Ingham County News 22 Pages ____E1_·g_h_tY_·n_'in_t_h_Y_e_A_r_·· __N_o~:_3_6_i_· --------------------~-M_A_S~O_N~,~M--IC_I_1~1G~A~N~T~H~URSDAY, SEPTEMBER2, 1948 167 Planes Swarm Mason's Hot.el Stands Empty At Jewett Airport Without a· Mishap For First Time in H·istory . DAWN PATROL at Jewett airport, Ma­ her is Mrs. Mabel DeLong of Flint. They both son, dt·ew people from all over Michig.an. Sun­ flew in with their husbands. day was a perfect summer day and the pro­ Janice Runge, 3%, of Dearborn helped in gram carried out by the airport management, the award of gifts. She went on the dawn the Lions club, the Sycamore Valley Flying patrol with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. club, 01 students, Mason automobile dealers Runge, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson and artd other groups and individuals was well George Yarmuth, in a Cessna 170. Peeking handled. · , down from above in the center picture at In the top picture, Arthur W .. Jewett, air­ the right is Ralph Swinehart, Mason's tall~;st port owner, is shown welcoming Allen Ed­ Lion. The sitting Lion without a mane is Nels wards of Detroit (right) while Dr. R. R. Rob­ Fen·iby. bins, general chairman of the Dawn Patrol D~ooling over the bacon and eggs they committee, looks on. Edwards has been flying are frymg are Russell Bement and Don Van­ sh1ce 1932, He is an engineer with the Fed­ I' derVeen, Sr. Waiting to be served are Frank eral Mogul Corporation of Detroit•, manu­ Launstein and his son, Lee. They flew in from facturer of bearings. Edwards had just the Launstein farm just itt dawn with the Skimming Is Done stepped out of his new Cessna 140. cream. The man at the right with the satis­ Harry Spenny had the pleasant assign­ fied look is Les Palmer. He did a lot of flying ment of pinning badges onto the guests. Here during the war before he was shot down and On Pond at Park he is fumbling around with a badge meant for captured by the Germans. Since his liberation Scum from the front pond at Mrs. Evelyn Anderson of Flushing. Waiting he just can't seem to get enough bacon and Rayner park has been sldmmed by for Spcnny to quit fooling and pin a badge on the county park maintenance crew eggs. (Ingham County News Photo) this week, Ed Douglas supervised the cleanup job. Men waded into REPEAT PERFORMANCE FOR REGISTRANTS I the mire to scoop out dead leaves and other debris, Inside News All summer the north pond has General n e w s carryover, been unsightly with its coating of New Draft is Old Stuff. to Vets I Pages 2 and 3 Pare 1, green scum. Lack of rainfall and 'I Social news and personal the partial plugging of the outlet "What color eyes? Hair?" 1 c_ardR, ,;;ext in line is a box en- items, Pages 4 and 5, Part 1, caused the water to grow stagnant, "And what did you say your titled Local ·Non-Veterans Mar- and Page 4, Part 2. grandfather's name was on your rled ·Men and Fathers." This box Speedway racing, baseball and mother's side?" i holds second place in popularity, golf news, Page 1, Part 2. These. arc just a few of the ex- 1 The smallest pile of em·ds at the Editorials and special. co!- aetin·g questions asl<cd every day, draft board is in box No. 3 labeled i unuJS, Pag-e 2, Part 3. Star Mail Route at· the Mason branch of the Ing- "Single Non-Fathers and Non-~ .Revised Ingham county snni- lJam county draft board. Veterans." buy regulations, Pages 1 and 5; Replacing Trains According to Joy 0. Davis, Bnx No. 4 holds all "Transient Part 3, memller of the draft board, most Registrations." Included arc only I To render mall service termi- of · the Ingham youths are report- a handful of out-county cards lle- i General farm news,. Pages :6 nated by the dropping to two ing right on schedule. longing· to men too far away to 1 an& 1 ~~S.;'~t ~3~tice, Page S; P~t.~t Michigan Central trains on the )\fen who arc now 21 and 25 register in their home counties. I 3. Jackson-Grand Rapids division~ a years of age have already been According to Davis, 241 men -~----. .. new star mail route has been set registered, Davis reported that have been registered at the Mason I · . · · up. The new route will be op.erated about 80 per cent of those being branch sinqc Monday. HOII"day Mon... da· y''. between Jackson and Hastings. It registered arc veterans. This per- Volunteer workers who nave . ~Ill handle mail,f,or Rives June- ' • ---.