Delivery of Iowan ~y V. Averinnov, WiD o!bk and conduct 8C). Iowa (ity Isn't Bead 5,,*.. .Uri... delivery ., lalions in accordance The Daily 1__ cIuri... Chriat· !mlltional Geophysical rn.1 ,,~ must Mtifr The , th e Tass diSp, Ch D_ily 1_.,. Clre"'..- Deput. Spot for Holidays an ment by rn.11 befwe Dec. 21. Serving The State ersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City By KAREN CLAUSE , Monday through Friday the Union Dolly Iowan Siaft Wrller I n Sale I facililJes, including the bowling al· Established in 1008 - Five Gents a Copy fember of Associated Pre AP Leased Wire and Photo serYl~ Iowa City, Iowa. Thursday. December It. 1951 iel your I! you have the idea that IOwa lys, pool tablcs and Gold Feather City is a "dcad city" during the Room, will be open from 8 a.m. to ~ hri stmas holidays, you are 5 p.m., but no food will be served, wrong. Union officials stated. Council Urges Many of tha 1500 married stu. Although Student Health authori· more. dents at SUI, as well as faculty ties hope to have little business family members, remain in Iowa City dur- during the holidays, the health ing vacation. Most University fa· center will be open on week-days Student Seats 9 12 1 re cilities ·stay open during this time, from a.m. to noon and p.m. s to Stockpiles, at least on a limited basis, to ac· to 4 p.m. On Saturdays and Sun· commodate these people and other days Student Health will maintain Be Extended mart students who don't go home for the usual hours of 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Christmas. The only two days Student Health SUI's studcnt council voted unan· Although Commons and Currier, will close during vacation will be imously Thursday to recommend women's dormitories, will be Dec. 24 and 31, authorities said. to the Athletic Board of Control I closed during the holidays, dormi· Special Christmas services are Ulat the student seating section in tory officials report that Hillcrest being planned by the 27 Iowa City Iowa stadium be moved from the I ses for Continent and the Quadrangle, men's dormi· churches for permanent residents nortb to the south 40-yard line. I tories, wi1l rema; n open, although and those faculty and students who The council's decision was based food service wiII not be available will remain here. to residents. The Daily Iowan will remain in I returned~~i: f~~a~;t:~~~0~5~0~:ro~~~~t~~ ballots favored the move ,.,.' ~~' ''' NbY Dec.- I·on Is 5 urn m ,-t Check Auto The SUI University Library will operation except for four days duro be closed only four days during the ing the vacation period. The paper and 14.6 per cent opposed. I l&-day holiday period - Sunday, will not be published on Dec. 25. Doc. 22; Wednesday, Dec. 25 ; Sun. 26, and Jan. I, 2. Those who wish day, Dec. 29, and Wedn esday, Jan. to have a Daily Iowan delivered on :~~:~il~oc~!f~::oi~~:I~k'~~~!~~ Meet Compromi e Before Taking 1. On vacation weekdays, library the other days should notify The Club's card section to the center facilities will be available from Daily Iowan office in writing by top half of the ~outh "horseshoe" PARIS - All"ntic allianc leaders agreed un nimo Iy W do.s· Ch · T. 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Sat· Saturday. bleachers to enable the card section doy to gird I::uropc lor pu hbutton rocket "ad re. rlstmas np urdays hours will be 7:30 a.m. to Iowa City stores will remain open to be visible to all otber sections of Th; Victory for Pro s:dnnt E" nho" r' tratcgy of nu I nr stoc!.;:· 12 noon. The General Library wa's for last minute Christmas shoppers the stadium and to television cam· pU sand m dium·ran':e mi np ba.e in Britain and on th Conl'n n~ used by approximately 500 stUdents until 4 p.m. on Dec. 24, but will be eras. W;). a TO ummlt conler nce SUl tucknts who plan to go daily during the Christmas holidays closed Christmas day, the Chamber The student opinion poll indicated compromi. e. were pushing ahead with super. home by car for vacation should a year ago. of Commerce ofrice repprted. The 77 per cent oC those returning the The L'nted tates gave it can- arm was because Soviet weapons- take certain precautions to insure The Iowa Memorial UnIon will stores will close at 4 p . ~. on Dec. questionnaire favored the move and ~ nt to cautio'l and guard d ov£'r· brandishing in tho field forced.h t an auto aceld nt doesn't mar accommodate people from Dec. 20 31 and will not open again until 33 per cent opposed it. tclres to thl' Kr ml'n to ,ee ir any them to. Thi ,informants old, will helr holiday. to Jan. 5, but on a limited basis. Jan. 2. John Ellis, representative of ~uccc~s might be achicl' d by fr h be embodied in the communiqu 10 Before starUng th trip, car married students, objected in coun· n~gotlalion ,,·!th the SO\'Iet nion. he I ued today. -quipment in ludlng the battery, cil to what he characterized a poor Thus the Un'ted :.