TOBSDAY, SEPTEMBBll 98, VAOI KOBliaBN jianrtfPBtpr Cowtittg ^pralh 1 , 1004 Airman Robert A. Chapman, Covenant Wommrt Eta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi Past patrons of Tempto Chap­ The lint of a series of infor­ meet Friday at Trinity C o^ 13,651 M aa Fem e Selwits, the daugh­ mation elaasea for non-Cath- _M of Mr. and Mn. Bertram CLAMNIT ter of Mr. and Mrs. Upman eorority, wUl meet tonight at 8 ter, Order of Eastern Star, will F. Chapman, 408 Woodland St., nant Church. M em ^ta a n olics will begin tonight at 8 at AND About Town SelwlU. STB WoodbHdge St. will a t the home of Miss UUian Hat- sponsor a Military Whist Fri­ has'completed the fln t phase of minded to bring gKw f o ^ attend Becker Junior CoU^e, Sn. 128 H lU lard.St Mrs. Cor­ day at 8 p.m. at the Masonic S t James’ Church. There will his basic training at Lackland fair, and Gleaner envelwse. Mmukati t f A Ciiy of ViUagm Chmrm Temple for the - Robert Morris be a guided tour o f the ohurch. SAXO PH O N I Worcester, Mass. don Metevier will be in charge AFB, San Antonio, Tex. He w ill Mrs. Henfy Ask and M n. ....... ............ II nil M ia Kkrm ntarlnaB, dMigh- Relief Fund. Refreehmenta will Classes are free and w ill teach Mr fl( Mr. and Mrs. Michael 81- of program. Members unable to continue tralnlBg as a communi­ tenon Chaffin wU Ibe th^ host- INSTRUCTION attend are reminded to call the be served. The pubUo is invited. the doctrine of the Catholic cations iqpeolallst a t«A lr Train­ NO. 908' CTWnNTT-MGHT PAGie-TW e MCTnONS) MANCHBST8R, CONN- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 98, 1H4 fOnssiiied b rta a o ( M HaihUn S t, ^ 'Ridiard F. Russell, son of Mr. Tickets may be obtained from Church. ' t Mod Bay PaUi <Mlege Long- hostess. • ing Command School, Sheppard and Mrs. John L. Russell of Mils Shennlng, chairman, 189 w r neadow, Maae. Mlae Slbrlius is Aro, Tex. He U a 1981 grad­ Miss Louise Anne 108 Plymouth Lane, is a fresh­ Eldridge S t, or at the door. a iM t graduate at Manchester Marine Cpl. John B. Fales. uate of Mandweter High School. 88T Porter St., Miss Kathleen man at Nasson College, Spring- Miss Lucy Raffa of Canicat- J. McCormick, 154 New ^ Ito n HOWARD JANICKlI ngh 8<»ool. i ' vale, Maine, where he plans to son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmons R. F'ales of 138 Jf. Elm S t, is a Mr. and Mrs. MomtuCnd H. tlni Bagnl, Siracusa, Italy, is a Bd., and Miss Karen B. Meyer majOT in chemistry. He is a After a summer recess the Events member of Medium Marine Ridhard of 151 Center St re­ guest M the home of her uncle of 74 Dale Bd. art freshmen at IWARD MUSIC ST< Maadiaater l<odge at Masons graduate of Danbury High choir of the Church of the As­ Herdic Resigns as Rec Head, turned Frldsy from U.S. M a­ and aunt, Mr. and M n . Luis Headi^ Toward Sea| Helicooter Squadron 281, Russell Sage College, Troy. N .i. srlll meet tonight at 7:S0. A fter School. * sumption will resume nhearsals aboard' the amphibious assault rine Corps Recruit Training Raffa, 15 Huntington S t She ar­ S43-2094 a huslnea mating, Ralph EUis tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at the ship USS Okinawa. The squad­ school, Parris Island, , S. C., rived from Italy last month to ef Eastern Star Lodge, Willl- 'A committee on arrangements church. The choir meets each In State ron recently participated in where they attended the gradu­ see the World’s Fair and visit mantic, will show slide* and for the West Side Old Timers week at this time and place. Read HeroJd Ads. carrier quallHcatlons aboard the ation of their son. Pvt. Paul H. relatives. She will leave for To Open Family Business talk atxmt the fellowcraft de­ Reunion will meet tomorrow at New m em ben are invited. assault ship. Richard home next week. gree. 7 p.m. at the West Side Rec, Stolen Goods Gall Off Hurricane JamM H«rdic resisrfted ing he plans to open an arts and crafts shop, assistsd by his fam ­ today as head of the town’s From ?i,Y, Dock NEW YORK (AP)—Thet, Befor* the forecast on the^ Britain's defeated chaIIeng-'f>northeast about 11 miles {Elf recreation department ef­ ily, at a vacant store on E. Mid­ hurricane's court# was revised, er. Sovereign, and American hour and is expected to movd dle Tpke., at Manchester Green. Lead to Arrest Weather Bureau discontin­ emergency measures had been Eagle were towed to moorings between northeast and north fective Oct. 17. He submit­ Herdic became superinten­ ued the hurricane watch rushed to protect hundreds of in a' protected