The P.O.i Box 577, Gualala, CA 95445 CALYPSO $5.00 per year, non-members NEWSLETTER OF THE DOROTHY KING YOUNG CHAPTER Volume 2012 Sep – Oct ‘12 CALIFORNIA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY Printed on recycled paper Come to the DKY NATIVE PLANT SALES! Saturday Sept. 29, 9:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. Gualala Community Center, Gualala Saturday Oct. 6, 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, Fort Bragg Plant Sale Inventory List 2012 by Mario Abreu Plus, there’s always some last minute surprises! Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Perennials/Annuals Achillea millefolium Yarrow 1 gal. 6 Angelica hendersonii Coast Angelica 1 gal. 4 Aquilegia formosa Western Red Columbine 1 gal. 10 Armeria maritima Sea Pink 1 gal. 11 Armeria maritima ‘Alba’ Sea Thrift (white form) 4” 16 Artemisia douglasiana 'R.R.Watershed’ Mugwort 1 gal. 8 Artemisia pycnocephala 'David's Choice' Coastal Sagewort 1 gal. 5 Asarum caudatum Wild Ginger 1 gal. 10 Aster chilensis Aster 1 gal. 3 Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern 1 gal. 6 Blechnum spicant Deer Fern 1 gal. 6 Carex species Sedge 1 gal. 5 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass 1 gal. 15 D. caespitosa – thin blades Tufted Hairgrass 1 gal. 11 Dudleya cymosa Live forever 5” 6 Dudleya farinosa Live forever 5” 6 Dudleya 'Frank Reinelt' Live forever 5” 2 Epilobium ‘Catalina’ California Fuchsia 1 gal. 6 Epipactis gigantea Stream Orchid 1 gal. 4 E. gigantea ‘Serpentine Night' “ ” ‘ Serpentine Night’ 1 gal. 3 Erigeron glaucus Seaside Daisy 1 gal. 6 Eriogonum fasciculatum California Buckwheat 1 gal. 6 Eriogonum grande Buckwheat 1 gal. 6 Eriogonum grande var. rubescens San Miguel Is. Buckwheat (red 1 gal. 4 Eriogonum latifolium Coast Buckwheat 1 gal. 6 Eriogonum latifolium var. rubescens Coast Buckwheat (red fls.) 1 gal. 6 Erysimum menziesii ssp. concinnum Coast Wallflower 1 gal. 13 Eschscholzia californica – coastal Coast Poppy Tube 8 Festuca californica California Fescue 1 gal. 10 Festuca idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue' Fescue 1 gal. 6 Festuca idahoensis 'Stony Creek' Fescue 1 gal. 6 Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Perennials/Annuals Festuca idahoensis ‘Tomales Bay’ Fescue 1 gal. 7 Festuca rubra ‘Patrick’s Point’ Fescue 1 gal. 6 Fragaria chiloensis Coast Strawberry 1 gal. 6 Fragaria vesca Wood Strawberry 1 gal. 4 Helenium bolanderi Bolander’s Sneezeweed 5” 6 Heterotheca sessiliflora Golden aster 1 gal. 6 Iris douglasiana Douglas Iris 1 gal. 10 Juncus patens Rush 1 gal. 6 Lewisia cotyledon var. howellii Howell's Lewisia 5” 5 Lilium pardalinum Leopard Lily 1 gal./bulb 3 Madia madioides Woodland Madia 1 gal. 9 Maianthemum dilatatum False Lily-of-the-Valley 1 gal. 6 Mimulus cardinalis Scarlet Monkey Flower 1 gal. 6 Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass 1 gal. 4 Oxalis oregana (white flower form) Redwood Sorrel 1 gal. 4 Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita BOP' Beardtongue 1 gal. 8 Petasites palmatus Western Coltsfoot 1 gal. 4 Phacelia californica California Phacelia 1 gal. 10 Plantago subnuda Plantain 1 gal. 6 Polystichum munitum Sword Fern 1 gal. 3 Polystichum munitum Sword Fern 2 gal. 2 Salvia apiana White Sage 4” 6 Salvia apiana White Sage 1 gal. 6 Salvia spathacea Pitcher Sage 1 gal. 11 Salvia spathacea 'Las Pilitas' Pitcher Sage 1 gal. 4 Satureja douglasii Yerba Buena 