SchEMS School of Environmental Science and Management Affiliated to Pokhara University Master Thesis No: M-013-008 LONG TERM SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNITY MANAGED WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES USING MULTI CRITERIA ANALYSIS (A Case of Finnish Funded Water Supply Schemes of Nawalparasi District) DIPENDRAGHIMIRE MARCH 2016 LONG TERM SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNITY MANAGED WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES USING MULTI CRITERIA ANALYSIS (A Case of Finnish Funded Water Supply Schemes of Nawalparasi District) Thesis submitted to: School of Environmental Science and Management (SchEMS) Devkota Sadak, Mid Baneshwor Kathmandu, Nepal In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Management Dipendra Ghimire SchEMS Roll No.:14250008 PU Regd. No.:2013-1-25-0006 Kathmandu, Nepal March 2016 I CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Long Term Sustainability Assessment of Community Managed Water Supply Schemes Using Multi Criteria analysis” submitted by Dipendra Ghimire of the student for the partial fulfillment for the degree of Masters of Science in Environment Management is based on the original research and study under the guidance of Er. Bhai Raja Manandhar. This thesis is a part or full property of School of Environmental Science and Management (SchEMS) and therefore should not be used for the purpose of awarding any academic degree in any other institution. Er. Bhai Raja Manandhar Mr. Madhukar Upadhya Research Advisor External Examiner Date: March 2016 Date: March 2016 Associate Prof. Er. Ajay Bhakta Mathema Prof. Ram Bahadur Khadka, PhD Internal Examiner Principal SchEMS SchEMS Date: March 2016 Date: March 2016 II ABSTRACT Water availability is an essential component in sustainable development. Sustainability of water supply scheme is vital for water availability. This implies that sustainable development cannot be achieved without sustaining the water supply scheme’s serviceability in long run. The high percentage of sustainability possible and sustainability unlikely water supply schemes nationally will limit the achievement of the vision MDG to SDG. For the country to achieve this vision and ensure sustainable development there is need to look into measures, including views of sector experts and community that will make the existing water supply schemes more sustainable. Research has identified an array of critical factors that affect long-term sustainability of community managed water supply scheme incorporating views of sector experts and WUSC members. A sustainability assessment framework based on the Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) was developed for sustainability assessment of community managed water supply schemes to meet the objectives of the research. The framework gives the results of the sustainability status of projects based on their performance across various indicators included in the framework. The sustainability status of a water supply scheme is dependent on the indicators used and weight and score distribution applied to the various indicators. The sustainability assessment of forty chosen community managed water supply schemes implemented through the Finnish fund in Nawalparasi district, using developed sustainability assessment framework which incorporates social, financial, institutional/management, technical/service and environmental criteria. The result shows 10 % of water supply schemes are Sustainability Likely (SL), 70% of water supply schemes are Sustainability Possible (SP) and the remaining 20% of water supply schemes are Sustainability Unlikely (SU). The application of MCA for sustainability assessment of water supply and sanitation schemes would be very useful in sustainability ranking and policy decision making for post project support in water supply schemes. Key words: Sustainability, Community managed water supply scheme, MCA III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I would like to thank my advisor Er. Bhai Raja Manandhar, your guidance and encouragement carried me through a winding and sometimes tumultuous journey, your tireless efforts reviewing drafts and providing comments and direction are much appreciated. To Associate Prof. Er. Ajay Bhakta Mathema, you are the person who first introduced me to the problems and challenges, as well as the tools and potentials of rural water resources development. Thank you for pointing me in this direction. Besides him, I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ram Bahadur Khadka, Principal and all the members of School of Environmental Science and Management for their individual assistance and guidance in my study. I would like to thank everyone who has participated with NAPAWASH Project Nepal, I have learned from all of you, I am truly amazed at the expertise, enthusiasm, and self-less energy you all commit