REGIONAL BIOECONOMY PROFILE CENTRAL DENMARK (DK) POLICY Structure of the Bioeconomy Institutional system Info source: Region Responsible Regional Region Midtjylland Authorities / Agencies Central Denmark Region Website (http://www.rm.dk/om+os/english) List of " bioeconomy-relevant" regional policy initiatives Regional Bioeconomy N.A.1 Smart Specialisation Strategy REGIONAL BIOECONOMY RELATED POLICY INITIATIVES The Re-gional Development Plan 2012 The plan is a joint long-term strategy for the Central Denmark Regional Council, the 19 municipalities of the Region, the business community, educational institutions, etc. Sustainability in terms of giving equal considera- tion to social, economic, and environmental factors is a bearing principle of the plan. The plan contains 8 focus areas, incl. “Environment and Energy” and “Climate Change Adaptation” Link: http://www.rm.dk/files/Regional udvikling/English/regional_developmentplan.pdf Growth Forum’s Business Development Strategy 2010-2020 Growth Forum is a partnership between businesses, unions, and employer organisation, education and research institutes, as well as the 19 municipalities and the Region. Large strategic and durable initiatives are priori- tized. Among the main 8 target sectors are energy and environment as well as foodstuff. Link:http://www.rm.dk/files/Regionaludvikling/Vækstforum/Erhvervsudviklingsstrategi2010_2020/Growth Fo- rum's Business Development Strategy 2010-2020.pdf 1 Currently, the Regional Development Plan and Growth Forum’s Development Strategy are being adjusted and integrated into one overall strategy (expected approval end of 2015). A coherent, Regional Bioeconomy Action Plan is being prepared. Growth Forum’s Action Plan 20152 Bioeconomy is a target area under development within Growth Forum’s Action Plan 2015. De-velopment of the area draws on a number of specific initiatives under the former action plan 2013-14, e.g. the areas “Energy and Clean Tech”, “Foodstuffs”, “Circular Economy” (as mentioned below). Energy and Clean Tech A large number of PPP large scale demonstration projects comprising production, conversion and end usage technologies have been conducted under the program “Biomass to energy”. Amongst others: BIOM: a project aimed at increasing bioenergy production without compromising food pro-duction by utilizing marginal agricultural areas for production of biomass for energy purpos-es. Link: http://agrotech.dk/projekter/biom-projektet [Danish version] Algae to biogas in Central Denmark Region Link: http://www.algecenterdanmark.dk/media/7248/rapport_alger_til_biogas_i_region_midtjylland_2013.pdf (Danish version) Daka biodiesel in Central Denmark Region Link: http://www.regionmidtjylland.dk/Regional%20Udvikling/nyheder?docid=19593 (Danish version) Furthermore, three bioeconomy Cluster initiatives have been co-financed: Biocluster.dk; INBIOM; Green Gas Business Cluster [cf. below] Link: http://www.rm.dk/regional+udvikling/energi+og+cleantech (Danish version) In order to design a future sustainable and flexible energy system, Central Denmark Region, the municipalities, and a number of major energy actors have engaged in a comprehensive and cross-cutting, strategic energy mapping, in which bio-resources form a major part. Central Denmark Regional membership of the National Danish Bioeconomy Panel Link:http://fvm.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/FVM.dk/Nyhedsfiler/Nationale_Biooekonomi-panel-faktaark.pdf (DK version) Circular Economy Circular Economy is a target area in the Central Denmark Regions regional development plan: Link:http://www.rm.dk/regional+udvikling/innovation+og+forretningsudvikling/innovationsprojekter/cradle+to+cr adle+som+forretningsudvikling? (Danish version) Rethink Business focuses on enhancing green business development and resource efficiency with a fo- cus on Cradle to Cradle. Link: http://rethinkbusiness.dk Challenge:Water is a project innovation for a sustainable water future. Link: http://www.challengewater.org 2 Expected final approval end of September 2014. The program for Green Business models is focusing on the development of green business models in Danish companies: Link: http://groenomstilling.erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/groenne-forretningsmodeller The program for Industrial Symbiosis is focusing on turning companies waste into a resource. Link: http://groenomstilling.erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/gronindustrisymbiose Forum for Sustainable Procurement is an activity under the Danish Ministry for Environment with a fo- cus on pushing sustainable procurement into the Danish government, in collaboration with Central Denmark Region amongst others Link: http://www.ansvarligeindkob.dk Link:http://www.rm.dk/regional+udvikling/innovation+og+forretningsudvikling/innovationsprojekter/cradl e+to+cradle+som+forretningsudvikling? (Danish