Oneal: Report of the NEC to the Emergency National Convention [Sept. 1, 1919] 1 Report of the National Executive Committee to the Emergency National Convention of the Socialist Party of America: Chicago, IL — Sept. 1, 1919. by James Oneal Published in the New York Call, v. 12, no. 246 (Sept. 3, 1919), pg. 2. The period in which this National Executive ism at Versailles. It was a working class settlement that Committee has served the party has been one of per- no imperialist could accept. secution from without and dissensions within. It has tried to serve the party at a time when normal judg- St. Louis Convention Faced Its Task ments had been difficult owing to the hatreds, suspi- When US Plunged Into War. cions, and hysterical bred by a world in arms. The ma- terial basis of capitalist society has been shaken all over The St. Louis Convention faced its task and, even the world, and this has found expression in the whole while in session, the United States plunged into the superstructure of society. All movements have been bloody world struggle. Knowing the dangers they affected by it, the Socialist movement included. faced, the party delegates adopted a program that reaf- The fact that the intellectual life of the nations firmed its international position. This was approved has been affected is evidence of the historical principle by a general vote of the party members. that any disturbance or change in the material basis of Within a year after adopting the St. Louis pro- society must make its impress upon the politics, opin- gram, hundreds of comrades were arrested and an era ions, and general intellectual life of the nation. of persecution set in. “Patriotic” societies organized The Socialist Party of the United States faced white terror in many parts of the country. Locals and the crisis in April 1917, in a special Emergency Con- branches were destroyed, party members were boy- vention held in St. Louis. The nation was on the verge cotted, and in some states they were the victims of of war. Previous to this convention the party had is- mobs. sued a number of important manifestos regarding the Our press was largely destroyed and the few pub- war and its causes, these statements in each case hold- lications that survived were deprived of their mailing ing aloft the banner of internationalism. privileges. Government spies dogged the heels of party In 1915 the Socialist Party issued a peace pro- members and in some of the larger cities our head- gram that became the program of the whole interna- quarters were raided by government officials. Some tional Socialist movement. It was taken up by the were sacked by mobs. Russian revolutionists and was the basis of the Rus- A small group left the party after the adoption sian Soviet program for peace at Brest-Litovsk. It be- of the St. Louis program. The conduct of this group came the program of all the other international So- has been, on the whole, with exceptions, consistent cialist groups. The formula of self-determination, no and uniform. They have attacked the party and its punitive indemnities, and no annexations, first pro- members and acquiesced in the policy of the imperial- claimed by the party in this country, was rejected by ists, even to accepting the imperialist peace of Ver- German junkerdom at Brest and by Allied imperial- sailles and intervention in Russia. They constituted a 1 2 Oneal: Report of the NEC to the Emergency National Convention [Sept. 1, 1919] small Right Wing, and their desertion and betrayal the Espionage Act free discussion was an impossibil- rather strengthened than weakened the party. ity. Only one view could be heard regarding the war. Organization work and public propaganda be- To have held the convention would have sub- came impossible in many parts of the country. In some jected many comrades to persecution and imprison- states branches were unable to meet to transact ordi- ment. So the party continued its main work of de- nary business. The branches were isolated, deprived fending its political and class war prisoners and, out- of contact with each other, and thus subject to rumors side of some of the larger cities, all propaganda work and suspicions. In many parts of the country the only was practically suspended. Our funds were also being source of information the party members had was the drained and we were often faced with the need of ur- capitalist press. All the resources of the party had to be gent financial aid for some comrades. mobilized for the defense of our victimized members. In spite of the tremendous obstacles we faced, the party New Period in Party Follows managed to secure funds to defend our comrades in Collapse of Central Alliance. court. The collapse of the Central Alliance in Europe Active Socialists Imprisoned was followed by a new period in the party. While no In Effort to Terrorize Party. definite date may be set for the beginning of the present party dissensions, it is