4” 4 Sedum spathulifolium Stonecrop 5” 6 Sedum spathulifolium Stonecrop 1 gal. 4 Scrophularia californica California Figwort 1 gal. 6 Sidalcea malviflora Checker Mallow 4” 8 Sisyrinchium bellum Blue-Eyed Grass 4” 10 Sisyrinchium californicum Yellow-Eyed Grass 4” 5 Sisyrinchium californicum (dwarf) Yellow-Eyed Grass 1 gal. 10 Tellima grandiflora Fringe Cups 1 gal. 6 Tolmiea menziesii Piggyback plant 1 gal. 8 Woodwardia fimbriata Chain Fern 2 gal. 8 Trees/Shrubs Abies grandis Grand Fir 1 gal. 2 Abies grandis Grand Fir 5 gal. 2 Alnus rubra Red Alder 1 gal. 6 Arbutus menziesii Madrone 1 gal. 2 Arctostaphylos bakeri 'Louis Edmunds' Manzanita 1 gal. 4 Arctostaphylos columbiana Hairy Manzanita 1 gal. 4 Arctostaphylos columbiana Hairy Manzanita 2 gal. 3 2 Sept - Oct 2012 Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Trees/Shrubs Arctostaphylos manzanita Manzanita 1 gal. 4 Arctostaphylos 'Pacific Mist' Manzanita 1 gal. 4 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi x 'Emerald Carpet' Manzanita 1 gal. 4 Baccharis pilularis ‘Mendocino Hill’ Coyote Brush 1 gal. 4 Baccharis pilularis ‘Mendocino Hill’ Coyote Brush 2 gal. 1 Calocedrus decurrens Incense Cedar 1 gal. 2 Ceanothus hearstiorum Hearst Ceanothus 1 gal. 4 Ceanothus 'Centennial' Ceanothus 1 gal. 4 Ceanothus 'Dark Star' Ceanothus 1 gal. 4 Ceanothus 'Joan Mirov' Ceanothus 1 gal. 4 Ceanothus 'Anchor Bay' Ceanothus 1 gal. 6 Ceanothus 'Julia Phelps' Ceanothus 1 gal. 6 Ceanothus 'Skylark' Ceanothus 1 gal. 6 Ceanothus maritimus 'Popcorn' Ceanothus 2 gal. 1 Ceanothus maritimus 'Valley Violet' Ceanothus 1 gal. 6 Cupressus goveniana ssp. pigmaea Pygmy Cypress 1 gal. 4 Galvezia speciosa Showy Island Snapdragon 1 gal. 4 Galvezia speciosa Showy Island Snapdragon 2 gal. 5 Garrya elliptica 'Evie' Silk Tassel Bush 1 gal. 6 Gaultheria shallon Salal 1 gal. 7 Grindelia stricta Gum plant 1 gal. 6 Holodiscus discolor Ocean Spray 1 gal. 4 Holodiscus discolor Ocean Spray 2 gal. 3 Holodiscus discolor Ocean Spray 5 gal. 1 Lepechina fragrans 'El Tigre' Picher Plant 1 gal. 6 Lonicera hispidula Twinning Honeysuckle 1 gal. 6 Lonicera involucrata Twinberry 1 gal. 6 Lonicera involucrata Twinberry 2 gal. 4 Mimulus aurantiacus 'Matt's Large Red' Sticky Monkey Flower 1 gal. 6 Mimulus a. ‘Matt’s Purple’ “ ” ‘Matt’s Purple’ 1 gal. 6 Mimulus a. ‘Phil’s White’ “ ” ‘Phil’s White’ 1 gal. 10 Mimulus a. 'SR Red' “ “ ‘SR Red’ 1 gal. 6 Mimulus a. 'Ted's Yellow' “ “ ‘Ted’s Yellow’ 1 gal. 6 Myrica californica Wax Myrtle 1 gal. 4 Picea sitchensis Sitka Spruce 1 gal. 4 Picea sitchensis Sitka Spruce 5 gal. 1 Pinus contorta ssp. contorta Shore Pine 1 gal. 10 Prunus ilicifolia var. ilicifolia Cascara 1 gal. 4 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 1 gal. 5 Rhamnus californica 'Salt Point' Coffeeberry 1 gal. 6 Rhododendron occidentale Western Azalea 1 gal. 6 Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum Pink-Flowering Currant 1 gal. 6 Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum Pink-Flowering Currant 5 gal. 1 Ribes speciosum Fuchsia-Flowered Gooseberry 1 gal. 6 Romneya coulteri Matelija Poppy 1 gal. 6 Rosa gymnocarpa Woodland Rose 1 gal. 1 Rosa nutkana Nootka Rose 2 gal. 1 3 Sept - Oct 2012 Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Trees/Shrubs Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry 1 gal. 6 Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry 2 gal. 3 Salvia brandegei ‘Pacific Blue’ Brandegee’s Sage 1 