TORONTO ENTOMOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION Publication # 30 - 98 Butterflies of Ontario & Summaries of Lepidoptera Encountered in Ontario in 1997 ISBN #: 0-921631-18-9 BUTTERFLIES OF ONTARIO & SUMMARIES OF LEPIDOPTERA ENCOUNTERED IN ONTARIO IN 1997 COMPILED BY ALAN J. HANKS PRODUCTION BY ALAN J. HANKS JUNE 1998 CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. WEATHER DURING THE 1997 SEASON 5 3. CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUS T.E.A. SUMMARIES 5 4. SPECIAL NOTES ON ONTARIO LEPIDOPTERA 6 4.1 Identification & Distribution ofOntario Crescent Butterflies Paul M. Catting 6 4.2 List ofButterflies seen in the Toronto Area & General Status Report - Barry Harrison & Joseph Jones 8 4.3 The Bog Elfin (Callophrys lanoraiensis) in Ontario P.M. Catling, R.A. Layberry, J.P. Crolla & J.D. Lafontaine 10 4.4 Butterflies ofPelee Island - Robert Bowles 14 4.5 Rearing Notes from Northumberland County - Dr. W.J.D. Eberlie 15 4.6 Catocala gracilis Grote (Graceful Underwing): New to Ontario - W.G. Lamond 16 4.7 Psaphida grandis (Gray Sallow): New to Ontario and Canada - W.G. Lamond 17 4.8 Butterflies ofAlgonquin Park - Colin D. Jones 18 4.9 The 500th Noctuid - Ken Stead 21 4.10 Occurences ofNoctua pronuba - Barry Harrison 22 4.11 Observations on Lepidoptera Predation - Tim Sabo 22 5. GENERAL SUMMARY - Alan J. Hanks 24 6. 1997 SUMMARY OF ONTARIO BUTTERFLIES compiled by Alan J. Hanks 25 Hesperiidae 25 Papilionidae 33 Pieridae 35 Lycaenidae 38 Libytheidae 44 Nymphalidae 44 Apaturidae 52 Satyridae 52 Danaidae 55 7. SELECTED REPORTS OF MOTHS IN ONTARIO, 1997 compiled by Dr. Duncan Robertson 56 8. CONCISE CYCLICAL SUMMARY OF MOTHS IN ONTARIO compiled by Dr. Duncan Robertson 72 9. PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS 90 ******************** 1. INTRODUCTION This is Publication # 30-98 ofthe Toronto Entomologists' Association. Data is selected from reports for 1997 (or as otherwise indicated) for the Province ofOntario (Canada) from contributors listed below: Note: TEA members names are in bold. R.L. Bowles RLB Orillia Neb Leeic NL Toronto Lloyd Brown-John LBJ Leamington Tom Mason TM Metro Zoo Paul M. Catling PMC Ottawa M.K. Matheson MKM Wheatley Donald G. Cecile DGC Port Alberni, BC John A. McDonald JAM Niagara FaUs Barbara N. Charlton BNC Waterloo Paul McGaw PM Scarborough Dr. R. C. Cochrane RCC Castleton Dr.W.D. & Irene James P. Coey JPC Mississauga McIlveen WIM Acton Jeffrey P. Crolla JPC Ottawa Kevin A. McLaughlin KAM Hamilton Hugh G. Currie HGC Toronto Chris Michener CM Golden Lake Robert H. Curry RHC Ancaster David J. Milsom DJM Tor-onto Erika Devos ED Point Pelee Dr. J.K. Morton JKM U. ofWaterloo Tammy T. Dobbie TID Point Pelee Henrietta O'Neill HO Leamington Robert Z. Dobos RZD Waterloo Sara Page SP Kingsville Jason J. Dombroskie JID Round Lake Ctr. Patrick Perdichuk PP Toronto? Dan Dufour DD Windsor Stephen T. Pike STP Windsor Dr. W.J.D. Eberlie WIDE Cobourg Michael & Nancy Dr. N.G. Escott NGE Thunder Bay van der Poorten MNP Toronto James N. Flynn JNF Wheatley Paul D. Pratt PDP Windsor Katherine A. Gignac KAG Windsor Chris Rickard CR Mississauga June M. Gordon JMG Wheatley Alfred H. Rider AR Forest Ann Harrison AH Scarborough Dr. Duncan Robertson DR Kingston Barry Harrison BH Scarborough Sarah E. Rupert SER Sarnia Linda Harrison LH Scarborough Tim Sabo TS Brampton Jack H. Hartwig JHH Batavia, NY D. Keith Sealy DKS Mississauga Quimby F. Hess QFH North York Al Sinclair AlS Uffington Margo Holt MH Orillia Jim Spottiswood JS Mississauga Nancy Ironside NI Orillia Jeff Skevington JS Grand Bend Mark W. Jennings MWJ Burlington Ken Stead KS Brantford Joseph Jones 11 Scarborough Lloyd Taman LT Matachewan Carolyn King CK Willowdale Ron Tasker RT Toronto Wes Kinnin WK ??? Amy Tesolin AT Point Pelee William G. Lamond WGL Brantford John P. Walas JPW Thunder Bay Dr. 1. Donald Lafontaine IDL Agric. Canada Alan Wormington AW Leamington Dr. Bernard Landry BerL Agric. Canada Bob Yukich RY Toronto Dr. Jean-Francois Landry JFL Agric. Canada Karen Yukich KY Toronto Jeremiah Lapointe JerL Kirk Zufelt KZ Toronto Jeffrey L. Larson JLL La Salle Note: PP = Provincial Park; CA = Conservation Area; AC = Algonquin Count (July 6); BC = Lambton Count (June 30); TC = Toronto Count (July 6); HRCA = Halton Region Conservation Authority 1 The basis for selection ofthe data included in this publication was as follows: a) New information on range and new occurrence localities; b) Valuable data on flight period, broods and population monitoring, and c) Life history data including foodplants, nectar sources, larval description and habits, ovipositing data and behaviour, pupal description and siting, adult habits, predation, etc. Occasional Publication #'s 10 through 30 are designed to complement each other in such a way as to present in a common format all the information (as selected) known to the compiler with respect to Ontario Lepidoptera to the end of 1997. Please note that Section 3 in each ofthese publications addresses