EDITION BEAUTIFUL THE FIRST VIOLET FRANZ BEHR Op. 575, No. 8 E.B. 28 I •«Kf£*£ Edition Beautiful t The First Violet Edited by FRANZ BEHR, William Conrad Andantino Ii I j S m 5E dolce 6; cantabile *):, 6 P £==* -0- m i 5 £ fe * P P 35 LET or 1 5 «. * I £ E^ 1 £ £ ^zA EE g £ " ff Lf r tr r r 1 5 =£ £ £ te £ P P # S Grade ^ E. B. 28 - 2 BELWIN INC., NEW YORK, U. S. A. Ask for a Copy of "BOY SCOUTS ON PARADE"by W.C.Powell ><tf|£«-: 2^ 1 4 12 -^3 ^ --.4 ±=± Pf^ j J^ i i J. r _a $ ? JBK 3 ^ 5 V "a « 5 3 s p-r—5 £ - f—d B-\E? ^ p^*f 00f* ^ i «' 2 -#" 5^8 * mrJJ r £l * EDITION BEAUTIFUL ttcChc Correct Sheet Music Edition' DONIZETTI HANDROCK MACK-DO WELL , SCHUBERT-LISZT 157 Scherzino, Op. 64, No. 2 . 241 Scotch Poem, Op. 31, No. 2 . 116 Serenade ALBENI7 83 Sextet from "Lucia" 242 To the Moon - •230 Tango in D ~— * DRDLA HAUSER SCHUETT AKON 86 Serenade _ 158 Cradle Song. Op. 11, No. 2 . MACK 313 A !a Bien Aimee, Op. 59, No. 2 — * 399 Volga Boat Song — * 87 Souvenir ....—._„..„._, 244 Gen. Grant's Grand March 314 Reverie in A Flat, Op. 34, No. 5 — « V ' 397 Santa Lucia . ~i- 3 HAWTHORNE 315 Valse Lente, Op. 17, No. 2 $ DRIGO 465 Whispering Hope 3 MALLARD ANDERSON SCHUMANN 85 Serenade 356 Wiosna, Polka 1 Baltic of Waterloo 3 80 Valse Bluette HAYDN 316 Happy Farmer — ——- 3 159 Gipsy Rondo — * 316 Huntsman's Song -_... 3 AFtDITI DURAND MARGIS 318 Nocturne, Op. 23, No. 4 * 497 II Bacio (Kiss Waltz) - ~ 3 91 Chaconne, Op. 62 .... 492 Valse Bleue -.... HEINS 319 Traumerei and Romance * BACH. J. S. 88 Pomponnette, Op. 80 —.... 169 Christmas Eve., Op. 43 . 3 MASCAGNI 3 Lowe 3rd Cello Suite -. * 89 Second Valse, Op. 86 166 Dancing Girl, Op. 213 , 3 245 Intermezzo Sinfonico SCHYTTE 90 Valse in E flat. Op. 83 . 321 Berceuse in G Msjor » BACH. C. PH. E. 161 Dance of the Bears _ 320 Onward Over the Steppes 6 4 Solfegietto - * DUVERNOY 162 Elfin Dance, Op. 194 3 MASSENET 247 Aragonaise from '"L e Cid" BACHMAN 93 Barcarolle. Op. 272, No. 3 S3 Estrella, Ma urka. Op. 180 3 SERRADELL 248 Elegie. Op 10 7 Sylphes, Lea Op. 277 4 261 Evening Chimes, Op. 201 3 13S Golondrina (The Swallow) . > 163 Goldfishes, Op. 168 — 3 40J Last Dream of the Virgin — 8 Success Mazurka * 409 Barcarolle, Op. its. No, S 164 Goodbye. Op. 98, No. 1 ;.- 3 SIBELIUS BADARZEWEKA 94 Bluette Waltz, Op. 272, No. 1 . MENDELSSCHN 323 Romance-D Flat, Op. 24, No. 9 — 5 165 In a Gondola, Op. 157, No.' 10 r 2 10 Maiden's Prayer - 4 250 Consolation, Op. 30, No 3 _. 131 Valse Tristc. Op. 44 , ~ 3 DVORAK 166 In the Mountain Cot, Op. 15 3 136 On Wings of Song (Song BAUMFELDER 167 Kiss Your Hand, Op. 127 3 95 Humoresque in G Flat SIMONETTI 12 Good Humor Rondo. Op. 274 i without Words) 96 Humoresque in G 168 Maiden's Dream, Op. 176 3 324 Madrigale * 3 251 Priests' March, Op. 74, No. 4 pleasant Dance, Op. 208. No. 5... 97 Humoresque in F I 170 Reapers Parting Song iJ 253 Spring Song, Op. 62, No. 6 ..... SINDINO 14 Rondo Mignon, Op 49 . 