• Breaking 1 October 1,199S Wins • Laureate Every single one of of America Whittier's teams uaker was victorious this Our day with •••••• •. .... renowned poet week. Every single II;,« Jg | ampus Robert Pinsky. one. No kidding. • AIDS Walk Race Matters? This Way Whittier students joined thousands Is Whittier College really as at L.A.'s AIDS Walk, one of the diverse and tolerant as it most famous—and perhaps most flamboyant— fundraising events The Voice Of The Campus Since 1914 claims to be? for AIDS research. Johnson Expects Full Recovery; Attends Football Games • STUDENT "He's now trying to walk without braces," Assistant Foot­ ball Coach Eugene Miranda said. by Liz Valsamis "His condition is that he is QC News Editor okay health wise, but he is not able to communicate verbally. He Having relocated to Haw­ uses an alphabet chart to commu­ thorne under the care of his god­ nicate. When he is out in public, iPlliTOTOl mother, senior Marvin Johnson is '«i he won't really use it, but one on on the way to recovery after the : one he'll use it." car accident that took the lives of Being confined to a wheel­ ^-'•:'-:**tf • :•->' % his mother, brother, his son's •TOTOTOTO^**TO" chair and his inability to speak has mother and left Johnson in a coma. not stopped Johnson from com­ * •* Johnson and his brother's girl­ TO ••: municating his support to the foot­ friend were the only survivors. + • ball team from the stadium stands. :; -TO-a The accident occurred in No­ Marvin Johnson. Johnson has made appearanc­ vember of '97 as the family was es at the recent football games. making its way home on Highway said. "At that point it was life and "The main thing is that Marv­ 15 from vacationing in Las Ve­ death." in definitely motivates us," junior gas, Nevada. Johnson's brother Johnson sustained a severe Karimu Williams said. "He basi­ fell asleep at the wheel, causing head injury, a punctured lung and cally just tells me to do Well. He the vehicle to go off the road, a compound fracture to the leg. makes jokes encouraging us and Johnson was wheeled onto the football field during Saturday's hitting the median and flipping Once out of danger, he has also encouraged the rest of game. He played linebacker last year before his accident. over several times [see QC Issue Johnson was moved to Ran- the teammates." Now on the way to rehabilita­ vin. They were surprised on how 15, Vol. 84]. cho Los Angeles, a rehabilitation Miranda said, "Marvin is still tion, Johnson has expressed his fast his progress was coming "During the time in Las Vegas facility in Downey. Marvin. Nothing has changed with desire to return to Whittier once along." we made frequent trips to Vegas Johnson had to learn to walk his behavior. To the team, Marvin fully healed, according to Miran­ to just basically be there for him," again after his left leg was recon­ is still part of the team. They all da. "[Doctors] expect full reha­ Additional reporting by Anna Head Football Coach Bob Owens structed. pulled for him." bilitation but it depends on Mar Neese, QC Managing Editor. Survey Says Students Satisfied, Studious, Sexually Active • SURVEY FINDINGS • STUDENTS project. Originally, 330 students were con­ that they cheated,. interviews with other tacted by mail, but only 209 returned their students contradicted the results, prompt­ Academics surveys. Groups of students collected and ing the researchers to suggest that students by Chris Ziegler analyzed the research and presented their • Whittier students get 22%moreBsbut may be confused as to what exactly consti­ QC Editor-in-Chief findings at the end of last semester. 7% less As than the national average. tutes cheating—or that some were simply "We should have had a larger sample," • 98% are satisfied with faculty support. lying. Hao said, "but we tried to balance the • 83% are satisfied with financial aid There is no love at Whittier College Four-fifths of Whittier students study survey with field research, interviews and packages. anymore—but at least the financial aid between one and four hours a day, nearly historical analysis." • 67% think professors' expectations packages are great. 50% more students than a similar U.C.L.A. are high or very high. A recent survey by Asst. Professor of Director of Residential Life Dave Le­ survey reported, and still some wished they • 72% of students begin studying for Sociology Zhidong Hao and his spring onard felt that the data was basically.accu- had more time to devote to study. exams only one to two days before. 