IDAHO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TECHNICAL REPORT 20-02 BOISE-MOSCOW IDAHOGEOLOGY.ORG KROHE AND OTHERS CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS Cash Creek Quartzite (middle Cambrian)—Quartzite, gray to 4TA09: Cambrian quartzite of Cash Creek (Єc) 5TA09: Ordovician Kinnikinic Quartzite (Ok) EOLOGIC AP OF THE OUTHERN ORTION OF THE LAYTON UADRANGLE, USTER OUNTY, DAHO Cc light-gray on weathered surface, light-gray to off-white on fresh G M S P C Q C C I Unconsolidated Sedimentary and Mass Movement Deposits surface. Unit is fine to coarse grained with pebbly layers and lenses 30 1785 n= 86 n= 87 (Hobbs and Hays, 1990); grains are subrounded and moderately to 1860 20 poorly sorted. All sand is quartz, there is no feldspar. Unit is medium Qls Qal Qc Qcq QUATERNARY to thick-bedded, has blocky weathering and is a cliff former. Unit 25 Volcanic Rocks has sharp contacts with the overlying Єs and underlying Єcb. The -------Unconformity------- CENOZOIC unit is ~396 m thick. Nicholas J. Krohe, Daniel T. Brennan, Paul K. Link, David M. Pearson, and L. Trent Armstrong 15 Lower carbonate of Squaw Creek (middle to early Cambrian)— 20 Tcv TERTIARY Ccb 1958 Idaho State University, Department of Geosciences Eocene Carbonaceous siltite, dark-gray to light-gray on weathered surface, dark purplish-gray to light-gray to turquoise on fresh surface. Unit is 2020 (modified from Plate 1 in Krohe, 2016, ISU M.S. Thesis) Sedimentary Rocks fine to very fine grained and well sorted. Unit contains mainly quartz 15 sand with some micaceous and calcareous layers. Unit is strikingly 10 Copper Basin Thrust Sheet Number laminated to thinly bedded, weathers fissile to flaggy, and has an Number Clayton-Bayhorse Section MISSISSIPPIAN 2102 2691 oily sheen. Unit has undergone phyllite-grade metamorphism and 10 2561 ---Unconformity--- forms slopes. Both upper and lower contacts are sharp. The unit is ~175 m thick. 5 Upper and Middle 1433 Osm Quartzite of Boundary Creek (early Cambrian to 5 Ordovician CZbc Neoproterozoic)—Quartzite, tan to light-gray on weathered CMsr Squaw Creek Section Ok ORDOVICIAN surface, light-gray to off-white on fresh surface. Unit contains fine to Middle medium sand, with pebble layers near base. Sand is subrounded, Ordovician 0 0 Occ Oe moderately to well sorted and is all quartz. Thick to thin bedding, 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 with anastomosing bedding present in some thinly bedded layers. Age (Ma) Age (Ma) ---Unconformity---- ---Unconformity--- Unit weathers blocky and forms cliffs. A sharp contact is present Middle Cambrian with the overlying Occ and the basal contact is a fault or covered by 5NK15: Cambrian quartzite of Cash Creek (Єc) DTB17-17: Cambrian-Neoproterozoic Clayton Mine Quartzite (ЄZc) Cs Eocene Challis Volcanic Group. The unit is ~91 m thick. 14 CAMBRIAN n= 300 n= 91 Unmapped Thrust Fault Cc 1769 Quartzite west of Squaw Creek (Neoproterozoic?)—Quartzite, dark 1774 Igneous Rocks Lower Cambrian CZq 80 Ccb weathered surface, gray to off-white on fresh surface. Unit is fine to 12 -------Unconformity------- coarse grained, moderately sorted, with subangular to subrounded CZc 70 Intrusive Rocks CZbc grains, predominately quartz. Unit is medium to thick Thrust Fault bedded,weathers blocky and forms cliffs. The contacts of the unit are 10 60 Zg Normal Fault fault-bounded or covered by Eocene Challis Volcanic Group, thus ca. 601 Ma CZq the thickness is undetermined 50 8 Ediacaran Zsq CLAYTON-BAYHORSE SECTION 40 Normal Fault Number 1844 6 Zr CZc NEOPROTEROZOIC Clayton Mine Quartzite (middle Cambrian? to Neoproterozoic)—Quartzite; weathered surface is pink to 30 Zb dark-gray to brownish-tan, fresh surface is dark grayish-tan to 4 off-white. Unit is coarse to medium grained, with local vein quartz 20 Zgc pebbles and silty layers. Unit is poorly sorted; grains are rounded Qc to subrounded. Unit mainly contains quartz, with some altered 2582 2 Zd 10 (only shown in cross-section) Cryogenian feldspar. Contains planar and trough cross-beds, weathers blocky and is a cliff former. The lower contact of the Oc is gradational with Zt the Osq and the upper contact with the Oe is a sharp 0 0 667 Ma Qal disconformity. The unit is ~975 m thick. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Age (Ma) Age (Ma) Zsq Interbedded siltstone and quartzite (Neoproterozoic)— Quartzite; pinkish-gray on weathered surface, pinkish-white on fresh surface. 3TA09: Cambrian-Neoproterozoic quartzite of Boundary Creek (ЄZbc) DTB17-18: Cambrian-Neoproterozoic Clayton Mine Quartzite (ЄZc) Unit is predominately fine grained but can range from fine to coarse 20 Challis Volcanic Group, undifferentiated (Eocene)—Volcanic flows 14 Tcv grained with local vein quartz pebble layers. Unit is moderately Tcv 5NK15 Unmapped and tuffs, rusty orange to dark brown or dark gray on weathered n= 79 14 n= 109 33 SYMBOLS sorted, grains are sub-rounded; bedding is m-thick with sharp surface, tan to gray on fresh surface. Fine- to medium-grained Cs 54 contacts between beds. Some ripple marks are present. Unit 1180 Cc Tcv groundmass; 1-10% phenocrysts (often eroded out), phenocrysts 12 2707 weathers to a blocky cliff former. Thickness ranges from 215-610 m. 12 Contact: dashed where approximately located. <1mm in length. Unit contains plagioclase and pyroxene, and forms 1714 ridges; large granitic boulder was found in a lava flow just east of 34 Siltstone: Weathered surface is reddish-brown, fresh surface 10 C lower Squaw Creek. light-brown; silt to very-fine sand particles, sharp contacts, weathers 10 Qc Normal fault: ball and bar on downthrown side; 1440 platy, thin bedded to laminated. 