WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WAYNECOUNTY NOR TH C ARO LI NA Phone: (919) 731 -1435 Fa x (919) 731 -1446 TO: Wayne County Board of Commissioners FROM: Craig Honeycutt, Wayne County Ma n a~~ DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Board of Commissioners Meeting - September 15, 2020 The Appointment Committee of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 7:30 a.m. in Room 458 of the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina. At 8: 00a.m., the Wayne County Board of Commissioners will meet for a briefing session and other matters in the Commissioners Meeting Room on the fo urth floor of the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, located at 224 E. Walnut Street in Goldsboro, North Carolina. The formal Wayne County Board of Commissioners meeting will begin at 9:00a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Cout1house Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina. Due to Phase 2.5 of Executive Order 163 by Governor Roy Cooper limiting gatherings indoors to 25 people or less, the public is invited to view the meeting livestream at wvo~-vv. waynegov .com. THE GOOD LIFE . GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 001 GOLDSBORO NC 27533 WAYNE CO UNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA September 15, 2020-9:00 A.M. Note: During Phase 2.5 of Governot· Cooper's lifted •·estrictions under Executive Order 163, we will have no more than 25 persons gathered in one meeting place. The Public may watch the meeting on www.waynegov . com. CALL TO ORDER- Chairman E. Ray Mayo INVOCATION - Pastor Timothy Whitfield PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Commissioner Freeman Hardison, Jr. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- September I, 2020 Pg. 4-7 DISCUSSION/ADJUSTMENT OF AGENDA SPECIAL PRESENTATION l . Presentation on COVID-19 by Wayne County Medical Director Dr. James Stackhouse, Wayne County Health Director Dr. Brenda Weis, and Dr. Alma Jenkins. 2. Presentation of Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund (ADFP) Grant Program by Soil Conservation Coordinator Ashley Smith. APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE CONSENT AGENDA I. Application for Elderly or Disabled Exclusion. Pg. 8-9 2. Applications for Disabled Veteran Exclusion. Pg. 10- 13 3. Application fo r Property Tax Exclusion. Pg. 14-1 5 4. Motion to Approve Census 2020 Proclamation. Pg. 16 5. Motion to Approve Sale of Surplus Property Jointly Owned -vvith the City of Goldsboro, as Requested by the City of Goldsboro. Pg. 17-23 6. Motion to Approve the Final Plat for Settlers Pointe, Section 4, as requested by the Wayne County Pl anning Board. Pg. 24-26 NKW BUSINESS 1. iscussion and Approval of Submittal of Needs-Based Public School Ca ita! Fund 2020 Grant Application for Fremont Elementary. Pg. 27-36 2. Discussion and Possible Approval of Allowing the Wayne County Public Schools System to utilize Small Capital Funding for a Maintenance Contract. Pg. 37-41 3. Motion to Approve Amendment to Rules of Procedure for Wayne County Board of Commissioners. Pg. 42-48 4. Motion to Approve Amendment to the Public Comment Policy for the Wayne County Board of Commissioners. Pg. 49-51 5. Motion to Approve the School Resource Officers (SRO) Contract for Fiscal Years 20-21 and 21 -22. Pg. 52-64 COUNTY M ANAGER'S REPORT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COMMITTEE REPORTS 002 CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS INFORMATION Pg. 65-66 pENOTES ACTION REQUESTED 003 NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, September I, 2020 at 9:08 a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, Goldsboro, North Carolina, after due notice thereof had been given. Members present: E. Ray Mayo, Chairman; Joe Daughtery, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; Edward E. Cromartie; Free man Hardison, Jr.; William H. Pate; and Adrian Worrel l. Members absent: None ll.-iefing Session During the scheduled briefing and prior to the regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Commissioners held an adverti sed briefin g session to discuss the items of business on the agenda. The briefing began at 8:05 a.m. with Chairman E. Ray Mayo reviewing the COVID-19 Phase 2 restri ctions pertaining to individuals assembled in one place. He fo llowed with addressin g the order of business on the agenda. County Manager Craig Honeycutt asked fo r an adjustment to the agenda, removi ng item #4 under the Consent Agenda. He followed with reviewing other items on the formal agenda. Finance Director Al lison Speight reviewed the budget amendments County Manager Craig Honeycutt discussed the legislative goals, while Clerk to the Board Carol Bowden distributed copies of the list of goals to the Board and staff in attendance. The Board of Commissioners di scussed the list and requested it be sent to the North Carolina delegates, as well as the