1998 Research Methods class examined rate. When it comes to preparing for tests, • 3 5% of students spend one to two hours the student culture at Whittier, including "I felt the survey reflected the students however, 72% of students wait until one to preparing for class; 45% spend three to their attitudes toward the College as an and issues at Whittier," he said. "It was a two days before to start cramming. four. institution, their academics, their involve­ pretty good effort." "[That's] the collegiate way," Leonard • 64%ofstudentsclaimtheydon'tcheat ment in extracurricular activities like sports Most significant, Hao felt, was the data said. "Expectations are pretty lofty these on exams, but interviews contradict and societies and their political and person­ on grade distribution—Whittier students days, so students have to work harder." that percentage. al values. receive more Bs and less As than the na­ Students preferring to drink instead of Social Habits Approximately 90% of students felt tional average, leading the student research­ study have predictably lower GPAs, the satisfied with the educational and financial ers to speculate that professors were giving survey showed—only 10% of those who • Only 10% of frequent drinkers had support they received from the faculty and C students the "benefit of the doubt" and admitted to frequent drinking had GPAs GPAs over 3.7. Students with high staff and spent several hours a day studying subtly inflating GPAs. over 3.7. GPAs did not drink excessively. for classes. "The College and faculty should con­ Some men were much more likely to be • 64% of sexually active students of The survey also noted, however, that stantly evaluate why we give what grades more sexually promiscuous than women— both genders report having sex with some students spent their time cheating on we give to students," he said. "It's an issue though most sexually active students had out being in love. exams, having sex without being in love of concern, but it may not be a problem." between two and four partners, men were • 7% of men and 6% of women said and drinking to adverse academic effect Nearly 70% of students surveyed be­ more apt to have up to 20 different partners. they were bisexual; 1% of men and [see findings, left]. lieved that their professor's expectations 64% of sexually active students of both 2% of women said they were homo­ "[The analysis] is still preliminary," were high or very high, however, and only genders also said they'd had sex without sexual. Hao said, "but the trends in the behavior we 3% felt they were very low. feeling any particular emotional attach­ • 42.5% of students say their political were trying to measure still hold true." "That's something to be proud of," Hao ment to their partners. About 90% of stu- views are liberal; 38.1% say "middle Hao's students surveyed randomly se­ said. ofthe road"; 19.3% say conservative. lected students last spring as part of a class Though almost 64% of students denied See SURVEY, page 5 QUOTE OF THE WEEK Even though many people may feel as if they can identify with the black experience, it is not fully understood until your body begins to produce an excessive amount of melanin. EDITORIAL • LETTERS •:• COMMENTARY - Alvin Dewitt Thompson III, QC Guest Columnist* see Opinions, pg. 3 EDITORIAL LETTERS Athletic Supporters? Dean Responds to Illegal Flyers This weekend was the biggest in WhittierCol­ Dear Editor, raise questions and engage in discussions about what lege athletics since the football team brought home During the first weeks of the new academic year organized religion says about homosexuality, or how gay t he coveted "Shoes" from arch-rival Occidental after several disturbing flyers were posted throughout campus. and lesbian issues should be addressed through the law— : One read "Homosexuals Suck —S.O.H.O - Students Or­ nine \c-\ x-^rfi. year;:-; but is it is not okay to make derogatory written or verbal ganized for Heterosexual Orgasms" and the other read Volleyball smashed three separate teams, wom­ statements, jokes, or slurs. What this means in practical "Execute Mumia Abu-Jamal! - A.S.S. - Acronyms Sug­ terms is that is perfectly appropriate1 to engage in debate en's soccer had its first wins ofthe year against Mills gest Stupidity." about whether Mumia Abu-Jamal was found guilty of and Occidental, men's soccer bounced Menlo 6-0, I am writing to make clear that posters such as this murdering a policeman on the merits of the case or on the cross-country tied powerhouse Claremont Mudd- violate the College's policies on harassment and posting, basis of his political beliefs, or whether he should be Scripps, and football pounded Chapman University undermine the central values of the Whittier College subject to the death penalty, but it is not appropriate to 24-14. And with this kind of streak, you can bet community, and will not be tolerated. Whittier College is demean or ridicule individuals or organizations who wish Water Polo would have swamped their opponents if a community of men and women from diverse racial, to raise these questions.
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