\" . r H , \ ■■ \ .. \ ■ ; ■; V . 'W- ', V ■V \ . ) - ^ .' \A \\r' THURSDAY, JANtJARY 21K 1970 ■ V ■ . ^ A ' ^ ‘\ 'j ( t PAGE. TWENTY-WO l!Hanrl|p0tpr lEaPtting l|fraU» Average Daily Net Preas Run The W eather \ For The Week Bnded Clear and colder tonight with Deoembnr 20, 1900 Jehovah’s Witnesses will con- The Junior High Fellowship low in tecna. Tomorrow mostly duct a theocratic ministry of South United Methodist ^ sunny and cold. High In upper vH PASSPORT PHOTOS A hout T ow n school tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Church Will meet tomorrow at | l . ' » , 8 8 0 20s low 30s. and a service meeting at 8:30 7;30 p.m. at the church, Pre-Invenlory Manchentcr— A City of Village Charm roBNTIFICATION ■Mario V. Flondella, associate at Kingdom Hall, ------------------- SAUEM NA88IFF PHOTO professor of mathematics and M l MhUn S t., director of the division of ( n / d o r MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1970 (Classified Advertising on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS M S-71 mathematics, science and me­ Grade 7 Youth Instruction PTA Council VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 102 (TWENTY PAGES) dical health services, represent­ Group of Zion Evangelical ed Manchester Community Col­ Lutherai) Church will meet Meets Tonight lege at the national meeting of Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at the learance 'Thie Manchester PTA Council C the Mathematical Association of church. American held recently in San will meet tonight at 7:80 at | Buckley School. Guest speaker sSkatra Shaipened Antonio, Tex. The Manchester Writer’s Club will be • Mrs. Roy F o s b ^ of Senate Recesses Nixon Seeks th e .professional will hold a workshop meeting to­ West Hartford, president-elect ; way, "Hollow Wednesday, Fet). 4 has been morrow at 7 p.m. at the home of the Connecticut PTA, who’ i Agilon Panty Hose Ground” a t no ex­ designated Senior Citizens Day of Mrs. Beatrice Sheftel, 34H will explain the reorganization during the Hartford Flower Garden Dr. The work of mem­ of the state group. Carswell Hearing tra chatige. bers will be analyzed, and there Show, to be held In the State On the agenda will be a re­ Our Reg. 1.79 • “Try Us for Shoe Armory. Between 10 a.m. and 1 will be a discussion of writing port from the nominating com­ Sheer, comt'orlable panty WASHINGTON (AP) The Gadsden County sheriff because $200.8 Billion Repslrlng of i p.m. that day, senior citizens ‘ markets. Refreshments will be mittee, a vote on continuance of hose with seamless Senate Judiciary Committee has Carswell refused to permit his The Better Kind!” will be admitted free by show­ served. the fine arts program, ,a dis­ construction, run guard at recessed hearings after testimo­ court marshal to- serve it. By JAN NUGENT wlll tell congp-ess Monday. ing Medicare or Senior Citizens cussion concerning the forma- i welt and toe. Choice of ny one member called ‘'damn- Lowenthal ul.so .said Car.swell, The Washington Post To balance this “prudent fis­ • Shoes made lottir- cards. The Manchester Historical So­ tlon of a PTA committee to act \ colors; petite, average, tall. 1.39 4ng" and "extremely damag­ instead of hearing the case in cal policy.” the President Is ex­ WASHINGTON — President •r and shoes made ciety will meet Sunday at 2:30 as a liaison with the C-DAP: ing” to Judge O. Harrold Cars­ federal court, ordered it sent pected to hint at some relaxa- p.m. at Illlng Junior High Nlxon,Nixon, 'citing “Economic credl- „,oney policies wider! (Community Development Ac­ well’s Supreme Court nomina­ iMick to Gad.sden County for bllity” as the goal of his ad n ^ - prevailed this year. School. Mrs. Edward P. Colt- tion Plan) transportation an d ; tion. trial. He said Carswell refused man will speak on the tobacco safety task force, and the feas­ '' Istratlon, will propose a slim Throughout his e<onoml(- re­ SAM YUYL6S Chairman James O. Eastland, to grant a stay of his order, $200.8 billion federal budget for port, obtained unofficially In Industry in the Connecticut ibility of publishing a newsJet- D-Mlss., indicated he expects pending an appeal, but was re- S8 OAK STREET River Valley, a member will next year with defense spend­ advance by the Washington ter. the hearings to wind up with one ver.scd on thl.s by the 5th Court ing bearing the biggest brunt A few steiw ftatn Main display bound volumes of the -The formal meeting will be | Post, the President endorses planned to permit ample time ^ Ladies’ Dresses more day of testimony—proba-' of Appeals. of the reductions. “A moderate degree of mone­ EMahUahed 1911! South Manchester News from Also testifying in opposition The resttltlng $1.3 billion sur­ 1914 to 1922, and recent gifts to afterward for representatives to f *■ bly Monday or Tuesday. tary restraint” which will avoid the society will be on exhibit. discuss mutual problems. ‘ Values to 14.97 The hearings recessed after a were Duke University law plus in fiscal 1971 is necessary “the risks of overly