
KFKI-1991-28/A % Т. CSÖRGŐ S. HEGYI В. LUKÁCS J. »MÁNYI (•dltors) PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKSHOP ON RELATIVISTIC HEAVY ION PHYSICS AT PRESENT AND FUTURE ACCELERATORS Hungarian Academy of Sciences CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR PHYSICS BUDAPEST KFKI-1991-28/A PREPRINT PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKSHOP ON RELATSVISTIC HEAVY ION PHYSICS AT PRESENT AND FUTURE ACCELERATORS T. CSÖRGŐ, S. HEGYI, В. LUKÁCS, J. ZIMÁNYI (eds.) Central Research Institute for Physics H-1625 Budapest 114, P.O.B. 49, Hungary Held In Budapest, 17 21 June, 1991 HU I88N 0368 5330 Т. C«örg6,8. Hegyi, В. Lukács, J. Zlmányi (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Reiativistic Heavy Ion Physics at Present and Future Accelerators. KFKl-1991 28/A ABSTRACT This volume Is the Proceedings of the Budapest Workshop on Reiativistic Heavy Ion Physics at Present and Future Accelerators. The topics Includes experimental heavy ion physics, partidé phenomenology. Bose Einstein correlations, reiativistic transport theory. Quark Gluon Plasma rehadronlzatlon. astronuclear physics, leptonpalr production and inter mlttency Т. Чёргё, Ш. Хеди, Б. Лукач, й. Эимани (ред.): Международная теоретическая рабочая группа по релятивистской физике тяжелых ионов в настоящих и будущих ускорителях. KFKI-1991-28/A АННОТАЦИЯ В том включены доклады, прочитанные на встрече международной теоретической рабочей группы, состоявшейся с 17 по 21 июля 1991 г. в Будапеште, по следующим те­ матикам: экспериментальная физика тяжелых ионов, феноменология частиц, корреляции Бозе-Эйнштейна, теория релятивистского транспорта, реадронизация к&эрковой плазмы, астроядерная физика, образование и интермиттенция лептонных пар. Csörgd Т., Hegyi 8., Lukács В., Zlmányi J. (szerk): Nemzetközi elméleti műhely a jelen ós jövendő gyorsítók relalivlsztlkue nehézlonílzlkajáról KFKI 1990 28/A KIVONAT A kötet tanulmányokat tartalmaz a következő témákban: kísérleti nehézionfizika, részecskefizikai fenomenológia, Bose Einstein korrelációk, relatlvlsztikus transzporielmélet, kvarkplazma rehadronizációja, asztromagfizika, leptonpárkeltés és Intermittencia. Az előadások az 1991. jún. 17. és 21. közt Budapesten tartolt elméleti műhelyen hangzottak el. Preface Acknowledgements Since construction works nave started on high energy heavy ion colliders, We wish to thank all the speakers, contributors and participsats for cre­ theoretical studies have also got new motivations and tbe exploration of tbe ating a special and fruitful atmosphere for the Workshop. We are grateful forthcoming new physics become more intensive. The Institution of later- to Ssabó Usslone Emraike and Eiben Qdiko for their valuable help in mak­ national Workshops for Theoretical Physics (NEFIM) offers a framework for ing this workshop a success. Finally w* express our sincere thanks to tbe such activity, indeed such workshops are beeiag regularly organised in every sponsoring organisations.' International Workshop* for Theoretical Physic* second year in Budapest. The present meeting was devoted to reUtivjstic (NEFIM) and the Central Research Institute for Physic« of the Hungarian heavy ion physics at present and future accelerators. Academy of Sciences (MTA KFKI). The topics covered summaries on the planned heavy ion experiments at CERN and Brookhaven, particle physics - nuclear physics interface, Bote- Einstein correlatioa, quark-gluon