Students Pick New kU : . j.l Daily Student Publication of Michigan State Governing Council :':'j EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1946 No. 141 Representatives To Elect Officers toberts Fans 11 To Shutout For Coming YearAt Annual Banquet Tartars -A ' Sixteen hundred Michigan State college students turn¬ ed out yesterday to choose the Student council wheh will represent them for the coming year. The 18 new »• nncil- M** *"»«« c«.»»:™ r;,r* ntcn will choose their officers Wednesday at a banuiu t of [aceInitial Balloting Today To Five Safetys *old and hew council nem- * Candidates for king and By allowing Wayne titii- Imlia Veteran "™The presentation system, queen of the annual semi- versity only five scattered as set forth tindtr tb«m w formal MfU'di Gras have Student council been , hits, Robin Roberts hurled, Talks Toni»lit c«n>'Mutton, nominated by sorority, fra-! the Michigan State Spartans gives the S h. ..| ..f Sti,. ,md TODAY'S Arts four rcprcsentativi ternity. dorms, co-ops, and off- j to a 3-0 victory over the Tartars Eleanor Morrison, former They will he Dick Mi»!h>. i..-, pro- campus houses, Bill Page, Mus- yesterday afternoon on Old Col- 'Red Cross worker, will speak kegon (.jssj J( Bog.it i. ,n.' i liuth sophomore, has revealed, lege diamond. at the Home Economies ban-' .Weinke''' CAMPUS The dance will be held Satur¬ The Spartan ' hitters worked ]Ut t tonight on "If You Veterinary Medicine day evening from 8 to 12 in Col¬ Jack IP'oveh. the Wayne pitch- i d in India." Miss lege auditorium, •i', for seven safeties and four Morrisonj William Jackson ■pent 18 months "in the C'B! the- will bases on halls Abbott tin- Stuls'Plttssetl Primary voting will take place while Roberts in the lower deck of the Union gave up five hits, walked two. and struck 11 and Abbot halls' new today. Final balloting will be out 11 T.nt.., hatters and was never in trouble ving device, the Bendix held /tomorrow. Students can i united throughout the game. quite a furor in vote for both king and queen. f.< i.nidry room yesterday State Takes Lead Greek Women Nominate when an inquisitive • c..;._ , : State took the lead in 11 third character So,only nominees for queen opened the .. j , , . ....... i... U..»,.vnn singled are Barbara Macl.— Rurio»ity door in the front of . ,P.1a i down the .third base line and the Chi Omega; Marie. Matte. Alpha nlachine to see went to second when Wayne's Gamma i washing was progress* Delta; Helen Boehler, See BASEBALL, Pace 3 , . Jean was damply surprised as Alpha Omicron Pi; Dora ( line and Gregory is. wat£r and clean clothes Lindbloom, Alpha Phi; Carolyn • Paul Cime. and - NftJi i« gray : onto the floor at his feet. Forrester, Alpha Xi Delta: Jean Procter, Chi Omega; Janet Mc- News in will repiesont the S, ho i Pus— Brief mess and Public Sor. Farlane, Delta Gamma, and Toni Procissi, Delta Zulu. Fotir. soptioiuorcs, li Reals, .J WASHINGTON, llutlience May 15 >A'< ~ I Dawn Haugt'ti. Richard I nee, Enjoys Others include Joan Bowman, Deadlocked over John L. Lew is and Gi rait I Wai rrn. hax Wen Gamma Phi Beta; Peg Frimodig. demand for a seven f oil cert Music per cent pay- (s for Kappa Alpha Theta; | chosen as the i cprcscntat v Phyllis; roll • levy, roal peace talks we're liasic college, Three, tn hrnen Bainbridge, Kappa Delta; Pat hrnken off j today and the nego- i m- Respite Rain Fall Remington. Kappa Kappa Gam- | will l«- elected next tail I tiators went to the White House jplete the Student conned enthusiastic, though damp, ma; Pat Combs, Pi Beta Phi;, with empty hands instead of ttie i ace attended the first of Jacqueline Taylor, Sigma Kappa,' signed contract requested by concerts to.be presented by and Ruth Kotz, Zeta Tau Alpha. President Truman. LI.EANOK MORRISON (.ratination Exercise ■-piece Michigan State col- . SelecMons from the Dorms Governm.ent conciliators had ! , speaks on India . .. , Tickets to be and in the band shell last Retuly Dormitory candidates are Phyl- stepped in and halted the ncgo-, Tor Seniors May 21 lis Collins. ' •;ier the direction of Leon- , North Campbell; ""lions between Lewis and the: rector I Bi alaure, tr and ron-raunce- Falcone, the band. rewarded Phyllis Smith, South Campbell; "P^lRbrs after the latter flatly Dee Dee Smith, East M. Th nnual is sclied- tu kets will be tout out ..irge number of students Mayo; rc>etU'd lhe program tor a im- iianquet j hient J. Burns, West Mayo; Joyce Cot-; ton-controlled health and wel- ;in m the- Union hall- beginning May d of the trill, North Williams; Frances fare fuhd bf' "nanri tiy