171 Rose Fay, Op. 185 476 New World Symphony "Largo" . 254 Wedding March, Op. 61. No. 4 . 325 Marche Grotesque, Op. 32, No. 1 6 EHRLICH 412 Shepherdess Thinking of Home 4 BEAUMONT 326 Rustle of Spring, Op. 32, No. 3 S 15 Con AmOi- 98 Barcarolle 172 Shepherds Dream. Op. 171 - 3 MECKEL 411 Shepherd's Idyl, Op. 174 _ 3 SMALLWOOD 16 Slumber Sweetly ~ 4 ELGAR 265 Butterfly. Op 81, No. 4 173 Silver Nymph, Op- 164 _ —- 4 328 Fairy Barque. The - BECUCCI 256 In the Lovely Month of May 99 Salut d'Amour, Op. 12 404 Harebell, The — 494 Tesoro Mio (My Treasure Waltz 3 174 Sweet Violet. Op. 169. No 2 3 257 On Grassy Meadow _.. „ ELLMENREICH 329 Sweet Violet, The - BEETHOVEN 443 Spring Song, Op. 18, No. 1 .... 100 Spinning Song, Op. 14, No. 4 . HELLER. J. 416 Woodruff, The - - 18 Farewell to the Piano J 455 Love Waltz -• » METCALF SEYMOUR-SMITH 19 For Elise - 3 ENGELMANN I 429 Reflections, Reverie .— 3 255 Sack Waltz 330 Dorothy •— 21 Gertrude's Dream Walts J 421 Joy of Youth. Tarantelle ' 431 Twinkling Stars. 3-Step 3 331 ,Lady Betty _.- - 22 Menuet from Op. 49, No. 2 3 422 Little Admiral March „. MEYER-HELMUND 20 Menuet No. 2 in G „ J 426 Melody of Spring, Reverie ..... HELLER. S. 259 Arabesque, Op. 40 SPENCER 334 Orvetta Waltz 24 Sonatina in F .„ - -- 3 432 Ysmita, Japanese Serenade 175 Avalanche, Op. 45, No. 2 3 MOSZKOWSKI 25 Sonatina,' in G — 2 176 Curious Story, Op. 138. No. 9 3 348 Melodie. Op. 10, No. 1 SPINDLER 177 II Pcnscroso. Op. 45, No. 16 4 336 Fairy Polka, Op 93, No. 3 BEHR B Flat 4 264 Melodie, Op. 18, No. I .178 Petite Tarantelle, Op. 46, No. 7 3 337 Fresh Life. Op J! ... 26 Barcarolle Op. S75, No. 5 1 410 Serenata, Op. IS, No. 1. * FINK 179 Tarantelle in A Flat, - 4 149 Hunting Song, Op. 123, No 7 27 Camp of the Gipsies 102 Bright Butterflies, Op. 179, No. 1 — 3 MOZART 414 Sweet Violet, Op. 123, No. 2 28 First Violet, Op. 57S No. 8. 11 Spring Showers - 4 HERBERT 267 Minuet from "Don Juan" 340 Trumpeter's Serenade - 434 French Child's Song „.. 104 Trout in the Brook 3 181 Serenade 31 In May, Op. 575 No. 2. MOZART-SCHULHOFF STODDARD 30 Pomponnette FISCHER HILLER 268 Mbuet in E Flat 342 Evergreen Waltz - — BIELFIELD 105 Wayside Rose Op. 177 _... 183 Under the Christmas Tre STRAUSS, J. 36 Scherzo, Op. 50, No. 1 NOLLET 343 Blue Danube Waltzes - FISHER HOELZEL Elegie, Op. 88 STRAUSS. R. 1 BIEBECK • 106 Robins' Departure 184 Song Without Words .... J44 Traumerei. Op. 9, No 4 - IT" irir Dewdron Mazurka OESTEN HOLLAENDER STREABBOG BIZET-LOEW 272 Doll's Dream and Awakening 186 Canzonetta 36 Book of Gold Walt;, Op. 182 437 Carmen March 3 OFFENBACH 345 Garland of Roses W-ltz ....„•-.. FLOTOW-LOEW 273 Barcarolle. Original — 346 Golden Stars Waltz - ... BIZET 107 Ah So rom "Martha" 32 Le Retour _ 3 274 Barcarolle. Simpified 347 Little Fairy March FONTAINE ILJINSKY 436 Little Fairy Waltz BLON. von Swing Song Berceuse, Op 13, No. 7 OHNHAUS 407 Marche Militaire ... 