1790 8NK15 dashed where approximately located; dotted r 69 8 NEOPROTEROZOIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS 2474 e where concealed. b 8 Dolomite: Dark-brown weathered, gray-brown on fresh surface, fine to Qal m Ramshorn gabbro (Neoproterozoic)—Pyroxene gabbro, dark gray u Tcv Thrust fault: teeth on upper plate; dashed where Zg medium grained, some sandy layers, sharp contacts, weathers blocky. 1750 2650 N on weathered surface, dark green on fresh surface; fine to Number 6 678 Occ approximately located; dotted where concealed. 6 medium-grained groundmass, phenocrysts ~1 mm in length. OrZr Ramshorn Slate (Neoproterozoic)—Slate, brownish-green on Tcv Phenocrysts predominately consist of plagioclase and weathered surface, light brownish-green on fresh surface. Unit Tcv 4 47 Anticline axial trace, dashed where approximately clinopyroxene. Intrusion occurs predominately in sills with minor contains predominately silt and clay sized particles; some fine- to 4 dikes. Unit only intrudes the Zr within the map area. U-Pb age of 34 located; dotted where concealed. medium-sand interbeds. Unit is laminated to thin-bedded, weathers 17 baddeleyite from a similar intrusion within the Bayhorse Lake platy; typically strongly cleaved near intrusions and is a slope CZq 2 2 Ccb quadrangle indicates a 601 ± 27 Ma crystallization age (Brennan former. Gabbro (Zg) only intrudes Ramshorn Slate within the field Cc 49 and others, 2020). 35 Tcv Strike and dip of bedding. area. Unit is of Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) age (Brennan and others, 2020). The basal contact is a sharp erosional disconformity 0 0 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS with the underlying Bayhorse Dolomite; upper contact with the Osq 15NK15 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Detrital zircon sample. Sedimentary and low-grade metasedimentary rocks are dominant in is gradational. The unit is ~610 m thick. 15NK15 Age (Ma) Age (Ma) 46 the Clayton quadrangle. The Paleozoic section within the Bayhorse region consists of Middle Ordovician and younger rocks that appear 15NK15: Cambrian quartzite of Boundary Creek (Єbc) 8 30 10NK15: Neoproterozoic Ramshorn Slate (Zr) Fault breccia observed. to unconformably overlie Middle Cambrian and older rocks, Lower strata of the Bayhorse Anticline section are exposed to the northeast suggesting that much of the Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician near Bayhorse. Shown here in cross-section. n= 286 31 CZbc 2528 n= 101 section present in southeastern Idaho is missing here. The Squaw 25 12 Creek section is interpreted to be a slightly more complete Bayhorse Dolomite (Neoproterozoic)—Gray to tan/orange, primarily 24 Zb 66 stratigraphic package, transported from the west on the hanging wall dolo-micritic mudstone. Locally contains chert nodules, dark-gray 2462 2668 of the inferred Squaw Creek thrust fault (see cross section C-C’). silicified chert lithic (pisolite?) grainstone beds, and rare fine-grained 10 3TA09 Qc INTRODUCTION sandy laminations that infrequently show cross-stratification. 20 1174 Tcv 47 Overlies Garden Creek Phyllite in apparent ~10 m gradational 4TA09 2 Paleozoic and older strata were folded during the Sevier orogeny Osm The Bayhorse-Clayton region of Custer County, Idaho displays the (Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous). The Sevier thrust belt is contact. Approximately 375 m thick. 8 45 thickest relatively intact succession of Neoproterozoic strata north of dominated by west-dipping, laterally continuous thrusts that largely 15 64 the Snake River Plain and west of the Lemhi Arch. The Clayton Garden Creek Phyllite (Neoproterozoic)—Dark-gray to nearly black, 40 do not involve basement. The field area is located southwest of the Zgc quadrangle contains thick exposures of these sedimentary and main Sevier fold thrust belt as defined by Skipp (1988). Within this slightly calcareous phyllite. Overlies in apparent conformity the 6 Number 1711 80 23 Qls Number 4 metasedimentary rocks. Bedrock geologic units within the Clayton mapping area, the Salmon River assemblage was thrust over the basal dolomite of Bayhorse Creek. Approximately 500 m thick. Qcq 10 12 quadrangle crop out at the surface or are covered by a thin layer of Saturday Mountain Formation along the Copper Basin thrust. The 1125 1398 soil, colluvium, or Challis Volcanic Group.
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