-------------- served at least a day at the draft J There'll be !itt! lab · · · ·.L b tton, Eaton Rapids, Onondaga, ;HELP NF.ED,ED board arc .Marilyn Swaninger,, · e . or on· a. or Charlotte, Nashville, Vermontvi1le ·Joy 0. Davis has again Mrs Abc Cohn Mrs Ralph' Day Monday. Banks; public·off;lqcs, and Hastings, ' · ' , . · · Wyeth Incorporated . ·and ... most T sounded a ca 11 f·or vo Iun t eer Holmes, Mrs. Howard McCurdy, 1, business places Will be shut down he truclt serving the mall route help' from. Sop t em b.e r 3 Margaret Cn~c, Betty Woodard,: for the last holiday flirig ·of the will malte night runs both ways. t!\rough September ·18. Three , Mrs, Roger Kterstcad and Lorenc: summer. The milk handling. de- The schedule calls for leaving Jack- \Vork~rs a1·c needldtev~ry ?ay I' Fuller. j partlnent at Wyeth will bc·open as son at 2:30 a. rt:l· with a 12-hour to· handle t 11c . n ervtewmg, . usual Th • .11 b till d _ lay·over i.n Hastmgs before start- ~avis stated. If anyone cap [ I<EG NOT HEALING II i. c.c Wl e no pos. c lng baclt at 10:30 p. m. ,gtve·a day to.the ·cat'lse Davls I F ··f th R' h d p ver cs, "· · · · ·· Michigan Central trains 326 and llSlted that they see him as 15 'm nourf mr:r s dl\t' ~rryi _With Monday out, next... weelt /327 made their las( trips over the 0 ~n, as possible. P~rr~ of ~ast ~o~r:nbia ~~ad, ~~s ~~~~t~ aJ~~~~~ ~~e !~r ;ne ;t;~~bi~ Jacltson·Grand Rapids · division ceritage will even increase when I been lm~ up wtth a brolten th1gh, Icorrespondents an d advertisers Tuesday. The M~chlga~ public aerv~ the· 22- And 23-year-olds· register, and It Will probably· be months be- should have their copy at the news- ~~e co~mlssion Jssued '{he order to Davis added. ~ore he _is walking again, The in-~ paper office Tuesday. scont nue the two night p,assen- In the city council rooms where IJUred th1gh has not responded well · ,. ger and mall trains after thercom- the :Mason branch Is set up, there to tr~atment. Specialists are now 1PEACH liAR"ES'I' AT PEAK pany showed t~flt It had )ost hlg are four boxes Registration cards · studymg the case. The boy was ,. ' ' · sums of money m opera.tlon of the ar,e . sorted and filed according to,1 Injured at the· Intersection of .Ash Plcl1ers are busy at the Leslie two runs over a long period of service eligibility. · . 1 and Steele streets in Mason April and Dansville peach orchards. time. \ ·. rn· the first box ··labeled "Local 27.' He was thrown from his bi-: Hale Havens and Sout,ll Havens ·1 Veterans" Is the highest pile of ·cycle to the pavement in a colli- arc now ready for canning. ' · · sion with a car. • · · }1n~y SJ1incl1·y wnAhul'~ .•Jewett Allllli~ I . Glndioli .nnce Co., 130 \V. Ash, MaRon, l'hono Mnytng \\'nshet·l'\, Jewett AP111Innco Co .. d~Jiven:!l. SGll; · · 36wl 130 W. Aoh, Mnoon, 11hono 55ll, 36wl 25623. County Alters Sanitary R'egulations In Justice Court Llltltlw CJI111111lltll' Ohah · Ln urdur', 'I'hut·o wm·o nlrw mutn• C S{o· -WINNERS RIDE LOCOMOTIVIf CAB 'l'o JtllHIIIlJC• AoUvUii~H I hera proHont, 'I'ert nml calcc wer•ct Tl1e Mnr•shnlla from Stocllbrlclgo Letitia Chnndler• olub 11f Hoi I.: ser·vecl the gue~ts ll,V tho hoal.n~m. will resume ltn notlvlt.loR ngnln on' Ml'H, -.Tullnn flpencol' oC r.nnalng To Meet Higher Health Standards )ly way of Kentt1cl1y lruve )leon In Tlmrndny night., Scptemhnr• 1o, 1 pnm•orl, Revis inns to lh<J Jnglwm county hlhll the euln of r·nw mlllt In Jng·, tho tolls or UlfJ Jaw this past woelt, with u pnUtUJI{ dinner In tho Pr•cs· 1 Lrlll.la Clwndlnr• duh waa 1 1 sunltnry rogul~tlnna, ruloptnd by hnm county ns of ,January 1, 10•17. Deputy Howur•tl Tr•r(pp br·ought , byterlan 'chm:<:h p11rinrs, All who I' 11'gnnlr.ed Ill Holt In 1020, attend nr·e rtslwd to tnlw n rUsh to --------------, the houlth <Jommlttco of the board The complete text of tho rovlscll Huze Mllt'Shull to jnll-luat Thur·a· 1 ... of supcr•vl;!nr•a <lll AugUIJt 26, be· smillur•y regulations appears on day night on u. clrunlt ohnt•gc, Tho Ipuss, t•olla, and lholr own tnblo 1 Cllbhagc anti nwmhcra of l.ho came eft'cctlvn ThnrstiJty, Pages •1 ami li, Part X, or thiH cell· man pleudecl guilty before .Justice • ' so~vlce, Sevcm] of the county'a coblmgn family lllco a soil thtlt huH cundldatcn will he apenlcer•n at Iota M lime, IlliwhniTiell nl'c acid· Regulations huvo boon ont'm•m,d tion,of tlw Inghntn County News, Roy Adams Ft'lday, settling for thta meeting', I soli lovers, by the county hcullh dcpnrtmcnt ----------- fine nnd costa of $11.05, I ,1 Tho ch1h met Jnsl Wmlneadny -- ----------------------------------- _____ for tho past six Y""l'H, The r·cvlsinn On l~r·ldny momlngDeputy Alva with Mrs, Iadr!ll Willlamn or1 Olce-! becnmo nccessol'Y In nrdnr ln huve 1"14 L O B Beeman or Stocltbr!dgo nrt·lved ut mos.
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