NATIONAL CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT: MOLDOVA ©Climate Forum East (CFE) and ECOSPECTRU, Moldova, 2014 Copies of all or part of this study may be made for non-commercial use, providing the source is acknowledged. CFE and ECOSPECTRU Moldova would appreciate receiving details of this use. Requests for commercial reproduction should be directed to the ECOSPECTRU Moldova at [email protected]. The opinions and recommendations expressed in this study do not necessarily represent the official policy of CFE, ECOSPECTRU Moldova or project partners in this project. The designations used do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of CFE and ECOSPECTRU Moldova concerning the legal status of a territory or its authorities. The copyright of each photo and figure used in this study is indicated by the relevant caption. This publication has been produced by the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the publication are the sole responsibility of the Maria Nedealcov and Ion Cotofana and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. www.climateforumeast.org www.facebook.com/climateforumeastcfe www.ecospectru.moldnet.md [email protected] Authors: Maria Nedealcov, Ion Cotofana Advisors: Dumitru Drumea, Alexandru Teleuta Design: Imre Sebastyén, jr/UNITgraphics.com Cover image: Print: MOLDOVA Preface The overwhelming scientific consensus is that the climate While efforts to mitigate the rate of climate change through has been changing, largely due to human activity: global cutting greenhouse gas emissions are ongoing, the failure temperatures are rising, rainfall patterns are becoming more to reach a binding international agreement to significantly unpredictable, and global average sea levels are rising, with reduce global emissions means that the planet will continue these trends expected to continue over the coming decades. to experience warming over the coming decades. Mitigation A warmer climate has also been linked with more frequent is not enough; societies must take steps to adapt to the and intense climate-related disasters and extreme weather. projected impacts of climate change, and build their capacity Records indicate that the number of climate-related disasters to manage changing risks at every level in the face of an has risen significantly over the past century, and these now increasingly unpredictable climate. affect over 250 million people a year. Civil society and the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement have The humanitarian impacts of climate change and changing a major role to play in alerting decision makers and the public patterns of extreme weather are likely to be significant. There to the risks of climate change and motivating people to take is increasing worldwide concern about the negative impacts action based on these risks. Climate Forum East is a project in a changing climate could have on societies and economies, the six countries of the Eastern Partnership, aimed at building affecting sectors from agriculture to water resources. The the capacity of civil society to engage with decision makers most severe effects of climate change are likely to be on these issues, and mobilising youth and communities disproportionately felt by the poorest and most disadvantaged to respond to the challenges faced by their country in a members of societies, who already have very few resources to changing climate. Thus one of the key activities of the project fall back on in the case of disaster, and are ill-equipped to cope is the assessment by national civil society organisations of with the new challenges posed by climate change; the main climate risks and vulnerabilities in each country, and the development of recommendations to civil society and decision makers on possible approaches to take towards climate change adaptation in their country. It is to this end that this National Climate Vulnerability Assessment report is presented. iii NATIONAL CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT MetHODOLOGY AND deveLopment This national CVA was developed according to the provisions On the basis of analysis of environmental and climate change for the implementation of the Climate Forum East1 (CFE) issues and taking into account Moldova’s strategic objectives project in Moldova. Current trends in climate change are the following activities were outlined for inclusion inthe based on the analysis of statistical and other data served as a national CVA: base for estimation of current impacts of changes in climatic • Analysis of actual state of climate trends in Moldova for patterns on different sectors of economy, social development last 50 years and involvement of the civil society institutions in the • Evaluation of recent damages to different sectors of development of adaptation measures to climate change. economy, environment and social activities due to the climate change and extreme weather conditions Despite the fact that priority areas for the study were selected • Evaluation of actual legislation and institutional by participants of the national civil society organisation development associated with implementation of the network for the CFE project implementation, the complexity climate change adaptation measures of interactions of different sectors of social and economic • Development of recommendations for main target development and climate change impact on them has been authorities and case-studies for identified priorities taken into account in the preparation of recommendations. in order to facilitate involvement of the civil society An important and demanding task is development of the institutions in the development of the adaptation research activities, regional cooperation, involvement of the measures and in the planning process regarding such civil society institutions and networks in different types of activities. climate change adaptation activities. 1 www.climateforumeast.org iv MOLDOVA EXECUTIVE summarY The impact of climate change influences directly or indirectly The study assumes that each priority sector should have a all domains of social and economic development in Moldova. special plan for development with climate change component. Risk management activities for natural and man-made Currently this is under discussion for sectoral development in disasters are part of plans for emergency measures developed agriculture, public health and biodiversity conservation plans, on national and regional levels. It is expected that in the next which are going to be approved in the nearest future. It gives 20 years, climate change will have a significant effect on an opportunity to set a number of objectives for each sector, main sectors of national economy and cause loss of natural which should be achieved with the active participation of habitats and biodiversity. Impacts are expected to include loss the civil society institutions. Relevant recommendations for of agricultural crops, rising prices of main foods, damage to this present an essential part of the national CVA and could natural habitats and biodiversity, and changes in consumption be used for development of this compartment in action plans patterns in water and energy supply. Human health is also a for implementation of developed political documents in concern for different level of authorities due to increased Moldova. periods and intensity of heat waves, which impacts vulnerable groups of people and development of social and health The development of measures aimed at adaptation to climate systems in the country. change is also relevant for the organisation of research activities, the preparation of new educational programs on university This study presents trends in temperature and precipitation level as well as for different target groups of the population. It values for the last 50 years and projections for the coming has been proposed to improve planning practices in research decades, along with a discussion of how this will affect the and thus increase the effectiveness and cooperation with incidence of extreme weather and disasters like heat waves, EU relevant institutions. In this context, cooperation in the droughts and floods. Climate change is also likely to affect development of research studies could lead to preparing of economic output in certain sector and consumption patterns joint projects similar to those in the Danube River Basin, where of energy, and certain societal groups are especially vulnerable an integrated climate change study was developed in the to changing weather conditions. period 2011-2013. Case studies developed for the priority sectors of rural Moldavian society seeks solutions to adapt to climate development, public health and biodiversity show actual change on all levels from the central authorities to the opportunities for sectoral development in regard to climate small communities, civil society and individuals. A lot of change, and opportunities to adapt recent practices to measures aimed at introduction of the environmental friendly new climatic conditions. This is particularly relevant for the technologies, extension of forested and nature protected agricultural sector due to implementation of projects aimed areas, development of the public health system etc are at irrigation, measures to reduce erosion, etc. Biodiversity implemented in the country due to national efforts and and ecosystems development are indicated together with cooperation with EU institutions, through implementation of opportunities for extension of the forested areas and protected different projects. Civil society organizations
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