Full Paper DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600097 Quantitative Schlieren Measurement of Explosively-Driven Shock Wave Density, Temperature, and Pressure Profiles Jesse D. Tobin[a] and Michael J. Hargather*[a] Abstract: Shock waves produced from the detonation of the shock wave temperature decay profile. Alternatively, laboratory-scale explosive charges are characterized using the shock wave pressure decay profile can be estimated by high-speed, quantitative schlieren imaging. This imaging assuming the shape of the temperature decay. Results are allows the refractive index gradient field to be measured presented for two explosive sources. The results demon- and converted to a density field using an Abel deconvolu- strate the ability to measure both temperature and pres- tion. The density field is used in conjunction with simulta- sure decay profiles optically for spherical shock waves that neous piezoelectric pressure measurements to determine have detached from the driving explosion product gases. Keywords: Schlieren · Explosive temperature · Quantitative optical techniques 1 Introduction Characterization of explosive effects has traditionally been charge. This work used the quantitative density measure- performed using pressure gages and various measures of ment to estimate the pressure field and impulse produced damage, such as plate dents, to determine a “TNT Equiva- by the explosion as a function of distance. The pressure lence” of a blast [1,2]. Most of the traditional methods, measurement, however, relied on an assumed temperature. however, result in numerous equivalencies for the same The measurement of temperature in explosive events material due to large uncertainties and dependencies of can be considered a “holy grail”, which many researchers the equivalence on the distance from the explosion [3,4]. have explored [22–24]. The challenges include temporal Modern high-speed digital imaging has allowed the devel- and spatial resolutions across orders of magnitude temper- opment of several optical techniques for studying explosive ature changes, as well as the destructive environment of effects, which have expanded the detail to which a blast the explosion itself. One of the most successful techniques can be characterized. has been optical pyrometry and spectroscopy [25,26]. Many of the imaging studies visualize and track shock These techniques measure a temperature in a limited wave propagation using refractive imaging techniques in- region of an explosive fireball, but do not provide any in- cluding schlieren, shadowgraphy, and background oriented formation on the temperature associated with the shock schlieren (BOS) [5]. In one of the most ground-breaking wave, which in general propagates further than the fireball. studies, Kleine et al. used high-speed digital cameras and The present work applies schlieren diagnostics to quanti- shadowgraphy to track shock waves from silver azide tatively measure the density field produced by an explo- charges and demonstrated the spatial dependence of sively-driven shock wave, as done by Biss [21]. We expand a “TNT equivalence” measurement [6]. Similar studies ex- on the previous work by using piezoelectric pressure gages panded the analysis using other imaging methods [7,8], ex- to measure the simultaneous pressure field behind the plosive materials [9–12], and explosive-charge scales [13– shock wave. From these two measurements the tempera- 15]. All of these approaches have focused on measuring ture decay behind the moving shock wave is determined. the shock wave propagation optically to estimate pressure Scaling arguments are applied using the measured data characteristics which are compared to gage measurements. and computational simulations to allow estimation of the The schlieren and BOS technique are capable of yielding temperature and ultimately pressure field from just the op- quantitative density information of flow fields [16], but few tically-measured density field. researchers have applied this capability to studying explo- sions. Quantitative density measurement from refractive techniques is well-documented for aerodynamics applica- tions [17–19], including shock waves [20], but not moving [a] J. D. Tobin, M. J. Hargather shocks. One exception is the technical report by Biss and Mechanical Engineering Department, New Mexico Tech, 801 McNesby [21], where quantitative schlieren imaging was Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801, USA used to measure the density field near a small explosive *e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600097 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &1& These are not the final page numbers! ÞÞ Full Paper J. D. Tobin, M. J. Hargather 2 Experimental Section 2.1 Schlieren Imaging Setup A parallel-light lens schlieren system [5] was used as shown schematically in Figure 1. The system includes two 127 mm diameter f/6 parabolic lenses, an LED light source, and a razor blade knife edge. Images were captured with a high-speed