long and long 'Thursday session that in- school professor William Van to re-establish the economy on ^ygrly severe” curbs, Priced for clearaway ! Excit­ Muded testimony from fhree Alystyne’ and an assistant pro­ a steady basts, the President President will endorse ing colors and fabrics. Some law professors opposing Cars­ fessor of politics and public af­ these fiscal and monetary poil- sleeveless. Sizes for all. well. fairs at Princeton University, clcs In order to encourage a re­ 2J7 Sen Birch Bayh, D-Ind., said Gary Orfleld. vival of residential construc­ At PhMhurst AT PIHEHURST the testimony of Rutgers Diver­ But Yale law school professor tion, which has lagged badly in Sfticlcloml Forms sity law professor John I>»wen-' James W. Moore urged confir­ lU E C hief the face of tight money and Oscar Mayor thal about Carswell's handling mation. He called Carswell a ■high interest rates. Bacon Lb. ^ c Grodo AA Eg^s of a case involving voter regis- fine jurist and a man of scholar­ 'Ihe re'vdsed estimate for fis­ D o i. 79e tratiem workers in Florida ly attainments who had been in­ Advises Pact cal 1970 (the current year end­ Save should be an.siwered. strumental in establishing a law ing June 30) is (or a surplus of Girls’ Dresses Over 50% Although Bayli said lie 'sup­ school at the University of Flor­ $1.6 billion, based on receipt of posed it would be pointless to ida free of racial dtscrimlna- B e O kayed $199.4 billion and expenditures recall Carswell, now a judge on tion. of $197.8 billion. the 5th U.S. Court of Appeals, And the president of the Flori­ NEW YORK (AP)—Negotia­ Defense spending will drop Bonded Orlon*acrylics and tors for the biggest of the 12 $6.8 billion to a total of $78.6 c o tto n blends. Prints and the senator told new.smen: da bar association, Mark Hulsey "This kind of testimony, unless Jr., of Jacksonville, testified unions striking the General billion, if the new budget is solids, assorted colors. Sizes rebutted, is extremely damag­ that Carswell possesses the in­ Electric Ck). said today they adopted.adopted, Outlaysuuiiays (orlor •'« space. 3-6x, 7-14. Not every size in ing.” Carswell told the commit­ tegrity and judicial competence were recommending acceptance agriculture, and .veterah’s ben- every color and style. 2.22 of a tentative agreement to end gfus jire all below the previous tee earlier this week he could for the high court. not discuss court decisions. Van Alystyne testified that in a 96-day strike against the year’s levels. Liowenthal testified that in examining Carswell's decisions company. In his message to Congress, At the same time, union 1964 Carswell, then a U.S. dis­ in civil rights cases he found no Scuffling breaks out between dissidents and police meeting at Northeastern University, where S. I. the President will pay left-hand­ trict court judge in Tallahassee, reassurance to offset a white su­ Hayakawa was guest speaker. (AP Photofax) sources revealed that the pro­ ed tribute to built-in Increases Infants’ & ^ , as some 200 rock-tos&ihg youths try to break up a in such programs as Social Se­ Fla., had been “extremely hos­ premacy speech the nominee posed contract would add 88 Toddlers’ O u tcrw ea r cents an hour to the average curity, by stressing that the Ladies’ Dusters tile” to a habeas corpus petition made as a candidate for the he filed to free seven persons paycheck during its 40-month government cannot pay for Our Reg. 7.99-13.97 Georg(ia legislature 22 years duration. Current pay for the everything but must carefully Our Reg. 3.97 Jailed on Criminnl trespass ago. charges after they urged strikers averages $3.25 an hour, choose its priorities. F leece, cotton flannel or He also said there was noth­ Boston, Manila, Florida Riots The full negotiating commit- To illustrate the priority prob- acetate quilts. Gripper Negroes to register as voters. ing in Carswell’s handling of Although Carsw-ll gp-anted the tees of the two unions that bar- lem, the report subtracU proba- Pram suits, snow suits, coat Our Reg. 15.97-19.97 closure. Machine washable. cases generally “to indicate galn nationally with GE met ble public and private claims on sets. Save 50% off our regular petition, Lowenthal said that that he could serve vrith distinc­ national resources (or the next Assorted colors and sizes. 1.97 "all the little ways in which a this morning to consider the low prices! ^ 9 4 ^ 7 tion on the Supreme Court.” Lead to Arrests and Injuries agreement worked out with the five years from the annual es­ At Ptnobiirst federal judge can make life dif­ "A damning piece of testlmo- timated Gross National Prod­ AT PIMEHUR^ Sword fb h ficult seem to me were used in y, from one senator’s stand­ BOSTON (AP) — Police with Kayakawa, speaking in the Northeastern, a private insti- the palace, was “watching the uct and comes up with a minus (hat court.” point,” Bavh commented, after nigiitsticks twice routed some university’s Distinguished Lec- tution.
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