)O Directories GOVERNING AND ADVISORY BODTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thomas I. Danis, Chair; james F. Fitz, S.M., Vice-chair; Raymond L.Fitz, S.M., Secretary; Richard A. Abdoo, Susan B. Beck, Iohn W. Berry, Sr., ferome P. Bishop, Sr., Margaret A. Cavanaugh, Michael E. Ervin, M.D., Richard H. Finan, Richard F. Glennon, Stephen M. Glodek, S.M., Max Gutmann, Iane G. Haley, Allen M. Hill, Cordell W. Hull, Joseph H. Kamis, S.M., George P. Kooluris, Dolores R. Leckey, Paul M. Marshall, S.M., Mary C. Mathews, Stanley G. Mathews, S.M., Clayton L. Mathile, Iohn I' Moder, S.M., Colombe M. Nicholas, Charles H. Noll, Ronald L. Overman, S.M., David C. Phillips, Thomas M. Roberts, fohn L. Schaefer, Jerome P. VanderHorst, William S. Weprin. EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Raymond L. Fitz, S.M., Chair; Frances E. Ary, Mary J. Brown, Thomas E. Burkhardt, Chris W. Conlon, S.M., Francis J. Conte, Patricia F. First, Edward D. Garten, ]ohn O. Geiger, Sam Gould, Elizabeth F. Gustafson, James L. Heft, S.M., Theodore L. Kissell, foseph Lestingi, Debra P. Moore, Paul f. Morman, Chris Mufloz, Mary A. Neacy, Patrick F. Palermo, Bemard ]. Ploeger, S.M., Gordon A. Sargent, William C. Schuerman, MaryJo Vesper, faculty and student members of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, the president of the Student Government Association. ACADEMIC SENATE fames L. Heft, S.M., President; |ames R. Biddle, Fred K. Bogner, George A. Bohlen, BrianP. Conniff, FrancisJ. Conte, BruceA. Craver, GeorgeR.Doyle,lr., William C. Fackovec, S.M., Patricia F. First, Sam Gould, Lawrence H. Hadley, Charles G. Hallinan, Patricia A. Johnson, Gerald Kerns, foseph Lestingi, Will- iam F. Lewis, George K. Miner, Nancy K. Mohan, Xavier Monasterio, Don B. Morlan, Paul I. Morman, f . Michael O'Hare, Fred P. Pestello, C. Daniel Raisch, Gordon A. Sargent, Carroll M. Schleppi, Pamela L. Thimmes, OSF, students. STUDENT LIFE COUNCIL William C. Schuerman, Chairperson; Louis I. Boehman, Christopher W. Conlon, S.M., Jack D. Cox, Jr., Elizabeth I. Edwards, Jody O'Neil, S.P., Donald D. Yoder, students. University of Dayton XI OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY President ........Raymond L. Fitz, S.M. ............. fames L. Heft, S.M. Senior Vice President for Administration .................. .. Bemard |. Ploeger, S.M, Vice Presidmt for Student Development and Dean of Students ......... William C. Schuerman Vice Presidmt for UniversiW Advancemmt.... Frances E. Arv Director, Campus Ministry -....-.... ...... ChristopherW. Conlon, S.M. Vice President for Graduate Studies and Researdr and Dean of Graduate Studies .,........., Gordon A. Sargmt Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer .,....,. Thomas E. Burkhardt OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT President Rector Executive Assistant to the President ............ Mary A. Neacy Assistant to the President for Regional and Government Relations .. Richard T. Ferguson Secretarv to the Presidmt........ Karen D. Poe ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Provost ...,.... ]ames L. Heft, S.M. Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research and Dean of Graduate Studies ......... Gordon A. Sargent Associate Dean for Graduate Studies...........,...,.... ...... Kitavun E. Marre Director, Center for Competitive Change......... -.-..-..... Cirol M. Shaw Associate Pncvost for Faculty Affairs ................ .-.-.-....-.-,- Jotm O. Geiger Registrar.,,...... Daniel F. Palmert Assistant Registrar-Records . Thomas |. Westendorf Assistant Registrar-Registration ...... Patsy L. Martin Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education ........... Patrick F. Palemro Arts Series ,. Maureen Masters Director, Career Placemmt Cmter ... Gregory D. Flayes Director, Honors and Scholars Programs R, Alan Kimbrough Interim Director, Center for lntemational Programs .,....lanis L. Krugh Director, English Language & Multicultural Institute Clara S. Delgado Interim Director, Intemational Senices ......,..,......... Alison f. Glick Coordinator, Intemational Educational Programs . Ann E. Halpin Academic Coordinator for Athletics ........... Don C. Ross Associate Provost for Enrollment Management ....................,. Chris Mufroz Director, Admission .................. ...,......... Myron Achbadr Director, Student Reauitment... ...........Robert F. Durkle Director, Financial Aid.. .]oyce ]. Wilkins Director, Student Sctrolarships .-.-.-.-.. ... James F. Kelly Director, Operations SuzanneM. Petrusch Assistant to the Provost MaryJ. Brown Dean, College of Arb and Sciences........... PaulJ. Morman Associate Dean for Graduate and Administrative Affairs R. Gerald Keil Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Studmt Affairs ...............,........ Mary Jo Vesper Assistant Dean ................. Rae Ellen Huff Assistant Dean ....... Sam F. Johnson 400 Dean, School of Business Administration....... ... Sam Gould Associate Dean -.