Thursday, October 14, 1971 David Harris Anti -war activist David Harris, former stu- dent body president of Stanford University and co-founder of Draft Resistance, will speak at Spariati Datib noon today on the ROTC field. Serving the San Jose State College Community Since 1934 Council changes mind, gives SCIP only partial fund ing By PENNY SPAR Environmental Studies Department. He according to George Watts, assistant Daily Political Writer credited SCIP with the formation of business manager. the newly established ecology program But Council did gain the two -third's After extensive debate Wednesday on campus. majority needed to override Buck's evening, A.S. Council decided to al- However, after a dinner break and veto of a $500 request for an honors' locate $1,300 of the $2,300 requested an executive session, council voted to convocation to be held in the spring by the Student Community Involvement reconsider the decision. for outstanding students. Program, also known as SCIP. Believing that Mike Buck, A.S. They also overrode his veto of The program, which developed out of president, would veto the allocation $99 for a trip to Long Beach last the 1970 Cambodia strike and which because it is an instructionally re- weekend for SJS Cheerleaders who credits study of social issues relevant lated program, Councilman Rudy went in expectation of reimbursement. today, has been entirely staffed by vol- Leonardi feared council would not be One of the vetoes that stoodconcerned unteer help over the past year and a able to raise the needed two-thirds $90 for a group of students who visited half. majority to over-ride the expected Chino State Prison over the weekend. Carl Foster, co-director of SCIP, veto. Council allocated the funds, but ne- explained that matching work study Some council members believed glected to inform the students to allow funds for the program would be avail- $2,300 was too much for the program, one week for a possible presidential able if council allocated $1900 for since after four-to-one matching work- veto before spending them. full and part-time secretarial and study funds the total budget would According to one councilman the group librarian work and administrative in- figure nearly $10,000. went to the prison expecting to be put. The other $400 of the deleted Councilman Andy McDonald argued, reimbursed for gas. However, council It's balloon day! money would have gone for material "I think the program must prove itself was unable to raise the two-thirds needs. before we fund it the $2,300." majority to override the presidential Why were the college students carrying around balloons yes- Council did give SCIP the full amount "However, if we don't give them the veto. in the first vote(6-4-5)after a lengthy terday? It was all part of operation SHARE's publicity gim- money now, the whole program may Buck's veto of a $3,600 allocation background review of the program councilman John to the Intercultural Steering Committee mick for its fall apart," argued tutorials program. Augie Lavagino from SHARE by Dr. Donald Aiken, chairman of the Jeffers. also stood, for procedural reasons. gives a balloon to Chanetta Jackson Council ultimately decided (11-1-1) According to Buck, council had no to allocate a total of $1,300 to be used right to allocate that much money at the discretion of the SCIP directors. without prior recommendation from In other action, council overrode special allocations. Landlords nervous two of five presidential vetoes dealing City Councilman Joe Colla appeared with last week's council action. But before council with a suggestion for by allowing one veto to stand. Council improving communication between stu- literally killed the SJS rifle team. dents and the city. A presidential veto of $2,500 to He requested space in the A.S. the rifle team left the group with no offices one hour a week in order to Campus housing empty alternative but to stop the program. serve as a liaison between the City The guns and other equipment, wich Council and SJS. He also invited any By PAULA BELSHAW Students also expressed dissatis- cerned with the sudden rise in va- under the club's charter belong to students to use his office at City nonrefundable cancies. College Hall Investors, land- council, will be inventoried and stored Hall for reference and library work Daily Staff Writer faction with totally cleaning deposits. lords represented by Fidelity Proper- by the Student Affairs Business Office, when dealing in city matters. Silent hallways and empty apartments Another possible reason for the vacant ty Management of San Jose, have gone await the return of residents in many apartment dilemma is an increase in so far as to reduce rent for a two bed- of the large apartment complexes sur- students living in the