League of \1unicipal ities. Call to O rder Chairman E. Ray Mayo called the meeting of the Wayne Co unty Board of Commissioners to order. Invocation At the request of Commissioner Adrian Worrell, Apostl e Edw·in Newsome of Impac t Church gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance Commi ssioner Edward E. Cromartie led the Board of Commi ssioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Approval of Minutes I.Jpon motion of Commi ssioner Wi lli am H. Pate, the Board of Commiss ioners unanimously approved the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commi ssioners on August 18, 2020. Discussion/Ad justment of Agenda Upon motion of Commi ssioner Freeman Hardi son. Jr.. the Board of Commissioners unanim ously approved and authorized the Septem ber I, 2020 adjusted agenda. The follo11·ing changes were made: • Remo1·e Item #4 from the Consent Agenda fo r fu rther review by the County·s Attorneys. 004 Motion to An rwove Pmclamation Honoring Gus H. Tulloss Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. presented a proclamation to Gus H. Tu lloss, former Nonh Carolina Board of Transportation member upon his retirement, attached hereto as Attaclm1ent A. Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. , the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the Proclamation Honoring Gus H. Tulloss. Presentation of new GIS Public Crime Mapping Application bv GIS Coordinator Julio Gm..-ido GIS Coordinator Julio Garrido presented and demonstrated the new GIS Publ ic Crime Mapping Application he created for Wayne County. Assistant County Manager Chip Crumpler stated Mr. Garrido saved the County money by creating this application, versus purchasing and paying annually fo r the previous application used by the Co unty. Motion to Reappoint Robert Freeman to the Wavne Countv Planning Board Upon motion of Commi ssioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the reappointment of Robert Freeman to the Wayne County Planning Board. Motion to Reappoint Lee Hulse to the Wavne Countv Public Librarv lloard of Advisors Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Comm issioners unanimously approved the appointment of Lee Hulse to the Wayne County Public Library Board of Advi sors. Mo tion to Reappoint Jet·ome Ellis to the CommunitY Child Fatalitv Pt·evention Team Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. , the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the reappo intment of Jerome Ell is to the Co mmunity Chi ld Fatality Prevention Team. Motion to Reappoint Linda Harper to the Wavne Countv Adult Care Home Co mmunitv Advison• Com mittee Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the reappointment of Lind a Harper to the Wayne Cou nty Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. Motions to Reappoint Various Committee :\1cmbers to be Voted on at the September 15, 2020 Regul ar lloard of Commissioners Meeting Commi ssioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. made the following recommendations to be voted on by the Board of Commiss ioners during the September 15,2020 meeting: • To reappoint Gail Jones, Nancy Del ia, and Peggy Tate to the Wayne County Council on Aging. Motion to Appoint Dt·. r\nthonv Hamm to the Wavne Healt h Corporation lloard of Directors Upon moti on of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. , the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the appointment of Dr. Anthony (Tony) Hamm to the Wayne Health Corporati on Board of Di rectors. Consent Agenda Upo n motion of Vice-Chairman Joe Daughtery, the Board of Commi ssioners unanimously approYed and authori zed the fo llowing items under the consent agenda: 005 I. Applications fo r Elderly or Di sabled Exclusion. 2. App lications for Di sabled Veteran Exclusion. 3. Budget Amendments a. Health Dept. - #74 b. Sheri ffs Office- #75 c. Sheriffs Office- #77 Discussion of Legislative Goals to Present to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners County Manager Craig Honeyc utt presented the list of proposed legislati ve goal s to present to the NCACC, attached hereto as Attachment B. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. asked Mr. Honeycutt to add goals for the agricultural community before sending to delegates and others. Upon motion of Commissioner William H. Pate, the Board of Commissioners unani mously approved the list of Legislative Goals to present to the NCACC. Public Comments As no one appeared for Public Comments, Chairman E. Ray Mayo closed Public Comments at I 0: II a.m. County Manager's Report County Manager Craig Honeycutt thanked Public Affairs for a job well done with the recent virtual Town Hall meeting on rac ial issues. He also showed off the new Wayne County facemasks purchased wit h the COVID-19 funds, a suggestion made by Commissioner Adrian Wonell, and stated distribution to the pub li c was being organi zed.
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