HIGH HOLIDAY EDITION | TISHREI 5769 | SEPTEMBER 2008 Rosh Hashanah Reflections | RABBI ELI GEWIRTZ ’m often asked how a 21st century on the will of Hashem. The Haftorah hungry… Hashem brings Jew is expected to relate to Rosh describes the painful story of the child- death and gives life… He raises Hashanah as a Day of Judgment. less Chana; how her husband’s other the needy from the dust… for IBuying the apples and honey and ar- wife Penina tormented her over her not through strength does ranging to attend High Holiday services inability to conceive, and how her man prevail. is relatively easy. But the concept of prayers were finally answered on Rosh (Samuel 2:4-2:9) a Day of Judgment, especially for the Hashanah when she was told by the uninitiated, is hard to grasp. prophet Eli that she would be blessed Chana makes clear that everything is in with her first child. the hands of Hashem and that, as the Recent world events, the collapse of disclaimer goes: past performance is some of the biggest financial institutions, The commentaries offer many insights no guarantee of future results. Chana’s a mammoth hurricane that wreaked into the connection between Rosh co-wife Penina learned this lesson the many billions of dollars in damages, a Hashanah and Chana’s story. On the hard way. As Chana gave birth to five mini-war in Georgia (which may turn most basic level it provides a message children, Penina lost five of her own. out to be not-so-mini), and ominous about hope and about the power of threats of a multi-regional (did some- prayer. Though her situation seemed The proximity of recent world-altering one say world?) war, may shed some hopeless, Chana knew that the gates events to Rosh Hashanah reminds us light on the theme of judgment. of genuine, heartfelt prayer are never to reflect on the feebleness of the sta- closed, and that prayer can transform tus quo. Everything can change without Are these recent events the result of the seemingly unalterable. This is a moments notice. Just ask Penina or Divine judgment? If so, judgment for certainly an important message for a day anyone at the 158 year-old pillar of Wall what? I’ll leave questions like those to in which we are immersed in prayer. Street that just went belly-up. The only people greater than myself to answer. constants in this world are the open But judgment isn’t about red men with But the Haftorah doesn’t end with gates to heartfelt prayer. pitchforks running amok. It’s about Chana’s good tidings. After fulfilling Divine decisions which could drastically her promise to dedicate her son to the As we reflect on the precariousness of and unexpectedly change a positive or Temple service, Chana offers a sobering the world during the upcoming Days of negative status quo. Communal and in- message about life: Awe, we would do well to realize that dividual judgment for the coming year all of life, health, prosperity, and even takes place on Rosh Hashanah. The bow of the mighty is broken, national security are being judged and while those who were stumbling as we learn from Chana, our prayers do The Haftorah that we read on the first are given strength… The prosper- make a difference. day of Rosh Hashanah reinforces the ous are hired out for meager idea that everything is dependent pay while the hungry cease to be May we all be inscribed for life. FREE HOME DELIVERY. Enjoy Parsha Partner - 5 pages of weekly inspiration —Free. DELIVERED EVERY THURSDAY TO YOUR INBOX. SIGN-UP AT www.partnersintorah.org OR EMAIL [email protected] ROSH HASHANAH | RABBI ELAZAR MEISELS 1. DO WORRY, BE HAPPY A remembrance of the sounding [of the shofar] “One should launder his clothing and take a haircut on Our sages teach us that Rosh Hashanah is much more than just Erev Rosh Hashanah” SHULCHAN ARUCH 581:4 a day of sounding a Shofar or reciting specific verses. Instead, it is primarily a Day of Judgment, upon which the entire world Launder…and…haircut – To demonstrate that we are con- is judged to determine whether they will be sentenced to life or fident in the Almighty that we will emerge with a favorable judg- death. Why then, did the Torah conceal this primary aspect of the ment. TUR SHULCHAN ARUCH 581 day, and refer to it only by its secondary aspect, the blowing of Nevertheless, one should not attire himself in overly elegant the Shofar? apparel as on other holidays, for the awesomeness of the Rabbeinu Bachya explains that the more spiritually endowed the concept, the judgment should be upon him. Instead, one should wear clean more concealed it is from mankind, and