6798 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY 29th OCTOBER 2014 AT 7.00PM Present: Councillor Botting Cary Chicken (a) Curwen Frith (Mayor) Hemmerman (Deputy Mayor) King Macqualter Peaks Rudd Smith Stellings Townshend Clerk to the Meeting Mrs Lesley-Jane Holt 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Chicken and Councillor Cary would have to leave at 8.45pm due to work commitments. 2. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE TOWN COUNCIL There was only one member of the public present and the resident mainly wanted to listen to have a ‘catch up’ on what was going on but mentioned the Barclays Bank closure and publicity regarding shopping early for Christmas in Market Weighton as there was some very good shops in the Town. A representative of the Market Weighton Town Team Partnership said shopping locally would be encouraged. 3. DECLARATIONS OF A PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS – Members to declare any interest in items on the Agenda and the nature of those interest. There was a declaration of a non-pecuniary interest by Cllr Rudd (East Riding of Yorkshire Council Trustee for the Children's Centre in Market Weighton) and Cllr Hemmerman (Minster Rail Campaign). 4. WELCOME TO POLICE COMMISSIONER MATTHEW GROVE AND CHIEF INSPECTOR JAMES GLANSFIELD WHO WILL DISCUSS POLICING IN THE AREA AND ANSWER PRE-ARRANGED QUESTIONS The Mayor welcomed the above Police representatives to the meeting. The Police Commissioner stated he was elected in 2012 to take a good look at Humberside police and identify problems and weaknesses. They were bottom in the comparison tables and needed to know why. The idea was to redesign and reduce funding but still protect neighbourhood policing and reduce the crime rate. He wanted to know if funds were insufficient as there was still a duty to those they serve. There were discrepancies around the number of officers available in the day when the need was four times greater at night and in August there were fewer Police Officers on duty at the busiest time. He discussed the comparison between Beverley and some other areas. He believes that despite reducing support staff and police officers (which they have no option to do) they can still keep the area safe but with 1/3 less money. In 4 years time they would run out of money if they continue as they are. A Councillor stated the main problem was that in a rural area the police are not seen because he felt the police concentrate of cities. The Police Commissioner stated the police need to be out and not be in the station as they used to be. The shift system is being changed which would actually mean more police officers on duty. The Chief Inspector said they were busy with towns, working with neighbourhood watch teams, dealing with bogus callers, security issues/checks and looking at risks in rural areas. The idea of a police presence in mobile libraries for instance – getting to where people want Signed by the Chairman 6799 them and not having to go to stations. The Police Commissioner wanted to get back to ground level with members of the public. Another Councillor stated Market Weighton was not rural like it used to be and had a permanent library rather than a mobile library. The Chief Inspector mentioned the sharing of buildings such as health centre, town council offices where the public come into. The Police Commissioner mentioned the reasons police were sent out and this was being looked into so valuable resources were not spent unnecessarily. A Councillor thought the changes seemed good but wondered what the police thought. The Chief Inspector said there was a close relationship between all police with a common interest. Staff and police are valued and it is appreciated the changes are significant. Terms and Condition, pension and shift changes were all underway. It was thought the main vocation of the police was to serve the public. A Councillor mentioned that in August (stated as being one of the busiest times) six officers were on a road pulling people in to check on seat belts and red diesel. The Chief Inspector stated that by pulling in people for what seemed trivial matters it allowed searches of vehicles as there was a lot of crime which involved coming into a towns and villages and using the road network to leave quickly. Other items mentioned by Councillors and responded to by the Police were; dangerous driving, police response times, public protection, setting targets, mobile paramedics and investigating of crimes. The Mayor thanked the Police for attending and said it would be nice to see the Police more regularly at meetings. A Councillor also asked about the changing of the name from Humberside but the Police informed him that the costs involved, mainly in legal fees, would be millions and it was felt there was more important issues. The Police Commissioner and Chief Constable left the meeting. 