------, I l .. iBRARY 185 W. St?tc Stree'l: -.- ,,..,.' ...•: f\! You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library Do Not ~ .! LIbrary , . tvr:. ' 0..1 18 5 W. St?tc Stree'1: '":", , r.- ~ ..",..: I\J . P •I Llorary - jL- ========:::::::~ I L. §tatr nf Npm JJrfnPlt ' "",,, III - STATE L1BRARY~ Ii (cA.lilf S DEPAW'-MENT OF EPUc.:ATlON lOS WEST STATE c;TI?EET P, O. BOX 199 -rRENT(ltL r-.~ .J ~0625 New Jersey Election Statistics, 17GB-JR75. -.W" There is no une source for ftc eal i y elr:ctiOl statistics for I L. New Jersey eitlwr NationaJ. elections <'t' Stat;e electiOl I. We knm'/ \Iho You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library won but when it comes to the number of vot!:",1 cast, tht area.s voting and the opponents names we ..cannot answer such 'iuestions " ,tbout a gre'l.t deal of research. There are some §tatrlists nfaV3.i.labl,) NI'm JJrt"urllbut ' they,--" La, not tell the whole III ­ story. In the case of PrefJidentialSTATEejections L1BRARY~the Iiprob ( J.;... lem' lIf Sis further complicated by D EPAR·,·MENT O F E PU c;ATION l O S WEST STATE fOT HE E T P . O . B OX 109 the first system; the highest number· r R E N T n ~ J .of r-.~ .Jvot'~G ' 0 0 2 5 elects :;he President and the next highest mUllber of votes elects the Vic,~ President. Alsc in those days you were voting for the electors by name and sometimes ther are so listed without New Jersey Election Statistics, 17&8- J87 5. -H\indication as to whom their vote was pledged. There is no une s our ce for f lie ea riy e Lnc t i ot statistics For The major and practically the only source of these statistics is New Jer~ley either NationaJ. e Lcct i ons or' s ta t;e eLecti oi I. We know uho the newspapers of the period. A check of the newspaper index will list the won but when it comes to the number of vo tr-» cast, tht ar-eas voting and papers available for a given year. (see: "The Director'y of New Jersey Newspapers, the opponents name s we .. cannot answer su ch 'iu es t i ons v . tbout a gre'lt deal 1765-1970," by Wright and Stellhorn) In mont calles you wilJ have to check the of research. There are some lists avaiLablo but they to not tell the whole November papers for the final results, but where only names of the electors story. In the case of Pre sidential ejections the prob lem is further complicated by and not the parties are given you may have to go back to early fall to reports the first system; the highest number of vot '~[l elects :;he President and the of party affiliations. next highest numbe-r of votes elects t he Vic , ~ President. Alse in those days you were voting for the electo:r:s by name an d somet ime s the r are so listed without indication as to whom their vote was pledged. The major and practically the only source of these statistics is the newspapers of the period. A check ofco;ay the newspaper/ index will list the papers available for a given year. (see: "The Directory of New Jersey Newspapers, 1765-1970," by Wright and St ellhorn) In mont calles you wilT have to check the November papers for the f'Lna.I results, but wher-e only names of the electors and not the parties arc given you may have to go back to early fall to reports of party affiliations. 9 7)1, 90 E3'6 /977 co;ay / Source: }'he St(lLi~;_t....ic,:t2..JiJ;,tory oj thr' Unit(~d :,autes from Colonial T.i me s tot h cPr (~S e--;-;L -( .1.<ll~-~-;-)--------'----' S e ric s Y 3 2 - 7 9 r; Ie c t ora 1 V0 t e C<:\ st for Pre s i dent by Po 1 i ticul Party - New Jersey 180 l f 8 Democratic-Republican 1808 8 Democratic-Republiciln 1812 8 COulitian 1816 8 Democratic-Republican 1820 8 Democratic-Republican 182 L~ 8 Jackson 11828 8 National Republican 1,832 8 Democratic \ Series Y 1-26 Methods of Electin~ Presidelltial Electors 1788 to ,~r" 1 8 3 2 - New J e rs e y 1788-89; 1792; 1796; 1800; 1812. By Legislature '1" C't . 