plasma transport theory and rehadroniia- tion, studies on particle spectra, leptonpair creation, astronudear physics, and last but not least a special collection of intermittency related contri­ butions, including works on the rapidity-gap probability distribution in ele­ mentary particle reactions, galaxy correlations and intermittency in nuclear Since during the Budapest workshops ample time is given to the lecturers to explain their results, these workshops initiated many fruitful discussions and international collaborations. Hopefully, this tradition will continue and we shall see our friends regularly here in Budapest. Tantét Cairfi, Béb ~aeocs, Judit Леями «a«" JózstJ Ztminfi Organizing Committee Transport Coefficients in Quark-Chun Plasma 116 Contents M. RammerstortcT Hadron-Quark Phase Transition with th* Momentum-Dependent Yukawa Interaction for Hadrons 124 Preface i L. P. Caernai, G. Fái, С. Gale, Gy. Kluge, V, К. Misbra and Б. Omca Lisi •/ P&ticipunts üi Equation of State in Variational QCD 135 Scientific Programme üi T. S. Biró Relativistic Coalescence Model for Relatiristically Etpandinf Firewalls 137 EXPERIMENT E. Schnedermann, U. Heinz, С Dover and J. Ziminyi Heavy Ion Phytic* at CERN 1 Collective Flow in a Ctfi.idricolty Symmetrie Etpansion Geometry and G. Vesztergombi its Influence on Particle Spectra 138 E. Schnedermann INTERFACE BETWEEN PARTICLE AND HEAVY ION PHYSICS Hadronic Yields from High Temperature Quark Matter in Various Models 144 Л/моя Production in pA and AA Collisions at AGS Energies 12 B. Lukacs, A. Racz and J. Ziminyi H. Sorge, R. MattieHo, A. Jahns, H. Stöcke and W. Greiner ASTRONUCLEAR PHYSICS Distribution of Gtuons and gq Pair Production in Hadronic Flat Tabes 17 Pion Correlations and Superfluidity in Neutron Stars 153 K. Sailer, Zs. Schramm, Z. Hornyák, A. Schäfer and W. Greiner I. Lovu, В. Fényi, T. G. Kovács, K. Sailer Stopping in High Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions in the RQMD-Approach 3-1 .Venire! Stars, Hybrid Stars and the Sanation of State 159 Th. SchönfeM. H. Sorge, Я Stöcker and W. Greine; A. Rotenhauer, E. F. Suubo, T. 0vergárd and E. Oslgaard Strange Particle Production in Me VENUS Model 43 LEPTON-PAIR PRODUCTION K. Werner Intermediate Mass lepton Pairs in UttrareUtivistie Heavy Ion Collisions 167 Quark-Jet Gluon-Jet Discrimination Using Neural Network Methods 46 B. Kämpfer Z. Fodor Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions 172 A Prediction for Multiplicity Distributions at Future Hadronic Colliders 51 Gy. Wolf, W. Catsing, U. Mosel and M. Schäfer S. Krasznovszky INTERMITTENCY RELATED TOPICS BOSE-EINSTEIN CORRELATIONS What Can Be learned from the Rapidity Gap Probability f 181 Bose-Einstein Correlations 58 S. Hegyi B. Lörstad Cluster Correlations from N-Point Correlation Amplitudes 189 I. Szapudi, A. S. Szalay and P. Boschin Structure of the Peek in Bose-Einstem Correlations 75 T. Csörgő and S. Pratt Intermitteney in the Multifragmentation of Hot Nuclei 4 198 D. H. E. Gross, A. R. DeAngelis, H. ft. Jaqaman, Pan Jicai and R. Heck Brooding over Pions, Wave-Packets and Bosi-Einstein Correlations 91 J. Ziminyi, T. Csörgő, В. Lukäcs M. Rhoades-Brown and N. L. Balázs Production of Strangelets in QGP Rehadronáation 95 Z. Arvay, J. Ziminyi, T. Csörgő, С. В. Dover and V. Heinz The Crand Plasmon Puzzle Resolved 108 G. Kunstatter List of Participants and Titles of the Talks Scientific Programme Z-inm Pitim«*ш1щ>« SM4»Of fa—QCTf>n»i4«i»» N. U Bah» Stoaj *•* _ . „_ . , „_ »ПЫ.'