33 Serenade d'Amour __ 3 456 Romance, Reverie GABRIEL MARIE JAKOBOWSKI 349 Morning Prayer. Op. 130 351 Shower of Roses Waltz BOHM La Cinquantaine .- Lullaby, from "Erminie" PADEREWSKI 350 Sons Without Words SI By the Mountain Spring 4 Lamento 277 Melodic, Op. 8, No. 3 _.. 37 Charge of the Uhlans __ _ 4 Se re nade. B ad ine 278 Minuet a I'Antique - THOMA JENSEN 338 Mignonne Walu . 38 Dancing Spirits. Op. 284 „_ 4 GAEL, van 191 Mill, The, Op. 17, No. 354 Polish Dance, Op S2 39 Fair Ellen,'Op. 327, Na. 18. J Vatce of the Heart ; Farewell to the Alps, Op. S - 3 40 GAENSCHALS JENSEN-NIEMANN THOMAS Fountain, the. Op. 221 PARKER 41 At Twilight, Op. 123 ..... Murmuring Zephyrs 355 Gavotte from 'Mignon" 419 Greyhound March 42 Gipsy Mazurka, Oo. 102 112 Calm Evening, Idyl THOME 43 GHssando Mazurka 2 Medley of National Airs Forest Brook, Op. 124 JUNGMANN 62 Dance Alsacienne .. 45 If Thou Thy Heart Wat .-... Welcome. Op. 69 192 Longing for Home 3 415 Melody 52 La Grace, Op. 302 No. 5. .._ 193 Will o' the Wisp 4 357 Simple Aveu 46 Little Dearest, Gavotte _ Mazurka Ruaae PIECZONKA 358 Under the Leaves, Op 29 - . 47 l.oves's Greeting Mazurka KINKEL GAUTIER 379 Tarantelle in A Minor . TOURS 48 Love's Oracle, Op. 289 195 Mountain Belle Schottischc 3 359 By the Brookside 44 Market Maid, Op. 331, No. 1 Secret, The 196 Whispering of Love 3 PIERNE 360 Gavotte Modcme - 30 May BJIs, Op. 135 GHYS 280 Serenade, Op. 7 KIRCHNER 49 Murmuring Brook Amaryllis ... TRUAX 197 Album Leaf, Op. 7, No. 2 POLDINI 362 Falling Waters r btars, Mazurka. Op. 327, No. J GIESE 281 Dancing Doll TSCHAIKOVSKY 54 Swallow's Song, Op. 270 .._ , 119 Flowret Forget Me Not KJERULF 498 Arab Dance, Nutcracker Suite 406 Little Ensign March 198 Berceuse, Op. 4, No. BOROWSKI POWELL 364 Chanson Triste. Op 40. No 2 423 Little Soldier March 56 Valsette GILLET KOELLINO 182 Chant sans Paroles, Op.40. No 6 .. 129 Little Sailor March 120 Loin da Bal _ 200 Fluttering Leaves „ 365 Chant sans Pjiroles, Op. 2. No 3 . BRAGA-HITZ 499 Danse Russe" (Trepak) "Nutcracker GODARD 199 Lark's Morning Song 428 Normandy Chimes, Reverie Angel's Serenade Suite" 1B4 At Morn, Op. 83 3 RACHMANINOFF 366 June Barcarolle, Op., 37, No. 6 BRAHMS XOWALSKI 125 Berceuse from "Jocelyn" 5 282 Prelude in C Sharp Minor 367 Song of the Lark ...: 58 Hungarian Dance, No, $ _ 9 Saint' a Pestfa, March Hongroisc, 126 Canzonetta, Op. 35, No. 3 .- 4 283 Prelude in G Minor .....;...._. 132 Theme from the Second Movement 60 Waltz in A Flat. Op. 30, No. IS Op. 11 „ _ 441 Novellozza, Op. 47 _ 5 RAFF "Fifth Symphony" BRAIN A RD* 127 Second Mazurka, Op. 54 S KULLAK 284 Cavatina 500 Valse des Flcurs "Nutcracker Suite" 59 Starlight Waltz 128 Second Valse, Op.
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