Schuldnerberatung Schwangeren- und Schwangeren- und Diakonie Diakonie Diakonie consultationconsultation && support Diakonie Diakonie DiakonieDiakonie SchwangerschaftskonflDiakonieDiakonie iktberatung Schwangerschaftskonflfor migrants, refugees iktberatung for migrants, refugees in your region in your region in your region and volunteers consultation in your region in your region inin your your region region inin your your region region and volunteers Bad Salzdetfurth & Lamspringe Bockenem HolleHolle We advise refugees and migrants on the Advice for refugees and volunteers Bürgermeister-Sander-Str. 10 AdviceAdvice for for refugees refugees and and volunteers volunteers following topics: Salzpfännerstr. 6 31167 Bockenem KirchplatzKirchplatz 2 2 YouYou can can find find detailed detailed information information on the on the 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth Tel: 05067 - 6243 Mobil:Mobil: 0176 0176 - 57743922- 57743922 internetinternet at www.diakonie-hildesheim.deat www.diakonie-hildesheim.de • Asylum procedure and course of the Mobil: 0178 - 4262106 E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] procedure www.instagram.com/diakonisches.werk.hildesheimwww.instagram.com/diakonisches.werk.hildesheim Tel. 05063 - 2715803 Advice for refugees and volunteers reachabilityreachability • Right of residence E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Tuesday:Tuesday: 10:00 10:00 a.m.–12:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. p.m. • Asylum Seekers Benefits Act reachability Mobil: 0157 - 58918760 Thursday:Thursday: 12:00 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. p.m. • Integration measures Tuesday 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. E-Mail: [email protected] Your next • Social counselling Schulden?Adviser: • Wednesday 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Mobil: 0176 - 87836837 appointment: questions and support in social services • Thursday 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. appointments by phone GrasdorfGrasdorf YourYour next next School and day-care Ohebergstr.Ohebergstr. 6 6 Schwanger?appointment:appointment: Adviser:Adviser: Schwanger? • Family reunion 3118831188 Grasdorf Grasdorf (Holle) (Holle) • Career prospects Elze Migration advice for EU citizens E-Mail: [email protected] Tel.:Tel.: 05062 05062 - 9640097- 9640097 • education and language Migration advice for adult immigrants Mobil: 0162 - 6548505 Fax:Fax: 05062 05062 - 9640098- 9640098 • Psychosocial problems Kirchplatz 2 reachable by phone • Health care 31008 Elze Monday, Tuesday, Thursday AdviceAdvice for for residents residents of of the the refugee refugee • interdisciplinary referral, for example Tel.: 05068 - 5568 accommodationaccommodation Diakonisches Werk Social Hildesheim welfare work Hildesheim with debts, pregnancy and many more Mobil: 0159 - 06457359 E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] • Help and/or referral with further questions E-Mail: [email protected] Mobil:Mobil: 0176 0176 - 57743922- 57743922 Diakonisches Werk Diakonisches WerkAdvisory centres reachability E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] & facilities Tuesday and Thursday: 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Mobil:Mobil: 0176 0176 - 34532038- 34532038 Hildesheim Bad Salzdetfurth PeinePeine Bockenem Our consultation is free, confidential Elze PsychologicalPsychological advice advice Schwangerenberatung_04-06-2018.indd 1 Schwangerenberatung_04-06-2018.indd05.06.2018 11:01:33 1 05.06.2018 11:01:33 Grasdorf and anonymously if you wish! Bahnhofsstr.Bahnhofsstr. 8 8 Holle 3122631226 Peine Peine Lamspringe Tel.:Tel.: 05171 05171 - 5081-15- 5081-15 Peine E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Schuldner-Beratung_korrigiert.indd 1 11.07.2011 09:34:40 Schwangeren- und Diakonie Diakonie consultation & support consultation Voluntary work DiakonieDiakonieDiakonieDiakonie SchwangerschaftskonflDiakonie iktberatung Diakonie for migrants, refugees consultation VoluntaryVoluntaryVoluntary workworkwork work inin youryour regionregion inin your your region region in your region and volunteers ininin in youryouryour your region regionregion region We would be happy if you would like to We advise refugees and migrants on the WeWe We We wouldwouldwould would bebe be happhapp happyy ifyif youifyou you wouldwould would likelikelike like to toto to HildesheimHildesheimHildesheimHildesheim Bad Salzdetfurth & Lamspringe Bockenem following topics: supportsupport support support ususus us ininin in one oneone one of ofof of the thethe the fields fieldsfields fields Diakonisches Werk Advice for refugees and volunteers Bürgermeister-Sander-Str. 10 of voluntary work. DiakonischesDiakonischesDiakonischesDiakonisches Werk WerkWerk Werk ofof of of voluntaryvoluntaryvoluntary voluntary work.work. work. desdesdesdes Ev.-luth. Ev.-luth.Ev.-luth. Ev.