ГТП TT ^Яау II ^Шж^^ш^ш^Ллм 1ГТВДГ TS.»» Гит t^aatioaof Stat» ш Vanatwail QCO CaairacrtMÜ C«M9fyaTT9tNlV «GrrJIÍ J. Boaoorf СЪиаааца CMirptnoa: irftntw: P. С*гпЛт А »«гаМ U.g,mt та R Camllim IVa« Ro«äm oá lafaai—ty /«man/ Л. Mi/tr »00 В. Unni T Ciörjä BacUrart SUart«r»ofU»Bo««-Eia»t«ia »00 M Тмц—Ымм» I. МО U. Вами WM »00 Р, CwmiWri i:40 Р, ГигаГ Cbmtoiea laactioa ЮН» К. Sajtár М:М1.И5«Уг»5а7 10:0» А. 8. S»«Ja7~ J. ЕгЗ Ваяаро» _ ,. 10:« СОГГЕГ" масопиг U-UAStyflw" тшсагпг ПЛИ. Uk4a> \УЛ% М- lUaarariltrfrt Gfti K«U Momi«Aw»Dttml*»«ofUMHwho«kMw*FMU UÖ6 И. Son« ЯМГ.ЬШАГ 1ШДг Fat aad ta* QGP Пни TMMMW JJjOJ^JUvj» O. rime Z«(Kb Ptoa bUtaHOtattry - Renal NAM Ratal!* 2 fooor BudaMM Qwit-jH Gbaa-jrt Däxriaaaalwi Oairam««.' имуспм OMwyrr* Vane Nwnl Nrtaeik Wh* Су. No« AT.i. " G.NIb D Gr— Вий« Uta—itteacy i« MaltifragacaUlina 14:15 К. Wmwt H:l» I. КИТ. 8. U Bcúa Ratte«**«»- ReUlWaU« Co«tajc«ar« Mothl fat «U IT«I F. TOIT »illС, WW Piodactioa of Licht («ati-)Na«ki in IIJ»rKWbr- Ralawatic Hoary км Collmoa» a K—»hr IMIIW Oikvtoa Proaaclioa i» URHIC-« Gy- Kint« ВмаЧаи! S. Кшияп} B«oa»t»> A Pwdiclw» far Mvltiaucuy Mtnaatioaa at Маг» Ваатоам CoUidcn G Ki—uttar Caaao» Ck—PkaiaaDaaiaiatCoaiUat I Loa,. Водауо* »atamlrtioa Wla— SayacaaidMy B- Löraud laad ' ВОП-EÍMUMI Cononuioaa ia Tao-jrt Emu at IEP aUUca Bach?— QuMi PI«—» Raaaataai—io«: Смарай« Mota fat Ваамак ГмкЬ J.IMMan» U arou G. Pocák A. Rád M. ШмшяткиЬ, «WM»*«« ТЫ«ч>ЛСо««ии^иО»^-СЬ|»И««-» fl ПиишТтпп Цц» NaairoaSuio, Ryarid SM» aaa lka EainMoa of Stat* К Sa*t Otbr—a Dttv IUI* аИ Grioa SUvstaN faactio» of A. Scaälrr PnakfaM Diatetiv* Hadroa Scatttriac E. "»капкиаиип ЯасамЬвч CoHartm Пм ia a CyliadttuUy SjraMMtik r«»«««ina Gioanlty «а» йа laaatat« oa Partie» Spectra T ScaoaMd ftaakiart Sktfttuc ia R1IC 60*» RQMD I. Sorte Praakhrt Моит Piodaitioa ia »A aad AA СоОсяма at AGS Eacrftaa A,.S.Snfa« CumbHinj«of P««aaj Mo—au «a Gibrtic Cfcaawiag M. J. Taaaraaa— CEkW . BKL 1. Tao Pi up ом i TALES raaaii«aa1 at RRIC aVcatMtrofc Baaayott la*-« Mwt *»» CxatritataU at CERN K.W—«r HnailkM« SMaaaiaiai Proaactiaa ia VEWUS G fut Gaaaai Paaytaa Pwaartioa ia Bo»»» raa СсЛаноао J Saaiayi Bilij n BuiiajawPiaa«. VTWPatfctl« «adВам Eiotl»»Cbrwlatioa» Ml t**pf , is» 1£ Mt& %*-:т * 1Жя Щ.^ Lj Si4~»»**iA»—- аярдадайвикж^оиви "^;> ?»»-., IV Неик-у loa Pbysfcs at CERN eWeuT waver ÜpYmnVeVv usw •ИРеечТЩ vaWeYeUgnjuunmwemmnumvve' The third stage, expected to start around IMS, will brmg ut km* the trw heavy ion regime. Vre should get avenge energy densities well above UM eecew- fiaement threshold, to that a study of the properties of UM Quark-Gluon-Plamea (QGP) should become possible. New we can alto produmsyttemt of newly vanish- G. VmtatfMBbi lag barton number density (similar to UM state of UM early utJvene) lit should that Central Research Institute far Physics, Budapest become possible to study critical behaviour in a wide range of UM tamperetave- denslty phase diagram of the QCD matter (Fig. 2.). And it appears within reach to get even to energy densities for wbkh UM QGP It approaching its asymptotically bee 'ideal gas' form." In order to understand more deeply why It it to important to use really heavy btroductloo nuclear projetilat (such as lead nuclei) one can refer to the proposal |3| of the NAM Collaboration (spokesman: R.
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