Over $1,000,000 in Prize Money! Froihofor* Run For Woi B/lOrfri ksbury Park 10K Classic 8/8/67 G asparilla Distance ms-' «Classic III?/87 jW %«nge II Bowl THE ARRA CHAMPIONSHIP CIRCUII un with the best. Take part in the ARRA Championship Circuit — the major league of ) American road racing. RARRA Championship events are open to all runners. Compete for event prize monies, or simply strut your stuff running with many of the finest road racers in the world. All ARRA Circuit events are sanctioned by The Athletics Congress. Be part of the ARRA Championship Circuit. Write for entry information today. The Association of Road Racing Athletes (ARRA) has worked since 1980 to promote prize money competition on the roads. The ARRA organization of top competitive runners, in cooperation with major road racing events in the U.S., has established a year-round series like that found in other professional sports. JANUARY Houston-Tenneco Marathon JUNK Cascade Bun Off 15K (H ouston, TX) 713/757-3165 (Portland, OB) 503 /2 2 6 -0 7 1 7 Orange Bowl 10K JULY Peachtree Road Race 10K (Miami, FL) 305/255-1521 (Atlanta, GA) 404/231-9064 FEBRUARY Gasparilla Distance Classic 15K San Francisco/Audi Marathon (Tampa, FL) 813/229-7866 Association (San Francisco, CA) 415/681-2323 MARCH Jacksonville River Run 15K of Road Racing AUGUST Asbury Park 10K Classic (Jacksonville, FL) 904/739-1917 (Ocean Twp, NJ) 201/531-4156 APRIL Nike Cherry Blossom 10 mile Athletes OCTOBER Penofin (Washington, D.C.) 301/445-4177 (Ukiah, CA) 707/462-7413 MDA-Boston Milk Run 10K For more information on ARRA Twin Cities Marathon (Boston, MA) 617/396-3001 (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN) Boston Marathon m em bership and the 1987 ARRA 612/929-8646 (Boston, MA) 617/338-5709 Circuit, contact: St. Paul Medical Center 10K MAY Lilac Bloomsday Run 12K Association of Road Racing Athletes (Dallas, TX) 214 /8 7 9 -3 9 6 6 (Spokane, WA) 509/838-1579 DECEMBER Calif. International Marathon Freihofer’s Run For Women 10K 1081 Paulsen Ruilding (Sacramento, CA) 916/447-2786 (Albany, NY) 518/465-5210 Spokane, WA 99201 Bolder Boulder 10K (Boulder, CO) 303/444-7223 809/ 838-8784 ISSN 8750-507X Vol, IX, No. 9, March, 1987 Racing South (ISSN 0164-5129) is pub­ lished monthly for S10.00 per year. $18.00 for two years, or S24.00 for three years by Running lTiings, Inc., 5504 Springwood Lane, Stone Mountain, GA 30087. Second class postage is paid at Stone Mountain. GA with additional entries. 4 Warming Up »POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Racing South Magazine, Post Office 6 Grand Prix IX Update Box 448, Stone Mountain, GA 30086. 8 Performances Send all correspondence to the above Kathy Hardy address. Telephone (404)469-9551. Single- copy and back issue price is $1.50 plus 75 cents postage and handling. Racing South 12 Grand Prix IX Schedule Magazine may also be purchased at many fine running stores throughout the South. Contents of Racing South are copyright 14 Interview: 1987 by Running Things, Inc. No part of Margaret Thomas this publication, including artvvork, may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. 17 Notes & Quotes Founded in 1978 by: Mike Caldwell, Mark 20 How They Train Herman, James Penrod and Shannon Marla Daniel Sullivan. Publisher: Running Things, Inc. Editor: Laura Caldwell 22 Tri-ing Times Senior Writers: Suzanne diGeorge and Lee by Earl Owens Fidler Special Contributors: Darien Andreu, Kyle Cavanaugh, Rex Cleveland, Jeannie 24 Races & Results Crane, Benji Durden, Jeff Galloway, Ced­ ric Jaggers, Dr. Philip Maffetone, 46 Letters to the Editor D .C .P.C , Jack Mahurin, Ph.D., Scott Nelson, Earl Owens, John Parker, Bill Painter, Sharon Robb. Phil Sparling, 47 Race Schedule Ph.D.. Harold Tinsley, Mary Anne Wch- rum and Herb Wills Photography: Rex Cleveland, Suzanne diGeorge, and Victor Sailer Type: Girafix Grafix Printing: McQuiddy Printers Correspondents: John Bernhardt, John Boyle, Joe Burgasscr, Dee & Bonnie Cald­ well, Alex Coffin, Steve Dickson, Ronna Dykes, Ted Fulton, Ole Holsti, Winston Howell, Betsy Hughes. Art Liberman, Neil cover photo by Suzanne diGeorge MacDonald. Ray McLean, Rick Melan- son, Everett Morris. Jackie Phillips, Don Sergent, Jerry Underwood, Nick Vitsaras, Don Wright, and Jim Young W arm ing Un As the new year started, the Grand Prix Pepsi Spring Classic 8K has been scrapped. versatile runners in the United States. She traveled to a favorite Southern city of Quite The April 18 race will not be held this year, has competed with great success on the a few runners—New Orleans-1and the but may reappear again next year. It is track in distances