ttieir()(im jln(| )S ■ the general legistihi The registrar's office still i payroll will he entitled six DeBruvn. South Williams. Penny m'"f owners through |chairmanship "! Jape Helhig. I • |hav many student III cards i apiei lot es ut and Nit/., Mason, and Barbara Mit- 'l'v-v- Cleveland Heights, t pinihr. students are requested to pick ■•main ng will t*- a' a i la hie chell. North hall. During the evening Marie Dye. J:hfM cards up immediately. W ASHINGTON. May 15 oPi— ic tirst distribntiu • l'.o- Ip.jo, Town . Girls , have Tu.mirwtcd? dean'of the School o( Hume Ec>- college students are es- The Senate banking committee : .May 31, more latcca- Peggy Jane McBride; co-ops, numics, will present awards and e tickets i | penally asked to get their voted 11 to 5 today for a year's will I" eady Marion Haglund, and off-campus si tmlai ships to honor students - before the comprehen- extension and the extra coinmeo. tmcnl houses, JoAnnc Savoie. of OPA, then took a ■>0, exams begin. four-day recess to enable mem¬ tickets will U* passed out at the Candidates for 'King' bers' lo prepart amendments to Annual registi.u's'office on Juin 6 " Speech Itinner wnspeople who braved the Men running for king of the the extension bill. dunce lire Robert H ill Teatnrc :th an enjoyable and. fin- Turner, Alpha The present price control law Plays, Gamma Rho; performance. 4 Floyd Guest, Al- expires June 30. The House AlCartls to Stiolcnts •■' lions from __"Oklahoma pha Tau Omega; Walter Naas voted for an extension of only TIME TABLE Delta Jarold Sessions, Del- o"ng of Norway" were well Che, „jnp months. The "beech department will hold its annual ed, although the singers ta Sigmfi Phi; Glenn Johnson, banquet on Fii- Phi Delta Theta; Richard Prince, TODAY— handicapped by the fuzzi- NEW YORK, May 15 'Ah -- A d'-v- M;iy ''eoples chqrelr. Phi i -the microphone. In addi- Kappa Tau, and Harry proposed rule which wouid per- Chairman Patty Shetiurd, Royal Pi Kappa Delta. 5 p.rr " Hughes, Sigma e band played the popu- Alpha Kpsiluri. mit the United Nations Security °"k -emor. states that the rim- 15 I ni»n annex '"liday for Strings," "Mai- Also included arc Roy Niemey- iuncil to keep its proceedings ! '=> and tll"t used .it tin. Sjwrch hanqurt comm.. 5 p aa and Wagner's "Album er. Sigma Chi; Tom Riordan, cret even from fellow mem- j "cket* may be pui ■ch oflil-l 7 I men annex ~L. K. Sigma Nu; Boh Butler, Theta bers of the United Nations will SpC Sailing ilub. 6.15 pro Chi; Carroll Chapman, Psi Up- come before thy courted . tumor- Speech awards will he pre-1 silon, and Andy Lindsay, Kappa, row with strong indications it i ntcil t., outstanding students j 15 I iiinn annex i the department Sigma. will be approved. YAVCA rabinet. S.3» p f». RADIO ROUNDUP Peoples rhurrh WKAR — 870 ke International Relations flub Building Workers Highlight Campus Scene- 6:45 p.m.. 115 I nion annex MORNING— Parachute club. 6:39 By PHIL SPELMAN * p.ir. Melody at Seven Ill t nion annex Dawn Salute Judgink' from the crowds of enthralled onlookers, one hall, new mens doim. Dick I.m- .ETA and Elementary, 7 p.m. The Morning's News of the smash hits of this season is the pageant of buildinn !"td superintends the jot,. He says mi 193 I nion annex .. • i..j„ . , ♦* • tJj.iT .t renirrt has probanlv ^H*rn Songs to Remember construction on campus. The scenery includes stacks ol ( i k( [| in !hat ,(fi|v thl,t ilVlr1 „ Panllellenir. You Love 7:15 p.m Hymns bricks, fleets of trucks, and small grey office buildings; h il d;tys have b<,(.n u.Ci1USC 104 I nion annex The Bookman and the players are the* ,,J weather since December when ■Headline Edition Delta Gamma Mu. 7:15 p.m. tough bosses, carpenters#' The fate of the new building the. project was .begun. Dick is an , Strike Up the Band Erneint. room. Women's gym masons, amazmg gentleman who went [ Michigan News timekeepers, and ! >n the hands of alumnus Vim Vanderburg, star fcsitiiail center rough the engineering school ' Spartan ( hristlan fellowship even the vvaterboy. ot '37. Van's combat boots aie.e Maine university with only a i 7:15 p.m., 435 M-A.C. avenue AFTERNOON— Alumnus Directs Operations holdover-from his days as an en¬ untry school background. i Novelty Bazaar At the site df the new class-, American legion, 7:39 p.m. gineer officer in- ETO. The curtain will come down Famous Overtures room building, a prop called a r j I nion ballroom Knocked on the Bean on construction of most of the Light Northwest Dragline crane scoops j Opera Favorites Theta Alpha Phi.
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