'eport of Verizon New England Inc. Year ended "scember 31,2002 I A-4. SHAREHOLDERS AND VOTING POWERS I Line No.
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