/ ^ V THE O b s e r v e r The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys VOLUM E 39 : ISSUE 94 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Malloy focuses on final semester Events go President reflects on 'abroad' for past, looks to future annual JEW By MEGHANNE DOWNES News Writer By JEN ROW LING With just one semester left News W riter <it the helm of the nation’s premier Catholic institution, Parents hailing from all over Monk Malloy is not becoming the country will arrive on cam­ nostalgic. He is looking pus today to take part in the toward the future. 53rd annual Junior Parents “I am the kind of person Weekend. who tends to always look for­ The JPW committee has been ward at the next thing I will working since last April to plan be doing, rather than looking the traditionally extravagant back at the last thing I did,” themed University President Father event, with Edward Malloy said. “ P a s s p o r t See Also Abroad” as “Temperamentally, that is just '"LIP Sibs’ come the way 1 am.” this year’s For 1 8 years he oversaw title. to Saint Mary's" Notre Dame, w atching as the “We’re giv­ page 8 rankings climbed, the “face” ing the jun­ of Notre Dame diversified and iors a chance ground was broken for new to get away from South Bend, buildings. With less than a and somewhat honoring the stu­ year left as president and his dents who are studying abroad successor already chosen, and can’t make it to the event,” Malloy said he did not see JPW/page 6 approach his final year as president with a sense of sad- CLAIRE KELLEY/The Observer Ju n io r P a r e n t s After 18 years as University president, Father Edward Malloy will step down on June 30, sec MALLOY/page 6 handing over his post to University president-elect Father John Jenkins. W e e k e n d F r id a y oyer ( eater Community leaders to honor Malloy's history of charity with fundraiser S a t u r d a y B community leaders organized and fo rm e r In dia na Gov. Joe picked by Malloy, each organi­ Various Times end Inoculums By KATIE PERRY “Michiana Salutes Monk,” an Kernan also helped plan the zation has shared a close rela­ Collegiate Workshops News Writer honorary benefit to be held benefit. tionship with the president Hall Luncheons March 3 at the Century Center The event will begin with a during his tenure at the .5:30 p m Joyce Center The greater South Bend in downtown South Bend. reception, followed by dinner University. community will honor According to Dennis Brown, and a program. Malloy founded the Center of University President Father associate director of news and Kernan, a ’68 alumnus of the Homeless during his early 7 - 9p.m. Joyce Center Edward Malloy with a fund­ information, prominent local Notre Dame, w ill serve as years at Notre Dame. The The “ Arctic Excursion raising tribute benefiting organizers of the event master of ceremonies. organization has since set President’s Dinner three local charities with include John Rosenthal, presi­ Proceeds from the tribute national precedents for other strong ties to the outgoing dent of St. Joseph’s Bank, and will benefit the Center of the communities and their han­ S u n d a y president. Mike Leep, owner of several Homeless, the Robinson dling of the issue of homeless­ 10a.m. -12pm Joyce Center In a gesture of appreciation South Bend automobile deal­ Community Learning Center ness. R W E s r Mcape to Paradise for Malloy’s 18 years of serv­ erships. Politicians Steven and the Boys and Girls Club of Brunch ice at Notre Dame, South Bend Luecke, mayor of South Bond, St. Joseph County. Hand- see CHARITIES/page 6 MIKE HARKINS/Observer Graphic Administrators defend tuition hike policies University calls costs necessary, Saint Mary's intends to hold but students bristle at price raise fu tu re increases to fo u r percent N o t r e D a m e * TumoN & room and board By EILEEN DUFFY By NICOLE ZOOK Assistant News Editor 2004-2005 $37,100 Assistant News Editor 2005-2006 As the University peels off the old With Notre Dame tuition for 2005-06 set to $37,100 tuition sticker price and slaps on jump 7 percent, Saint Mary’s students face a S A I N T M a r y ’ s * T u it io n & r o o m a n d b o a r d one for $39,552, those who will dole out lesser spike. the money are feeling the sting. 