ALWAYS Mendocino Coast's FREE Lighthouse July 2021 Peddler The Best Original Writing, plus the Guide to Art, Music, Events, Theater, Film, Books, Poetry and Life on the Coast Pato Banton and the Now Generation A Free Concert July 18 at Gualala Arts Grammy-nominated reggae legend Pato Banton comes to the Mendonoma Coast for a free, tick- eted concert July 18. An international reggae and world-beat superstar, Banton has a four-de- cade public presence and has increasingly tran- scended music to convey a positive & upli!ing message of global peace and love for humanity. Pato Banton & "e Now Generation Featuring Antoine#e RootsDawtah comes to Gualala Arts for a Free Outdoor Concert for the Community, Sunday, July 18. Gates open at 4:00pm at Gualala Arts Center. While this is a free concert, it is a ticketed event. Tickets must be picked up in person in advance at either the Gualala Arts Center o$ce or at the Dolphin Gallery. "ere is a limit of two (2) tickets per person. Pizza and drinks will be available for purchase with the proceeds bene%#ing Gualala Arts Center. Come Dance and enjoy life! Banton has recorded and toured the world with a variety of artists including "e English Beat, Steel Pulse, UB40 and Sting! A Pato Banton concert is an event is . cont'd on page 2 PATO BANTON • Individual and Collaborative – the art of Meilander and Rhine Continued from cover. !e Coast Highway Art Collective Presents the Art of Jim Meilander and Joan Rhine . not to be missed and an experience not !is July, the Coast Highway Art Collective obtained from the natural colors of plant $- ments with organic forms.” to be forgo"en! will open its doors to feature a new exhibit by bers in handmade papers and found materi- Joan’s expressive jewelry pieces are unique, In 2006, a%er feeling that he had planted long-time Gualala artists, Jim Meilander and als. A%er the paper has dried, he continues each one completely handmade one-of-a- enough seeds of progress within his home Joan Rhine. !eir show, “Joan Rhine and Jim to develop his design using acrylics, print kind or in small editions. Her contemporary community in the U.K., Banton decided Meilander Together : Individual and Col- media, collage, jewelry designs are light, comfortable to to relocate to Southern California and laborative Art,” is available for viewing at the drawing materials wear, and &a"er the wearer. embark on the second phase of his musical Collective from July 1 to 25. An opening re- and encaustic. As Recent sculptures combine copper and journey, taking with him the years of expe- ception and a chance to meet the artists is on he works on the her custom handmade paper with mixed rience in the $eld of Loving Service. Since Friday, July 2 from noon to 5:00pm. pieces, he allows materials. Much of her work is inspired then Pato has recorded many albums and Meilander works with many diverse ma- for spontaneous by her surroundings, as she walks on the collaborated with artists all over the world. terials using a images to develop. beach or in the forest absorbing natural His most recent albums, "Love Is !e Great- wide range of Meilander forms, textures and colors: “Landscapes, est" and "!e Words Of Rastafari" were re- techniques: hand- received his de- skies, even man-made structures along leased on Bob Marley’s Tu# Gong Records papermaking, col- gree in art from the coast and through the countryside International. lage, printmaking, Ohio University. stimulate my imagination.” Banton’s four-decade public presence has painting, draw- He se"led in San John Rhine, who grew up in New York increasingly transcended music to convey a ing and sculpture. Francisco, where City, received her Bachelor of Fine Arts Meilander says his he established degree from !e Cooper Union and her abstract imagery is Submarine Paperworks in Hunters Point Master of Fine Arts in painting and printmak- a playful personal synthesis of real and imagi- Naval Shipyard with his wife, Joan Rhine, in ing from Pra" Institute. In addition, she stud- nary images. He's inspired by his natural and 1984. In 2000 he moved to Gualala. In addi- ied hand papermaking at Dieu Donne Paper man-made physical surroundings, by objects tion to art-making, he has designed and fab- Mill in New York and jewelry with Charlene used in work and play, and by pure fantasy. ricated specialized papermaking equipment. Modena at San Francisco’s Academy of Art In his recent handmade paper/mixed-me- In 2016 he $nished restoring a 1966 Voith University. “I continue to learn at every op- dia works, Jim has limited his pale"e to black Valley (Hollander) Beater. portunity”, she says. Joan’s professional ca- and white, at times accented