11.10.2016-17.10.2016 • No: 85 EVALUATION OF THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS TO THE STATE DUMA IN RUSSIA The 7th legislative elections for the State received 19.19%, the Just Russia Party re- gard, on April 5, 2016, in accordance with the Duma, which is the Lower House of the ceived 13.24% and the Liberal Democratic Decree №157 the Federal National Guard Russian Parliament, were held on September Party of Russia received 11.67% of total Troops Service was established and states- 18, 2016. According to the results of the votes. As a result, the United Russia Party men, who have an authority in the military Russian Central Election Commission, took 238 seats, the Communist Party of the forces, were appointed as governors in some 47.82% (namely 52,631,849) of 110,061,200 Russian Federation took 92 seats, the Just subjects of the Russian Federation. Therefore, registered voters participated in the elections Russia Party took 64 seats and the Liberal the 7th elections to the State Duma were and the United Russia Party won with 54.20% Democratic Party of Russia took 56 seats in conducted in this complex environment. of total votes (28,527,828). According to the the State Duma. As for the elections results, 4580 parliamen- Constitution, the Russian Parliament (Federal The parliamentary elections to the State Duma tary candidates participated in the elections. Assembly) consists of two chambers – the coincided with the period of strained interna- Four parties were able to overcome the 5% State Duma and the Federation Council (art. tional relations between Russia and the West, threshold: the United Russia Party gained 95).The legislative power of the State Duma especially the U.S., over Syria and increased 54.20% of votes (28,527,828), the Communist can be distinguished mostly in terms of func- socio-economic problems in the country. Party of the Russian Federation and the tions and powers. Whereas, the Federation Because of the different aims and interests of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia took over Council looks like a Senate that mostly acts as the parties in the context of the Syrian issue, 13.34% (7,019,752) and 13.14% (6,917,063) an advisory and representative body. Accord- the US-Russia relations are expected to con- of votes respectively and the Just Russia Party ing to the Constitution, the State Duma con- tinue to be strained. On the other hand, the got 6.22% (3,275,053) of votes. Thus accord- sists of 450 members. The Federation Council heads of the U.S. and the Western countries ing to party lists, the United Russia Party won includes two representatives from each of have expressed their concern over the Eura- 140 seats in the State Duma, the Communist Russia's federal subjects: one from the legisla- sian Economic Union (EAEU) established Party of the Russian Federation received 35 tive and one from the executive body of the under the leadership of Russia. They perceive seats, while the Liberal Democratic Party of state authority (art. 95). Accordingly, in the the EAEU as an organization, by which Russia and the Just Russia Party gained 34 Russian Federation, which has 85 federal Russia can strengthen its position and authori- and 16 seats respectively. subjects, the Federation Council includes 170 ty in the world through its immediate envi- According to the results of elections in the members. The President of Russia has the ronment (post-Soviet countries). This is why 225 single-member districts, the distribution right to appoint 17 members of the Federation the Western countries have supported of seats are as follows: the United Russia Council (art. 95). The Federation Council is Ukraine's EU-oriented policies instead of the Party – 203 (79.6%), the Just Russia Party – 7 the organ that works on a permanent basis EAEU-oriented ones. (2.7%), the Communist Party of the Russian (art. 99). According to the Federal Law on the Economic sanctions imposed by the Western Federation – 7 (2.7%), the Liberal Democratic Procedure for the Formation of the Federation countries to Russia combined with the drop in Party of Russia – 5 (2%), the Rodina Party – 1 Council of the Federal Assembly of the oil prices have shaken the budget of Russia, (0.4%), the Civic Platform Party – 1 (0.4%) Russian Federation dated December 3, 2012, whose economy is dependent on oil and gas and Independents – 1 (0.4%). Overall as a terms of the members of the Council are not revenues. According to data published by the result of the elections, the United Russia won nationally fixed, but instead are determined Federal State Statistics Service, at the end of 343 seats (76.2%), the Communist Party of according to the regional bodies the senators 2015, 19.2 million people were living in the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democrat- represent. (art. 1). Russian citizens who are poverty below the minimum wage, which is ic Party of Russia and the Just Russia Party over the age of 30 years and who are legally 13.4% of Russian population. According to