-luth. Kirchenkreisverbandes KirchenkreisverbandesKirchenkreisverbandes Kirchenkreisverbandes HildesheimHildesheim Hildesheim Hildesheim Salzpfännerstr. 6 31167 Bockenem • Asylum procedure and course of the Klosterstr.Klosterstr.Klosterstr.Klosterstr. 6 66 6 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth Tel: 05067 - 6243 • Accompanying refugees and migrants on procedure ••• • AccompanyingAccompanyingAccompanying refugeesrefugees refugees andand and migrantsmigrants migrants on onon on 31134311343113431134 Hildesheim HildesheimHildesheim Hildesheim Mobil: 0178 - 4262106 • Right of residence visitsvisitsvisits toto to authorities,authorities, authorities, languagelanguage language acquisition, acquisition,acquisition, acquisition, joint jointjoint joint Tel.: 05121 - 1675-0 Tel. 05063 - 2715803 Advice for refugees and volunteers excursions, intercultural exchange Tel.:Tel.:Tel.:Tel.: 05121 0512105121 05121 - - - 1675-0 1675-01675-0 - 1675-0 • Asylum Seekers Benefits Act excursions,excursions,excursions, interculturalintercultural intercultural exchangeexchange exchange Telefax:Telefax:Telefax:Telefax: 05121 0512105121 05121 - - - 1675-10 1675-101675-10 - 1675-10 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] • Projects in the Michaelis Weltcafé (meeting • Integration measures ••• • ProjectsProjectsProjects inin in thethe the MichaelMichael Michaelisis WeltcaféisWeltcafé Weltcafé (meeting (meeting(meeting (meeting E-Mail:E-Mail:E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]@evlka.de [email protected] reachability Mobil: 0157 - 58918760 cafés, language café, project for women, E-Mail: [email protected] • Social counselling cafés,cafés,cafés, languagelanguage language café,café, café, projectproject project forfor for women,women, women, Tuesday 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. events, excursions) Mobil: 0176 - 87836837 • questions and support in social services events,events,events, excursions)excursions) excursions) HeadHeadHeadHead of ofof department: department:ofdepartment: department: Wednesday 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. • School and day-care MandyMandyMandyMandy Steinberg SteinbergSteinberg Steinberg Thursday 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. appointments by phone We offer you advice, support, exchange, • Family reunion WeWe We We offerofferoffer offer youyou you advice,advice, advice, support,support, support, exchange,exchange, exchange, Tel.Tel.Tel.Tel. 05121 0512105121 05121 - - - 167517 167517167517 - 167517 Schwanger? information, qualification • Career prospects information,information, information, information, qualificationqualification qualification Mobil:Mobil:Mobil:Mobil: 0176 01760176 0176 - - - 57743924 5774392457743924 - 57743924 Elze Migration advice for EU citizens • education and language E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail:E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]@evlka.de [email protected] Migration advice for adult immigrants • Mobil: 0162 - 6548505 Psychosocial problems Kirchplatz 2 reachable by phone • Health care Project:Project:Project:Project: women womenwomen women & && refuge refuge refuge& refuge at atat MichaelisMichaelis Michaelisat Michaelis WeltcaféWeltcafé Weltcafé Weltcafé 31008 Elze Monday, Tuesday, Thursday • interdisciplinary referral, for example PsychologicalPsychologicalPsychological adviceadviceadvice advice forforfor for LangerLangerLangerLanger Hagen HagenHagen Hagen 36 3636 36 Tel.: 05068 - 5568 Social welfare work Hildesheim Psychological advice with debts, pregnancy and many more refugees in Peine 31134311343113431134 Hildesheim HildesheimHildesheim Hildesheim Mobil: 0159 - 06457359 • Help and/or referral with further questions refugeesrefugeesrefugees inin in PeinePeine Peine for refugees in Peine Mobil:Mobil:Mobil:Mobil: 0159 01590159 0159 - - - 06150002 0615000206150002 - 06150002 E-Mail: [email protected] Advisory centres E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail:E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]@evlka.de [email protected] Diakonischesreachability Werk & facilities Tuesday and Thursday: 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Migration advice for adult immigrants at Hildesheim WeWe We We offerofferoffer offer MigrationMigrationMigrationMigration advice adviceadvice advice for forfor adultfor adultadult adult immigrantsimmigrants immigrants immigrants atat at at Bad Salzdetfurth MichaelisMichaelisMichaelisMichaelis Weltcafé WeltcaféWeltcafé Weltcafé Bockenem Our consultation is free, confidential Langer Hagen 36 ••• • PsychologicalPsychologicalPsychological counsellingcounselling counselling for forfor for refugees refugeesrefugees refugees in inin in LangerLangerLangerLanger Hagen HagenHagen Hagen 36 3636 36 Elze 31134 Hildesheim PeinePeinePeine 31134311343113431134 Hildesheim HildesheimHildesheim
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