the corrections required to previous T.E.A. Occasional Publications. Section 6 ofthis publication is organised in accordance with "A Catalogue/Check-list ofthe Butterflies of North America North ofMexico" by Lee D. Miller and F.M. Brown (Lepidopterists' Society Memoir No. 2 - 1981) as corrected by "Supplement to A Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of North America North of Mexico" by Clifford D. Ferris, Editor (Lepidopterists' Society Memoir No.3 - 1989). The compiler has also noted, where of interest, the usage of James A. Scott in his "The Butterflies ofNorth America" (1986). In addition, recent information on a number of species in "Butterflies of Canada" by Ross Layberry, Peter Hall and Donald Lafontaine (1998) has necessitated some changes or additions to the nomenclature. These are noted in the listings. The common names are as per Alexander B. Klots - "A Field Guide to the Butterflies ofNorth America, East ofthe Great Plains", except in a few cases not included in Klots. For the Moths, "Check List ofthe Lepidoptera ofAmerica North ofMexico (1983)" by Ronald W. Hodges et al is used. The contents of this publication have been checked for errors and accuracy as much as possible. Any errors and omissions will be corrected in future publications. Each locality listed herein is followed by a number in square brackets. This number is the County, District or Regional Municipality as shown in Figures 1 & 2, e.g. Hearst [53] means Hearst (Cochrane District). Note: Ross Layberry of Ottawa has pointed out that the changes to county names that were made in publication # 25-93 (1992 Summary) and later created difficulty with records in his area since Leeds! Grenville and StormontiDundas!Glengarry are large areas which do not allow proper placement of the records. Accordingly, in this publication, the aforementioned counties will be represented with their original numbering, namely Leeds [27], Grenville [28], Stormont [29], Dundas [30] and Glengarry [31]. Note that these italicised numbers correspond wjth the maps found in the Ontario Butterfly Atlas. Where the date given is followed by a number in brackets, this represents the number of specimens encountered, i.e. (3). Also note that M = male, F = female, C = collected, R = released and S = sighting. Ifthere are any errors and/or omissions or suggestions please advise: Alan 1. Hanks, 34 Seaton Drive, Aurora, Ontario L4G 2K1 - (905) 727-6993 Back issues ofsome T.E.A. publications and memberships are available from the address above. ******************** 2 2. 1997 WEATHER [Data on the weather seemed difficult to obtain, after numerous sources were tried. Hopefully it will get back on track for 1998 - Ed.]. In most areas, there was a cool spring, leading to later appearances for many species. ******************** 3. CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUS T.E.A. PUBLICATIONS. In the Ontario Butterfly Atlas (Holmes, A.M., Hess, Q.F., Tasker, R.R. & Hanks, A.J. - 1991): Page 161 lists two specimens of the Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon (Boisd.)] as being recorded in Ontario. The first record from Kettle Point (Lambton County) on June 7, 1987 has been shown in all probability to be Poanes hobomok and should be discounted as P. zabulon. In Occasional Publication # 29-97 (1996 Summary): All the Algonquin Park records followed by (AC) under observers (AC = Algonquin Count) only repre­ sent those butterflies recorded by one set of observers and do not represent count totals. These may be found in Ontario Insects, Vol. 2, No.2. Listings for the following species at Kemptville [27](2 km NE of) should be corrected to Kemptville [27](1 km NE of): Erynnis icelus~ Carterocephalus palaemon~ Glaucopsyche lygdamus~ Charidryas gorgone~ Basilarchia archippus and Coenonympha inornata. Page 17 - In the General Summary (section 5), it was reported in para. 5 that 16 species new to Lennox and Addington County were recorded. One of our members reports that only one of these (Polites origenes) is new~ all the others having previous records in TEA Summaries Page 19 - The record listed as Epargyreus clarus - Manitoulin Is. (Misery Bay) June 21 (2) should be changed to Thorybes pylades (Error in entry). Page 28 - The record or the Pipevine Swallowtail at Wheatley Harbour is not a record late date. The 1973 Summary has a date ofOctober 15th recorded, and this is the latest date so far. Page 29 - The record listed for Papilio glaucus glaucus - Manitoulin Is. (Misery Bay) June 21 (40) should be changed to P.g. canadensis (Error in entry). Page 34 - The Matheson record for the Harvester is the second. See TEA Summary for 1993. Page 40 - Under Plebejus saepiolus: Algonquin PP [47] July 6 (1 - 2nd Park record?)(AC) should read: Algonquin PP [47] July 6 (1 - 5th Park record and first since 1956)(MNP). Page 45 - Under Phyciodes tharos: the record for form tharos from Algonquin Park (line 4) should be under form selenis.
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