dormitories. room apartment at Summit Apart- rounding SJS campus. According to Housing Director Ber- ments, 384 E. William St. to $145 Boldly lettered posters, plastered niece Ryan, one-third of students liv- with two weeks rent-free. across buildings, blare the news of ing in the dorms last year returned They have censures also reduced Council rents for vacant apartments. this year. "Many more than we've two-bedroom units at Caravel Apart- An informal survey taken of some had before," said Miss Ryan. This ments, 642 S. Seventh St., from $200 of the larger complexes indicate many left fewer dorm vacancies for new to $165. of the apartment buildings have a high students. At El Dorado percentage of vacancies. persistent com- Apartments, 315 E. One of the most San Fernando chief St., rent for a two- S.J. police One landlord with 138 apartment units in- plaints about college-area housing bedroom unit is in six different buildings has a total difficul- $200 with two weeks tions in connection with the slaying volved landlord or manager rent-free. of 90 vacant apartments. The majority ties. Many students expressed the By CELESTE ZUFFI of John Henry Smith, Jr., a black IBM, of these are two-bedroom living units. opinion that students have been taken Until this year, apartments have Daily Staff Writer chemist, on Sept. 19. Many students have expressed amaze- advantage of long enough by landlords. been in great demand. Now it ap- San Jose City Council made a last- Many attending Tuesday's meeting ment at the number of vacancies and Whatever the reasons, they all add pars the trend has taken an abrupt minute gesture to appease enraged citi- were students and professors at SJS. wonder why. up to a vacancy problem for area about-face zens Tuesday night by voting to censure Murphy has been accused of "blindly" Mark Brodsky, senior engineering landlords and more commuting hassles If you're looking for housing now, Police Chief Robert Murphy for his ac - supporting patrolman Rocklin Woolley major, lived in a fraternity house for students. there's never been a better time for for killing Smith following an argument before investigating the apartment sit- Understandably, landlords are con- low rents. over a traffic violation. Woolley al- uation a round campus. "The rents legedly shot Smith after he fled the are much higher a round campus." scene, although Woolley stated he Brodsky commented. "It pays me to thought Smith was reaching for a gun, commute five miles, get lower rents, later reports indicated that no gun more privacy, and a better all-around McCloskey on campaign trail; was found on or near the body. apartment." Council action fell considerably short Other students cited increased park- of fulfilling the original demand by ing problems exorbitant rents, and just Chicano and black spokesmen that Mur- plain getting away from the campus phy be fired. Murphy was out of town as their reasons for moving from the SJS speech scheduled for noon and unavailable for comment yes- campus area. terday. Other demands by Third World Elaine Westerlund, senior English Congressman Paul.N. (Pete)McClos- speech is being sponsored by SJS He said he is running for President spokesmen included the suspension major, said, "We paid $240 for a two key, R-Portola Valley, will speak to- president John Bunzel 's Presidential in an attempt to: without pay for the three patrolmen bedroom apartment and $130 cleaning morrow at noon in Morris Dailey Au- Speakers Forum. Admission is free "persuade the Congress to exer- involved in the slaying and the crea- deposit. We got $88 of the cleaning ditorium. and open to the public. cise its Constitutional responsibility tion of a citizens board of inquiry to deposit back after we spent three days A candidate for the Republican presi- McCloskey has been most famous for to end the war by cutting off funds investigate the incident. cleaning the apartment." dential nomination, McCloskey's his stand against the Vietnam War. "persuade the President to change Third World representatives had pre- his announced policy of maintaining sented their demands at two previous the bombing of Indochina Council meetings. "persuade the Administration to make Earlier in the evening, however, the Who will sponsor? our withdrawal conditional solely upon council clearly indicated it could take the return of our POW's, giving up no action against anyone involved in our long-time insistence upon thepre- the slaying until an investigation had servation of the current regime in been completed by the district attor- Saigon." ney and the Grand Jury. Fantasy Faire dispute (cont. on page 8) (cont. on page 8) By PHIL CLAUSEN to the A. S. government for the dates planned by SCIP Daily Staff Writer for the Faire.
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