ILf OBOULATION f o r ' « M< • f Doeombor, 19M QweiaUy foi* o a t Member of the Audit alghtt Suadi^ with proftaMir B un M of Orenlotloiie. ■gut - “ VOL. Lin., NO. 100. (daaalfled Adrertialac oa Page 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 27,1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THKERCBJm 47 OF BYRD’S MEN U. S, Extends A Diplomatic Hand To Cuba HVE THOUSAND FRANCE’S PREMIER MAROONED ON ICE \V^ \ S\ i^sv. \ ATRINKWATCH AND HIS CABINET <$>* ICE C p i V A L Whole Front of Bay Flooring FAMOUS ACTRESS M w Perfect Night, Perfect Ice TO RESIGN TODAY Cmmblmg and Ship Un- •<$> FEARS KIDNAPERS Aid First Fancy Dress able to Get Near, Fear for Bayonue Bank Siandal Cause Fete at Center Springs; GUNMEN STEAL Men’s Safety. Mary Pickford TeDs Boston of Downfall— Riots Mark Experts Give Fine Show. POUCEGEARAT Police She Is Being Trail­ Eyery Session of Chamber Bay of Whales, Anarctic, Jan. 27. — (Via Mackay radio)— (A P )—^Rear Five thoussmd people from Hart­ BOSTomiDBrr of Deputies — Hernotnur Admiral Richard E. Byrd expressed ed; Is Given a Guard. ford, Springfield and several near­ apprehension today for the safety by cities and from Manchester at­ DaladierMay Head New of Pressure Camp and 43 men of the tended the first costume ice party Raid Auto Show During second Antarctic expedition, men Falmouth, Mass., Jan. 27.— (A P ) on Center Springs rink last night. marooned there by disintegration of — The home of Fulton Oursler, play­ ’The Ice was perfect, so was the Goyemment the vast ice shelf covering the bay. wright and magazine editor, over­ weather and foe fine list of enter­ Night, Make Off With Ma­ In addition to the 43 men at the looking Buzzard’s Bay, today shel­ tainers from Springfield, Meriden, camp, temporary supply base four tered Mary Pickford from whatever Chicopee and other Connecticut BULLETIN! and a half miles south of the edge chine Gun, Shotgun and cities, including Manchester talent, Paris, Jan. 27,—.(A P )— Pre­ of the ice, four others were at LltUe caused her to flee Boston last night provided a fine evening’s entertain­ mier Camille Chautemps and America, cut off from their com­ imder conditions remindful of Holly­ ment In a setting as near perfection Various Gas Weapons. his Cabinet resigned to& y. rades. wood thrillers. as it is possible to Imagine. The resignation followed a Ice Is Crumbling The famous actress had been ap­ pearing on a Boston stage when she The banks of foe pond on foe series of demonstrations against : With the temperature at a little north side were packed with people suddenly complained to the police the government as a result of below freezing the ice was disin- long before foe costumed skaters Boston, Jan. 27.— (A P ) — Three that a man and a woman had been the recent collapse of the Bay­ t^ ra tin g every day, the whole front filed out onto foe ice in couples f v gunmen looted foe Massachusetts trailing her. This was all the po­ onne municipal pawnshop u d a of the bay flooring eight miles across a grand march led by Harold State Police exhibit at foe Boston resultant “mud-bath” for gov­ was crumbling. After a reconnais­ lice would say and it was consider­ Dwyer, chairman of foe party. ably more than Miss Pickford A ceremony that gave the signal for a wild celebration in Cuba is pictured in this photograph as Jef­ Auto show early today and escaped ernment officials in tiie Cham­ sance flight Byrd said he was con­ ferson Caffery (left). President Roosevelt’s special representative in Cuba, congratulated Cuban Secre­ There were 69 couples, all In Cv.«8- would say. However, late last night with a machine gun,, four shotguns ber of Deputies. vinced there was grave danger to tary of State Jose de la Torrlente after presenting him papers advising of formal recognition of the Men- tume, when to foe strains of a Two Cabinet ministers, Al­ Mary left Boston in her own auto­ and several bombs. the whole flooring of the bay. dieta government by the United States. Witnessing the ceremony is Marquez Sterling (right foreground) waltz foe leader ushered foe long bert Dalimier, minister of <x>l- mobile with a police car trailing line of youngsters and adults onto The admiral’s flagship was drift­ chosen new Cuban Ambassador to the United States. ’ 'The robbery apparently had been onles, and Eugene Raynaldy, her. foe beautiful, clear surface of foe ing in the bay, imable to berth carefully plaimed. The gunmen, who minister of jnstioe, resigned un­ against the crumbling ice. The Boston ctuiser followed the municipal rink. ’The beauty of foe Pickford car as far as Buzzards had been biding in a truck, had am­ der the fire of the deputies scene as witoessed by foe thousands ple time to break Into packing box­ Bay, where a state trooper took of spectators on foe north and east Russell Owen, member of the first es before carrying foe weapons and over the escort duties and accom­ shores of foe pond was very impres­ Paris, Jan. 27.