the greater the effort needed to reveal it. Examples of this are Tefillin and Tzitzit, which are barely hinted to in the Torah, and neat white clothing. TAZ (RABBI DAVID HALEVI) although their laws are numerous. Their elevated spiritual significance demands that they not be clearly articulated. Instead, they are merely alluded to, requiring However, in a locale where the custom is not to wear white clothing us to elevate ourselves in order to comprehend their essence. Similarly, Rosh on Rosh Hashanah, one should merely wear respectable, but inel- Hashanah, which heralds the onset of the Ten Days of Repentance (which cul- minates in Yom Kippur) is of such an exalted spiritual nature, that it cannot be MAGEN AVRAHAM 597(RABBI AVRAHAM ABELE egant clothing. revealed to the masses and must only be alluded to in cryptic fashion, and acces- BEN CHAIM HALEVI GOMBINER, C. 1637-183) sible only to those who sanctify themselves and aspire to it wholeheartedly. As serious a day as Rosh Hashanah is, and as frightened as we are over our likely shortfall of sufficient merits, we are still confident in the Almighty’s 3. L’CHAIM: TO LIFE ability to help us emerge from judgment intact, reasoning that His love for us “Remember us for life, O’ King who desires [that we be granted] life, is so strong that He will advocate on our behalf. Thus, we adopt a somewhat and inscribe us in the Book of Life, for Your sake, O’ God of Life.” contradictory attitude. On the one hand, we inwardly maintain an air of grim solemnity since we’re nervous and fearful that we will be found lacking before ROSH HASHANAH LITURGY the Almighty. On the other hand, we conduct ourselves outwardly in a festive manner, demonstrating our confidence that the Almighty will find a way to What kind of life are we referring to in this prayer? ensure that our sins will be forgiven. Does G-d merely desire for us to live another day in order to 2. CAN YOU HEAR THE SOUND? consume exotic and tasty foods, and further indulge in earthly delights? A life devoted to maximizing hedonistic pleasures is “Speak to the Children of Israel saying; in the seventh month, on not a life, but a mere existence. Instead, we request that G-d the first of the month, it shall be for you a day of rest. A remem- grant us the opportunity and wherewithal to devote ourselves brance of the sounding [of the Shofar,] a holy assembly.” fully to His service, the essence of life itself. BAALEI MUSSAR VAYIKRA (LEVITICUS 23:24) (MASTERS OF ETHICAL TEACHINGS) A remembrance of the sounding [of the shofar] In his sermon offered on the first night of Selichot, Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin This remembrance is achieved by reciting ten Biblical verses which zt”l, explained that although much of the liturgy on Rosh Hashanah is dedi- cated to requesting additional life, one would be foolish to devote his precious relate to Divine Remembrances [i.e. they mention G-d’s remember- prayers on this sacred day to asking only for additional life on earth. Instead, ing human beings for good throughout history,] and Biblical verses his intent should be to solicit the most sublime life imaginable; Eternal Life in which relate to the Shofar, to remember for your sake the binding of the World to Come. This life-form far surpasses anything available to us on this earth, and it would be a pity to expend the most powerful weapon in our Isaac in whose stead a ram was brought as an offering. arsenal, the prayers of the High Holidays, on anything less. RASHI (RABBI SHLOMO YITZCHAKI; 1040-1105) Rabbi Meisels can be reached at [email protected] Apples, Honey and You | RABBI LEIBY BURNHAM Rosh Hashanah has the same power. It is the “head” of the Year. It is the processing Dear Rabbi, chip through which the programs for the coming year run. The smallest, most minute It seems like every year I get the same feeling. It’s a few days before changes that we make in the head of the Rosh Hashanah and suddenly I’m caught up in a frenzy of emotions. year can have the most profound affect on our entire year! This is the deeper message I want as much as possible to be ready for this awesome festival, yet I of the special foods we eat. During the rest find myself struggling to remember what it is all about. of the year, such small actions would have little or no effect, yet on Rosh Hashanah they have the power to help give us a better year. I remember speeches I heard and essays I read that talked about it. (An analogy to explain this is wet concrete.
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