vs h - PAGE EIOHTCTI5 TUESDAY, JULY t» 196* ittattrifEstpr lifntUt Hw-WeBthet, ----------—/ " n/ , F y a w st-M 'D. R. 'WmUk II.i'll I II " f '" " '.''" ' ---------- - r i ' --------------------- lers - fe^a3^ UMty.wid em Aboiit;Towii No Herald Im m». Rywhiy. gam y ;.iH Announce Engagements to IMwtiM orach tooipenMme ehoo| ‘Theo<lore P. OimhatX, Mn o f Mr. Tomorrow is he SI. and K n . Peter F. Gannutx, S78 4 - ttt. ^ ifteloca ti^ 'dCharm t^rdali' 8t., WM named cadet com* The Manchestep Evening pahy commander of. Oo. D., while Herald will not publisk to­ A (heating ot regional teadera to VOL. LXXXL NO. 238 (TWRNTY*FOUR FA^jEM-JM U fO SJBCTIONSy participating in the-’ Army ROTC dlacuaa the proposed relocstloo o f HANCHRSTER. CONN., ^U R SD AY, JDLY 5. 1962 oh iiic* ss) imCK n vs CENTS Bummer camp> Fort^D e'^a. Maaa, morrow, Independents Day. Rt. 6 will h ^ Micmdey. Aug. recently. He' wae 'i^’ ch a rn Of hia 20, st Fisao’i Restaurant in Bol­ company’a ISO cadeb and reapon* Drive carefully. ton at $'pm-'-' ;r-l * . BiMe for their perfoimance' in DemoersUe Director m n e i s ThrealB in Letters training activities during his 24-* Msbdney of Moncheeter has ar­ S ta fe N e w s hour duty tour. He wiil be oom'-| ranged the meeting. ' MLiUIEUU OF RM4!IIAMIUEB missioned a second lieutenant upon Police Check Leading the dlscuwrion will be completion of ROTC studies and' State Sem Fred Doocy of South graduation from the University of 'Windsor. , Famom for Old Coruiectlcut. ChurchTHeft^ Aihong those who will be InviM FeuhionedGoodneu SM the may(ka |of WUUmantic, B<A>- Airman Z.C. Norman Gagnon, ton, (kwentry, Hebron and Hlaet 2 STORES TO SERVE FOUl son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gagnon Car dam age Haraord, and the planning agen­ ^coff Urges o f E!ast Hartford and formerly o f j cies of those towns, said Mahoney. MANCHESTER -Manchester, was home on leave fd- Some $40 hi caah was taken and RepresentatiVea to tha state SHOPPING PARKADE /^Tax Credit on ter . graduating from the T^.S. an estlmi^ii^ 8275 in property dam­ legislature from the towns will also Monday, Tuesday; Saturday Air Force Security Service Sclml age has been noted in two thefts be Invited, as well as Wilfred Max­ t f AALtoeFJH. Private Pupils at Goodfeilow Air Force Bwte, and one vandaUem' case now under well of the state development com- Wednesday, nursday. Friday REGINA, Sask. ( A P )— ftloti calUng itself the "Swift Cur- Texas.' He left last week for ad<; tnission and Robert Brown of the lOAJM t o 9 P a t . vance school at Fort George^ investigation by Manchester po­ The threat, of violence was in­ rent Citizens Safety Committee’ WASHINGTON \(AP) — cartel region planning agwicy. threatened the doctora and their If federal aid is to be ffiyen to Meade in Maryland. While at lice. The planning and devdlo|iment ROUTE & BOLTON jected today into the strike of families. Goodfeilow he-was on the hmior A break and theft of $34.40 wee agencies in Mancheater are expect­ O a ilyU A .| £ to sow PJH. Saskatchewan doctors against public schools, then parents roll. Gagnon is a 1860 graduate of^ The engagement of Mtae Su-^ The threats, in letters to the reported yesterday morning at The engagement of Miss Donna ed to attend, and the Mancheater Sonday lOtSO AAL to 8i$« PJL whose children attend private •<'> ' ‘P Manchester High School. ^ " sanne Hall of West Covina, .Calif., ZoUo o f Manchester to Ehigene A. Chamber Of Commerce.. the government's compulsory town’s weekly newspaper and a Ike Defends Center Congregational (Church. The to Benedict'Zollo Jr. of Manches­ Daponte of«Waterbury, has been medical care program. Tem­ radio station, ordered the doctora schools could be given fOdera) Oran Fight Mrs. Edward Beattie .of Porta- incident occurred smnetime, after 1 ter and Covina, Calif., has been announced by her parents, Mr. and pers grew short aa more doc- to get down from their ci^ its, Welfare Secre- down." Ireland, arrived by Jet at p.m. Sunday and early yesterday announced by her parents, Mr. Mrs. Benedict Zollo, 66 Gardner State Installs \ tora lepOrtediy were'moving pedestal’ ’ and return to no: Abraham. Ribicoff .skid 2 New GOP Idlewild Airport, JT. Y„ last Sun­ morning, The money was taken and Mrs. Robert Hall, West Co­ SL practice by Friday morning, yesterday. Nmr Hitt SriMei out of the inrovinee. erwise, Uie let T the Adds Chaos day for a visit'to Manchester. She from two, locked desks, - one of vina, Calif. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. and FOO*OO**“F^0 rOHPfOOOol As tiMi government program Referrihg to a recent Q>eeeh Of is the mother o f Mrs. Alex Quail, which contained a small metal se­ Her fiance is the son of Mr. - Pasquale Daponte of Water- Traffic Control doctors would * hand hla the former Connecticut Gov­ and doctanrs' etifte moved into the to themselves, m or .82 Fairfield St., and will be a curity . box. Marked . desk keys and Mra. Benedict ZSollo, 66J3ard- bury. A new traffic control. Installed ernor sold; "Serloue consideration nits banging in the office were used by 'M Zollo is a 1959 graduate of fifth day, each aide sought to their property e laUon For Algeria house ^ est of Mrs. Robert Mc- ner St., Manchester. ' ■/ by the State. Highway Department marshal puIRte Mppdrt. Neither must be given to new epproedhes Qomb, 85 Brookfield her ais- the thief or thieves after entrance The announcement w m madb at Manchester High School, and a engineers at the comer of Waddell may deem to remove the bitternees from the was gained by removing a screen 1962 graduate of St. Mary’s Hos­ aide showed guy aRlto M hscMPS The efa said the threats WASHINGTON (AP) — 'ter. , K an - open houke recently at the Rd., South Adams and W. Center down. debate over aid to private schooia By RODNEY ANGOVB from a nbrth aide window and home of the bride-elect's, parents. pital Scho<A' of Nursing in Water- Sts., last week was put Into affect ware ‘ more ruthleea than the and coUem.’’. Former President Dwight D. braaking the pane of glass. .Mtsa Hall attended scbools in bury. ^ The doctors atucR t6 their de­ sitOati he doctors have sub- ORAN, Algerim (AF)—-A The junior auxiliary of Man- ' . Stop and go lights and walk * mand that provincial Premier Rlhicoff, vdio wlU resign soon'to Eisenhower says two new­ diester Memorial Hospital will A beach bag and wallet, contain-. South Portland, Maine, and is a Mr. Daponte attended Waterb<<ry lights, with push button control, Sale tfae people to in a calloua seMc the Democratic nomination for iMRing gun battle between 1959 graduate of West Covuio woMb<ow^. U o:^ ’s Socialiat . _ rd tor health and safety.’’ born Republican p o l icy Moslems mn4 Europeans, meet Thursday at 10 am. in the Ing $5 in caah, were taken from a mhoolB, s e rv ^ three years in the have been Installed at the Inter­ wSSe $ 5 * ^ ^ pr. senator, said the ptxipoaed tme hospital cafeteria. locker at Globe Hollow Pond yes­ High School, West Covina, C4lif. U.S. Army^'kndmy^'khi' is‘ now employ :d section to provide better v-trafflc ernment do away with the Ironically, the letter had the ef* credit was not on administration groups will hdp the party swept ddwntown Oran today. terday afternoon. Mre. Stella Leber She is employed as a reoeption-at in New Haven. control and better proteqtidh for puleory feature M the f«ict of taking the docton out of pityb^ but hie own idea. build an organisation to do Hospital attendants sSjd more of 84 High St, told police that her for Dun and. Bradstreet Inc. in date has been set for the. school chUdroi who crOae at that The government jref^sed to service. Both had been on emer- “A-toedlt might work this way,” Mr. and Mrs. Ralph El Halvor- ebwRUeeeROUeAeiN budge and .^claim ^^e medical justice to its principles. than 100 persons were killed daughter, Rhoda, 14, left the wal- Los Angeles,, and attends the ex­ wedding. point It was reported. A •mbrfwmGMM gwicy duty as Saskatoou’a St. Ribicoff. “I f a pubUc aid MU Elranlwwer defended toe All Re­ aen, 89 Oxford 8L, Will celebrate^ ■- J, ■ . J I - t. - fv .»we care eituattlEBi rat6 ^apparently un- or wounded. - : their 2Sth wedding anniversa^ w in a white beach bag (with tended day program at Mt. San lM$INaMyriw) YWysAm n u l’e Hospital,' one of $4 emiiers to be figured on a per . pupU publican Conference and toe-Na- flags of different colors Imprinted Antonio CoUege. She is. a past mJhfiAU MfUNrt der ecntml. D^uty Premier J. H. get up to provide fhm troatmenf rat to the states of $20. then<' In mjdaftarnora,' i more than with an open house Sunday from «••• aMUKoiR f«> •• tkxial Republicans Citlsens Com­ 4 to 8 pjn. at th^r homa on it) in .the locker between 4 and worthy advisor of the Baldw.-n Brockelbgirit' declared there "ap- normal medical eerviees a tax credit of $20 to parents of mittee Wednesday against the at­ three ho(in after firing broke <wt, 4:30 p.m. The wallet also con­ Park Assembly, Order of Raw- ■uomAtis. YlwRMJm'tl pears.i'libthliig In the nature of led.. After . the thro private school pupils would seem tack o f Sen. Barry OoMwater, R- UwU were atUl hmrd but too tained an identification card and uSPMo—nnspiiri iii.Gm pgnm and alarm." fllbtiag seemed to be slaekeBiag The church board of ,/^tnlty bow for Girls, in 'Baldwin Park, docton 1 returned\to Swift, entirely ressonsbla Arlz., vrtio had labeled them as Mr.
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