Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago New Expression Youth Communication Chicago Collection January 1997 New Expression: January 1997 (Volume 21, Issue 1) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/ycc_newexpressions Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "New Expression: January 1997 (Volume 21, Issue 1)" (1997). New Expression. 148. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/ycc_newexpressions/148 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Youth Communication Chicago Collection at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Expression by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. ,..I... hi.s III«>:.. tb: • eed he p ind·ng a job? Let NE help p. 4 • Tee mar·juana use is up The smoking statistics p. 6 • E t lks to C ari sa Flores Is she WY's Scottie Pippin? p. 16 p.3 • YOUTH COMMUNICATION 1996-1997 Board of Directors Offictrl -J-tae~t --ftffei®~~~ President Helen A Mllphy -CraNJ's CIVcago Business AJe lmmtdlllte Put President ~ "'ea~e~ William (Oaf) Frost-Canadian Paciffc Forest Products, Inc. (ret.) Vic. Prelldent.fnterMI A!fllra With Christmas and New Year's right around the corner, many of us will be doing a lot of last Philip Costello-Logk: Plus minute shopping in these next few days. VIce Pres/dent.fxtema/ Afralra Our fashion section features a few items from TJ Maxx that might interest our readers· for Dimitra Tasiouras-CIJ«;ago Foundation for WOOlell NE Staff '96-'97 yourself or for your signifi cant other. We also take a look at the best time to go shopping--{jay· Trusum after sales! We, too, have the problem of what to wear for our New Year's parties, but this issue Managing Editor Deborah L DeHaas-MOOr AndllfS8fl & Co. gives you suggestions of how to enter the New Year Sty/in'. J . M ich ael Rodriguez, D a ley C o llege Secretlry In entertainment, NE talks to some of the business' finest Creative Writing Editor Layton E. Olson-Howe & Hutton, Ud. Kente B. Johnson-Taylor, Chicago Academy for the Arts Assistant Secretlry artists: from 112 to Foxy Brown and Montell Jordan. Entertainment Editor Helen Schubert-He/en Schubert Pub/k: Relations New Expression Sports also covered this year's Prep Bowl Amanda Veazley, Whitney Young General Directors between Loyola and Dunbar, complete with slats and interviews of Maty Dedinsky-Medill School ol JoumafiSIIl Fashion Editor the game's premier stars. We also feature one of the Public James Dodson, Jr.-CNA Insurance Shena Ponder, Whitney Young Jean Doyl&- Ben &Jerry's League's hottest basketball players, Oarissa Flores. Photography Editor Kai El' Zabar- N'DIGO Magapaper In this issue, we observe the Chinese culture and how their Jessica Karcz, Maria Paula Elilanks-Columbia College culture celebrates New Year's. We also speak to a few foreign· John B. Johnson-Rand McNally & Company Essay Contest Editor Robin LaSota -Nolfh Central Regional Educational IJiboraiOI'f exchange students who compare their schooling to American Emily Lai, Lane William H. Low&-R.R. Donne/ley &Sons schools and how different life is from their country to ours. VIrtual Reality Editor Mana Kilpatrick- Sara Lee Corporation New Expr~ssion is always looking for ways to inform our An dy Sit, Whitney Young Claude J. Peck, .K.-Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation (ret) Harvey K. P(J(chia-ChicagoLand Television News J. Michael Rodriguez readers about opportunities. Therefore we have more information Special Assignments Editor Craig Taylor- YOCA T Design Ayesha S. Harmon, Whitney Young on applying for money to afford college, as well as a summer job Youth Advisor opportunity that is open to most of our readers. Sports Editor J. Michael Rodriguez- Daley College ' David A. Jones, Without further adieu, I bring you one of our most Fenger Honorary Directors informative issues yet! Reporters Jose Ch~ Chapa Inc. Communications Send your letters to: Claudia Alonzo, Maria Dick Ciccone--Chkago Tribull6 AJeW~Ss~ Rebecca Babcock, St. Scholastics Fred Eyc11aner- WPWR· TV Channel 50 -CJ. }Vlicha.el nod.riguez Chaundra Blandin, Morgan Park Claience Pag&-Chicago Tribune 70 E. Lake, Suite 815 Char1es Price-Chicago Sun-TU118S (ret) Ki mberly Boston, Curie Managing Editor Chicago, IL 60601 Robert Regan-Oakbrook International Inc. Quiana Carter, South Shore Heidi Scllultz- Agoia, Inc. [email protected] Send e-mail to our Miosoty Colon, Clemente Gloria Scoby- Crain Communications, Inc. new e-mail address: Maisha Fishburne, Luther South [email protected] Tiffany Henderson, Orr Many t hanks to our friends and Sylvia Holder, Hyde Park supporters who made this issue William Lee, Harold Washington College possible: Ben Ueber, Whitney Young ACLU Cover photo by Rebecca Babcock Melody Martin, South Shore American National Bank Foundation Jessica Martinez, Hubbard Arthur