Uebraska b~~te Historicul Society •.•......_----------- TH QUIZ SUBSCRIPTION / RATES 1 Year _.._ $2.50 :r "Read by 3,269 P'amilies Every Week" Member Audit Bureau of Circulations -------------~------ Established April, 1882 THE ORO QUIZ, ORO, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1?45 Vol. 63 No. 32 Masons Held Special Meet Here Oct. 27 Five Bands Play John Polak, Honte front 4 Years in .Jap IMail Vote Fa rs Chanticleers Win Prison Camp, Tells of Wake Isle Attack VO John Polak of Wahoo, brother were many more beyond the 43rd Win Against During Football of Mrs. E. L. ,Vogeltanz, was in horizon from which the carrier Alerport and P)00 , Ord this week and told of his based planes came. The defend- e' experiences during the Japanese ing force lost 96 men killed, and Iommittee Meets Ganle Thursday attack on Wake Island, and in 34 of these were from the con- ' Loull City Team Japanese prison camps after- tractors. A conservative estl- ward. John was office manager mate of Japanese losses Is 5,000 Score Almost at Will Against Don Lentz Leads Bands from of Contractors, Pacific Naval men but they finally overpower­ B Added to Airport Majority, I Five Towns in a Most Air Bases, and they had 1,146 ed the garrison by sheer force 6 to Pool Total; Mayor Lighter Opponents; Ord men employed there at the time of numbers. Second Team Stars. 'Colorful Display. of the Japanese attack. A lot of Japanese bombers Asks Committee Held. ---- These men, of course, were were shot down. The garrison SCoring after four plays when Thursday evening bands from civilians and not supposed to be lost every plane, and the only Tl e O:l.·t il a Loup City fumble was recov- Ravenna, Loup City, Broken fighting men, although they other means of defense they s 1I rc t y counc n:et ill ered by Hurlbert, the Ord Bow, Burwell and Ord assembltd had to do what they could dur- had was 3 five inch zuns and six pee a .sess on Monday evening 11th tt k h . 1 b tte i f 'i' t to receive the report of a can- antic1eers served a dvance on the Ord football field and ng e a ac s. T ere were ess atter es 0 antt-aircrart Bu vasslng committee composed of Chwarning early Friday evening Iplayed a number of selections than 500 enlisted . men t~ere, how the boysdi~ use those .guns. City Clerk Rex Jewett, Ralph W. that they were out to keep their Iunder the direction of Prof. Don ~ostly manpes, WIth a spnnk- Tp.e .enemy fmally got in by Norman and E. S. Murray, who winning streak intact. The final ! Lentz, director of the University llng of navy personnel, The beaching two destroyers and at 2:00 that afternoon made an score, 60 to 0, a part of which 'of Nebraska band. This band Pan-American AIrways had a coming ashore from them. The ollkial canvass of the Ot c t w~s. piled up by a rather sur- festival was sponsored by the base there and employed 20 men were held on the island as a"t Ord's s ectal 1 ti es "'\ prismg second string, showed ,. Three Loups conference for the Americans and 44 Timors, na- prisoners until Jan. 12, when all v.~ek peen e ec on las the terrific power of the team ,A Ipurpose of stimulating interest tives from Guam. were taken off except 365 con- This canvass which included Coach Co~hran~ has developed. " -Photo Courtesy Ed SWOpE's 1 m bands and for providing en- 'The first word of Pea~l Har- tractors men, who were left to the mail vote. resulted in addt- Loup Clty was net given an Doric Chapter No. 50, Ionic Council No. 17, held a special meetJ ter!amment for the spectators, bor came on the mornll1~ of work. tlon of 8 votes to the majority outslde chance to W111, and .the ing at Ord Oct. 27, in which the above large group of candidates I ~ach band was allowed SlX Dec. 8 which. in the longitude In Septemb,er all these were favoring establishment' of an Iads from ,down south were were advanced in Masonry, complimentary to Lewis E. Smith,l ~lUnut.es on the field f?r march- of V'fake ",:a~ the same as the taken off except 98 and these airport, making the official vote badly outweighed. But they formerly of Long Pine but now of Omaha, for his many years in uig and playing. 