THE DENVER ARCHDIOCESANA EDITION THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1949 VOL Plans Detailed for April 2 3 Episcopal Ordination By E. Chris Hernon his duties. After which, the chief conse­ crator invites all present to pray, while On April 23, 1969, Bishop-Designate George R. Evans will be raised to the the bishop-elect prostrates himself and episcopacy as Auxiliary Bishop of the Denver Archdiocese, by the Apostolic the cantors sing the litany of the Saints. Delegate to the United States, Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, as principal con- The bishop-elect then kneels before the secrator, assisted by Archbishop James V. Casey of Denver, and Bishop Hub­ principal consecrator, and the consecrat­ ing bishops in turn lay their hands upon ert M. Newell of Cheyenne, co-consecrators, in the presence of 22 other Arch­ his head. bishops and Bishops, 19 o f whom will concelebrate with the new Bishop and his consecrators the Episcopal Mass of Ordination. TW O deacons hold the open book of the Gospels on the head of the bishop- The ceremonies will take place in the On Wednesday next, the consecrators. elect, while the prayer of consecration is Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception the bishop-elect and all concelebrants said. where Denver-born Bishop-Designate robed for Mass, will walk in procession The deacons remove the book of the Evans, 46. was ordained to the priesthood from the Cathedral entrance to the altar, Gospels, and the principal consecrator by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, May 31, where the Roman Pontifical, copies of the puts on the linen gremial, takes the 1947. consecratory prayers, a linen gremial, chrism, and anoints the head of the holy chrism, and a ring, staff and mitre kneeling bishop. for the Bishop-elect will have been laid He then gives the book of the Gospels out in readiness. to the newly-ordained bishop saying: "Re­ The creed, and the prayer of the faith­ ceive the Gospels and preach the word of ful is omitted in the Liturgy of the Word God, always teaching with the greatest used in the ordination of a bishop. patience.” During the processional, the choir will The new bishop is then invested with sing Ego Gaudebo in Domino by Bou- the ring, mitre, and staff of his new of­ zignac, and the Mariachi group will per­ Bishop George Evans fice. form Las Mananitas, a traditional Latin A t the end of the liturgy, and the fi­ American congratulatory song. The the principal consecrator and the Apostol­ nal blessing, all return to the sacristy. congregation will sing the hymn: Praise ic Mandate is read. Archbishop I.uigi Raimondi God from Whom All Blessings Flow. Archbishop Raimondi then addresses T H E liturgy for the occasion is the the clergy, people, and the bishop-elect on Mass of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Eter­ rians from St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver. AFTER the Gospel, all sing Come the duties of a bishop. nal High Priest. Participants in the OfTertory Proces­ H o ly Spirit. The bishop-elect is led by He then questions the ordinand on his The commentator will be Father Rob­ sion will include representatives of the his assisting priests to be presented to resolve to keep the faith and to discharge ert Greenslade, and the lector Dr. Francis Archdiocesan Council of Priests and Sis­ Fallon Evans, brother of the new bishop. ters. the Catholic Physicians and Lawyers’ Deacons are Rev. Mr. Lawrence M. guilds, the Archdiocesan parochial Freeman and Mr. Francis Burger? assist­ schools, and members of the military and ant priests, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Anthony laity. McDevitt, and Rev. Harley Smith: notary the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Cul­ F'lN AL hymn of the congregation and len. choir is: Holy God, We Praise Thy Master of ceremonies to the Apostolic Name. For recessional, the congregation will Archbishop James V. Casey Delegate is the Very Rev. Monsignor Harold Darcy. Masters o f ceremonie.s — sing the "Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Rev. John Cotter. Rev. Richard Hanifen. and the choir: Jesus. Rex Admirabills, Rev. Dennis Martin, C.M., and Rev. by Marsh. The Archdiocesan Cathedral Choir will Archdiocese Hugh O’Donnell, C.M. Minor offices will be filled by semina- (Turn to Page 2) Offers Help In € S U R o w Listen to Protest, By Jack Bacon Archbishop James V. Casey offered the services of the archdiocese — in the form Bishops Urged of a specific two-part program — to Colo­ (Register Special) said, but the way must be open to adapt rado State University this week to help Houston — Cardinal-designate John F. manmade structures to the times. the school meet demands of militant stu­ *. -Unless