INDEX TO VOLUME XXV Accounts : 1941, 129; 1942, 135; BARKER, W. R.—continued. 1943, 221; 1944, 332; 1945, 446. Nostell, near Wakefield, 175; on Adelphoceras, 389; meslerianum, 389. Coal Measure plants from Brick• Adelphoceratidae, 391. yard Quarry, Nostell, Yorkshire, Adiantites, 168. 176. Alethopteris lonchitica, 182, 361. B[ARKER], W. R., on Nostell Colliery, A llotropiophyllum, 118. 131. Alport, boring, 144, 254; Crowstones, Barnoldswick, 398; Fault, 190. 147; Dale, 142, 255, 437; dome, Basin sedimentation, 296. 143; Limestones, 256, 296; Lime- Bath, geological map, by William stone-with-Shales, 256; River, 143; Smith, 25. Shales, 147, 256. Baylei zone, 351. Ammonites, Jurassic, 339; zonal, Beedale, 342, 347. 339. Belbin, Henry Laurence, in mem., Amoeboceras, 349; ilovaiskyi nom. 134. nov., 350. Beyrichoceras, 280, 390; age, 280; Amplexus, 197, 206. delicatum subzone, 284; hodder- Andesite erratic, 234. ense band, 297; hodderense zone, Ankerite in coal, 131. 281; zones, 280. Annual reports : 1941, 127; 1942, Beyrichoceratids, 390. 130. Beyrichoceratoides, 280, 390. Annularia, 183. Bibliography, supplementary, works Anthracoceras, 161, 381, 392; faunal by or relating to William Smith, phase, 151. 90; Yorkshire geology 1938-1940, Anthracomya bellula, 139. 215, 248; Yorkshire geology 1941 Anthraconatita, 185. to 1943, 249. Appleton-le-Street, 342, 347. Binary nomenclature of fossils, 103. Arachniophyllum, 197. Biotite, 366; analyses, 369; exfolia• ARKELL, W. J., on the zones of the tion, 368. Upper Jurassic of Yorkshire, 339. Birdsall, 342, 347, 354. Arley Mine, Burnley, 360. Blackburn, 323. Am Gill, Wensleydale, 101. Black Hall, Craven, 395. Arnsbergian, 56, 152, 333, 375. Bleaklow Hill, 143. Ashop, R., 143. Blindstone Mine, Burnley, 361. Aspidoceras, 345. DE BOER, G., on a system of glacier Astbury, Anticline, 320. lakes in the Yorkshire Wolds, Asterocalamites, 263. 223. Asterophyllites, 180, 362. Bollandian, 258, 401; zonal division, Asterotheca miltoni, 182. 258, 274. Athleta zone, 344, 354. Bolton Abbey, 420. Aulacostephanus, 343. Borrowdale erratic, 234. Bothrodendron, 183. Boulder clay, purple, 224; drab, 231. Back-reef facies, 306. Boulders, limestone, 133, 205; Bakewell, Derbyshire, 263. quartzite, in coal seams, 140. Balance Sheets : 1941, 129; 1942, Bowland Shales, 136, 260, 403. 135; 1943, 221; 1944, 332; 1945, Bracewell Fault, Broughton, 190. 446. Brachiopods, Dinantian, 195, 202; Ball beds, Jurassic, 342, 346. Middle Visean, 281, 290. Banks, Sir Joseph, 15. Breccias, limestone, 239, 264. BARKER, W. R. (and W. L. Whittle) Bridlington, overflow at, 229. on the Coal Measure strata of Brockindale Brook, Hognaston, 429. 448 PROC. YORKS. GEOL. SOC. XXV Broughton, Anticline, 132, 190; Claviphyllum—continued. Beck, 191; Beds, 198; Fault, 190; 112; genotype, 110; hillae, n. sp., Fields quarry, 197, 200; quarry, ontogeny and phylogeny, 114; 133, 205. micromorphic forms, 113, 116; Brows Hill quarry, 133, 200. septal plan, 110. Bryozoa, Visean, 281. Clifford, glacial clay at, 238. Bukowski zone, 346, 354. Clints Delf, Broughton, 133, 193; Burnley Coalfield, 359. Rock, 202. Burst Clough, Pendle, 402. Clitheroe, Anticline, 190; Limestone, Butterhaw, Limestone, 199, 204; 193. quarry, 133, 193; Shales-with- Coal Measure, Flora G, 132, 185; Limestone, 199. plant distribution, 186; plants, Butterton inlier, 321. 