-..-.-.-.-..Jotrn E.Rapp Associate Dean and Director, Graduate Program ........ E. James Dunne Director, Center for Business and Economic Research.............................John E, Weiler Director, Management Developmmt Center ................ Dennis F. Miduels Dean, School of Education ., Patricia F. First Associate Dean ...JosephF. Rogw Assistant Dean ....... Donald T. Frericks Director, Education Placement Services .... Roger L. Coy Dean, School of Engineering . ........................ |oseph Lestingi Associate Dean of Graduate Engineering Programs and Researdr ....... Donald L. Moon Associatessociate Dean for Engineering Tedmology Programs Robert L. Mott Associate Dean for Undergraduate Engineering NormanS. Phillips Dean, School oflaw Francis J, Conte Associate Dean Richard P. Perna Director, Iaw Library ................. ....,.. Thomas L. Hanley Dean, University Libraries and lnfomration Technologies ............ Rev. Edward D. Garten Director, Marian Library .,. Thomas A. Thompsorl S.M. Director, Institute for Theology, Education, and Ministry .......... George A. Deinlein, S.M. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS Chairpnsons Accounting Ronnief. Burrows Biology.... JohnJ. Rowe Chemical iand Materials Engineering Tonv E. Saliba Chemical Technology.............................. Wa:renH. Smith Chemistry -..-.-.-.-.-,-,-.n-,-,. AlbertV./ Fratini Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Fred K. Bogner Communication Thomas D. Skill Computer Science .................... Barbara A. Smith Counselor Education and HumanServices EugeneK. Moulin Economics and Finance ... Ralph R Frasca EducationalAdministration . William R.Drury Electrical Engineering .-.-.-.-.-.- MohammedA. Karim Electronic Engineering Technology ................foseph M. Farren Engineering Management and Systems ........... Patrick j. Sweeney En91ish............ james P. Farrelly History............ .........................Iohn A. Heitmann Human Ecorogy ..................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..................................... ruria A. parmert Languages...... Arthur D. Mosher Management and Marketing William S. Sekely Management Information Systems and Decision Sciences ....]effrey A. Hoffer Mathematics Thomas E. Gantner Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Glm E.|ohnson Mechanical Engineering Tedmology ............Phi1ip E. Doepker MajorJames A. Roy Lindaj. Snyder Visual Arb SeanWilkinson University of Dayton)C ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Dhectors American Studies..................... .................... Francis J. Henninger Criminal Justice Studies.......... ....................... fames A. Adamitis Food and Nutrition ...,...............Iu1ia A. Palmert Industrial Engineering Tedrnology ........... fames F. Courtright MauremF. O'Meara Manufacturing Engineering Technology .......... Robert L. Wolff Premedical and Predental Studies .................... --- - - B.. lawrence Fox INSTITUTE FOR THEOLOGY, EDUCATION, AND MINISTRY Director .......... George A. Deinlein, S.M. Director, Ministry with Dsabled People ............. ............ Marilyn E. Bishop Director, Center for Religious Communication....,....... Angela Ann Zukows$ M.H'S.H. UNTVERSITY LIBRARIES Dean, University Libraries and lnformation Technologies .................. Rev. Edward D. Garten Associate Director for Public Services ............... ........... Robert E. Montavon Coordinator of Information Services ............... .......'........... Linda Simons Coordinator of Access Services ........... Sondra L. Taylor Associate Director for Tedrnical Services Nicoletta C. Hary Coordinator of Periodical Acquisitions and Building Coordinator....... David Buckley Coordinator of Bibliographic Control .............. ...............'..'.... Susan Tsui University Archivist..................... ........ Kerrie A. Romero Academic Tednology Services Media Services Group .-,-.-.-., Duane Semler Instructional Computing Group James Baccus Director of the Marian Library ...................... Rev. Thomas A. Thompsory S.M. RESEARCH Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research and Dean of Graduate Studies ................. Gordon A. Sargmt Associate Vice President for Research and Director, Research Institute.... .................IosePh E. Rowe Associate Director, Operations & Financial PIanning..................... Michael V' McCabe Head, Aerospace Mechanics .. Blaine S. West Head, Electrical and ComputerEngineering .... Dennis D. Stafford Head, Experimental and Applied Mechanics ........... GeorgeJ. Roth Head, Materials Engineering .. Dennis A. Gerdeman Hea4 Metals and Ceramics ...... JohnA. Dehio Hea4 Nonmetallic Materials . ....... Kenneth A. Davis Hea4 Stmctural Int%.rity ......... Joseph P. Gallagher Controller....... ...... John U. Weckesser Purchasing Agent and
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