1 II ' , S ource1804; : 1808;_ l It' " ' 1816;(I t. , I ~' ;_t_~1820;c:.: t_, ._ ..: 1824;;, t o r''''y 1828;o l lh r: 1832.Uri i t o cl By:'"autespeople, fromonColongeneFal ia l tick( TimYou e~; aret atViewingh c anI' rArchived r~ s crl"l Copy -( .1.<ll from ~ -~-1) -the'--- New-- Jersey--- .- --State-- Library- . S e r i c s Y 3 2 - 7 9 r; 1 c c t o r a 1 V0 t e e <: \ s t for Pre s I d c n t b y Po l i ticill Source: New J e l' s e y AIm a n a c 19 6 If - G5, P age ? 6 6 - Pre side n t i alE1 e c t ion r Party -New J e r s e y 1788-1832.,. 180 l f 8 Dem o cra ti c- Re publ i c n n 1788 6 George Washington 1 John Adams 5 John Jay 1 80 8 1792 8 D7e moGeorgecra t i c-WashingtonRepubl i c an 7 John Adams 181 2 8 COil1 i t io n 1796 7 John Adams 7 Thomas Pinckney 1 81 6 8 Dem ocr a t i c -Republi c n n 1800 7 John Adams 7 Charles C. Pinckney 1820 8 Demo cra t i c - Re publ i c an 1804 8 Thomas Jefferson - President 8, George Clinton - Vice Presider 182 L~ 8 J ack son 1808 11828 8 Nation8 Jamesal MadisonRe p u b l i ca- n President,8 George Clinton - Vice President 1 ,8321812 8 D8emoDeWitt,crat i c Clinton - President, 8 Jared Ingersoll - Vice Presideni 1816 8 James; Monroe - President,8 Daniel D. Tompkins - Vice Preside] 1820 8 James Monroe - President,8 Daniel D. Tompkins - Vice Presider S e r i e s Y 1- 2 6 t,le t h o d S 0 f E 1 e c ting Pre sid e 1l t i a l E1 e c t o r s 1.7 8 8 t 0 go...., 1 8 318 2 2-L~ New 8 JAndrew e r s e y Jackson - President,8 John C. Calhoun - Vice Presiden1 1828 8 John Quincy Adams - President. 8 Richard Rush - Vice Presiden1 1832 8 Andrew'Jackson - President 8 Martin Van Buren - Vice Presider 1788-89; 1792; 1796; 180 0; 1 812. By L) e gis l ature 1804; 1808; 1816; 1820; 18 24; 182 8; 1 8 3 2. By people, on general tickE Presidential Elections in New Jersey, 1788-1832, from N.J. Newspapers. Source: New J ers e y Alm an a c 196 /f-6S , p a g e ? 6 6 - Presidential Election r 1788-1792-17961788-183 2. No information found in the newspapers. 1800 The Centinel of Freedom, 4 November 1800. The Federalist- and New-Jersey State Gazette, 4 November 1800. 1788 6 Georg e Wa shing t o n 1 J o h n Ad am s 5 J ohn J ay 1804 1792 7 GeorThe gTrue e Wa shinAmerican,gton 7 J26 o h nNovember Adams 1804. 1808 The Trenton Federalist, 17 October 1808; 21 November 1808. 17 9 6 7 John Ad a ms 7 Th oma s Pinckney The True American, 19 December 1808. 1800 1812 7 JohnThe TrueAd a ms American,7 Ch ar l e s 2 C.October Pinckney1812; 14 December 1812. 1804 8 ThomThe aTrenton s J e f f erFederalist,1son -Pre s i de23nt November8, George 1812.Cl i nton - Vic e Pre sider 1808 1816 8 J Theam e s TrueMa d i American,son - Presi7 deOctobern t, 8 Geor1816.ge Cli n t on - Vice Pre sident 1812 8 DTheeWittTrenton Cl intonFederalist, - P res i d en t25 , 8 NovemberJ are d Ln 1816.g e r-s oL l, - Vic e Presideni 18161820 8 J Theam e s TrueMonrAmerican,oe - Pres i de28 nOctober t , S Da nie1820;l D. To18mpkNovemberins - Vice1820. Preside] 1820 8 James Monroe - Pre sident,8 Dani el D. Tom pk ins - Vic e Presider 1824 The Trenton Federalist, 25 Oct. 1824; 1 Nov. 1824; 15 Nov.~ 182 L 18 2 L~ 1828 8 AndrThe ewTrenton JacksonFederalist, - Pres i d e n t,20 8 Oct.John 1828;C. Calhoun17 Nov. - Vice1828; Presiden1 Dec.{ i1821 1828 1832 8 JohnThe EmporiumQuincy Ad amsand True- PresAmerican ident. 8 Richard20 October Rush 1832;- Vice27 PresidenOctober1 18: 1832 8 Andrew"Jackson - Preside nt 8 Martint Van Buren - Vice Presider.. 3 November 1832; 24 November) 1832 . Presidential Elections in New Jers ey, 17 88-1832, from N.J. Newspapers . 1788-1792-1796 No informa tion found in the newsp apers. 1800 The Centinel of Freed.....o m,• _~ __ . 4 ._.Novem._..._._ •••b__ er•• ~._ .......1800.~ 0. - • ~- •• ----- ••••_. __• ... ," • The Federalist and New-Jers ey State Gazette, 4 November 1800. 1804 The True American, 26 November 1804. 1808 The Trenton Federali s t, 17 Oc tob e r 1808; 21 November 1808.
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