digital camera, for which both a Photron SA- X2 and a Phantom v711 were used in individual experi- ments. The choice of camera did not affect the results and represents a user preference. Figure 1. Schematic of a parallel-light lens schlieren system, show- ing a ray of light being refracted by a shock wave in the test sec- tion. The coordinate system shown uses z along the optical axis and x and y perpendicular to the optical axis, with y in the vertical direction shown. The schlieren technique visualizes the derivative of the refractive index field integrated along the optical path [5]. Figure 2. Typical full-field schlieren image showing the calibration lens and a shock wave propagating to the left. The graph shows The region between the parabolic lenses is considered the the pixel intensity along the horizontal white line in the image. “test section”, and the refractive index variations through- The outer diameter of the lens holder is 45 mm. out this region are imaged. The quantitative density mea- surement process is well documented by Hargather and Settles [16] and only a limited description of the process is a lens focuses light toward the lens focal point, thus each reproduced herein. radial position has a different angle through which light is A schlieren image is characterized by grayscale pixel in- bent. The grayscale gradient across the lens is thus related tensity variations representing the refractive index gradient to refraction angle for known lens focal length. The lens in field. To quantify the variations, a calibration object is used Figure 2 has only a horizontal variation in intensity, instead to relate grayscale intensity to refraction angle (gradient of of a polar angle variation, because a vertical knife edge [5] refractive index) [16]. Here 4 m and 10 m focal length is used in the schlieren imaging yielding visualization of lenses were used as the calibration objects. The grayscale only horizontal refractions. variations across the lenses are directly correlated to the The refraction angle, ey, is the angle through which grayscale values in the flow region of interest to determine a light ray has been bent and is given by: the local refraction angle. Figure 2 shows the grayscale var- iation across a typical schlieren image with the calibration lens and a shock wave in the field of view. Typically sepa- rate tests are performed, one to record images of the cali- bration lens and then the actual explosive test without the lens in the field of view. Experiments showed that as long as the optical system was not adjusted or moved between The integral yields the total light bending along the tests, the calibration data could be used from the separate entire optical path. For a rectilinear two-dimensional flow test, thus allowing the field of view to be free of the lens. the refractive index gradient field is assumed to be inde- The calibration lens is positioned in the plane of the shock pendent of length along the optical axis (z in Figure 1), and wave to be measured, and the camera is focused on the the integral yields the gradient multiplied by depth of the lens. refracting object. For the spherical geometry of an expand- The grayscale variation as a function of position within ing shock wave, the integral is not as easily simplified: an the lens is fit to a linear profile. Each radial position in Abel transform is required. &2& www.pep.wiley-vch.de 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600097 ÝÝ These are not the final page numbers! Quantitative Schlieren Measurement of Explosively-Driven Shock Wave Density 2.2 Abel Transformation using the Gladstone-Dale constant for air (k=2.23 10À4 m3 kgÀ1): The Abel transformation relates a spherically-symmetric field to a two-dimensional projection of the field [27] and is n ¼ k1 þ 1 ð7Þ used herein to deconvolute the planar schlieren projection to the radially-symmetric three-dimensional refractive index 2.3 Pressure Measurement field [28]. The two-point method described by Kolhe and Agrawal [28] is used. Side-on pressure was measured for each test using a PCB The Abel transformation has an input of the refraction Piezotronics model 102A07 gage, with maximum pressure angle in radians at each radial point in the image, ej, and of 345 kPa (50 psi). The pressure gage was flush-mounted the output is d(ri), which as shown below is a non-dimen- in an aluminum flat plate, which was rigidly mounted to an sionalized refractive index, n, value at each corresponding optical table. The plate was positioned with the top surface radial position, ri. The Abel transformation is performed by parallel to the explosion center. The sharp leading of the solving the following equations: plate was pointed at the blast center, resulting in the shock wave propagating across the plate, while remaining effec- tively perpendicular to the plate. Experiments showed good alignment of the plate and explosion center, with no Mach stems or irregular reflections observed.
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