Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1937-09-30 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1937). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1634. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1634 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 11 XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS A Student Newspaper With· All Department Coverage VOLUME XXIII. CINCINNATI, OHIO, THURSDAY,· SEPTEMBER 30, 1937 N0.2 Major .Harper Comments Mag·azine "Wings Over Europe'' Ori International Policies Publication Planned For Presentation In I ni·t-ial Mes sage Dat·e Set By Masqzfe S·ociety Realism ls Needed First Friday 'Alumni Topics' To Ap· Future Of Dramatic Club In Modern Scene ls Celebrated pear Oct. 15, Co-edit· Xavier Band Will Produce ors Announce; New Recent , Play FROSH ENTHUSIASM By Hig·h Mass Moderator To Write. Is Uncertain NOTED CLUB REORGANIZES , Co-editors W. Paul Barrett Various Difficulties Can FOR PRODUCTION Spirit 0£ Last Year's. General. Communion For and Charles S. Blase. of "Alum­ Be -Ameliorated, Says Cadets Is Lauded. C~tholic Students Coin· ni Topics," quarterly magazine of the Xavier University Alumni Father Usher. Louis Feldhaus Named h1ned With Mass Of Association, havie announced that the first issue To Direct Browne And Major Arthur Harper, Profes­ Holy Ghost. of the current · The Musketeer Band was re- sor of Military Science and Tac­ year will come organized last Tuesday under Nichols Opus. tics stressed rthe fundamental The annual Mass of the Holy from the press Father John V. Usher and Mr. principles of our government and on OCtober 15. Shaefer who will ser:ve agiain this declared that Military Training Ghost, long an institution in Jes­ F.ollowing a sea·son of tadt re­ ui.t Colleges and High Schools, With Frank year •as moderator and direcrtor :will heLp preserve them in his X. Overlbeok, respectively. serv:e the Masque Society, ·dra­ initial message to the student w1ll be celeb11ated in Bellarmine business man- 1 The turnout at the first re- ma.tic club of Xavier University, body yesterday. The letter fol~ Chapel tomorrow. The Rever­ has plans in preparation for a end Dennis F. Burns will sing a g er of the hearsal was rather disappointing, lows: pubHca t i o n, according to Fr. Usher. Only produiction to be staged this The R. 0. T. C. at Xavier Uni­ it.he High Mass and deliver the year. ser:mon. Barrett and twenty students were present, versity opens its new ye_ar upon B 1 as e h oa v e · and this despite the fact that in- Edward J. Carrigan, S. J., an auspicious note of optimism. Edward J. Carrigan, S. J., been workirug · struments and the chance to ob- :::>ean, excited anticipation this - w~ m··trfe''military department Dean of the Uni.versity, an­ on several· in- I tain e:xipert instruction have been week by. announcing the opus have noted with considerable nounced y.esterdiay that rthe Mass nova.tions for Fr. Sweeney offered to all band memfbers. under consideration ·t-0 be a new gratification the cheerful spirit will be ce1ebmted at eight I "Alumni T·opks" which is now This lack af personnel is one of iplay by Robert Nicliols and of cooperation manifested by our 0'1elock and that it will :be of ob­ entering its second year of ex- the main reasons why Xavier Maurice Browne entitled Wings new freshmen. ligation for all students. All ist.ence. was not represented iby its own Over Europe. •I deem it p'""e'culiarly fitting, at 8:30 dasses will be dropped to ks last year, the magazine will band at the Transylvania game. This dramatic society, whose this time, when the nations of allow rtime for •breakfast. last ef'f.ort, The First Legion, .wa:s the old world, while loudly pro­ be devoted to 11 eritique of c:ur- .Alccording to Father Usher: The ·celsbrntion ·this year will rent moral problems by promi- "the whole difficulty lies in the well acclaimed, has been an Jn­ fessing ·peace, are at the same ibe combined with the regular tegral part of Xavier's e:icitra­ time feverishly preparing for nent philosophical authorities, fact that either there is no mu­ First Friday Communion Day. class notes, and . an a{!count of sical aibility among the Fresh­ curricular life for a nllm!ber · of war, that Xavier University University regulations require years. Through a desire for per­ should include in its curriculum the activHies of the alwmni as- man class or else they lack the that all Catholic studen!ts receive so·ciation _whi•c;:h qre now._poiJlt~ necessary school