AT TWO DOLLARS PER "ANNUM: .PUB-LISEEB EVERY TUESDAY MORNINGS erf! Idi vto dnQ-iQ | MUrr'n- rtr,''. rr~•*•• BY A. H. BYINGTON & CO. • -t * .:*. '• *».;?¥) KRFWTUIRJI FE*H,XFJ;SWL &1MS YNIINT TJISL ; : 5>j m fif-i TlJ'ift S.-f.J »t;/i : -• .V. • ;..V *M * .' ... - •• • » ..-. •_.. ... di h.*': :• '? fit 'C•» '< • • I. .. • " '., J ^ jiff. ^ ^ ( <6 * '/#!< ,rv ' . ' %t-iW <» - t., -,«vi •,. *•"<3. JfcuniliJ JCfrosflaucr—to jCittrature, General SnteHiaeitre, Wolitiw^ ^Iricultuffe; ^rts Inu *t>hKM| fcd'ir !avJ w mm.. A '''••'•>• ih • ; to*. 'Mil ••: a m a.^9 •'©; «« »«« w ;•«u»s.: <jjt! a j • gffOKWALK, CT. TUESDAY-, SEPTEMBER 28, 1852., tftoo j 39.4m !f}~x sdi &iw h&k JjuotoVbau VOLUME XMl^-MBER Vite: . NUMBER SIS—NEW 4.i' „'\ ir'.j*'i..v'• i:,...*. •• !» '-r „ "... I them there to be killed off. = W a ja t her th 1 nk NfctV BOOT,StlOE, , - Letter from an Old. Soldier. Act.^o' G'en. Pie'rcp. ^ 'ME NOftWALK GAZETTE. that since the Fed er alistsr ha ve^seiX'edjUppBfc- POETRY. It is well to have a number of the, acts in ''a* A. H. BYINGTON & CO. t leather & finding store i < We have believed, (says the HuiitsviHe GiBn. Ta'yl.oi^and wi&hAGen. Scotf «e|l the.lives of'our poliiiicftl candidates, that by "A.!H. B»|«GTCW. H. W.HVATT. WHOLESALE & RETAIL* Incidents in the Life of Pitrce- Southern Advocate,) since the canvass opened of the' Way, thal they- wish the administraiiori juxtapbsiiion, the relative meritS^feach m£iy in the D. $c iV. Railroad Depot, opposite HE subscribers hereby give notice to tho Frank Pierce was born, in early life, , actively, that Scott, would carry Tennessee. had not given'Gen. Scott a chance of^eing* i l/oticalk Hotel. ! Down in the Granite Stale, be speedily and awttrately determined. We killed off in ''Meiticoi' fThb gallant hereof* Jx&S V' j&isrw,. .v i ia~? citizens of Norwalk,and the public in gen- There was some disaffection at firit—some T ; And grooved to be a General, Lundy's Lane" will give his forflter whig* s SK eralj that I hey have taken a store 011 the west ^ive belowx a jsunijmary .^froin^ the. Albany the Gazette; 0 5 Terms of side of tho bridge, opposite the Post Office— When he reached man's estate. fewr so tired politicans flew off— but the bone friends, who ^iscairded him with so ^little* re-* yr S2 00 Evening Journal; of the Chief acts and events No 1 Water st. arid fitted it up in good ordtr, do 2 00 Before he riz so very high, 1 -jPT-t and sinew stood firm, closed their ranks, fix luctance,'some troiul)le yet." where may be found at all times a' large stock in the life of Gen. Fierce, [rafearjiilRt out of 'i; A Congressman he went; ed bayonets, and charged upon their oppo The fourth extrnct is from th ft 'Demcdratie of gent's.'-ladies' and children's Boots and Shoes the Carrier's district, and who call lor 9.-, And, many year9 before, he gave '.4tj y< Frank Pierce is the son of a,General and Union, of May 19th, - -1847..' ii^coinpa''?^ of a ^descriptions, mn ilufactbl'ecl by us express­ nents. ^.The indications now are that the their papers at theofttce^* 1 50 An unknown boy a cent. J! a bio her-to a Colon4e,I, and tvas.born at Con ly.for. this market, by the best of workmen and soldier State is safe for the gallant old soldier Scott to Cprtez, a comparison which thel^cor# CoaipuiiiHs,of fiveor more receiving their The fiicts are these, as Gov. Steele JV-.f cord, New Hampshire, in 1798' of the best materials, arid no exertions will be focos afteterwards ridiculed:allLover the. Un-f .pupers by mail, if pjuilin advance,. v.- 1 60 .?,J5 who has always led the columns to victory In 1812. his brother'Benjamin Pierce join­ spared fo please those who favor us wish a call. Related iii his speech ;— re < ion 9 Customers1 work made to order, with neathees Two boys were sucking, by the road, '> As one of the -many indications we see, we ed the armies of-his country. Yet 'at this after they had received ordere/'irba# ^'liiTcwits of Advertising. and despatch. A share of the, public.patronage A stick of candy each. • sga copy {(^following letter from Lieut. Shields, time Franklin Pierce had not.passed the ear­ .Washington;city. •? . • . /rv :1G lines or less, 1 insef t ion^ is respectfully solicited by . „ , 7 . ly age of. 14 years!, f r / A third sat blabbering on u stone, of Sevifr county, East Tennessee. The i " A surrender of the city of Mexico .- " • = •.