gained 42 (9.3%), 39 (8.7%) and 23 seats eligible can be a candidate for senator of the some experts, the amount of the Russian (5.1%) respectively, while other parties took 2 Federation Council (art. 2). citizens living in poverty are forecasted to rise seats (0.4%) and the independent candidate The members of the State Duma are elected by 3 million people if there is no increase in gained 1 seat (0.2%) of the total 450 seats in for five years (art. 96). Any Russian citizen oil prices. These circumstances carry the risk the State Duma. The most active participation who is over the age of 21 and has the right to of deteriorating Russia’s internal stability and in the elections was observed in two regions: participate in elections can be elected as a increasing the number of citizens who are the Tuva Republic (90.13%) and the Kemero- deputy of the State Duma (art. 97). A mixed dissatisfied with the government policies. vo oblast (86.80%). Whereas the least active system is implemented in the parliamentary Indeed, on February 26, 2016, Russia's Presi- participation in the elections was in the Ir- elections according to the Federal Law on dent Vladimir Putin had a meeting with the kutsk oblast (32.92%). 874 representatives Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of Federal Security Service Board expressing his from 63 countries and 10 international organi- the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federa- predictions about a political turmoil that zations and more than 260 thousand local tion dated February 22, 2014. Accordingly, might occur in the country with the influence observers monitored the Russian State Duma 225 deputies of the State Duma are elected in of external forces before the elections. At the elections. International institutions such as single-seat electoral district (one district – one meeting, Vladimir Putin stated that foreign SCO, CIS and local observers that monitored member) and other 225 deputies are elected intelligence agencies widened their activities the election process reported that the parlia- by a proportional representation system (art. in Russia and he gave additional tasks to the mentary elections were held in a free and 4). According to this law, in order to be Intelligence Department of the Federal Securi- democratic environment. elected to the State Duma through the party ty Service to increase security in the country To conclude, the ruling United Russia Party lists the candidate’s party needs to receive at and prevent provocations from outside. In achieved to increase the number of its seats least 5% of votes (art. 88). short, the Russian head officials paid special compared to the previous elections by 69% During the 6th parliamentary elections held on attention to the implementation of necessary (+105). This means that the ruling party can December 4, 2011, only 4 out of 7 political security measures aimed at preventing an easily enact the laws that they want with the parties were able to overcome the 7% thresh- increase in activities of the groups influenced help of their deputies in the State Duma and old. Out of all 65,656,526 electoral votes, the by external forces that want to take advantage can prepare the legal ground for the activation United Russia Party received 49.32%, the of difficult social and economic situation in of Russia’s foreign policy designed to ensure Communist Party of the Russian Federation the country before the elections. In this re- its leading position in the multipolar world. Written by Aidarbek Amirbek, Eurasian Research Institute, Kazakhstan Politics, Foreign Affairs and Security Economy, Finance and Energy of Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) Association and adopted its • On the sidelines of the 23rd World Ener- charter. The Association will aim at at- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uz- • gy Congress, Russia and Turkey signed tracting transit and foreign trade cargo to bekistan announced signing protocols an intergovernmental agreement on the the route, as well as at the development of with Kyrgyzstan on 55 border areas with- implementation of the Turkish Stream gas TITR’s integrated logistics products. The in Namangan, Andijan and Ferghana re- pipeline project, according to which the association’s office will be located in gions of Uzbekistan, adjacent to Jalal- parties envisages deliveries of Russian Astana. Abad, Osh and Batken regions of Kyr- natural gas to Turkey and Eastern Europe. gyzstan. According to the agreement, the parties • According to the First Vice Prime Minis- agreed to construct two parallel lines of ter of Kyrgyzstan, Mukhammetkaly During his visit to Yerevan, the President • the pipeline through the Black Sea with Abulgaziev, in 2015 China became one of of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, and the the capacity of 15.75 billion cubic meters the main trade partners of the republic President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, of gas each.
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