176; sedimentation, 176; strata, Butts Quarry, Hunmanby, 225. 175, 359. Cock Bridge, Sabden, 137. Cadoceras, 340, 341. Cockden Bridge, 360. Calamites, 131, 183, 362. Conglomerate, Caldon Low, 327; Calamostachys, 181. limestone, 239. Calcareous Grit, 342, 354. Coniston Cold Fault, 190. Calcite-mudstones, 257. Constrictions, goniatite, 393. Caldon Low conglomerate, 327. Coral, Middle Visean, faunas, 281; Callovian, 340, 354. phylogeny, 101; Scottish, 101; Calloviense zone, 340. structure, 105; Yoredale, fauna, Calton Limestones, 327. 101. Campylites, 346. Coral-brachiopod faunas, 281. Caney Shale, U.S.A., 390, 405, 430. Cordaianthus,flagellibracteatus n. sp., Caninia, 133, 197, 201, 206, 327; 178; nostellensis n. sp., 179. phase faunas, 281. Cordaicarpus, 181. Caninophyllum, 201, 281, 327. Cordailes, 131, 184. Cannel Mine, Burnley, 360. Cordatus zone, 342, 346, 354. Carbonicola, crista-galli, 359; ovalis, Cornbrash, 340. 359; pseudorobusta, 359, 362; sub- Coronatum zone, 341. constricta, 259. Costicardia zone, 346, 354. Carcinopkyllum, 121. Cottage Crescent, Bath, residence of Cardioceras, 342, 345, 346. William Smith, 73. Cardiopterium, 168, 261. COTTON, G., see R. G. S. Hudson, Carey, John, and William Smith, 44. Cow Close Sike, Malham, 424. Carla Beck, Skipton, 419. Cowdale (Higher) Clough, 398. Carleton-in-Craven, 419; syncline, Cowlow, Castleton, 305. 190. Cox, L. R., on new light on William Carpolithus, 181, 185. Smith and his work, 1. Castle Howard, 342. Craike Hill, 226. Castleton shell-reef limestones, 305. Craven, South, Faults, 190; Low• Cautisnigrae zone, 348. lands, 191; reef-belt, 300. Central Province, Carboniferous, Cravenia, 206, 327. 145, 278. Cravenoceras, africanum, 337; cow- Centrocellulosum, 109; diagnosis, 108; lingense, 162, 336, 381; darwenense, genotype, 108. n. sp., 333; hesperium, 336; Chalky Boulder Clay, 236. holmesi, 320, 375; leion, 169, 321, Channels, overflow, 223. 336, 421; malhamense, 136, 167, Chee Tor Beds, 307. 336; 'inevadense, 336; petrenkoi, Cherry Burton, 228. 336; richardsonianum, 336; roe- Chonetipustula, 290, 325; Beds, 292. meri, 337; simplex, 337; subplica- Churnet Shales, 147, 320, 437. tum, 320, 336, 384. Cinder Hole, overflow channel at, Cravenoceratoides, bisati, and diag• 226. nosis and subzone, 375, 376; Clark, James Edmund, in mem., 331. diagnosis, 376; edalensis, 162, 379; Claviphyllum, 281; diagnosis, 110; fragilis, 161, 320, 376; genotype, eruca, ontogeny and phylogeny, 376; lirifer n. sp., and diagnosis, INDEX VOL. XXV 449 Cravenoceratoides—continued. Edale, Anticline, 142; boring, 279; 320, 380; nitidus, and zone and shale fauna, 150; Shales, 143, 312, subzone, 162, 375, 383; nititoides, 437. 161, 383; stellarum, and subzone, Elbolton reef limestone, 304. 162, 375, 380. Embsay Limestone, 196, 210, 239. Crawshay, Richard, and William Emmonsia, 206, 279, 322. Smith, 15. Erratics, glacial, 230, 234. Creniceras, 345. Escrick, glacial clay at, 238. Crinoids, Carboniferous, 133, 203. Estuarine clay, Kirmington, 237. Croasdale Beck, Slaidburn, 418. Eumorphoceras, aff. 5". costatum, 418; Crossgates quarry, Seamer, 343, 348. age, 151, 320, 375; angustum n. sp., Crossotheca, 180. 