\. I~s and its AllMugh ttle NATO memberl brake, tlr ,wiper blad ,heat r, public relations gesture toward European aUlc, , d ,n 'rroll. Iy plit _greed on ttle principle of tJI. nu. mufO r chaw and anU·freeze Chest Drive Still Short, married students on the part of on th . c is ue~ wh n lht:' IS-nation clllr Ilockpil" and ""dl"",. hould be checked, local mllng sta· the married student housing of· I confcr nce oPLn d Monday, found r_nll' mIssile b.... , they were tion man & r Willy Jord n advi5ed Cicc. th('m"el\'('s in agrt:'em nt, if not fa r from agrted on which CGUn- Wedn sd y. He told council members that a completely atl~Cil'd, with only one I trie. will _ccept mlllll. situ Light hould also be checked, radiator" is To Continue Until 'Jan. 1 complaint by Mrs. Daniel Berry, d(ll 'S talks rtman n . whln they c_n be "t up _bout _ Jordan snid, a th y frcqu(!JIlly and will last a chairman of the married studcnt Mr. Eisenhower _nd Secretary year from now. are left unchecked by stud nts duro you warm ... By GRETA LEINBACH short by almost $3,000, Perry stat­ Fully guaran· wives committee, concerning a fire of Stat. John FOlt r Dulin will 11111 th m r nally Iowan Slatt Writer ed. hazard in Stadium Park was met r'F'0rt to the Amorican peopl. on BrlU\ln, The cth rlond . and Jordun Id tuden hould be G.orge B. Math.r, 19S8 Com· Poor Pop Turkey are agr d. The Scandtnav. aware or ~h po lble we ther con. A conspicuous 19 per cent of the by the housing office with the reo Ih, aummit conference on a 30· 95 munity Ch.lt chairman, uplain' buff, " If you don't like it, move minute radIo-TV broadcast from ion and th W t German are OP- IdiUons thcy may m l on the trip SIZE $3 1958 Community Chest Drive goal .d that "the major r.ason we out." THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING RUSH Is on. Lal. evening shopper W shlngton at 7:30 p.m_ (CST) po d. Olh rs Irc lukewarm. home, and carry emerg ncy equip- 'was lacking as of noon Wednesday, have net reached our goal this He said that the objection of Richard Jordan, Iowa City, held tho door and the pack_gea while hla Monday. Thc agr m nt also cov r(.'<i Iment uch a sand and shovel it 'd t f S d' L. P k children lookod al more toys. Selms Iik. the pocketbook just doosn't 95 according to Community Chest of· year is because too many people res I en S 0 ta IUn, aT con· NATO eerelary Gen('ral Paul. program Cor joint sci nee rcsurch th road condJlion are re!X'rted as slzE'$4 and more eHicicnt use of th alll· bad. ficials. regard the Community Chest cern!ld a recently built high board have m~ch chance thil tlme ..o.. f .. y_ e_a_r._______ HenrI Spaak aid Mr. Ei enhower, Drive al just another drive. They fence fronting the area and pre· British Primt' HnLt r Macmillan, anec' r ourc 5 In this fi Id. Drivers can del rmin th con- A total of approximately $32,000 give to it just al they would give dillon of th' road by tryIng th ir has been raised with almost $7,100 to a single agency drive," he venting ready access to it by fire T Off I West German Chancellor Konrad brak s ocea lonlllly whU driving to go before the goal will be at­ said. trucks. I' CIe a Adenaucr, French Premier Fl'lix lowly. In ord r to avoid spin Ilillard and olh('r alliance leader. tained. "Unless the community is wlll· Is Christmas ending in po Iblt' disa t r, Jordan Community Chest officials thIs ·al Tro,·ns exa S tamp d their approval on the mlli· said th driHr hould r member to ing to accept the Com unity Chest tary and diplomatic programs Wed- year did not ask SUI', usistance as cooperative efforts of several Spee, st r his car In th direction of Ule in the soliciting of faculty memo agencies and support it according­ Really a Time kid if on hould tart.
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