Weekly Contest AutoMatters & More Around Town Enter for a chance to win two tickets to Politicon: Oceanside Art Walk, Obon Festival, HarborFest Chula Vista. Something new and daring. Stagecoach Days, Vista Rod Run, Free to See page 5 See page 7 Breathe Walk/Run. See page 23 Navy Marine Corps Coast Guard Army Air Force AT AT EASE ARMED FORCES Aug. 4 San Diego Navy/Marine Corps Dispatch www.armedforcesdispatch.com 619.280.2985 FIFTY SEVENTH YEAR NO. 8 DISPATCH THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2017 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees Pacom talks threats, strategies by Jim Garamone WASHINGTON - North Ko- rean nuclear capabilities, Chi- nese aggression in the South China Sea and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria making inroads in the Philippines are the three major challenges facing the Pa- cific community, the commander of U.S. Pacific Command said at the 4th Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum here July 27. These are the threats that Pa- com must face and adapt to as the pace of change in the region - indeed the world - increases, Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr. said. Japan’s ambassador to the United States Kenichiro Sasae, who hosted the event at his resi- dence, and retired Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and one of the leaders of the forum, both emphasized the need for stability in an uncertain world. Harris didn’t disagree and ticked off one-by-one the chang- es that prove this to be a volatile time in the region. He noted that in September, North Korea tested yet another nuclear device. On July 4, Kim Jong-Un successfully launched Squeeze some fun into your summer at the Lemon Festival, Sunday, Aug. 6 his first-ever intercontinental ballistic missile. Squeeze some fun into your summer at the 21st annual Lemon Festival presented Second, “China increased ag- by Third Avenue Village Association in Chula Vista’s original neighborhood on Sunday, gressive maneuvers in the East August 6. China Sea, and continued its Sweet sour summer fun will fill Third Avenue from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at no unabated militarization of the cost to the community to celebrate Chula Vista’s historic reign as the lemon capital of South China Sea,” he said. the world. Third Avenue will close to traffic and open to hundreds of vendor booths Finally, he noted that earlier welcoming over 35,000 eager attendees rejoicing in this juicy jubilee. Sport your this year, ISIS proved it is a true brightest yellow outfit and enjoy lemon-infused activities, live bands, sour contests, a global threat as violent extremist kid’s fun zone, a craft beer garden, and hundreds of festive booths. organizations banded together to Lemonade Bandstand in Memorial occupy Marawi City in Mind- anao in the Philippines. Park will be rocking with live bands “That’s a lot of change in the from various genres including: Alter last 12 months,” Harris said. Ego, Dubbest, Fanny and the Atta “But I’ll point out three truths Boys, and Kannan Road. The Citrus that have not changed.” Stage at E Street will feature tangy tunes, local artistry, and our lemon contests. Attendees First, the Indo-Asia-Pacific will have the opportunity to compete for glory and prizes in the Lemon Pie Eating, Lemon region remains a top priority Peeling and Largest Lemon contests. All ages are welcome to participate. Festival guests for the United States. “The U.S. interested in the contests will be directed to sign up at the Citrus Stage. remains laser-focused on the The Festival Fun Zone located at F Street where bungee rides, a rock wall, and more will region because our interests there delight thrill seekers of all ages. Overflowing with interactive features and giveaways from are enduring....U.S. key leader engagements with the region -- to community partners, this over 20-year tradition is more refreshing than the fresh-squeezed include Japan - prove our actions lemonade offered in abundance. back up those words.” More information juicy details will be available at www.thirdavenuevillage.com. see Pacom, page 4 Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper DISPATCHARMED FORCES Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Experimental drone transforms in flight ‘Stay ahead of evolving threat’: Soldiers test Ballistic Missile Defense System by David McNally The U.S. Army Research For testing, Nogar has tem- WASHINGTON - The Missile Defense Agency and Soldiers Laboratory is experimenting porarily attached a large paper of the 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade from Fort Bliss, Texas, with a hybrid unmanned aerial half-circle to the prototype to conducted a successful missile defense test July 30 using the vehicle that transforms in flight slow it down. The final design Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, according to a and gives soldiers an advantage will be less than 10 inches in Missile Defense Agency news release. on the battlefield of the future. length. A medium-range target ballistic missile was air-launched