to these projects. I am forever grateful to following individuals, thank you for sharing your knowledge, expertise and friendship with me. Bashu Dev Pandey (District WASH Advisor, RWSSP-WN II, Tanahun) Bharat Thulung (WASH Program Coordinator, Plan International Nepal) Dhruba Shrestha (Water Resources Officer, RVWRMP II, Dadeldhura) Deependra Banstola (WASH Officer, Save the Children, Kathmandu) Krishna Pandey (Technical Supervisor, RWSSFDB/ RADO Nepal) Krishna Prasd Dhital (Member, Hetauda Water Supply Management Board) Karna Bahadur K.C. (Water Resources Advisor, RVWRMP II, Dailekh) Laxmi Prasad Upadhyay (Engineer, DWSS, Maintenance & Rehab Section) Min Prasad Basnet (District WASH Advisor, RWSSP-WN II, Syngja) Pravin Ghimire (Project Support Advisor, NAPA WASH Project) Ram Babu Prasad (Water Resources Officer, RVWRMP II, Kailali) Resham Phuldel (GIS Expert, USAID) Sanjiv Kumar Thapa (Technical Officer, Nepal Water for Health) Shirish Adhikari (Technical Monitoring Specialist, RWSSP-WN II) Tej Prasad Ojha (Technical Specialist, RWSSP-WN II) Umesh Rupakheti (Technical Coordinator, LUMANTI) I would also like to thank my family, particularly my spouse Ms. Binita Dhakal who is an inspiration to me, thank you for your breathtaking love and support throughout the study. I also would like to thank my friends who were there for the good times and the bad, none of these would have been worth it without friends to share it with. Lastly, I want to send a sincere gracias to all the community members of my study area, Nawalparasi, you all are tougher and more resourceful than anyone I have ever met. Dipendra Ghimire March 2016 IV LIST OF ABBREVIATION ADB Asian Development Bank CBO Community Based Organization CCA Climate Change Adaptation CHSAC Community Hygiene and Sanitation Action Committee CLTBCHS Community Led Total Behavior Change in Hygiene and Sanitation CLTS Community Led Total Sanitation DAG Disadvantaged Group(s) DDC District Development Committee DDF District Development Fund DEO District Education Office DFID Department for International Development DOLIDAR Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads DPHO District Public Health Office DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DTCO District Treasury Controller Office DTO District Technical Office DWIG District Wash Implementation Guideline DWSS Department of Water Supply and Sewerage DWASHCC District Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Coordination Committee DWSSDO/WSSDO Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Divisional Office V FCGO Financial Comptroller’s General Office FGD Focus Group Discussion FEDWASUN Federation of Water Supply Users Nepal GESI Gender Equity and Social Inclusion GOF Government of Finland GON Government of Nepal Helvetas Swiss Association for International Cooperation HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HRBA Human Rights Based Approach HRD Human Resources Development IDE International Development Enterprises IMC Institutional Management Committee (for Sanitation & Hygiene) INGO International Non-Governmental Organization LBFAR Local Bodies Financial Administrative Rules LDO Local Development Officer LGCDP Local Governance and Community Development Program LSGA Local Self Governance Act M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDGs Millennium Development Goals MFA Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland MIS Management Information System MFALD Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development VI MOF Ministry of Finance MUD Ministry for Urban Development MSP Multi Stakeholder Platform VMW Village Maintenance Worker NDHS Nepal Demographic and Health Survey NDWQS National Drinking Water Quality Standard NGO Non-Governmental Organization NMIP National Management of Information Project NPC National Planning Commission NWSSC National Water Supply and Sanitation Committee O&M Operation and Maintenance ODF Open Defecation Free PHAST Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper RMSO Regional Monitoring and Support Office (DWSS) RRRSDP Rural Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Sector Development Project RVWRMP Rural Village Water Resource Management Project RWASHCC Regional Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Coordination Committee RWSSFDB Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board RWSSSP Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Support Program SC Steering Committee VII SIWI Stockholm International Water Institute SP Service Provider STWSSP Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project SWAp Sector Wide Approach TA Technical Assistance TBC Total Behavioral Change UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UC User Committee VDC Village Development Committee VWASHCC VDC Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Coordination
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