Andersen &Co . Corey Miggins, Harlan Andersen ConS!lting rr== Anonymous Table of Contents Alexandria Morris, Whitney Young Anne E. Nash, University of Illinois AT&T Avenor America, Inc. Nnenna Onwunmelu, St. Scholastics William C. Bannerman Fot.rldation How to look lor college dough Yiayn Ousley, Whitney Young Ben &Jelly's Foundation Ellen Pavlick, Kenwood Bloaningdale's Cynica Townsend, Lincoln Park Board of Directa-s You should know!! Jennifer Walton, Curie Leo Burnett Illustrators/Photographers The • .....e:- .. Chicago Mark Flores, Latin Chicago Sun-Times Trust Mark Hertz, Francis Parker Chicago Tnbune Fot.rldation Rebecca Babcock, St. Scholastics City Arts Adult Staff Crain's Chicago Business Executive Director A.A. Donne! ley & Sons Day-aner sales Fei-PrtYMeddenberger FOU1dation Bill Brooks The Friends of Youth Commooication Shopping! Shopping! And more shopping!!! Editorial Advisor The Freedom Forum Adolfo Mendez GATX Corporation Copy Editor Galle!y 37 MargaretAnn Cross Harris Bank FOUldation Household International, Inc. Graphics Director JCCC Foundation Eric J. Wiliams Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Photography Director The Mayer and Morris Kaplan Famity Foundation Ramses del Pinto Danta Kemper Funds Kraft Foods Inc. NE's chat room Chas. Levt Company New Expression is published once a month except July, The John 0. and Catherine T. MacArthur Rloodation August, September, and November by Youth Communication, Marshall Reid's Mantell Jordan, Foxy Brown and 112! a not-for-profit organization. The Nalco FOIJldation Editorial offices are at 70 E. Lake Street, Suite 815, The Northern Trust Company Chicago, IL 60601 . The Albert Pic!<, Jr. Food Phone: (312) 641 -NEWS. FIV:: (312) 641-6470. Polk Bros. FOIJldation E-mail: NewExpre s [email protected] R&B Consulting Sara Lee Foundation For a one-year subscription, send check for $12 Sears, Roebuck and Co. Prep Bowl coverage (for eight issues) to: Ne w Expression WP-NR-lV Channel SO FMdation SubscriptiOn, c/o Youth Communication Walgreens Hot match-ups and key personalities 70 East Lake Street, Su~e 815, Chicago, IL 60601 W.P. &HB . White Rloodation Include name, address, and zip code. Howard L WiHett Fooodalion, Inc. © 1997 Youth Communication Women in Communications, Inc. 2 NE JANUARY 1997 I A Cultu .. al education leaves diverse attitude tale of two oommittlfs By Chaundra Blandin, Morgan Park B) J. Michael Rodriguez, Daley College th1ng about living 1n AmeriCa when you aren I a U.S Cormng to Amenca and gomg to a school where Clllzen IS that you have to pay for school My mother Smpmg between two Chicago high school groups, Student Alliance comfortable that someth1ng would get done about rt because of h1s you don't know anybody except the famtly that you are spent a lot for a round-tnp ticket there and bad'., plus and Student Leadership, broke out recently wi1h both groups hurling ass~stant,' says Klmberly Borgman, a JUnior at Senn H1gh School kving wrth could leave m1xed reactions about the money 1nduded for me to go to school. I kJnd of insuhs at each other rmr who really represents the best 1nterest of teens who was 1n attendance at the Student Leadership Meeting 'The country we call 1and of the free ' diSagreed WTth the whole 1dea and all. but my mother 11 the ely's public schools way that people say that he doesn'tlisten to students 1s completely 'I lived 1n the Unrted States for a penod of two pays no attention to me I don I want to go back to But the ongomg conflid threatens to dilute the VOtCe of aty students 1n false, and my case IS a perfect example ' weeks, durmg a fore1gn-exchange 111!1!1111... -... the school. but I 'Mil gladly go for some srte ongoog deliberations regard1ng the future of the Ch~eago public schools Student Leadership was established earl1er th1s year by Paul program,' saJd 14-year-old Emelyne ,seemg '1f Student Alliance (and the students llVOived) are not 'MllllQ to worit Vallas and h1s Board of Trustees to mwmze student partJapabon. Bernard from France 'I d1dnt like the 'I liked the fad that my child got to togethEJ v.ith Mr Valas and his lroop, then the student vace wil not be nus group conSistS of not only the Local School Coonol exchange p~ogram for one because expenence some of the lh1ngs the lllified, and possibly may be less effedJve,' says Philhp Jacksoo deputy representabves but also members of student counols and leaders I didn't have hands on matenallike Amencan children do and what they do chef of staff of the CPS. of vanous student dubs I have at my school. I am so used to to ha<e fun I thmk d my daughter Al a meebng m November, Ch1ef ExecutJve Officer Paul Vallas spoke Vallas reassured students about his obhgabon to educat1on my school that I JUst couldn I adJust Emelyne dldn I erl{oy d.
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