gal. 7 Salvia clevelandi Blue Sage 1 gal. 6 Sambucus callicarpa (racemosa) Red Elderberry 2 gal. 1 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 1 gal. 12 Vaccinium ovatum Black Huckleberry 1 gal. 7 Vaccinium ovatum Black Huckleberry 2 gal. 1 UUU PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE or mitigation measures creating other unanticipated impacts.” by Nancy Morin I am certain that CNPS members who made Two things recently have made it their concerns known had a positive influence clear that our voices, individually on the result, which is that any changes to and collectively, do influence CEQA were taken off the table this legislative outcomes that are important to us round. A review of the Act will be on the and to following generations. legislative calendar in 2013, and we all need to be prepared to pay attention and speak up The first was grass-roots reaction to an again then. attempt by state politicians to fundamentally change the California Environmental Quality The other thing I wanted to mention was a Act through last minute back-room scientific study that was done on the impact amendments. Greg Suba, CNPS State that citizen input has on listing of species Conservation Program Director, and Vern under the U. S. Endangered Species Act. This Goehring, State Legislative Consultant, report appeared in the 17 August 2012 issue of immediately sent an email to CNPS members Science, the journal published by the American asking them to call their state representatives Association for the Advancement of Science. to let them know why CEQA is important and Berry Brosi, of Emory University, and Eric why we won’t stand for having it changed Biber, of UC Berkeley’s School of Law, without public input or analysis. As one of the statistically analyzed the threat level, conflict talking points, Greg quoted Vern’s eloquent with development, and taxonomic level of overview of this Act: species listed as “threatened” or “endangered” under the ESA and compared those that the “CEQA ensures that communities will know Fish and Wildlife Service had listed versus what is going on and assures the public that listings initiated by citizens. we have an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions regarding things that affect There has been an informal belief that citizens us. What could be more basic to our way of initiate listings in order to achieve some life? What could be more important to political purpose—blocking of development, for protecting our quality of life, and the life instance, rather than because the species are around us? At its simplest, CEQA requires a truly endangered, and that they tend to urge report to the public that identifies and reveals listings of subspecies or varieties (versus full the ways a project affects a wide range of species) more often. There would be qualities valued by our communities. It legitimate concern if these two beliefs were encourages our government agencies to avoid true because it might hamper the FWS in its or offset those impacts to the greatest degree ability to devote resources to protection of high feasible. The measures used to offset these priority species. There have been proposals impacts are developed through a public put forward in Congress to constrain citizen participation process to guard against projects petitions—one in 2011—but they have failed.
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