version) Foodstuff A number of PPP research and pilot demonstration projects have been conducted under the programme “Fu- ture Food Innovation”, among others ”New functional potato proteins for food etc.” Extracted potato proteins to be used in food, where they can act as foaming, foam stabilizers, emulsi- fying and texturing substitutes for additives and other traditional protein types. The project developed new types of proteins using new methods / processes in pilot scale ”Organic lactic acid fermented red clover extract for the treatment of osteoporosis” Red clover contains phytoestrogens in the form of isoflavones, which can be extractetd. The project ex- amined a number of issues – e.g. the extent to which RK extract can increase anabolism of bone tissue and be bone-building (increasing BMD) ”Ribestinol - market preparation of a new health-promoting food ingredients based on Dan- ish berries” Ribestenol is an extract obtained from red currant berries, containing newly discovered active ingredi- ents that benefit cardiovascular health by influencing key physiological factors. Link: www.asiros.com Furthermore, Danish Food Cluster has been initiated by Central Denmark Region and the food indus- try in Denmark. (cf. below) Link: www.danishfoodcluster.dk Link: http://www.rm.dk/regional+udvikling/f%c3%b8devarer (Danish version). As part of the Foodstuff initiative, a SMART specialisation analysis was published May 2013 Link: Towards an international food cluster in Denmark. A smart specialisation analysis, focusing on cluster development within the food sector (http://danishfoodcluster.dk/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/TOWARDS-AN- INTERNATIONAL-FOOD-CLUSTER-IN-DENMARK.pdf) MUNICIPAL BIOECONOMY RELATED POLICY INITIATIVES Favrskov Target: to use 50 % of domestic animal for the production of energy Link: http://www.favrskov.dk/dokumenter/climate_action.pdf (Climate Action Plan) Herning 2030 target: 100% bio-based energy consumption (2013: 74%) Link: http://natur.herning.dk/media/3061646/Klima-og-energi-Temarapport.pdf (Grønt Regnskab) Holstebro 2020 target: 50% of all manure to be utilised in energy production. Link: http://mycovenant.eumayors.eu/docs/seap/4528_1357552409.pdf (SEAP) Horsens 2020 target: 15% of all municipal energy consumption biobased. Link: http://mycovenant.eumayors.eu/docs/seap/4159_1370868700.pdf (SEAP) Lemvig 2020 target: +4% biogas and +3% biomass (compared to 2011: 20% biomass and 5% biogas) Link: Climate and Energy Strategy 2020 (Climate and Energy Strategy 2020) Randers 2010: 80% of energy for municipal district heating comes from biomass. 2030 target: 25% of municipal biogas used for CHP and 30% for transportation, 50% of all manure used for energy. Link: http://www.randers.dk/dokumenter/klimaplan%202030%20endelig.pdf (Klimaplan 2010) Ringkøbing- 2020 target: 100% self-sufficiency in sustainable energy; bioenergy to count for Skjern 15-25% of consumption. 80% of manure + energy crops (5% of arable land) for production of biogas. Link: http://mycovenant.eumayors.eu/docs/seap/2920_1349762331.pdf (SEAP) Samsø Already 100% self-sufficient in energy. 2030 target: 100% Fossil Free Island, 100 % of the ferryboats on biogas. Link: http://mycovenant.eumayors.eu/docs/seap/2416_1361531202.pdf (SEAP) Skive 2020 target: 50% (min) of manure to be utilised for biogas production; biogas for transportation to be developed, all biogas to be upgraded. Link: http://mycovenant.eumayors.eu/docs/seap/4797_1398762738.pdf (SEAP) Viborg One of seven focus areas in coming strategic energy plan is "Biogas, Biomass heat- ing and separated biomass from Revas” (Revas: a waste company), support to green industry and clusters. Viborg also focuses on more green resources in many areas. Link: http://kommune.viborg.dk/Borger/Natur,-miljoe-og-affald/Klima-og- energi/Klimaplaner/Energiplan (Energiplan) Aarhus Aarhus has decided that its district heating shall be CO2 neutral as of 2016. As a consequence, the Studstrup Plant will be based on pellets and a biomass CHP plant shall be established in Lisbjerg. Link: http://www.aarhus.dk/sitecore/content/Subsites/affaldvarmeaarhus/Home/Om- AffaldVarme-Aarhus/Organisationen/Tal-og- planer/Klimavarmeplan.aspx?sc_lang=da OTHER REGIONAL BIOECONOMY RELATED POLICY INITIATIVES (cluster and networks) Biocluster.dk The Central Denmark Region is home to a unique cluster of knowledge and indus- try targeting effective production, logistics and conversion of bio-resources to high-value bio-based products. Biocluster.dk works nationally and internationally to further strengthen the visibil- ity and awareness of this regional cluster hub. It offers inspiration, access to knowledge, and access to collaboration platforms for companies active in the bio- economy, as well as on reducing
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