TRANSPORTATION QUIDS. World t Chesapeake & and lost, to Plitsburg. Score: "Last writes Mrs. Ohio Plttsburg _0 2 00 00 1 00.:*. 7 1 Fall," S. G. Bailey, of Tun- Railway Brooklyn _000 a 00 000.0 2 1 W. "1 was HOURS THE QUICKEST LINE and neltoh, Va., going down inches, [jOoVcf Smith; Bell and Butler. from female by Boo M. W. BoblUBon, ARcmt O. ft O. Sly. Time l:ßO. Umpire, Johnatonc. disease, with great pain. After tak¬ UNION DENTAL ROOMS Before nrrunglng for your trip. Yesterday's. Results. ing Cardui, Ohl I Through Tralna, Yestlbnled, Electric At Danville.Danvlllu Phllaa Win Pitcher's Battle. My Howl was benefited 1 I 26th & Washington Ave. Lighted, Steam 4; Roanoko2. PA., 20.. am not Heated, Dining At Norfolk.Norfolk-Richmond: no PHILADELPHIA, May well yet, but am so much better that I will (Jura a I<a Carto through tha j game. Philadelphia defeated Cincinnati in a on Offer graudost Hcenery Munt ot At Ports¬ pitcher's battle today, winning in (ho keep taking Wine of Cardui till I am Special Priens the Lynchl)urg.Lynchburg 8; on perfectly Hocky Mountalna. mouth 4. eighth Inning three slngloa ami a cured." For Richmond, Cincinnati, Indlunap. sacrifice. Score: oll«, It. 11. K. Gold Crown and Bridge Work Nashville, Chicago, Louis¬ Standing of the Clube. the ville, Nashville, Memphis, . Clubs. L. PC. Cincinnati ...0 02 0 9 00 00.2 «> Despite envious attacks of jealous enemies $5.00 per Tooth. West and W. 20 :> Southweat. Danville .1(1 8 Philadelphia .0 00 0 0.2 x.I o and $1.00 10:10 A. M. and 5:25 P. M. ICwing and McLean; Pittenger an<t rivals, Cardui still holds supreme FiliingH up. dally. Richmond _.13 8 .010 1 human. Time 1:30. position Rhu administered. Full nets u( (mU Local for Richmond and Jamea Rival Lynchburg.11 Kl .52-1 Umpire, lllgler. today in the 70 Points: Koanuku 12 [as past years] for the relief and without plat#e. .11! .500 7:40 A. M., dally. A Portsmouth .11 13 .458 cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones Local for Richmond!! A . 3 up Norfolk lt> .167 SOUTHERN LEAGUE. the organs, regulates §:40 P. M., dally. *\ Today's Games. FREE ADVICE CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RY. Richmond at Norfolk, the functions, and aids Write ut a |eltcr desrrlblar all Service to the your symptoms, anj »r will ,end you Perry Exposition Lynchburg at Portsmouth. At New Orleans.Now Orleans I ree Advice. In pum sealed envelope. Between Newport Newa and Roanoko at Danville 1; in the replacement of AJjie»s: i adlcs*Atlvhoiy Pine Atlanta G. i liei.liaiijiiiKisa M*dkln«Co.,ClialU-Department, Qcach Pier. At Memphis.Memphis 3; Birming¬ a miOKa. I ecu. -. Hfl*! ham 2. misplaced organ. 8paclous Ferry Boat i Al Little Kock.Little Hock 2: At "CALLAHAN" Montgomery 5. Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles. Leavea Nowport News from C. & O. A1 Shrovepbrt.Shreveport tl; Nash¬ Passenger Pier. ville 2. Dally Schedule. ',' Yetterday's Results. Except Sunday. Detroit Lv. Lv. Pino Boneh Pier 0; Philadelphia 1. Newport News: for St. Louis 3; New York 2. \ FEW PLAYERS Newport News: Cleveland 0; Washington 8. STICK TO fi: tr. A. M. 7:25 A. M. i < ONE PLACE ON DIAMOND. 8:00 A. Mi 8:10 A. M. , Clilcago -1; Boston 0. ' 10::i5 A. M. 11:10 A. M. Standing of the Clubs. 3:45 P. M. snstfttssafinwaafca^^ 4:30 P. M. Clubs. W. L. PC. Few players stiele to one place on 5;35 P. M. 0:15 P. M. Chicago .20 1(1 .iii«( the diamond during their careers. Hofef Powhatan Cleveland .17 12 .;>S8 John Montgomery Ward was a pitcher Detroit .15 11 .577 (and a splendid one) before he l/e- & Ohio MUNIS X MINERS New York .in 12 ,R66 came a shortstop, and when he quit Chesapeake Railway New Hotel. ISO TRANS Ü Plilladelphla .13 13 .500 the national game he was oho of Its FERRY SERVICE TO THE EXPOSITION. Rooms.