— (AP)—Premier Byrd expedition to the South Pole, panied Miss Pickford to the Oursler DECISION ANNULS ammunition to a waiting car near Camille Chautemps announced today wrote in the New York Times today LONERGAN KEEPS SILENT sive, the many colored lights and home. She refused to see any out­ foe large flood-lights illuminating the B(»ividere street entrance df that his Cabinet would resign €ffter that the ice breakup was apparently siders and begged to be excused foe skating area \rifo a mifiti-color- Mechanics Building, where foe show a ministerial meeting planned for much more dangerous and severe from answering telephone questions, PROXY MARRIAGE ed glow which reflected upward is baing held. mid-afternoon to avoid a further than in 1930 because of the accumu­ most of which asked if she had re­ ON BERGIN NOMINATION from foe silvery surface. 'They held two watchmen at pis­ “mud bath” in ’Tuesday’s Chamber lated pressure of yew . ceived kidnaping threats. Massed in Review tol point as foe pair made their 3 of Deputies debate on foe Bayonne “ A continued breaking of the bay bank scandal. , A circle of costumed skaters a. m. tour of that section of foe ice might mean that it would crack BOSTON REPORT passed in review at first in couples, show in which the police exhibit The decision to resign was reach­ up as far south as the pressure ridge Boston, Jan. 27.— (A P ) — Mary Jndge Jennings Finds Haber- was quartered. ed after a hectic series of (in fe r ­ outside Little America, to the west Senator Also Refuses to Dis­ then by fours, by sixteens and then Pickford, famous motion picture W HOTE STRIKE Took Their Time ences in which Chautemps attempt­ o f which the Inilk of his supplies Is massed. The crowd on foe shore actres^ was In hiding somewhere on ’The watchmen— Lucian Kerklan ed to consolidate strength to rlzk temporarily cached. erns IIlegaDy Wed; Abro­ applauded enthusiastically at foe Cape Cod today after complaining close His Stand on Mrs. skaters in many-colored costumes of foe South End district, and possible overthrow In foe Chamber “Crumbling of the 4>arrler walls to Boston police that a man and Tuesday rather than to engineer a on the east side of the bay might HAS SMALL EFFECT flashing by imder foe lights. George Mason of Brookline— said woman had been trailing her. gates I t ’Then the skaters waltzed in pairs foe gunmen “took their time” about quick withdrawal. raise doubts as to the availability Police revealed early to^y that Welch and Dr. Dolan — Facing Two Fires of LttUe America itsd/ as a safe fewer in number than in foe opening breaking open packing boxes and they bad escorted her as far as exhibition, but brilliantly pleasing ripping open foe rear door of a The Cabinet was facing two fires base fOT this year.” Buzzards Bay on the Cape Cod —resumption of foe debate over al­ floondlngs have shown that 1,600 Most Await His O.K. Judge Newell Jennings, of the to foe eye In their poises and state police radio car in foelr search canal. A trooper of the Massa­ 30,000 Called Out in New counter poises, swinging to foe leged government implication in con­ feet of water extend under Little Superior Court, Hartford County, for weapons. 'They said one of foe chusetts State police relieved the rythm of waltz recordings played trio looked into foe gasoline tank of ditions which led to foe bank’s fail­ America. Boston officers there, police said, has rendered his decision in the case by William Krah, of Potterton & foe police portable radio station and ure, and a continuation of riots that and she crossed the canal at the Washington, Jan. 27.— (AP)— York But Only a Few Hun­ o f Grace Lc»ckwood Haberem vs. Krah, radio dealers, owners of foe remarked, as he turned away from have marked every su(fii Chamber Bourne bridge for an imknown des­ Senator Van Nuys, Democrat, In- Michael Haberem for the annul­ equipment loamed to foe skating session and which it had been an­ tination on Cape Ck>d. foe tru<±, “w e’e take this too If it dlaptt, will wait untu Senator Lon- dred Quit Their Jobs. fraternity this season. bad any ga:. in the tank.” nounced would be resumed tonight. Boston authorities declined to ment of a marriage that took place Following foe waltzing, foe SBUTOR JOHNSON, 'The gimmfn carried their loot out Chautemps already has (fiianged say more than that the sctj mis had ergjfen appsoves his sub-CQmmittee in MtUerton, N.
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