by an Air Force C-17 Globemaster III over the Pacific Ocean. The Weighing in at just over half a “The tilt-rotor design that is A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THAADA THOROUGHLY weapon MODERN system, WAY located TO KEEP at UP Pacific WITH YOUR Spaceport COMMUNITY Complex pound, this UAV tilts its rotors to kind of like the V-22 Osprey, THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. Alaska in Kodiak,THROUGH detected, THE ARMED tracked FORCES and DISPATCH. intercepted the target. go from hovering like a helicop- where the motors tilt them- ter to speeding along like a sleek selves,” Nogar said. The test, designatedDISPATCHARMED FORCES Flight Experiment THAAD (FET)-01, airplane. The design has many Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper was conducted to gatherArmed Forces threat Dispatch data Newspaper from a THAAD interceptor efficiencies, but also provides The Osprey is a multi-mis- in flight, the release said. many challenges to its creator, sion, tilt-rotor military aircraft The future hybrid UAV is less than a foot in length, “In addition to successfully intercepting the target, the data Dr. Steve Nogar, a postdoctoral designed for both vertical take- but for testing, its inventor has added a lightweight collected will allow MDA to enhance the THAAD weapon sys- researcher with the lab’s Vehicle off and landing. The V-22 is paper wing to slow it down. U.S. Army photo by David tem, our modeling and simulation capabilities, and our ability to Technology Directorate. more than 57 feet in length. McNally Shrinking that capability to less stay ahead of the evolving threat,” said Air Force Lt. Gen. Sam “In an aircraft, weight is ev- than one foot has been a chal- we have to be able to sense the experiment, refine and experi- Greaves, Missile Defense Agency director. erything,” Nogar said. There are lenge due to the complex physics environment.” ment more. a lot of vehicles out there where that govern the vehicle’s move- Soldiers from the 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade conducted designers take a quad-rotor and ment and the associated control Imagine a future drone that “These vehicles will better launcher, fire control and radar operations using the same pro- staple it to a fixed-wing aircraft. methods, Nogar said. knows how to land itself to integrate with soldiers,” he said. cedures they would use in an actual combat scenario. Soldiers It may have extra propellers and conserve power while gather- “Soldiers are going to have to operating the equipment were not aware of the actual target launch actuators and it’s not very effi- With this hybrid UAV, trans- ing situational awareness. The be able to interact with these time, the release said. cient. You have a lot of wasted forming from hovering to hori- UAV will need to be able to vehicles all the time and they’re weight.” zontal flight offers speed, agility detect walls, avoid obstacles going to have to work as a team This was the 15th successful intercept in 15 tests for the and mission flexibility. and rapidly understand its en- to achieve their objectives.” THAAD weapon system. vironment. FOLLOW US FOLLOWPostdoctoral US researcher Dr. That objective may be finding The THAAD element provides a globally-transportable, rap- Steve Nogar holds his prototype “If you’re going to land on out what’s over the next hill, or idly-deployable capability to intercept ballistic missiles inside ONLINE hybridONLINE unmanned aerial vehicle something, you need to know scouting out enemy forces. or outside the atmosphere during their final, or terminal, phase that may deliver advantages to very quickly how fast that’s of flight. THAAD is strictly a defensive weapon system. The www.afdispatch.com Soldierswww.afdispatch.com on future battlefields. coming up to you as you come “We can’t put a lot of sensors system uses hit-to-kill technology where kinetic energy destroys U.S. Army photo by David in to land,” he said. “We will on this vehicle,” Nogar said. the incoming target, according to the release. Like us on McNallyLike us on need to enable the UAV to sense “It’s basically what we can do The mission of the Missile Defense Agency is to develop and Facebook Facebook and perceiveA THOROUGHLY its MODERNenvironment WAY TO KEEPwith UP justWITH one YOUR camera. COMMUNITY It takes a A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY “Looking forward, we want using visual techniquesTHROUGH THE such ARMED as FORCESlot more DISPATCH. work to do the control deploy a layeredTHROUGH ballistic THE ARMED missile FORCES defense DISPATCH. system to defend the Armed Forces to look Armedat perching Forces or landing machine learning.” and study the dynamics of this U.S., its deployed forces, allies and friends from ballistic missile Dispatch Newspaper on somethingDispatch Newspaperin the environ- GET THE LATEST NEWS, PHOTOS ANDvehicle, ADVERTISING but we SPECIALS.will benefit from attacksGET ofTHE all LATEST ranges NEWS, in all PHOTOS phases AND of ADVERTISING flight, the release SPECIALS.
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