5. TO AGREE THE MINUTES OF THE MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 1st OCTOBER 2014 It was proposed by Cllr Peaks and seconded by Cllr Botting that the previous Minutes be signed as a true and correct record. AGREED. 6. ONGOING MATTERS AND PROGRESS REPORTS – TOWN CLERK Folio 6785: The Giant Bradley Room of the Londesborough Hotel had been booked for the Christmas tree light switch on and the buffet booked with the usual contractor (as previously agreed) as the Londesborough always use outside Caterers. The Clerk also asked if she could attend the SLCC training day at lunch at South Cave on the 9th December at a cost of £20. AGREED. The Clerk stated the IT Contract was due again. After discussion it was agreed that this be put to the Communications and Events Committee on the 12th November. All other items on the last minutes had been reported or dealt with and The Clerk thought everything was covered by the meeting or by post items but was happy to answer any queries on the last minutes. A Councillor asked about the Sandbags at Asda. The Clerk said she would chase up as she had not heard anything. 7. TO CONSIDER CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL SINCE THE LAST REGULAR MEETING – 1st OCTOBER 2014 ERYC 1. ERYC CPE – PCNs Visits – September 2014 TC to write to Debbie Swatman and asked how many parking tickets have been handed out for disabled parking spaces in MW. 2. E-Mail re: Footpath at side of Tennis Courts, off Holme Road Currently no public right of way 3. E-Mail re: Temporary Road Closure MW Branch of the Royal British Legion Remembrance Day Parade Sunday 9th Nov 2014 Discussion about Mayor walking/joining part way. AGREED Mayor should walk with procession 4. East Riding Parish News – October 2014 5. Letter from Iain Ferguson – Re: Street Lighting Schemes 2014/2015 New Columns in place Signed by the Chairman 6800 6. Notes of the M W & Pocklington Community Partnership meeting on 19th September 7. E-Mail re: Importance of Verges in your Community 8. Polling Info – Places, Stations etc 9. Diary Date: Lord-Lieutenant’s Summer Party. 23rd July 2015. Burton Agnes Hall 10. Ian Beevers, Re: Bin on the Green, Market Weighton Already a recommendation from Planning and Amenities 11. From Cllr Nick Evans, Howdenshire Ward, Re: Market Weighton Library Cllr Rudd to respond 12. Update for Parish Councils – Broadband East Riding Project – October 2014 13. E-Mail from Brad Webster, Re: Market Weighton & Pocklington Local Links Forum 12th November 14. Deed of Surrender – Land off Aspen Close, Market Weighton Signed by the Mayor and Town Clerk and witnessed by Cllrs Hemmerman and Cary 15. Lease of Land off Aspen Close, Market Weighton As number 14 above 16. E-Mail from Brad Webster, Re: Crime & Community Safety Survey 17. E-Mail from Janet Welham, Re: Sancton Hill Community Wind Farm Fund 2014 18. E-Mail from Stuart Allen, Re: Dog fouling Website Page 19. Letter from Traffic & Parking, Re: Sycamore Tree on Finkle Street TC to write and say Cllrs agreeable as they have previously asked for this to be done due to damage to the paths etc 20. E-Mail from Brad Webster, Re: Funds for Community Groups 21. E-Mail from Brad Webster, Re: Halloween and Bonfire Night 2014. (Future of Humberside Police booklet attached) GENERAL 1. E-Mail from Allotment Association – General Enquiries It was agreed at Planning and Amenities that Cllrs Cary, Townshend, Rudd and Stellings form a working party to look further into this matter 2. Copy of letter sent to Barclays Bank, Re: Closure of MW Branch 3. E-Mail from HWRCC, Re: ‘Village Veg’ Information Sheet 4. Copy of letter sent to Martin Scoble, Chief Exec Police. Copy of e-mail sent to Chief Inspector James Glansfield 5. M W Branch Royal British Legion – Remembrance Sunday Parade & Church Service – Cllrs MF, PH,SK,DR,DP,FT,NB to attend parade - Also passed to agenda item 13 (DONATIONS) 6. HWRCC – 19th Nov 2014, Eastrington Village Hall. New & Inspiring Projects 7. E-Mail from Cllr Rudd, Re: The Coffee Shop on Southgate Discussed 8. SLCC News Bulletin 9. End of Project Evaluation Questionnaire – The Life Centre The Mayor and Consort and Cllr Hemmerman to attend 10. E-Mail from Pocklington Town Council, Re: Invitation. Fallen Heroes 11. E-Mail from Mike Padgett, re: Opposition to the extension of Sancton Hill Windfarm Discussed but shelved until Planning application appears 12. E-Mail, Re: PCC – Response Awaited. Re: Newsletter article and Matthew Grove attending on 29th October 2014 13.
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