2004-2005. Tuition at the College will increase 4 per­ Director of Student Financial Services 2005-2006. $$32,500 cent next year, a small amount compared to Joseph Russo said there have been few Notre Dame’s $2,622 surge, said Laurie negative reactions in the Financial Aid Stickelmaier, vice president for finance and Office thus far, but he anticipates some in 2004-2005 Tuition & room and board at. administration. the future. P r in c e to n $38,297 Stickelmaier said Saint Mary’s tuition — “My guess is that there surely will be H a r v a r d $39,880 not including room, board and other extra­ [phone calls], not just from parents but Georgetown $40,492 neous fees — will rise from $22,922 to from students and alumni who might ask Northwestern $40,686 $23,838 for the next academic year. This why our costs are going up higher than the represents a lesser increase from last year, rate of inflation,” Russo said. when tuition rose 6 percent. Stickelmaier Director of University Budgeting Linda said the College intends to continue with this see TUITION/page 4 GRAHAM EBETSCH/Observer Graphic see FREEZE/page 6 page 2 The Observer ♦ PAGE 2 Friday, February 18, 2005 I n s id e C o l u m n Question of the Day: W h a t is y o u r f a v o r it e s m o o t h ie f l a v o r a n d w h y ? On the surface... Little did I know that yes, dis­ traction can be found even in the secluded and dusty 13th floor of the library. I was soon distracted Pat O’Brien John Skakun Jenny Enright Leslie Kealhofer Alex Wutch Kristine Rosek by the very table I was at — it pro­ fre s h m a n se n io r fre s h m a n ju n io r fre s h m a n sophom ore vided even better literature than F ish e r Keough W alsh L ew is S ta n fo rd Welsh Family that which was published on bath­ room stalls of my former inner-city public high school. “Strawberry “Peach — “Orange “Strawberry - “Smoothie? “Smoothie #9 ... There is so m uch h isto ry — so it tastes peaches are straw berry — I ’m addicted.' What’s that?’ I think?” many emotions etched into the wood surface. Each vandalizer delicious. ” fu zzy .” i t ’s yum m y!” leaves his or her mark, in hopes Desiree Zamora o f becom ing an eternal part of underground G rap hics Notre Dame his­ tory, as an hon­ est attempt at reaching out to the future generations to come to this very table or in hopes of achieving a w o rk ethic, such as: The ever-present political cat- I n B r ie f fight: “Bush Cheney ’04 —> Kerry Edwards ’04!” The film National Treasure The love declaration: X <3’s Y w ill be shown tonight at 8 and The obviously deep music lyric 10 p.m. in DeBartolo 101. The best remembered when in a melan­ event costs $3 and is sponsored choly mood — oftentimes caused by the Student Union Board. by such courses as calculus, mechanics and contemporary top­ ND Cinema will show the 2004 ics. film “ House of Flying Daggers” Phone numbers, both real and tonight at 10 p.m. and again fake, depending on the w riter’s Saturday at 7 and 10 p.m. at bravery: because how are you the Browning Cinema. supposed to meet your Domer soul-' mate if you sold your soul already The Notre Dame Jazz Band, to engineering? Symphonic Band and The. ever-philosophical question Symphonic Winds will present a such as, “WHY let the dogs out?” concert Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Nl) logos, from the crudely scrib­ in the Leighton Concert Hall. bled to the “I did no studying what­ Tickets are available in the soever” sort. DeBartolo Ticket Office. The bashing of inferior schools, such as cough BostonCollege The Notre Dame Class of cough. 2007 is sponsoring a Class Remnants of our dying language: Dinner and Bowling Night “OmG nD is sO 1337x0rz! X-D-” Saturday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The fearful ones will opt for this BRAD CARMEAN/The Observer at Beacon Bowl. better, 21st century way of writing. Renowned Vatican II historian Father Joseph Komonchak delivers a lecture on the The time slot for vandalism is safer history and significance of the Council Thursday evening in Stapleton Lounge at “Shrek 2” will be shown at 7 when all words are abbreviated or Saint Mary’s. The talk was part of the College’s year long Vatican II anniversary p.m.
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