cove. Hldstemer northeast this afternoon and to* ted U i one-sentence letter dent of the recreation depart­ :‘or the populous northeast miles of me northeast coast was at a Brenton Cove to ride night with forward speed in­ ment in January, 1954, from a STAMFORD (AP) — A OPEN of resignation about a half ;oday except for the east­ from floods, beach erosion and out the storm. creasing to about 18 miles peg BEZZINI BROTHERS WAYSIDE FURNITURE hounbefore he received a letter similar post in Rutland, V t property damage that had been Cape Codders were buying up hour tonight. The c«iter is ex- Stamford couple was arrest­ naming him the outatanding rec­ He replaced John E. Hed- ern tip of Long Island, as threatened by the high winds flashlights, batteries and can­ -pected to pass between 75 ao|l lund, who resigned in Septem­ ed last night and charged reation ouperlntendent in Con- Hurricane Gladys followed over a vast area around the dles to be prepared in the event 100 miles southeast of Nan­ 1 0 to 9 ber, 1953, after the town with possession of goods --------------------- -- 519 E. MIDDLE TURNPIKE AT THE GREEN --------------------------- necUcqt. center of the hurricane. the storm knocked out power tucket after midnight tonight. boaixl of directors had refused a course toward open sea. The recreatton departmMit, police said were stolen from The fishing fleet at Prov- lines. Highest winds are about 85 him a salary Increase. Hed- With the storm centered 280 and Herdlc hi particular, have incetown on the tip of Cape Latest Advisory miles per hour within 5Q miles lund had threatened to quit the a New York City dock last miles southeast of Atlantic City, been in the town spotlight Cod was moved to harbor an­ WASHINGTON (AP)—Here of the center and gales extend year before, when General Man­ week. N.J,., at 11 a.m., EST, the chorages during the night. The outward about 150 miles to ths since the 1062-08 town audit ager Martin ordered a reorgan­ Police identified the pair as WeaUier Bureau said Gladys is the weather bureau's latest revealed "Irregularitaa” in ad was expected to pass 76-100 vessels can ride out a storm hurricane advl.sory on Gladys; west and 300 miles to the east. ization of the park and recre­ Anthony J. DeTulio, 52, and his better at anchor than tied up ministrative and accounting miles south of Nantucket after Hurricane watch discontinu­ Winds on the shore to the west A FABULOUS DAY^ ation departments. -wife, Angelina, 49. at piers. of the hurricane will be most­ procedures there. Since arriving in Manches­ The authorities said ths De- midnight. ed 11 a.m. e.s.t. from Virginia As a result of Herdic’s sq^- Otis Air Force Base at Fal- ly 20 to 30 miles per hour this ter, Herdlc has been widely Yullos were upholsterers- who Coastal dwellers from Bast- capes northward to western parent difficulties In correcting modth on Cape Cod was on afternoon but with much hailed for organizing one of operated ths Homs Arts by De- port, Maine to Cape May, N.J., Long Island but remains in ef­ the criticized practices. Gen­ alert to move its planes to stronger winds a short distanes the most thorough recreation Yulio Studio from their home. were warned however, for pos­ fect for eastern Long Island. eral Manager Martin put him safer areas should it be deemed off shore over open water. programs in New England, Capt. of Detectives Robert sible gale force winds up to 55 Gale warnings continue to be on three months probation as necessary. displayed from Eastport, Winds over the southeastern Among the activities he ini­ Hunt said that 1,250 j^unds of miles an hour late today and The Navy at Newport, R.I., of Sept. 1 of this year. The Maine, southward to Cape May, New England coastal sectionz tiated were the Senior Citizens woven woolens from Japan val­ tides up to three feet alx>vc had moved 37 ships including probationary period would have (Tlub and a recreation program normal. N.J. South of Cape May low­ are expected to increase to 45 EXTRAORDINARY BUYS nm out on Dsc. 1. JAMES HBBDIC ued at 85,200 were found by 29 destroyers to storm an­ to 55 miles per hour late to­ for handicapped children from police in the DeYulio home. Heavy surf and rough seas er all warnings but small craft Inmlcally, Herdic received a chorages in Narragansett Bay day and tonight and north oC Herdic’s resignation cams in which the present Instructors HuM said the goods were were expected to erode some Monday night.
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