![Kiionize Geparunant Charges; Dr](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
'V'V, 1*. v if MONDAY, MARCH 21, 194t gpgtttng ijeraUi The Weather Average Dally N at’Fraaa Run FuraaaiM at U. 8. Haathar Buiaus Wm lb s Mm Ui oI Fabmuy. Ift* ahip o f J e m la that H glvoa man morning ineludod tho- nnthema f f,ip*thiwg to live op to,” Bav. Bfl- “Ood So Loved the Wortd" by Cloudy and vary warm this aft- Mrs. Major BlaseU of Stresses Need arannn; eccasloaal rala tonight, wlU be the special "P^okm *t ^ To Be Director gar continnad. * Moore and *T^rd Moat Holy” by 9,713 amllng Wadnrwlay mornlag aad 'jlljboulTo^ Friendship Circle of the Salvation m w maponalMlity la oura. Th to Roaaini sung by the South Ckurch Btambar o l «ko ^ n iM fnliowad by clrariai. Arm y tonight at 7:30 p.m. love thht Jeaua glvea to othom choir and the organ prelude "Ada­ For Friendship mfleets through their Uvea. Jeaua Baraaa a< OrmdaMaoa ^ ^T M n to a POMlbUtty that tht gio” (SonaU No. 8) by Haydn Manchester-^4 City of Village Charm "Tredowata,” a Polish movie, still glvea ua thla challenge today and the poatlude “Cantablle” (So­ ilfi^ m eompattUra to Uvo.up to the bbat that U In ua. iM n S tha aaoetln# ot WlU be shown this Sunday after­ naU No. 8) by Haydn played by noon at 3 o’clock In W hlU B ^ le Rev.’Edgar Preaches the Chapter, Order o( DeMo- "Jeaua aleo gave people aotne- Oeorge G.* Ashton, organist ot the AivtrM M ag an Fags 18) MANiCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 22,1949 (FULItlELN FACES) FUICE FOUR CENTS ■-f^ tly. which wlU be heW at the t o - Hall on North street by SL J^n s Second of His Sermons tbing to d a Happlneas and con­ YOL. LXVIUh n o . 141 }■ Youth Organisation. The public Is church. w le Itemple thU evening at 7 tentment can be oum if we but nectlooa win be held. invited. During Lent ncoept Him as our guide In life. He inaplrca ua to be an influence Rev. Blverett Howard from the Tto WSC8 win meet tonight In Rev. Fred R. Edgar preaching in the churck work. When Jeaua Inter-Racial Experiment Cape Verde Islands wUl be the comes Into our hearts he gives us the smith Methodlet c h ^ at guest speaker at the Missionary yesterday morning at the South 12 Refused Visas Raukin’s Pension Bill a Uft and support In the work of INSURE T)45 o’clock. Book reporta w «l service of the Church o f the Naza- Methodist church In the second of building the kingdom on earth. tVHb _____ < w ehree and every woman in the rene tonight at 7:30. a aeries o f Lenten sermons choose Invited to attend ttia as his topic "Jesus—the Friend of "H e can be our friepd If we but McKINNEY b r o t h e r s I^Mtlng. The Wesley group will The Mary WiUlama Group of the Man.” The scripture mference was open the door of our taearta and Raul Batale and IneUranoe To ‘W orld Peace’ liave diarge of refreshments. Second Congregational church will taken from Luke 19:1-10. let him enter Into our Uvea.” 888 MAIN ST. TEU 8888 meet at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Rev. Edgar, in relating the atory Lusty Debate Mualc at the service yesterday The Ladlesf AuxUlary of the WllUama Tolland turnpike. Buck- of the meeting of Zacchaeus with ■aadieater are department will land, tonight at 8 o’clock. Jeaua Chriat and the Influence of rt-T** tonight between 8 and 8.30 Jesui’ life on hts future conduct, Sessions Planned St are bea«^uartera. The Anderson-Shea AuxUlary, | ^*n emphaalxed the need that each V.F.W., wlU meet tomorrow night, and every one of us have today for House Today Manchester Orange members at 8 o’clock In the Post rooms for i the friendship of Jesus. Manufacturer’s Closeout! State Department Indi­ who have not yet made hua rea- the election of officers. A ll coin i , He said that in a day and age W ill Not Put ••vatlona for the Neighbors Night cards must be handed In for this | when we are skeptical, the miracle Houseware Dept.