424; bisulcatum, 161, 333, 393, 430, Crowstones, 147, 320. and varieties, 162, 393, 430; dis• Cryptophyllum, 206. tribution, 260, 439; genotype, 417; Cyathoclisia, 195, 281; beds, 194. genus, 417; ornatum, 153, 438; Cyathaxonia, 101, 196, 206, 281; beds, proteum, 158, 434; pseudobilingue, 292; cornu var. erecta nov., 120; 166, 426; relationship, 393, 438; phase faunas, 281, 296, 325. sp. form A, 418; sp. form B, 419; Cymodoce zone, 351. sp. form C, 429; stubblefieldi, 420; tornquisti, 418, 422. Dandy Mine Rock, Burnley, 360. Eurymnoceras, 342. Danesdale, col, 223; glacial channel, 225. Farey, John, and William Smith, 38. Darwen, R., 333, 430, 437. Fasciculophyllum, 195, 206, 281, 327; Davidsonina, [Cyrtina] carbonaria, ambiguum, 106; diagnosis, 105; 282, 325; Beds, 293. genotype, 105; omaliusi group, D[AVIES], W., on the Don and Little 104; thomsoni n. sp., 105. Don, 128. Faults, South Craven, 190. Daviesiella, 202, 281; Beds, 307. Fence End quarry, 133. DAVIS, A. G., on micro-organisms in Field meeting reports : Broughton the Carboniferous of the Alport Anticline, 132; Don and Little Don, boring, 312. 128; Nostell Colliery, 131. Decipia, 343. Filey, 346, 352; Brigg, 343. Decipiens zone, 349. Five Yards Limestone, 101. Decomposition, biotite, 370; granite, Flamborough gravel mounds, 225. 367; in peat, 370. Flora G, Coal Measure, 185. Derbyshire, massif, 142, 295; reef Foraminifera, Visean, 312. belt, 300. Fox, THELMA, see R. G. S. Hudson. Diaries, William Smith's, 4. Foynes Island, Ireland, 437. Dibunophylhim, 122, 282; zones, 279, Fulledge, Colliery, Burnley, 359; 282. Thin Mine, 360; Trough Faults, Dimorphoceras, 136, 154, 260; faunal 362. phase, 151, 163. Dinantian, Alport, 256. Gargrave Fault, 190. Dinckley Ferry, Lanes., 405. Garton, glacial lake at, 225. Diplotmena, 178, 363. Gastrioceras cumbriense, 138. Dolomite-mudstones, 270. Gigas zone, 353. Don R., 128. Girtyoceras, brainerdi, 415; bruning- Dovedale shell-reef limestone, 326. ianum, 321, 407, 410; burhenni, Drab Clay, 231, 236. 410; complicatum, 402; costatum, Drewton, 342. 261, 420; cowdalense n. sp., 406; Drift shells, reef limestone, 296. deani, n. sp., 399; discus, 397; DUNNINGTON, H. V., on contem• distribution, 439; genotype, 397; poraneous slumping in the Embsay genus, 390; leviculatus, 412; Limestone series of the Skipton limatum, 412; meslerianum, 405; anticline, 239. multicameratuni, n. sp., 411; platyforme, n. sp., 403; premes- Ecton, Anticline, 322; Limestones, lerianum, n. sp., 401; relationship, 324. 260, 388, 393, 395, 438; shorrocksi, 450 PROC. YORKS. GEOL. SOC. XXV Girtyoceras—continued. Hesslewood, glacial clay at, 236. n. sp., 413; simplex, n. sp., 400; Heterophyllia, 121, 281." sp. form H, 403; sp. form /, 403; Higher (Cowdale) Clough, 398. sp. form K, 408; sp. form L, 407; High Green Wood, 395. sp. form M, 417; waitei n. sp., 415; High Hutton, 342, 345. weetsense, n. sp., 408. High Littleton, 6. Girtyoceratinae, 393, 438. Hildenley brickyard, 343. Girvanella band, 307. Hill Cloughs, Barnoldswick, 415. Givendale,
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