from the 1500 meters up 80th running of the Jackson Day 9K. Not always sad when politics enter into a road to and including the 10K, while also pro­ only is this the South’s oldest road race, but race and its direction; and hopefully, given ducing a marathon best of 2:33:38 and a it offers runners a chance to experience a more time, Mark can work things out for a road 10K best of 32:45. The former Univer­ little of the early American history so next year. sity of Virginia athlete has also had her abundant in the New Orleans area. The We have another episode of our “How share of adversity, but you’ll have to read race course traces the route taken by They Train” this month. This time we take the interview if you want to know more. It Gabriel Villere, a scout, as he made his way a look at the little school “marm” from begins on page 14. from his father’s plantation near Lake Roxboro, NC, Marla Daniel. Marla has Results from many of the South’s winter Pontchartrain to Andrew Jackson’s head­ been active her entire life and competed on marathons—Charlotte Observer, Miami’s Quarters to warn the general of the impend­ the track and cross-country teams while at Orange Bowl, Jacksonville, Savannah, ing British invasion. Tchoupitoulas Track the University of North Carolina-Chapel Callaway Gardens, and Pensacola’s Blue Club member and New Orleans resident Hill. However, her talent as a runner Angel—along with many other races Ron Brinkman states that “Villere was sort started to really develop after her gradua­ throughout our nine state region also of a Creole Pheidippides of his time.” How­ tion. Although she had some success while appear in this issue. Next month, we will ever, the race might not be as popular if it in college, it wasn’t until allowed to coach have all the action from Miami's Orange had been entitled the “Villere Day 9K.” herself that she began to shine as a runner. Bowl I0K, lampa’s Gasparilla Distance This month’s cover shows some of the Those of us who know Marla have always Classic and Orlando's Red Lobster 10K, action from that race as leaders Dave been intrigued by her ability to run last which is making its first appearance on our Branch, Dave Schaufuss and Errol Green without getting on the track. She tho­ Grand Prix this year. The people at Red make their way to the finish line in the roughly dislikes doing intervals and seldom Lobster have demonstrated a desire and French Quarter near Jackson Brewery. will you find her on a track. commitment to road racing, while also Once again, our senior writer Suzanne Rex Cleveland’s “Rex Rated” is taking a offering the largest prize purse for a 10K— diGeorge not only writes about the 80th break this month, but will return in April $50,000—in 1987. In April’s issue, we also running of this popular Crescent City race, with his unique look at jolly, ole England as hope to have at least one surprise. but she also demonstrates her prowess he recounts the rest of his and wife Mae’s For the month of March, we will be tra­ behind a camera as well. Coverage of summer travels of last year. veling to Greenville, SC on the 7th for the Grand Prix IX begins on page six. We do have the interview with Nash­ 10th annual Reedy River Run directed by As we were putting this issue together we ville’s Margaret Groos Thomas this month. Adrian Craven and to Mobile, AL on the were informed by Johnson City, TN’s Margaret has not only been running since 28th for the Azalea Trail Run, which is also Mark Finnucane that the Hamilton Bank- the age of 12, but she is also one of the more in its 10th year. We hope to see many of you *The photo on p. 40 of the Feb. issue was .Sufegfflption Form. incorrectly identified as Kelly Cook. Our apologies to Heather Jackson, N am e Street . City_ . State_ Z ip. □ O ne ye a r $10.00 □ Three years $24.00 □ Two years $18.00 Please allow 6-8 weeks for your first issue. Send this card and check complete to: D oni miss a single issue— Subscribe today! P.O. Box 448 • Stone Mountain, GA 30086 4¡RACING SOUTH, March 1987 Mississippi’s Great Foot Race. MAY 9, 1987-TUPEL9, MISSISSIPPI You're invited to come run and have a fun-filled LITTLE GUM TREE EXTRAS CASH PRIZES weekend in Tupelo. Bank of Mississippi's Gum Tree 10K is the state's largest foot race attracting more than 2,300 ■ Superior organization including return by mail of Compete for your part of our 510,650 prize fund. First runners in 1986. You'll enjoy a high quality event, shirt, race number and other materials for all pre­ Prize for overall male and overall female winner is 51,500.
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