— Basement cates Ft will Not ..... Reg. $1.49-Pastel Colored W p m Friday to the South W ln^ meeting. that took place in the Ufa of Zac­ Shift Stand on Or­ Final Y ote by ISight* »i«m Orange, are asked to report chaeus can happen again If wo will Curb on Use Mildred M. Hlcklng, local rsal- Warrea Wood Senate Passes Murder Vietini to Iflae Charlotte Hutchlna W give It a chance to work In our der on Foreign Dele­ fall Matlc Pofiaible Broad street not later than Wed- dent, was granted a divorce from Walter C. Hlcklng In Superior Director Wsrren Wood hes an­ lives. Eyelet Embroidered aaaday n ight The bus irtll leave "Jesus let everybody he esme in gates; Seen Red Prop­ Of Currency By Agreement to Hobl court on Friday, on the grounds nounced that the Second Congm- from Orange hall on Friday at 7 contact with know that he was State Housing of Intolerable cruelty. gational Church Chorgl Club wiU aganda Forum Now Debate to Three o'clock. present a full production of the their friend,” said the pastor. om toiio "Elijah’’ by Mendelssohn. Somebody care for Zacchaeua and Scarfs (SOM Russian Statement Re­ Hours; Democratic The Olrl Scout Camp commit- ' The W.F.M.8. of the Church of Agency S^tup the Naxarene will meet Tuesday An orchestra and organ accompa­ by being this friend. Jesus found MM* New York, March 22.— toe win meet this evening at Oie garding West’s Ban on l.eu(lerH (^oncetle Pen- evening at 7:80 in the parish niment will be used with Mrs. his way into the heart o f this — Twelve foreign delegates to' —T----- home o f Mre. Edward Lewis, 596 Clalro Wood presiding at the or­ friendless man. One of the great Sizes: 16” x 33” Woodbrldge street at 8 o’clock house. T h e president, Mrs. James a “ world peace” conference East Mark Seen as hion ^leuiture of Some R. BeU, wiU be in charge. gan. tragedies la the feeling of people 1C ea. 16” jx 43” Democrats Roll Over that they are not wanted Jeaua here lacked visas today to en­ Ik e Chapman Court Order of Rehearsala will begin tomorrow ter this country. The State Important Concession Republican Opposi­ Kind Will Be Pa:4se<l Memorial Temple, Pythian 8U- evening at 8:30 p. m. In the Sec­ had the power to make people feel Asmrantb, wUl hold a food sale at that their lives did have merit. Beautiful eyelet embroidered eearfa In paitel ahadea o f roee, department indicated it would Hale’s store on Thursday startli^ ters, will hold a meeting tomorrow ond Congregational church sanc­ Berlin, Mjirch 22.—(F)—QuzU- tion to Approve Bill W a.^hiiiKton, March 22.— evening at 8 o’clock In Odd Fel­ tuary and wUl continue on Tues­ "Another reason for this friend- . peach, blue and green. not shift its stand on the or­ at 10 a. m. An3rone desiring to fled obaetvera today viewed as an j l/P)—Th«' iloiive plunged into eentrlbato should contact Mra lows haU. Degree Mistress F r w ^ day evenings in the future. ' An exceptional value! Buy tor glfte too. der. Four Britons whom the Creating Department COht IT important conce^on a Russian: Hscbort Fraser or Mrs, James Mc­ Ham a has called a .rehear^ for The club Is non-denomlnatlonal State department will not let Yale atuflenta and nadergradnates of Hmlth eoDege, Northampton, Mass., are hosts In an Inter-raelal ex­ liisilv dohate lofiay on th e ' Kay. co-chairman o f the food com- offlemra and the degree although It is sponsored by the statement concem iig the west’s | periment at New Haven to 17 men and 10 women students from Howard uiii»erslty, \Va<.hlngton, U. C., a I state Capitol, Haitfdrd, Match Kankin S!i0-a-month-at-age- paring for Initiation to be held at Ihto the country for the confer­ Bittoe. Secoad Congregational church. Mr. ence ore ScienUat J. D. Bernal, ban on Russlan-spoiispred curren­ !<«egra lastitntlon. Left to right at tea In Dwight hall. New Haven, are: Tom Coagdon of Vale. Edna 22—ifP;—The Democratic majority (>.■> veierans pension t)ill. An Uienext meeting, April 12. A f^ W o ^ Is very anxious to make this, More of Those Wonderful tomorrow’s business meeting, Hlatorian J. G. Crowthers, Novel- cy of the eastern zone of Ger­ Pontek of Smith, Roberta Fitzgerald of Howard, and Tim Mroith of Yale. _____ in the Senate rolled over Republi- agreement to hold dehatc to Mr. and Mrs. Prospero Bonlno, chorus a real community effort let Louie Golding and Actress Pa­ freshmentn sriU be by the many. can, opposition today to appr^e a thiee hoiir.s made pos.sihle a of 1S8 center street had as ttelr since It is the only mixed chorus 1 ■octal committee o f which Mrfc tricia Burke. Col. Alexander Jellsarov, geting BJests this week-end, Mr; and Mrs. In town that is functioning at the The only British delegate grant­ I bill creating a state housing de- liiml vt)i(> by nightfall. Be- Mildred Todford Is chalrmM. 'The Russian commandant of B^Un, XiavM fMdhom and son.
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