with color. He Among his many honors, Jim won the Col- reer includes working as a graphic designer, draws upon a number of di#erent techniques lage Award at “Gualala Salon, 2021,” Best of art instructor, $ne artist and jeweler. positive & upli%ing message of global peace in the same artwork. His artistic process be- Show in 2018 “Pu"ing it All Together” with Rhine now o#ers workshops in hand paper- and love for humanity. gins with his making sketches. !en, he cre- his artwork Presence and Absence, First making at her studio in Gualala. Her works Free tickets must be picked up in advance ates a painting using a pale"e of pigmented Place in Collage & Mixed-Media at Art in have been widely exhibited in northern Cali- at Gualala Arts, 46501 Old State Hwy, abaca and co"on paper pulps, and paper made the Redwoods, Gualala Art Center, fornia, from Morris Gualala, or Dolphin Gallery, 39114 Ocean from plants growing in Mendocino County. in 2008 and 2012 and First Place in Graves Museum in Drive, Cypress Village. Information is at He embeds collage elements into the paper Printmaking in 2015. Eureka to Ukiah’s 707.884.1138 and at GualalalArts.org. and welcomes the varying neutral shades Recent exhibits in California in- Art Center and clude “!e Art of Paper” at Ukiah’s Gualala Arts Cen- Art Center and ter. Her work can “Expressions in Handmade Paper be seen at !e Ren 3” at the Morris Graves Museum in Brown Collection Eureka. Jim is an active member of in Bodega Bay, Red the international papermakers’ or- Stella in Gualala ganization “North American Hand and Mendocino Papermakers.” Gems in Mendocino. Winner of numerous Rhine’s creations include abstract wall awards, Joan took First Place in jewelry and pieces and sculpture in mixed media, and ornamentation at Art in the Redwoods, Gua- jewelry. Her most recent work is evolving in lala Arts Center in 2012, 2015 and 2019. She two separate, yet related, directions: mixed is an active member of the international pa- media artworks featuring handmade paper permakers’ organization “North American and her Joan Rhine designs… Jewelry col- Hand Papermakers.” lection using precious metals, semi-precious !ey also regularly show their artwork at stones and beads. their studio and at Discovery Gallery during Joan states that there is a symbiotic ex- the annual North Coast Artists’ Guild "Stu- change of ideas and materials between her dio Discovery Tour”. bodies of work. Color and texture in her jew- !e Coast Highway Art Collective is regu- elry $rst appeared in her artworks; jewelry larly open !ursday through Sunday from materials have entered her wall pieces and 11:00am to 2:00pm. Masks and social dis- sculpture in her uses of wire, gold leaf and tancing are still in place for the safety of all beads. As she puts it “I enjoy exploring the of the guests, artists and sta#. !e gallery is versatility of metal and paper, and how they located at 284 Main Street, Point Arena, next can be perceived as both hard and so%, and door to the Redwood Credit Union. More in- contrasting simple shapes with rich texture, formation is available at www.coast-highway- controlled forms with random elements, artists.com. shiny surfaces with ma"e, and geometric ele- Images: Top le!: Meilinder and Rhine. Top: "Zendo" by Meilinder. Above: "Fun With Geometry " by Rhine. Pg 2 Lighthouse Peddler, July 2021 Advertisers Index From The Editor's Desk • Anchor Bay Store 11 • KTDE 4 • !is month Pato Banton brings Great music to Gualala Arts.(Cover). • Arena Frame 15 • KZYX 8 • !e Coast Hwy Art Collective brings Rhine & Meilander Together. Again. (Page 2). • Ar! Feed and Pet 4 • Li#le Green Bean 4 • Wonder what a perfect wedding might look like? Caitie tells (almost) all. (Page 4). • B. Bryan Preserve Back Cover • "e Lo$ 11 • Mendonoma Health Alliance is working hard to get us, keep us, healthy. (Page 4). • Banana Belt Properties Front Cover • MTA 16 • Blake brings us D. A. Wilson for !ird !ursday Poetry. (Page 5). • Denise Green 4 • O%ce Source 8 • Wild$res endanger so much of California. Here are some ideas for safety. (Page 5). • Dream Catcher Interiors 3 • Oceanic Land O%ce 7 • !e Crossword key is here. Peek if you must. (Page 5). • Four-Eyed Frog Bookstore 3 • Phillips Insurance 7 • Summer Chamber Music includes Roy Bogas. What's that about a baton? (Page 6). • Franny's Cup & Saucer 14 • Point Arena Light Station 14 • Coast Community Library has things to do. Let's go. (Page 6). • Garcia River Casino 9 • Red Stella 15 • Discover the Discovery Gallery. !ey've discovered more space. (Page 6). • Green Room, "e 10 • Rollerville Cafe 6 • Phasers set to stun.
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