'I'his part of 7th m. Hawall, In facti all dates 9~ have nev~r been heard from on this question 628 for and 106 fought a. desperate ~lght all the Masonic service. A total of 60 members were present. Cities re-' the program came bef9re thl) given in this story wil be a day since. The flrst group, of which against. The swimming pool way, Wllltney breaking through presented were: Ord, Burwell, Fremont, Norfolk, Arcadia, colum-' start of the Ord-Loupcity game ahead of wha.t th~y were here '!:'olak w~s one,. were taken off majority gained 6, making its for several nice gains. Defeated bus, st. Paul, Broken Bow and Grand Island. Iand Pro!. Lentz was in t~le .an- pecause of this difference in in the liner Nita Maru, which total 561 for and 169 against. on the ground, they later took In the photo are: back row, left to right: John E. Vanberg, nouncer s stand and cntlcl.zecl. longttude. ~he P,p;l-American was later reported sunk. They No negative votes were cast by to the air, and a .number of Rev. Cordry, Elwin E. Johnson, Dwight Johnson. Burwell, K. K. the work of each band.. '{lOla clipper was Just taking off for were take~l to Japan, lay in the mall, Clerk Jewett stated, passes ~licked. However two of Kull, Burwellv F. V. Cahill, James Gilbert, A. J. 'Auble, Leonard Punco~har taking the crlttcisms Hawaii when the word was (Contmued on page 8) This same committee will meet these were intercepted, one by lI Woods, George Hastings, [r, Second row: R. E. Teague, Hilding down ll~s.llOrthand. These crit- picked uP.. , again offlclally on Nov. 15 and B~odda.rd, who ran 65 yards, Pearsonr F', L. Stoddard, Orvil M. Meston, Broken Bow, L. J. Auble, lclsms were later typed and sent . The ship circled about for a F d Ch e t ' count any more mall votes tha~ WIth fme interference for a Gilbert Clark, Burwell, Henry Enger, M. Dodd, Oscar Larsen. La- to each. of the !?and.s for thetr time an.d then came back and may arrive in the meanttnic, touchdown. Ivern Johnson, Byron Leonard and Carroll Templeton, both of instructlon and mfonnatlon. landed. When they were asked re riS ensen and after doing so will make 'l'he second interception came Broken Bow. Front row: F'ritl: Kuehl, Ed F. Beronek Master local . Between. the halves of the what had happened, they told final certlncatlon of the elec­ w~en eAt A id t at the end of the game, 1 council, Clarence M. Davis, Past Master of Orand council, Robert I game all SlX bands \ye. re massed I o! the Pearl Harbor attack. The In U 0 eCI en tlon result t6 the city council H.urlbert, Ord ~enter, realized E. Lund, Columbus, Orand Master of Orand Council James Gil- \On the field and led in a concert: tirst Japanese attack came at Iwhich will then carry out legal )11S school ambition and Inter-Ilette, Norfolk, Orand High ~riest of Grand Council, Elbert Laing, by Prof. Lentz, who is famous I 11: 45 that same day when 27 Arcadia - (Special) - Fred steps toward Issuance and sale c.epted on the Loup CIty 35 yard I,Broken Bow, Past Grand Hlgh Priest, Irwin O. Underberg, A. K. throughout the state and where-I bombers struck the alrport and Christensen is reported to be of bonds for construction of the line and carried the ball around Johnson, and Paul Hicks, Broken Bow. Candidates not in the Ie~er the Nebraska band goes f\",r ,got 7 of the twelve figiating recovering satisfactortly at the two projects. left end for a touchdown, only picture are Henry Benn, and F. J. Leschinsky, Loup City. llll~ ban.d, which provides enter-I' planes they had on the island. Ord Hospital from injuries he About 20 members of the :ld~ to learn that the clock had tamment for the Nebrask~ fout- I They also Qombed the Pan- received last Wednesday when v~sory committees named last .stopped officially before the Teachers Dined by N' V e te Iball gam~s. He has been m Ord; American hotel. After that they his car struck a truck driven by v.eek by Mayor M. B. Cummins play started and the score ~ld, 0f several,tunes In the past, j.Udg- ~ombed tJ.:e island every day, William Beams, on the county met with the council Monday not count. The. gun endlD~ Rotal'lanS . Monday ew arle les, lug music contests and festlVals, 1 and sometImes twIce a day. road north of town. He received night and the mayor expressed the game had failed to work ali .' . 0 t I l' t and is deservedly popular here. The Japanese first tried to a badly lacerated scalp part of his views of the situation say- the proper moment, and. some t Old l:lg~l SChO~1 t a}ldd ~ade B In tl}e m~rching exhibitiolH take the island Dec.
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