| Steamship Lines. Rosten .10 17 .370 greatest second basemen. Roger Passongor ft Freight. Washington .0 Iß .K'ih llresnahan was a fair twirlcr until Per St. LouIb .10 1!) .345 John McGraw told him that catching SPACIOUS FERRY BOAT $1.00 Day Up. News to was Newport Baltimore. his forte, and Dan McGann had Newly furnished hot. und cold baths, Kvery and Hun. fi an idea for all Men., Thun'., Frl, Nut., p. in Games Today. some years ho was cut outside rooms. Kor further par¬ Pare $3.00 One Way, (5.00 Bound New''York at St. Louis. out to ho a second baseman. Mike ticulars, address Trip, Including Stateroom Berth. Horton at C.hlcngo. Dunlin nnd Cy Seymour are both for¬ Tickets to AU mer THEODORE] COX, Points. .) Washington at Cleveland. pitchers, wlldness when on tho CAPACITY, 2,500. Mannger. Philadelphia at Detroit. slab and natural hitting ability Induc¬ Norfolk to Boston. ing each man to take to the suburban DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY BETWEEN C. <&. O. PASSENGER PIER Theodoro Cox, D. S. Jones, Kvery Him, Tuoi. Wed. nn.l Ktl. 0 p, ra. territory. Billy Keeler was a star in- AND PINE BEACH PIER. Proprietors. Norfolk to Tail Enders Take a Game. fleider when lie was In the Eastern Providence, ST. LOUIS. MO., 20..St. Louis and .Mm Lv. Newport News Lv. Pine Beach Kvory Moil., Timm, mid Hat. 0 p, m. May League, Williams played at Kur UckuM »ml nirttior won from New York" 3 to short and third For Pine Beach: , For News: ¦BS Information, apply to today until McOraw decided Newport 1). K. Punched hits gavo the home team the to play him nt second at Baltimore in 6:45 A m. 7:25 A. M. MuNKII.l.. A victory. Score: 1901. Dan Hoffman, Bob Wallace. 8:00 A. M. 8:40 A. M. Jamestown IL H. HI. Joe Yeager, Buck Freeman, Prank Is- 10::i5 A. M. 11: 10 A. M. St. Louis _00000 1 20 x.3 5 1 bell, Pat Dougherty. Charley Hick- 3:46 P. M. 4:3P P. M. New York ....00 00 1000 1.2 7 1 man, Kid Qlenson and Fred Odwell G:3G P. M. 6:16 P. M. INorfolk & Washington Glade and O'Connor; Doyle and all began on the rubber anil gravitated Souvenirs Thomas. Time 2:17. Umpires to other spheres of activity on tho and Stafford. - . Steamboat Co. O'Loughlan diamond, while Harry Davis, Fred at Tho now and powerful Iron Tenney, Kitty Bransfield, Frank Palaoa .Tnd steamers, Nowport Nowb, Washington Washington Wins, Too. Chance, Casey, Billy Mnloney, News Prices and Norfolk will leave aa fol* .liggs onaDhno and Jake Stuhl start¬ Newport low*: dally CLEVELAND, OHIO. May 20.. ed out as catchers. Outfielders Wlio Cleveland's winning strenk was brok¬ have This is a in it¬ NORTHBOUND. en 8 to developed Into Inflelders include novelty Leave foot of today .Washington winning limmv Collins, Lowe, Wag¬ THE SPLENDID NEW STEAMER self. Come Portsmouth, 0. Cleveland was unable to solve Lajolo, to the North id root . ner, Courtney, Georgo Davis', Dahlen 6:60pm Hughes' delivery. Score: nnd Loavo Not folk, foot ot Wa¬ It. if. 10. Beckley..Exchange. ter atroet. 1:00pa Cleveland.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 4 Leave Old Point Comfort 7:00pm ..1 0 20004 1 0.S 13 2 The Origin of Gotham. Arrtvo In w on Washington NNE anhingt .... 7:00 am Liebhardt, Berger and Wakofield; This name, Gotham, was first ap¬ Arrive In Philadelphia, Hughes and Dkinkonship. Time 2 plied to tho city of Manhattan In a Penn. R. R...10:10 am hours. Umpire, Connelly. bonk of humorous sketches called CAPACITY 1500 and while Arrive in Philadelphia, B. "Salmagundi," written about 1807 by drinking the ft O. R. - best R.**ll:10am Error Loses for Detroit. Washington Irving In collaboration nznn~ TO' Soda Water in town Arrive in New York, Penn. with his brother Peter nnd tho R. DETROIT, MICH., 20..Downs poet and the best Ice U.1:11pm May Patilding. It was evidently intended eating Arrlvo In New York, B. ft misjudged Murphy's low line fly in lo suggest that tho people of New Cream, look over bur O. R. tho ninth and It went for two bases, York made R.»2:00pra scoring Cross, who had walked, with upduo pretensions to wis¬ Drioe lists, novelties, toilet SO I'll BOUND. th dom, and that there were both sa- Lv. New York, Penn. R. R., e ouly run of the game. Score: tino and wit in ANED P6ME BEACH articles or medi¬ Lv. 12:00pm R. H. K the suggestion is patent Now York, B. ft O. R. R. »l:0Upm Detroit .0 0 0 0 0 ll snown by tho story of tho original cines. You will find what Lv. Philadelphia, Penn. R. R. 2:65 pm 0 0 0.0 5 2 Gothamites. .FRO Lv. B. Philadelphia .0 00 0 00 100.1 3 0 M. you want at the Phlla., ft O. R. R.... 2:08 pm Eubank nnd Payne; Plank ami Gotham was a parish in Notting¬ Ar. Washington, Penn. R. R. 6:10pm Schreck. Time 1:50. Umpire, Evans. hamshire, England. Tho old story Ar. Wash., B ft O. R. R..*»5:00pm tells how King John wished to pass Ideal Pharmacy Lv. Washington. *6:30pm through tho parish, but the Leave Old Point for Pine Beach Leave Pine Beach Ar. Old Point Comlort.... Pull people Cor.
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