certain that they began to be As though to terrorize the party into a surrender generally noticeable in January of this year, when the to the dark forces of reaction, some of the best-known National Executive Committee elected delegates to the comrades were indicted and some sentenced to long Berne Conference, owing to the fact that the delegates terms of imprisonment. Among them is one of the elected by referendum could not serve, and the assem- best-loved Socialists in the world, Eugene V. Debs, who bling of the Berne Conference in March [1919] made is serving a 10-year sentence; National Executive Sec- necessary the election of delegates by the National retary [Adolph] Germer; Louis Engdahl, editor of The Executive Committee. American Socialist; William Kruse, Secretary of the The so-called Left Wing members of the Na- Young People’s Socialist League; victor L. Berger; A.I. tional Executive Committee [Ludwig Katterfeld and Shiplacoff; Stanley J. Clark; Emil Herman of the Na- Alfred Wagenknecht] participated in the election, tional Executive Committee; and Irwin St. John nominating and voting for candidates. None of their Tucker. nominees were elected and shortly after the election Frederick Krafft and Alfred Wagenknecht of the an organized attack was made against the international National Executive Committee served terms in prison, delegates by the Left Wing. and Victor L. Berger, in addition to a sentence of 20 It was uncertain whether passports could be se- years, has 4 more indictments pending against him, cured in time to attend the Berne Conference. The besides being refused his seat in Congress. National Executive Committee in session decided that All the Socialist candidates for Congress in Wis- if our delegates arrived at Berne in time and the con- consin and the State Secretary also are under indict- ference failed to take the position of the party on war ment. No mail whatever is permitted to be delivered and imperialism, we were to withdraw with any ele- to the Leader, the party daily in Milwaukee. Some ments favoring a genuine working class international. 2,000 Socialists in all have been arrested because of It was agreed that we would not affiliate with any in- their opinions and the era of persecution is by no means ternational that excluded the Russian comrades, who ended. were fighting world imperialism, or the comrades op- In March 1918, Local St. Louis initiated a move- posed to the Ebert-Scheidemann regime in Germany. ment for a special convention, which the National Before our delegates could leave the country, the Executive Committee considered the following May. National Executive Committee learned that the Berne In a proclamation to the membership the impossibil- conference had failed to respond to its opportunity. It ity of holding the convention was pointed out. Under devoted its proceedings to useless bickerings regard- Oneal: Report of the NEC to the Emergency National Convention [Sept. 1, 1919] 3 ing “responsibility” for the war, thus echoing the views the absorption of the party in the work of defending of the imperialists of the two alliances. It wasted time our party members in court, these slanders were ac- in discussing clauses of the League of Nations to be cepted in some quarters and the seeds of distrust and formed at Versailles, ignoring the fact that only a holy suspicion were sown in our ranks in the name of the alliance of capital could issue from the deliberations Socialist Party and its officials and members, who have of the imperialist diplomats. been maliciously libeled by the dastardly propaganda. We brand those responsible for it as guilty of atro- Systematic Campaign of Lies cious conduct unbecoming Socialists. The Socialist Waged Against Party by Faction. Party is not and never will be committed to any sup- port of the betrayers of Socialism in Germany or else- Learning this, the National Executive Commit- where. tee decided to send one delegate abroad to impart in- formation to the comrades in Europe, informing them Slanders Accompanied by Like of our attitude on international questions. The del- Propaganda Regarding Russia. egate carried out the instructions of the National Ex- ecutive Committee. These slanders have been accompanied with a Yet, despite all this, a systematic campaign of similar propaganda regarding Russia. The party and falsehood has been waged against the party by a fac- its officials, especially the members of the National tion within the party. This faction has falsely claimed Executive Committee, have been charged with being that the party is allied with the Berne conference. Our “Kolchaks” and “counterrevolutionists,” the implica- delegate abroad could have attended a commission of tion being that the party has been committed to coun- the Berne conference which met in Holland on April terrevolution in Russia, allied intervention, and sup- 24 [1919].
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