=•• M'ihi" • " ' 87 Shortly afterwards hia sister married a J. P. HANFCRD. .Tr. fc Co. H is eyes brimful! of water— also been offered _by_a_deputation_bf citizens,^ It j «*i* ri J QQ Parf'ifculai attention paid to repairing in Kh'oxville- Register says he "is one of those ^£Sajs Pierce : my nasty little friend, General ! but this th'e military .opposed, ,%Geii. Scott all its branches. .. , - S You ieel wu»s than you ought to. _ who volunteered from Sevier county to serve In December, 1818, he spelled 11 but." JOB PRINTING has determined. LIKE CORTEZ, to^ | executed with neatness Noi walk, April 1st, 1852: iU: / 15 Shortly afterwards another sister 'married Ipl want to suck, the boy replied*^. in the Mexican war, was afterwards a lieu­ loose from the coast and push direct for Me)c-§ n i di<patch, awl at low prices, ,i i another General! ^ aijj EMKKY &c Co.'s PATKNT HORSK, POWER • ' And have not got a cent, tenant, commissioned by Polk, fought in ico, subsisting hi^army in the enemy's^coun-^ Says Pierce, produting that, amount, gfei In 1823 began his career as a statesman.—: battle in the valley, of Mexico, was sev­ try. He is probably in ihe Halls of thef rrJ Thrashes" asid Separator. every Elected deputy sheriffofthe town of Concord, f ML&kzw Bain's Mcrphant's !, ,w Now, stranger, "lei her went!" Montezumas ere this; f TH E undersigned have been appointed sole eral times wounded in battle, ds the scars lu December, 1833, went to Congress. r I —The boy looked up ahd b'owed his nose, | The fifth extract is from the agents iii the city of New i nrk, for tlie sale of In January, 1837, voted against the Right Dewocralic And, with prophf tic fire, oh his body /est." He now is enthusiastic their improved Horse Powers,'and'Thrashers. of Petition. , <• -cl 1-, Union of May I9th, I847l/t"It is excellent,^ V - "NtlRWALK, CONN. , Those wishing tvprocure Emeiy's Improved j'VtSaid : you shall be the President for Scott., Listen how he talks about his old , Iu Febiuary, 1S37, voted against appropri­ and• we hope all,good. Democrats will readitg ; Horse Power and Machine will obseive that For giving me that'aie. commander; Lis words catne burs ing from In tlie Post Office"" Building# ations for jrnpiovements of Rivers and Har­ tbeir name is cast on every link of chain; none * Strange boy, said Pierce, I am surprised; the heart, and communicate^,an, electric again and again. 10V lisnt oiHO sm u: bor^ and' Roads. JOK^? AUBTSH'S otheris genuine. " «'•' « v \ I That you should think 11 cent thrill to the hearts of others : 'iniS -A&mfhv- " lie that'fights the battles of his cotfnlfy3 LoNGKTT & GRIFFIKG,"' • Iri'December, 1.887, Wc-nt to the Senate. n .Is cash enough to make a Dein- 1 affords the 'Most r(liable testimony of his devo- ' , State Agricultural Warehouse. • shstw. ^ . SEVIEUVILLF, August 6, 1852."** In March, 1842.. came hack again. '" Ocratic President. .. Hon to her bests interests, and deservei the grat-? • ' ' 3m27.„-i;v- No. 25 Cliff St. New York. .;I To the Editor ; I learn by the newspapers In 1842. gave a boy,. •' who was an entire itude ofthe- peopled; iand for this rebson h6* Over F. St. John's Store, The boy replied:—a cent, I own, »*•!>-.>:•> thatsomeman in'-Little Kentuck" has be­ stranger to hima cent to buy a STICK OF Is not. a heavy price ; _ ; s w ill be regarded with pride arid admiration. ' NORWALK,CT. ; come Very an^ry at me because I, a Democ­ CANDY. : "•But democratic presidents ^ ' ; The people, without distinction of jiariy/and Not to work upon the rat, should support my old commander, Gen. in iViarch, 1847, was appointed a Briga­ Maikeacsses Are not upon the rise ! • . •>: without any partiznn considerations, love to* Sco t. I had supposrd this was a free coun­ dier General by President Polk. • •. Warranted to please all good judges. do honor to those who peril their liVrt in "d^ . , a i 1 H o ad Pierr e now resolved to shape his course try, and that a man had a right to vote for In June, 1847, ordered Colonel Ransom ftuce of the country. The servicies of Gen.* Upon the generous plan, ^ ^ wbeim he pleased. The writer of that article to charge a chapparal On the Vera Cruz road,' r v; 8 ' • ^ O. S. Ferry, „ But. to purchase their And scon he found another chance j r. Taylor'and Gen. Sco'lt-will ever be held in says that I am a convert, In that you are " where tlie enemy were supposed lo be," To prove himself a man ;— grateful ren>6mbrance; and their military rep-? ; : Attorney and Coimscllor at law correct; I was a Democrat, and at fir^t felt vvhich Was gallantly executed, although the utaiion vy ill be sacredly protected by the peo-* A Stihday.
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