there is a readiness to do dents for a substantial increase in enroll­ Dearden. president of the National Con­ ference of Catholic Bishops NCCB), this, unless we are open to the future, ment of members o f minority groups. urged his fellow bishops Tuesday to listen the Church will suffer,” he added. The proposal was submitted Tuesday to the rising voice of protest, "rude and "Most often it is not authority that is ♦ April 15i as university ofTicials worked demanding” as it may be. and to try to questioned, but the way in which authori­ overtime in an attempt to draft an ac­ understand it. ty is exercised. And it is one of the basic ceptable respx)nse to demands made by the In the keynote address at the opening realities of our times that in the Church Black Student Association (BSA) and the as in other institutions if authority is to session o f the NCCB’s spring meeting, Mexican-American Committee for Equali­ retain its credibility it must function in a the archbishop of Detroit suggested pro­ ty tMACE). A meeting between represen­ manner different from that of the past. test within the Church is aimed at "im- tatives of the administration and the stu­ personalism" and that it bespeaks an dent groups had been scheduled for late "BEYOND THAT, the future de­ Wednesday. urgent need to involve all the people of mands the setting up of procedures that In a letter to Dr. William E, Morgan, God in making Church decisions. will involve many persons in the decision CSU president, the archbishop said his "The promise of the future lies particu­ making proce.ss . It will lead us to the offer was an attempt "to indicate our will­ larly in two areas: Persons, what we day when responsible membership in the ingness to cooperate in those efibrts of the think o f them and how we meet our re­ Church will call for a degree of sharing university to meet the needs of all stu­ sponsibility to them," he said. "Their in responsibility greater than we have dents.” anguish and concerns are ours as well. ever known.” Our ears must be attuned to their pleas. Archbishop Dearden emphasized, how­ "U N D O U B T E D LY the situation at ever. the Church in the United States Colorado State University is extremely "E V E N IF their words are rude and enjoys great vitality and that there is demanding, somehow we must try to justification for a pessimistic view of the complex and does not readily lend itself to Conference Panelists Visit Capitol simple answers,” the archbishop wrote. pierce through the trappings to the reali­ future, especially in light of the divine "Nevertheless, we also recognize and are Mrs. Ramon LeDuke, president of Parkhill Elementary School PTA and ty that underlies their protest. What is inspiration that guided the course of re­ member of Park Hill Action Committee, and Ronald Hayes, executive di­ moved by the reality of the feelings ex­ causing the outburst today? Is it a pro­ newal at the Vatican Council. rector of Colorado Catholic Conference, are frequent visitors at the state pressed by the minority students enrolled test against impersonalism? Is it a "Through all the tensions and anguish capitol. Both will appear in a panel concerning women volunteers in the in your university. Acknowledging both desperate cry of one who feels unheeded?” of these days, through the concern that area of legislation at the April 30 Catholic Women's Conference in Greeley. The Church’s institutions and struc­ (Turn to Page 2) we share with all our people we can still Additional details of the conference appear on pg. 6 tures must remain. Archbishop Dearden (Turn to Page 2) D neility fHit'es Way to / V e ir Im patience., U lilitaney Hispanos Making Their Move; Viva la Cansa! Gandhi-like charism. No one who can By Tim Conlan Mexican-Americans 'or Hispanos. or Mexi- capture the nation’s imagination and canos. or Chicanos. as the young like to point the cameras past himself to the The oppre.'^sed people in America are call themselves' Hows from the realiza­ problems he represents. No one who can learning the lessons of history. tion that they. too. want a portion of the provide direction, leadership and the spir­ They have learned that no one has good things in life. ever voluntarily given up wealth, stepped itual <lepth that has given his movement down from power, or relinquished a posi- .so much of its strength l tion of domination. Power, wealth and "A S TH E BEO PLE move ahead, as Some say that even a healthy .Chavez \ domination, when they stand in the way the> gel education and become more would not lie enough now. ”We consid<*r y o f justice, always have to be taken away. deeply involved, they begin to compare.’ Chavez on his uay out.” claims Dionicio observes Vicente T.
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