spirit to give up fecition and a fa.ck of the .time the Federal government's .pro­ Communion on ·this day. · Con­ necessary fur its attainment the vision for Military training. The to a successmul Homecoming pro- a feW' hours a ·week ill" the ser- fessions will be heard all a:titer­ g11am Novemlber 5 and 6. vice of their Alma Mater." ~roup remained loosely 011gan- purpose of the R. 0. T. C. is not noon Thunsdiay in iBellarmine 1zzed and dormant since the last to foster war, but rather to in­ A feature of the magazine will During the w.eek some of the Chapel. be a message from the new memfbers of the band have been production. sure our nations peace and her The Mass of the Holy Ghost is The three-act drama under birthright; to instil in her ·sons moderator of the Association, unoffieially 'questioned and it has celebrated every year for rthe Rev. Paul J. Sweeney, s. J., pro- been determined that there is a consideration contafus much po­ an intellectual discipline, togeth­ ipur.pose of invioking the aid of tential interest at this time rwith er with it's attributes of self re­ fessor of Eil'glish at Xavier and slight feeling of discontent brew­ the Holy Spirit in studies for the alumnus of the Class of 1912. ing in their small ranks. Lt is, the Contjnent's current ilnriest', lia111ce and collective leadership. ensuing sc-hool term, and to re­ however, hard to get anything a~ the imaginative plot deals In this hour, in these times, in new student dev;otion to the En­ The magazine is financed by a but vague generalities concern­ Wlth a hapless young man Whose this our world of human frail­ lightener. prominent Xavier alumnus. It is ing this feeling. .rt has been discovery of a formula for har­ ties, whose essential nature God Last year :F1ather Burns in his devoted purely to the promotion learned that the band members nessing ·the energy of the atom alone can change, let us con­ of alumni activities. desire to wear the blue uniforms brings about his end through the stantly remem!ber that there are address spoke of cooperation with the Holy Ghost. He de­ The fall issue will m'ark the that were used a few years ago selifishness of politics. A strong few nations left on earth where during the middle of It.he second instead of the R. O. T. C. regi­ plea for peace on earth is lefC free speech, a free press and the dared that best results were ob­ tained when the student coupled second aipipearance of the miaga- mentals. Others say that they with the audience. sa.cred ballot still prevail. And zine. The first issue appeared desire more reward for their New membership is invited by in the name of that freedom work and dev·otion in st·riving after scholastic su~ess. semeiter last year. A ..eature of serviices than they <\Te noiw re­ the Society. iMr. Feld!haus, ·in which .y.outh owes fo its future the October 15,, number will. be ceivin•g. charge of production, will pub­ let us not n.DIW surrender any el­ a resume of the Political ac'f:iv- ·Father Usher, however, feels lish a notice con1cerning the try­ ement o;f our competence and ities of the seven Xavier gradu- that these diffi:culties will be outs to be ·held for any wishing virility iwhich may in any con­ Initiation Is ates curren-tly running for office overicome and Xavier will soon to take part in the for.thcoming ceiva!ble crisis impair our albility in CinJCinnati and surrounding have a band to enliven its foot- e~ort. to preserve that freedom. With­ communities. ball contests. out these attr.i:butes our nation Climaxed > In may not otherwise survive. Flowering luxuriously from Freshmen the delusions of the World War, Literary Club X av i e r U ~ i v e r 'S i t y strong and vociferous peace movements under various guises Invited' In have m·a n if est e d themselves Tavern Neophites Will Do,wnt·own Co'lle·ge ctmong our people. In purpose Heidelberg admiraible, it is never.theless es­ Give Readings Before To Resume Classes sential that such movements be Moderator. analyzed from a realistic view­ Initial Meeting To . Be point. Recent e.vents in Europe Many Courses Available apologetics, social hygiene and should, in all logic, make clear to A week of inHiation was cli­ la:bor problems. Features of the Held On Campus, S~ys the. most utopian individual that maxed last Monday evening, In Arts, Commerce and schoi.ol are its pla~eimen.t bureau democracy must be prepared to when Junions Rolbert Groneman operated to obtain employment Griswold.
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